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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 29, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the the, this is the, the news light from the lane potential photo ceasefire in gaza. you're a secretary of state anthony blinking returns to the middle east for another on the thoughts with out of leaders for the 1st time and beats easterling, how bostic government and put a truce, including the release of hostages. also coming up, retreat on the eastern front. you print, so i'll make a mazda se is his out number troops a fall and back to new positions in the near region. as the russian forces advanced . and in germany, a far life conspiracy stopped in its tracks or 9 intelligence failure up, members of and then i just thought i'd love to seize bob. i'd go on file today,
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but it's unclear if intelligence services know the extent of who was involved, the homepage manager, welcome us, secretary of state anthony banking has arrived in saudi arabia as part of a new push to broker sees far the between israel and from us he's set to meet with leaders of girl inside of states who will be mediating a plan, sort of tools, and that a ton of hostages held in gaza since the mazda led to the attack on the 7th of october, at the same time, a mazda, in addition, is expected to meet egyptian officials in cairo for adults also aimed at securing an agreement. then it goes here. so that taking place as the price of a grounded vision continues to new over alpha y over half of cause us population is
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shifting to the city of rafa has been the last refuge of families, flinging the financing and got the previously deemed a safe zone by israel, meaning he is still struggling to get by him. you're also looking for we have 10 people living in the same tent and would suffer from the sheet and mosquitoes. we do everything inside the tent cooking cleaning basing. the children have sick children who cannot tolerate the sheets, and we have crumpton inside the tent rarely going outside. the amino israel says rough uh is a strong home for home us militants and plans to launch a ground invasion. everyone totally speaking and saudi arabia with palestinian president in judged against it has 2 of the palestinian people. we emilio, why we appealed to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the ref.
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authoration because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from committing this crime. he does, yeah. the mass us has previously said it could not support a russell operation without a credible humanitarian plan. israel sees it is scaling up a deliveries into gaza with plans for a new ocean delivery car doors together with the united states central command. we're working on a temporary, merry time peer known as j lots, which stands for joint logistics over the shore. a deliveries via a continues to bring some desperately needed supplies. she managerial groups one, it's not enough with hunger wide spread and looming risk of famine for many in gaza. i didn't look honest on the back of it. so i was just following developments
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from jerusalem. she told me more about what to expect from antony. lincoln's latest visit in saudi arabia. well, this is anthony blinking 7th visit to the middle east and his 5th to saudi arabia barrow since october 7th. since the will began. he'll be bringing with him a very similar message as he has done in previous visits. of course, the sci fi talks and his potential hostage deal definitely to helping me a gender and coming at a very key time when we're seeing is crucial phase of the hostage negotiations. but it'll also be did talk to other gulf and our latest from todd. you a egypt and at uncle saudi arabia to discuss a post world cause that's something that is very much in the minds of us officials . and of course, every time he visits saudi arabia, he'll also be bringing with him on the agenda. the willingness, or a potential to talk about the ongoing conversation about is riley saudi normalization. now that is something that the usa is
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a potential way all the way forward in this post cause a year. and it's something that said high on the agenda for the us administration for president biden's us administration since he took office before october 7, those tools were already making some headway and they are still in the pipeline. but the sticking point being is rails refusal to talk about any future palestinian states has a very, very big agenda that and some people in ken brings with him as always from saudi arabia. then he'll be following onto jordan. and he is israel as well. so lots on the, on the plate find to the blinking. then meanwhile the ceasefire talks are happening in egypt as well, with the most elocution present. yeah, and we're getting to a point where we're seeing some very positive moves in the so hostage negotiation. certainly the closest we've come in, certainly several weeks if not months since. and we've seen these negotiations have been ongoing and largely stalling since the last negotiation was successful back in
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november. now, last week, addiction officials were in israel to discuss with negotiate. is he about what they would potentially agree to? they have sent back with them to egypt with those officials. accounts that proposal that her mouse has reported they've been mulling over nowadays. they reported that her mazda officials are heading to cairo today, and could be even giving a their, their answer to whether or not they will accept the steel. there have been some reports that have mazda officials sent me in. the pilot bureau has been saying that they say no major issues with this car a deal on the table. so that is a cool something very positive. but it is always a bit of a split between the muscles, pollock, nerve bureau and the minute tree weighting. and of course, yeah, yes. and while the head of how much you guys are. and so whether or not that will be able to agree on what's stipulated in this particular deal, of course, remains to be saved is never done until it's done there action. we've certainly been state, we've seen it come close many times before. so we'll certainly have more details
