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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:29pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the, the news coming to you live from berlin is really takes role into russell in southern gossip is real, takes control of a team border crossing inside the territory. encouraging leaves a new ceasefire deal hanging in the balance. also coming up, the smiles and handshake says vladimir putin is sworn in as rushed as president for an unprecedented term. he's set to rule for another 6 years with the countries firmly under his breath. and we stepped into the garden of time. the theme of this years met gala in new york as stars pit . the red carpet installing
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the blower am terry martin, thanks for joining us. as well as military has seized control of a key border crossing and gaza. it's released images of what it says are tanks rolling into rop uh in the south of the strip, which is a vital crossing point for humanitarian aid coming via egypt. the incursion has cast new doubts over whether a deal can be done over a propos ceasefire with some us, which is considered a terrorist organization by several countries. despite that and is really delegation, is heading to cairo for talks. after a night of celebrations, palestinians wake up to a familiar reality is rarely tanks converge on the key rough for border crossing. these really are me saying is taking control of the check point is guys aside. in
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the city of rough uh, people as searching for bodies under the rubble following dead leaves rarely strikes over night last month because these heavy guns by a very, very heavy bombardment with plains rockets, tank machine guns such a never in my life. have i seen this? i'm almost 69 years old in my life. i've never seen bombings like this. all right. how about on tuesday is real dropped lift. let's have a rough urgent residence to leave parts of the city for what it calls an expanded q minute terry, an area the order of food in many displaced, belly, cnn's on the move again. and now they're saying to evacuate from rafa, which we go. ton unit has ruined what is left. they ruined our lives. there's nothing left. there's no safety and no home. there is no one but god has sent us.
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no, no. we don't know where to go and tell us where to go. and it's all my was the income unit, the safe place, my eye on the 10th is the water, electricity is for food and drink and is it a safe place in the gauze? i now have a nice, safe place to be on the can wait on the move with our children, and be confines safe to look on where all the arab countries to see us going to emphasize without children upon the use of whom us except in the seats for was meant with joy on the streets of gods on monday evening. but i was late to israel's attacks. stop the celebrations. daniel gala is the middle east expert and the editor in chief of zenith magazine. this is what he's expecting from the ceasefire talks as well. i think this is really the last tense with the current setup of negotiators to reach
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a deal. and i think everybody knows this, and we can see that has been some conflict in contradict information about the status about the quality of the proposal and who agreed to it or not. but the fact that the is really government descending at the same time while they are uh, conducting strikes and dropped off a delegation to cairo to negotiate this deal, shows that it's very difficult for me to tell you how to get out of this proposal. it last night, there was some reports about how mazda agreeing to, to a cease fire deal that israel had not agreed to. and that was not enough for israel, but at the same time, it is quite difficult to imagine that the c i, a director bill burns, was spend some time now in the middle east, in colorado and, and in egypt. twin who is responsible for negotiating the steel made a mistake or unclear communication with the is released. so i think everyone knows what it comes down to. is the question. if israel is it gives able and willing to
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accept in exchange for the hostages, a permanent ceasefire, whatever they may call it. and i think that's the target of the negotiators, and that's why and that's and you always hesitant to agree to it because if he can, if he agrees to a permanency is via and he calls that opponents, he's via then he would not reach his goal to uh, to eliminate him us, and he would not satisfy his the coalition partners. and he would probably have to step down as a prime minister of israel sketchup on a few other stories making headlines around the world right now. the tardies have detained to ukrainian security officials for allegedly plodding to assassinate president. lot of them is the landscape keys. s b, you security services. russia was behind the plan. ukraine government maintains moscow has repeatedly tried to assassinate the landscape since the invasion 2 years ago. as least 6 people were killed when a building under construction collapse. in south africa, dozens of workers have been pulled from the rubble,
