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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 1, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is due to the news live from berlin, the prime minister of israel vows to go into rafa. no matter what. then you mean that in yahoo saying the army will enter the southern gaza city with or without a ceasefire deal with hum us. also in our show, pro palestinian demonstrators barricade themselves inside a building at columbia university in new york, administrators there are threatening them with expulsion, with the students said they're not backing down. and do you in stock, court says it will not order germany to stop selling arms to israel. the court says the facts do not support nick or was claim that german weapons being used to commit genocide in gospel.
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the hello and welcome to our show seem goodly in berlin is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says his country's military will enter the southern gauze. the city of rafa, regardless of whether a ceasefire deal is reached with hum us. speaking at a meeting with the families of his rarely hostages, that yahoo said israel would not in the war until all of its goals had been achieved. including illuminating how must battalions in rafa, and many had hoped agreement on a ceasefire, could avert a ground incursion in rough or, or wherever they are. we spoke of journalist volleys, slide dean and television, and asked, why did you mean that, ben? you mean that you all who would make a statement on rafa while, as he's far deal, is still being negotiated, that we've seen a lot of pressure coming from the right. we hardliners and nothing else? government bank via and smokers,
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they're demanding that there will be no stop of the war. they're demanding the know a responsible deal as they're describing it wouldn't be signed, would come off. they're demanding the entering of profile not ending this war before the end of the day. before entering profits has me. so it means that the whole field obligated somehow to assure v is way to public and also the members of it is cabinet that, but it's in the break of the call list. and if that thing happened, he felt obligated to told them that i am still considering rough. i'm still willing to continue this war until the end until we reach all of the goals which include the illumination of all how much the guardian and the rough uh as well. now, an hour ago, i also had been in a brisk conference there for the some of the families of the hostages from the tick above for him, which is a different for him then the families of the hostages. for him, there are 2 forms of for the founders of the hostages, and they demand an actual military pressure. this think we have been in the past 4
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months, not putting any military prestone from us. so how much can reach a deal with us if we're not pressuring good after all. so nathaniel, what's also to tell them his, let's say, and be straight with it. those are his voters. after all, he wants to assure them that we will continue this work and that's maybe was the reason why, how and nothing else has to talk about this, this time. a journalist valley, a flooding there in tel aviv of the united nations relief agency for palestinians is wanting that even though more aide is now reaching cause a rough military operation could severely disrupt vital distribution efforts. the crossing at rough uh, a vital lifeline for guidance that could soon be under threat. famine is looming for more than a 1000000 people here the you and estimates billions of $1.00 and $8.00 are necessary in the coming months. israel says
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a is flowing over the last few weeks. the amount of humanitarian aid going into gaza has significantly increased in the coming days. the amount of aid going into gaza will continue to scale out even more food, water, medical supplies, shelter equipment, and other 8 more of it is going into gaza than ever before. so far, aid has entered gauze of your land air, often using the egyptian port of lariche freight trucks, then head for the rafa crossing is real, has announced it's temporarily opening other crossings at areas and the so called gate $96.00, which allow a into northern gaza without a dangerous drive through the conflicts out and for us is building a floating, a peer off of gauze as mediterranean coast that will allow ships to deliver a directly at a cost of more than $300000000.00. but the united nations world food program says
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that getting food to people who need it is complex, especially given ongoing airstrikes and showing we don't have enough truck. so under the current circumstances where we don't have safety, where we don't have enough trucks coming into gaza to deliver where we have one check point for now, going into the noise was only a few trucks going and we're not operating at the scale that we would like the efforts that are, are already underway would be severely disrupted if israel does mount a full scale ground, defensive on rough making deliveries, even more dangerous for aid workers and goals. and a like over to the us now, we're pro palestinian student protests are continuing across university campuses. and in some cases, escalating dozens of protesters at columbia university in new york have taken over an academic building. barricading its entrances, the same building. hamilton hall was occupied by students during the civil rights
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movement and the vietnam war. in the 19 sixty's university says students involved in the career protest could face expulsion data before it's quite a bit. correspondent benjamin alvarez. goober is at columbia university in front of hamilton hall. again, that occupied campus building benjamin to this occupation is a new escalation in these protests. what can you tell us about the situation there? so more and more police are arriving the quote in the of the area that you can see here. behind me, there are several groups of fruits. is the guy that over the evening and just on the side of this pro does is the only entrance a to compass where essential stuff. but also the students that live inside of campus can enter and can access the campus. drones, all other members of the university community occurred the bird as well as media. so we have to wait outside to, to see how this is unfolding. but of course, pressure is mounting on the president of columbia university and and while a n y p
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d, new york police department say that we'll wait until the president or those who are in charge of the university, tell them to actually get their support to send their students out, they have said that they will suspense them, and we've also had some reports on that, but we're still waiting on confirmation to know how many of the students that are currently occupying the building that you can see behind me happened suspended from university of benjamin the university has now so that it will expel some of these students at top of more about suspension. how can we talk about, how is it reacting across the course of these protests? so what do university says they say no. several statements to day, one of them see that the work of the university cannot be endlessly interrupted by protest is who violate the rules. quite similar to the criticism we've heard from it. why tell us from washington to, to day a statement where they said that forcibly taking of a building is not peaceful? it is wrong. so we can expect that that will also increase as the pressure is