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for you today. the date on the correspondence, rebecca of it as their reporting from jerusalem earlier to the war in the ukraine next. but the country stopped general says his forces have suffered several setbacks on the battlefield. and russian troops side von thing in the eastern w that's region and forces need to all legs on the same ski says moscow is not attacking ukraine along the entire front line. and as a chief, technical success is by concentrating its efforts. russian strikes now or to d today. a village in ukraine's eastern the nets region west pointing has been raging for days, must go claims it loudly now controls the area. russian forces have advanced through at least half a dozen villages on the east in front since capturing the town of of d, you've cut in february, the taking advantage of the superior troop numbers. and i munition stokes,
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while he waits for fresh supplies. ukraine's army leaders have conceded that moscow has had quote tactical successes in post tomato and social media. the armed forces come on during chief alexander the escape, said. ukrainian troops had retreated to new positions for the west, as russian forces rapidly approach cordova and poker off. elsewhere in the country . you claim you unofficial se russian drug and struck the black sea city of nichol tonight, setting a hotel or blaze, and damaging energy infrastructure. russian media claims the strike target to the shipyard, where drones are assembled. president below do me, is a lensky, find the us congress for the billions of dollars worth of new weapons? that's all finally on their way to ukraine, while also issuing a fresh key for more defense is actually could even you saying what we are interacting with upon the tool level socrates, the level of efficiency and assistance that is needed?
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no. telling me to hold on to additional asking, but also to disrupt rushes. los angeles very moderate. eas could blindly be neat, is good. i emphasized the need for patriots systems. they are needed as soon as possible. switch, strong demands for a desperate situation with ukraine in full se is vastly outnumbered and keep struggling to recruit, to move some just so lensky is counting on fresh us supplies to turn the tide of the will. let's get more from mike martin. he's a senior fellow in law studies at kings college london. good morning, mike. new weapon supplies only in the us are on the way when they prove decisive and holding back the russian to bonds. i think this is the missing ingredient. this big weapons package from the us for the last 6 months or 8 months or so has been the missing ingredient for ukraine. and i think we can see from the russian response to it's passing in the us senate. they've tried to take as much
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touches they kinda in the last couple of days until as well and supplies come fully online. so i think the russians also the way that these, this package is very, very important. so ukraine's ability to fight. but there's only so much that the new weapons can accommodate. i mean, isn't there another good, a bigger concern ukraine's manpower needs and the in that direction are mobilization efforts coming a little too late to yeah, well i think you've hit the nail on the head and your views will probably remember recently in the last month o sites ukraine is tightened up, it's mobilization knows um to bring more people into the into the envelope who can be cooled up. and i think those the extra, the bodies all going to be too late for this summer because obviously once you mobilize them, you then have to put them through about 3 months of training,
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basic training. and so for this summer that will probably be too late. but i think what this does do is it sets you crying up for another year war, but it says you came out with the manpower needed for 2025. so you think you crank and pushed back of the russians from the areas that they capture in this offensive so this yeah, and this is really waltz. ukraine has been suffering from lack of supplies. russia has made some slowly advances. um, particularly in the east, i think what the cleaning is all gainesville to do is stabilize that front line with these fresh supplies, and through rotating brigades, and bringing in pressure gauge where they, you know, previously got troops that the toilet. i think that will be, it's for this summer, a stabilisation of the front line and then the utilization of some of the weapons packages as cruise missiles, those very long range missile systems. they'll be using those,
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the hit targets deep behind rushes risk. so in crime a, uh, an oil terminals and the sort of things that we seen within russia within russian occupied ukraine. alexander seems to be the commander in chief of ukraine's forces has been remarkably honest about where ukraine finds itself, god, and the relation to the russian bonds. why do you think he's being so honest and what is he trying to achieve with that honesty? this i think there's 2 things i think, you know, if you ukraine, you'll, you'll completely dependent upon the supplies of european nations and america. and, uh you, this is a long term game. and so you must have a very honest dialogue with your palm. is this not the 1st thing he's trying to do is be realistic and honest so that his partners can see that actually supplying these weapons will have a benefit. it is difficult, but it will be