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but more remain trapped around 70 people were working at the site in the city of george. and here in berlin, here in germany, police have begun breaking up a pro palestinian protest at berlin's free university. active is to set up tents in a courtyard. college officials say they called in police because the protesters refused to negotiate with them. now, to russia, where vladimir putin has been sworn in as president for another 6 year term put in, took the oath of office in a ceremony of the kremlin in moscow. it made great fanfare with many western countries boycotted the event due to the war in ukraine. 151, a landslide victory, the controversial election in march, though without any genuine opposition candidate allowed to run against him during his dog duration address putting said leading was, quote, a sacred duty and that the country would pass through this difficult period
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splitter. 6 dw russia. analysts costs the teen guy told me about the main challenges protein is likely to face during his 5th terminal office. first of all, i think the president does not want to restore this union, but he does have. busy to restore russia's sort of impact to is that all neighboring states it wants to go back essentially, to the situation which russia was 2nd only to the united states in the world viewing. well, i think that's, that there's not enough. there's no real place starting great inside of russia, but i think that's his main issue is main problem is actually you great. that's to fight. so the west, which seems increasingly in 10 to inclined to engage russia in the new economic, an arms race, which in the long term, russia kevin, with voting is underway in the 3rd
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phase of india, is staggered national election prime minister and a regular movie who's seeking a 3rd term cost as ballot in his home state of goods, your bodies, hindu nationalist, b, j. p. party is widely favored when millions of people are testing their ballots today across 95 constituencies. a key issue that's arisen during this election is use unemployment. that's affecting half of india is 1400000000 people under the age of 30 dw, use daily corresponded shadow. yadda looks at the situation of young people who feel left behind desperate times for school, the other to take desperate decisions. a. he's a university graduate with the manufacturing diploma. all i always got my days got black though with off to searching for use. the only job i know is it is you're not locked into any where he's now the face. you know, i may as you know,
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so i've been selling clothes here for yeah, i've no time to do the job. it doesn't match my qualifications because i'm having to do it to survive. oh, there are just no jobs available as we expected that this government would cabins and jobs. we got nothing left with. india is educated under thirty's, a desperate, and they obviously so linkedin is a window into india's unemployment crisis, which is particularly acute amongst the young and the educated. according to a recent report by international labor organization, more than 80 percent of those unemployed india. in fact, the chances of being jobless are even higher education, 9 times higher than what around $8000000.00 young indians into the job market annually, which is already oversaturated. all that many find is disappointment. the without employment is in the region of 1442 percent. so that's perhaps the highest
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youth on employment rates in the world. economies sent those middle addresses that india, maybe there was foster scoring major economy, but it hasn't been able to take it to youth along one big reason, manufacturing, which creates lots of jobs in other developing economies still isn't booming in in depth. you'll find that young people have no hesitation about, you know, a sign to illegally migrating the, even to the united states. secondly, they are, they're, they're looking for work in the ex soviet union, the roster and ukraine war uh they've, they've even attempted to go to israel to do construction work on the front lines because palestinian workers have been thrown off on account of a, you know, the the gaza award that has been going on. so it's grim,
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it's very c burn us. so it's a week what was the last 10 years in memphis, the prime minister and the razor movie has gold. india is youth, the driving, forceful group, and promise 1000000 some new jobs. those promises ring hollow. the young indians like deep who studied hard, but feel like the not a part of india is growth study. so i've got to kind of visit home to what happened to you. the problem is offering millions of jobs. those are gonna be the countries the future is made up in the u. i who don't have to use itself. it's on the deep deck. i very, how would the economy go forward and it's, i got the busy going because he, i guess i need this 30, that despite the disappointment, he hasn't given up his search for a job. he knows he deserves. and to vote, he says, where would you get to lead us to shape in this future? so unemployment is a key concern for young people in the selection. we asked correspondent shadow.
