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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w, these live it from berlin tonight, the prime minister of israel, vowing to go into a rough end no matter what benjamin netanyahu says, the army will enter the southern gods, the city with or without a ceasefire. deal with homos, also coming up the you ins top where it says it will not order germany to stop selling weapons to israel saying the facts do not support nicaragua is claim that german weapons are being used to commit genocide in garza and pro panel city and demonstrators barricaded themselves inside the building and columbia university in new york city. administrators are threatening to expel them, but the students say they're not backing down
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the library. golf is good to have you with this on this tuesday. and we begin with the words of these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that his country's army will enter the southern gaza city of ruffled regardless of whether a ceasefire deal is reached with her moss. i was speaking at a meeting with the families of his rarely hostages. nothing. yahoo said israel will not in this war until all of its goals have been achieved. and that includes eliminating a moss battalions inside rough up many or hoping that an agreement on a ceasefire could possibly avert a rougher ground incursion, as well as journalist balis flooding and tel aviv, why benjamin engine, yahoo! which makes this kind of statement about rasa while a cease fire deal is being negotiated with a mouse that we've seen
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a lot of pressure coming from the right wing hardliners in any us government bank via and smokers, they are demanding that there will be no stop of the war they're demanding. that's not a responsible deal. as they're describing it wouldn't be signed, would come off. they're demanding the entering of profile. not ending this war before the end of the day before entering profits is me. so it means that the whole field obligated somehow to assure v is way to public and also the members of it is cabinet that, but it's in the break couple of the call list. and if that thing happens, he felt obligated to told them that i am still considering rough, or i'm still willing to continue this war until the end until we reach all of the goals which include the illumination of all how much battalions and the rough uh, as well now an hour ago, i also had been in a brisk conference there for the some of the families will be hostages from the
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tick above for him, which is a different for him then the families of the hostages. for him, there are 2 forms of for the founders of the hostages, and they demand an actual military pressure. this think we have been in the past 4 months, not putting any military prestone from us, so much can't reach a deal with us if we're not pressuring yet after all. so nathaniel, what's also to tell them this, let's say, and be straight with it. those are his voters, after all, he wants to assure them that we will continue this work. and that's maybe was the reason why, how and nothing else to, to talk about this this time. or that was journalist bollix, law, dean importing from tell of the united nations relief agency for palestinians this morning. that even though more 8 is now reaching gaza, any rough a military operation could severely disrupt vital distribution efforts. they the crossing at rough uh, a vital lifeline for guidance that could soon be under threat. the famine is
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looming for more than a 1000000 people here. the un estimates billions of dollars in aid are necessary in the coming months. israel says a is flowing over the last few weeks. the amount of humanitarian aid going into gaza has significantly increased in the coming days. the amount of 8 going into gaza will continue to scale up even more food, water, medical supplies, shelter equipment, and other 8 more of it is going into gaza than ever before. so far, aid has entered cause of your land at the air off and using the egyptian port of lariche freight trucks, then head for the roof, a crossing is real, has announced it's temporarily opening other crossings at areas and the so called gate $96.00, which allow aid into northern gaza without a dangerous drive through the conflicts out and for us is building a floating,
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a peer off of causes, mediterranean coast, that will allow ships to deliver a directly at a cost of more than $300000000.00. but the united nations world food program says that getting food to people who need it is complex, especially given ongoing airstrikes and showing we don't have enough truck. so under the current circumstances where we don't have a safety where we don't have enough trucks coming into gaza to deliver where we have one check point for now, going into the noise was only a few trucks going and we're not operating at the scale that we would like the efforts that are already underway would be some fairly disrupted if israel does mount a full scale ground defensive on rough uh, making deliveries even more dangerous for aid workers and goals and a like. whether you ins, top court has rejected the request by nicaragua to order germany, to stop sending weapons and other military aid israel,
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the international court of justice and the hague rule, that legal conditions for making this kind of order simply have not been met. rob will argues that by supplying the weapons germany is facilitating genocide and gosh, it took the judges only 20 minutes to deliver the ruling and germany's favor. send to him again. a vote of 15 to one presiding judge. know of salam noted the germany had fulfilled its obligation to the genocide convention. by using all means that its disposal to improve the situation and got the size of the spot. with the german legal team welcomed the decision. our arguments held sway in coats and barrel as the quote fund within clear majority of 15 votes to one. no reasons. for provisional measures, the german govern government has always get its actions in this conflict to do justice to the legitimate inches of both parties as best possible within the
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framework of international law. about nick, a rug was in bassett, or to the netherlands, expressed his disappointment. but said he's country will continue to pursue the case. and important thing to point out is that the court only indicated this woman that with the materials they have at this present moment. they couldn't dictate any provisional emissions. and if we look earlier this month, nicaragua brought its case against germany for allegedly facilitating genocide and gaza as one of israel's biggest military suppliers, which israel is face. germany has repeatedly denied the accusations who locked the service at. the court did not grant germany's request to throw the case out altogether, saying it would continue with a full hearing. it could take years before a final verdict is reached. while i spoke with michael becker, he's a former legal advisor to the judges at the international court of justice. and we asked him whether the court ruling would affect health genocide is defined in the