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mounting on both sides. on one side, we have jewish and students in jewish faculty members. we talk to some of them over the past couple of days to say that they feel threatened that they want the university to take 100 steps to take over the building again. but for, for now, no decision has been taken. we've seen how the universities taking different a decision, sending law enforcement police officers into compass grant to expel the students. but for now, here at columbia university that has not happened. and based on what you're seeing, how likely is it that we could see the university call in police to clear those protests? there was something that happened that actually spark and made this move and even bigger replicating to other colleges and also universities. the president and the, the administrators, those are in charge of the university also know what the pictures to look like. so they a waiting, but others we have to then speaker of the house of representatives. my junk coming to columbia university a few days ago. even calling for the national guard to be sent in. so we can be
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sure that many are asking for the president of the university in columbia to act quicker, not to send out statements, but also and let these protest as to expel them. and to also have that suspenses, but if we see in here from the students that are inside, they say they will not back down. they will continue approaching us to columbia university, to davis, from all the companies that, according to them, profit from is roads. warren garza, i do to be correspondent, correspondent ben. you mean alvarez gruber at columbia university in new york city . thank you very much. i or do you ins, top court has rejected a request by nick or walk with it. germany stop sending weapons and other military aids israel, the international court of justice in the hague ruling that the lawsuit did not meet the legal bar for such an order. in nicaragua had argued that germany had violated the you and conventional in genocide by supplying the weapons it took the
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judges only 20 minutes to deliver their ruling in germany's favor. again, a vote of 15 to one presiding judge, no f salaam noted the germany had fulfilled its obligation to the genocide convention. by using all means that its disposal to improve the situation. in garza, the size of the board, the german legal team welcomed the decision. our arguments held sway in coats and barrel as the quote fund within clear majority of 15 votes to one. no reasons. for provisional measures, the german govern government has always get its actions in this conflict to do justice to the legitimate interests of both parties as best possible within the framework of international law. about nico rog was in bassett or to the netherlands, expressed his disappointment, but said he's country will continue to pursue the case. and important thing to point out is that the court only indicated this woman that with the material they
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have at this present moment. they couldn't dictate any provision emissions. and if we look earlier this month, nicaragua brought its case against germany for allegedly facilitating genocide and gaza as one of israel's biggest military suppliers, which israel is face. germany has repeatedly denied the accusations who, lo, off to serve at the court, did not grant germany's request to throw the case out altogether. seeing it would continue with a full hearing. it could take years before a final verdict is reached. now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world, donald trump has been held in contempt and find $9000.00 in his harsh money trial in new york. the judge said the former us president had repeatedly violated a gag order. the bars him from speaking publicly about yours and witnesses in the criminal case. the judge worn trump that he could be jailed if he does it again. as
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the outer court has sentenced former by nancy jo chung, paying jobs for 4 months in prison for allowing money laundering on the world's largest crypto currency exchange. us officials said jobs deliberately look the other way as users of the exchange conducted transactions. this important child sex abuse, the legal truck, trade and terrorism. police have dispersed thousands of protesters in front of georgia's parliament and so we see all makers inside we're debating a 2nd reading of the controversial for an influence bill. it would require media groups and very civil groups to register as being under for an influence if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad. and alpine town in northern italy is hosting is annual festival dedicated to raising awareness about climate change. this year the focus is dear, so the regions hard to the melting glaciers artist from 17 countries, defendants of breast, and no name, also known as bricks and by the towns german speakers to create dozens of light
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installations, shedding lights on the topics that affects us to of the theme of the bricks and move to light festival is melting. lacy is the public library, local train station and even churches are illuminated by large installations that the altar type will inspire people to reflect on this global challenge. and we tried to combine these to was the i will with that climate change and i will we the climate change. so right now we change to the i was without the climate change. you our, i'll be a, then we thing that the, these i know they'll be over the weekend try to, uh, get there. it is an issue that is close to him for this small city. nestled in the
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outs and know the net to me. x but predict that with the current rates of climate change, the nit bike lacy as could be gone within the next 3 decades. visitors to bricks and say they found the public all show illuminating. it's a totally different way of approaching these very important topics and especially from my personal fund, a few i think it's, it's easier accessible if teachers transform it's uh or if you communicate and the way of art. i think the climate change and also the why they're like so important for us also for the future. so i really, really like to rates as if the outdoor exhibition. so they hope that the festival in spies action to tackle climate change, the all right, and that's all that we have for now. we'll be back in
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a few hours with more. in the meantime, you can check us out online, you w. com, the code names project, cassandra re determined through our investigations that has pull out was operating like a global drug cart. not somebody normally seizures organizations, the object to financially drain and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i mean, as well as another whole left, they wanted to go after their money. they had from lies themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and to their own people. why did the us government suddenly shut down.


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