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yeah. die in delhi, what india's ruling party is doing to address this issue? yes, before this exact question to one of this both person sofa, they're willing to be partying daily. who politely declined to answer this question or his reason was that he of he feared that international media often missed, can choose misconstrue. is that a point of view? so that tells you whether they are ready to address this issue or not. like many experts say that, you know, the prime minister in his election valleys hasn't really focused on the issue of unemployment or the of the bodies manifesto does say that if that will get back to both, what a sort of they're going to be. uh, you know, they're going to be creating more jobs in fact, as like ition greenways and an infrastructure. but on the ground when the campaign for the elections there, a focus has been on being to the hindu majority. and uh,
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you know, effect of this country which it responds 80 percent of the population. this being up, you know, being attacked on the, what's the minorities of this country, the prime minister in his election valleys have called them infiltrators. and uh, people you know, who um, who produce, oh, you know, more kids. so some say that these kind of issues the religious spending is uh, is, is a deviation from the real issues that are affected people in the day to day lives like inflation and unemployment knowledge remains to be seen whether the youth of this country will vote on religious grounds or on the real issues on the ground that affects them. like unemployment. see the seller, seller. yeah, they, they're in delhi. your reminder of the top story we're following this our, the is really military says is taking control of the palestinian side of the roof of border crossing in southern gaza. un is warranty of the potential collapse of a delivery is from the closure of the crossing and other routes into gaza. this
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comes as an, as really delegation heads to cairo for talks on a propos, cease far will leave, you know, with some red carpet prussian from the met scholar in new york, which raises money for the metropolitan museum. the parts costume institute. this year's theme was the garden of time in the
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german balls thinking, sharing the end of the sizing this award winning offer is available for every language learning gem and has never been since
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new to the people here are being taken for a ride test level to make sure that this is the gemstone area for germany, for europe, and for the world, the assistance we impose, such as the pen here in canada, because we can't afford to carry on this way. why? so who lives? multi billionaire, he learned most once his company tesla to expand the giga factory in germany, knocked down parts of this forest. turning what was once a sleepy little germantown upside down. it's a bottle of david versus goliath. the
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24 year old roman is ready to climb up to his current home. he has been living in a tree house in the forest for the past month. and that's not. first of all, i look for a student that was feel deeply happy in the woods ever since i got here. i've also felt fully grounded, but a part of this forest is to be cut down to expand a factory that is building climate friendly electric cars. a contradiction says roman who is set to start his master's, specializing in environmental protection. he and others are occupying the trees as a form of civil resistance to tesla. many of the active as cover their faces when the cameras are on. roman's name is also only an alias. testifies, this new testament is graded, selling what they're doing as a solution,
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is the green alternative to what we already have. we can't afford to carry on this way and that's when it's like a long term. not everyone will be able to have a car come over as long as it's because i'm trying to see it on auto hub. ready ready ready ready wire parts of as far as the danger that's run through it. in 201911, most adults. but tesla would be coming to green height of a small town. just east of berlin. mosque bought land from the state of brandenburg to build a mass of factory. this plant produces test those model. why? for the european and international market, a mid range s u v, which was the world's best selling car last year. currently, tests that produces around $300000.00 electric cars per year between ida and wants to more than tripled this number of scaling. the production process would require tesla to expand the giga factory, knocking down a part of a forest for a logistics center and a train station. this is some things we'd hide
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a resident model we la jolla will not stand for. we met her because she found the local citizens initiative and as campaigning loudly against any further expansion since day one, she's been fighting against the giga factories, destruction of the environment, as she calls that the young people living in the camp. the calm, her natural allies. this on to i, i this it's great that so many young people are committed to preserving the forest and water act as wide as lots of and that's why these are the most of this forest. and the area up ahead is in the drinking water protection zone. the some goose entire i'm st. qualify for beach. not just the trees are a point of concern in the ground beneath live vital water supplies. if these were to be contaminated, tens of thousands of people might find themselves without drinking water. she fears this isn't comstock, it's a bottle of david versus goliath. it's
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a fight that just makes you feel powerless and angry. at times i went over things knocked in a recent poll held include height of over 60 percent of citizens voted against the test. those plans to expand the plans, even though tesla, hudson scaled down its plans, the company is still set on expanding its facility. every state. now it's here for these are size folks here we are standing in front of this darned factory on the i want to tell you understand about the survey showing the residents of gluten high to didn't want an expansion, idaho one. and we'll continue to find it again can test or should stay on the site that's already been ruined, and not clear any more far as timing vitamin vitamin, who we want to your test left side of the story. but our interview requests go on, answered the company, as in from us for not replying to media or requests. however, what is known is that they've built