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future. that's a great question. and i think that this case provides an important opportunity for the court to perhaps revisit the way it's approach to genocide in the past. and it's also the case that the situation in gaza raises aspects of the law of genocide that haven't really been litigated in front of an international court before. right now for example, there's a lot of attention on the situation and starvation or famine in gaza and how that might play into a finding of genocide. so this case will almost truly develop the law of genocide. but whether it develops the law of genocide in a way that creates a slightly more liberalized regime or, or relax is very exacting standards to establish genocide or not. that's why we're going to have to watch on the far over, not only the next few months, but in fact, a years before there's a determination in that case. that was michael becker,
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a former legal advisor to judges at the world court. but there has been there led up to the pro palestinian student protest sweeping across the united states. on the contrary, activism dug into several high profile university campuses. dozens of protesters at columbia university in new york took over an academic building, barricading its entrances early on tuesday. the same building was occupied during the civil rights movement and during the viet no more in the 1960 university says that the students occupying the building will be expelled or corresponded or corresponded benjamin alvarez group. or he is at columbia university. he is in front of that building, hamilton hall there on campus, the building that is occupied at the moment. benjamin bring us up to date on the situation there, obviously, occupying hamilton. busy is an escalation of the situation that's
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absolutely right in the big questions that many are asking themselves is when and how a columbia university will react to 2 days. protest is that answered, said, barricaded themselves in the building that you can see here, right behind me there. a group of protests is a lot of media presence. also a police issue. the question will be how they will now respond to you just mentioned it. we're getting reports of a students, it has been suspended. this has been expelled. the only problem here that media does not currently have access to a columbia university is only one instance right now for a students who are living inside of campus and so called essential stuff so that you have people who work in security, you work maintenance stuff. but also all of those essential employees that need to have access, but otherwise all the students and even faculty that work at columbia university are currently denied. and so that means i just want to be clear on this benjamin. that means that on you as well, you're not able to get up close to hamilton hall at the moment, right?
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that, that here it has been cord adults has been cleaned off. and on the other side, we have the protest as police, as quote and of the area with see more and more police actually coming in to this place. but that's also why students are report is also important. many of them have radio programs and also magazines informing us of what is happening inside. and also if there's negotiations, we hope to get more information in the next couple of hours. but yes, even for many, for work here and try to gain access earlier today were denied x a n g a to the university, does it raise me every main stands? and of course, the pressure on the president of columbia university is only increasing by the hour . yeah. and either the, the officials or columbia university and said that the students involved in this occupation of hamilton hold that they will be expelled. but the students, they're not going anywhere, are we likely then to see the police moving in at some point. the way we have seen that other campuses in the united states today and also in this camp is not to
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day by the last week. that was something that led to a lot of criticism on the president of columbia university, but we can expect that they will be our response. they set a deadline, a for 2 pm, a, a, a yes, the day, nothing happened. then they said another deadline, but now of course taking a one of the buildings and something that a columbia university and called it sat as students occupying the building phase expulsion. also adding that the work of the university cannot be endlessly interrupted by protest. us who violated the rules, something similar that we also heard from the wide. so the big question will be, how will the office of the columbia university to respond to when they will take that decision? because then what piece that they will not go into unless university ask them to do that. yeah, so yeah, the decision is up to the university, a tough decision, and then of course funded benjamin alvarez group or at columbia university in new york city. richmond. thank you for a change of pace and alpine town in northern italy is hosting an annual festival,
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which is dedicated to raising awareness about climate change. and this year the focus is dear to the regions, heart melting glaciers. that's right, artists from 70 countries to send it on breast known may also known as bricks in by the towns german speakers to create dozens of light installations. take a look shifting lights on that topic. the to fact so. so the theme of the bricks and will to light festival is melting. lacy is the public library, local train station and even churches are illuminated by large installations that the altar type will inspire people to reflect on this global challenge. and we tried to combine these to was the i will with that climate change and i will we though the climate change. so
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right now we change to the a well we though the climate change the, our, i'll be a, then we think that the, these i know they'll be over the weekend try to get there. it is an issue that is close to him for this small city nestled in the outs and knows and it to me. experts predict that with the current rates of climate change, the nearby glazes could be gone within the next 3 decades. visitors to bricks and say they found the public all show illuminating. it's a totally different way of approaching these very important topics. and especially from my personal find a few, i think it's, it's easier accessible if you just transform it uh or is it communicated in the way of art? i think the climate change and also the weather is like so important for us also for the future. so i really,
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really like to rate is if the outdoor exhibition so big hopes that the festival in spies action to tackle climate change. that's all for us. we will see you next to driven by greece in the 2000 a starch of bank engaged in various high risk business practices. race for ever higher profit, and then the epic des moines overdetermined institutions. the darcia long story starts may 2nd on d, w. the sleep swear.


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