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a brand new industrial water filtration system. it allows the giga factory to recycle almost all of its industrial wastewater. but despite testers environmental efforts, the giga factory continues to face heavy resistance. in march, a power mask was set on fire. a radical left this group claimed responsibility for the attack which halted production that tests look for days costing the company millions. 11 musk called the group, the quote, almost eco terrorists on earth for stopping the production of electric vehicles and visited the plant include high to the attack was condemned by local authorities and marked the biggest escalation. so far we want to hear an expert's take on the environmental situation. i need the water scientist marching push. he says the area has been heavily impacted by climate
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change. and despite recent reins is usually one of the driest regions in germany. this is me because i'm a public than usual to do the factory on the water protection area. people are worried about test. so now is all the body of water where the factory is located is one of the few we have in this region multiple buttons. if it were to become polluted and there'd be nothing to replace it with a flip, some good of that. but the factory also has the porters among the local population . my name is i screwed up. my name is brecht cooler and from june hi to innovation in the future are important to me and i think it's important. i'm good. the testing is here. what is trula is part of an emissions electric vehicles are seen as part of the solution by many tesla which specializes
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in these is the world's most valuable car company. ready currently, there are 5 giga factories operating around the world test. let's dig a factory in germany opened in 2022 and is the only one in europe. test will make sure that this is a, a gemstone for the area for germany, for europe, and for the world. the plant has generated economic growth in the region around 12000 people currently work a test line between height alone. tesla is such a big name, even germany's chancellor old offshore showed up for the opening. the elect, a moving electron mobility will shape the mobility of the future. that is clear here today the clock. despite the support from the highest levels of government, the 9000 people actually living and we hired to have very mixed opinions on tesla.
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the many people we met who refused to speak on cameras, said there was a tear running through the fabric of the town. families and friends are divided into separate comes some criticize tesla, others be active as judgment. yeah, i think it's a shame, but if it brings any benefits to going high to in the region, i'd say yes. and the other i was on went up to spike us, which i was basically in favor of tests are coming here. i still stand by that because it can only advance the region. i was actually a bit against expansion though, because i think they should use the space they already have 1st. you know, i'm not, i'm just rather than protesting, they should be trying to get one of the jobs tests was offering. how many members probably never worked a day in their lives, they should work for 48 years like i did. that entire will just lay about it's good for nothing's going. the,
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this is where 2 worlds flush on their way to work. in the giga factory test, the workers have to pass by a t test lab protesters. very few of them ever stop at the info stands to chat with the actors. it's difficult for women to find people to talk to so it's just him and the car except a business. if anything is a few that has to be 5 years ago. i would have said testament, amazing or something. i'm of them. i don't know. i have a different opinion with alta point than not such a cough on these days. yeah, i think that we're simply spoiling a lot of opportunities with excessive individual transport. uh, fox news hall. so i told her own what does it say stuff tested? well filming in front of the main entrance, we are approached by
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a test flight employee. hello. i think this address one is a wondering what do you guys filming? what do you guys have to which outlet you are from? yes, i am from test. or are you from the are so sorry to say we don't really have a press department of testing. so usually our policy is, uh, i mean everybody has their own role here, obviously, so they can do whatever they want. but we usually have this then that then nobody really talks to the press. woman says it will be difficult to find common ground. when asked what a solution could look like, he tells us the 1st step for him is to stop tested as expansion. and then maybe some day to end the production of eaves and instead build trims, buses, and trains in what was once the test, let's giga factory. but it's not realistic. the, to the industrial or such power behind it. one of the richest people in the world
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has decided this thing should go here and people eat out of his hand, thousands of life, and that's gonna be so globally connected is the richest people in the world generally have much more leeway many more context then we may be having our tree has to be on the bottom of the questions, how the and so he's back in his world that's so different from the joint giga factory, the, the forest seems to be peaceful right now. a while to fight against the tesla, continuous of the i don't know why my name is no, mark is my ill. i'm a nurse. i fled from the war and cartoon 2nd. my name is sharia. hum done. i was in kent bill and we were attacked and my children who imagines my name is how much i
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fled after having lost my 2 children and one of my legs just 3 of 10000000 in volts on sit on global us next on d w. the wish i could've done more the same. you just click away, find this document on you really see the words as we've never seen it before. the dr. no dw dokey entry. sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for.
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but we've got something for you. the, what's the best way to protect a city from flooding? we inspect the situation on the ground into taking the parenting plans, how china is playing the matchmaker to up it's best rates and suit downs for golden rule. and the women and children and facing hung up violence on displacements the .