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a long hold all that sort of stuff. and i think the other thing that he's doing here is he's fighting a part of the global media landscape. he needs to make sure that ukraine is in the news. the other was going on most nights, bit in the middle east with as well. and garza and he needs to make sure that ukraine dominates news headlines because it keeps it front of mind in capitals like london and paris. i'm washington. we leave it there for the moment ministry on the list of mike martin. thanks so much as always. keep that quick look down some other stories making headlines around about alternatives in russia. have details to russian, john list on charges of extremism, accusing them of working for the band. a group funded by late opposition, leader like say, no valley sort of a cot. i mean and konstantin job of whoever previously worked for the dumb to deny the judge's face years in prison if convicted thousands of protesters in
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georgia have a gain rallied against a controversial foreign influence bill. if it bosses, organizations that get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad would have to reduced uh, as part of agents. critics of compared to, to a russian law or used to crush descent to in the philippines. schools have canceled impass of teaching due to the ongoing heat wave, which students staying home. it is hope that online learning will bring somebody from crowded classrooms, many of which do not have the air conditioning. the heat index which combines the effects of temperature and humidity has reached a record $45.00 degrees celsius. and extreme heat is one of the manufacturer of the patient of the most a disaster from the continent in the world. that's according to a new report by the wild mutual logical organization. last, the extreme by the events across the region came to 2000 people and affected
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millions. this latest report one's climate changes intensifying the severity of climate. this last as floods the melting of places along with heat remains the top sites in east here, bundle the issues one of the country's most vulnerable to the impact of the climate prices. it is currently facing it's longest heat wave in 75 years. the stores quickly he'd supplement nice lumps kitchen i would attempt richard of above 40 degrees celsius and tucker plus mon apartment is stifling every year. summer comes but the heat has become too much in the last few years, especially this year. it's on bearable. i can't stand by the stairs when i cook, i don't feel like cooking anything, but i have to, as i have children, i sweat when i cook my head start spinning. i feel like i'm full into the ground.
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that's how a family cannot afford air conditioning. and funds for widely released into scorching heat, or i can go to one of my children caught sleep. the rest was due to the heat wave. when is a power outage? i need to sign them with a hand made sign and they often get sick. the bundle dish has been gripped by feeding temperatures for weeks. all through the heat load has been extended. the government has re open schools. after closing them for a week. it says the students have to prepare for exams, but the punishing heat varies many bins. no, what happened was the temperatures high now the children are more likely to fall sick than study. it's too hot in the sun. not every child can tolerate this hate. situated on the world's largest data, the ganges bundle with dish unique geography mix,
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it budgeted it but like stream budget events. and even though it makes less than one percent of global greenhouse gases, bundle with dish is among the most affected by climate change. the government spends roughly 7 percent of its on was budget on time it adapt ition international assistance for far short of the countries needs as many turn to their feet deep. but the disastrous consequences, like these was ship a spring for rain at quick about some of the stories making headlines around the wild book, you know, fossils. menissi hunter has blocked access to southern international news. media outlets including dw, it's off. so they reported on the human rights watch report that accused the ministry of cutting out mass killings. the whole rich departing 2022, has called the games baseless french newspaper lamond, as well as british publication. the guardian are also among those blocked for an
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indefinite time. eoc spotted month as boston law criminalizing same sex relations. it includes prison sentences of $10.00 to $15.00. yes. it also punishes anyone who undergoes all performs gender transition surgery with up to 3 years. almost like trying to see was not explicitly criminalized in the air. up until now, here in germany, 9 people suspected of being part of, of buying and fod right plot to over throw the golf bunch are going on, trying in stood, got, prosecute to say the ringleader was the business behind reach royce who considers himself a prince and a german at us to credit the conspirators face charges of terrorism and high treason. it's claimed there and go and what's to be installed royce, as a model date and put out this was the moment prince jaime. as far as his fairy tale
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came crashing down, his plan was simple, stalled parliament, and over through the government. so far as these pounds before the plot could unfold, of more than 3000 offices were involved in the december 2020 to raise. it was one of the biggest and extremist raising german history. and it's halts, prince timers for us. the 13th, a minor german hours to crops. he is accused of leading the floats out of his hunting lodge. he, i'm thousands of all those our lives to have hatched a palm to file and so you have it for the government. the group is linked to the right wing extremists, the high school gummies meant all citizens of those lies together. they conspired to establish a new german state based on the old empire from the late 19th century, with print timers of and pro, among its members when the police officers soldiers under form a politician for the fall, right?
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if the policy prosecute to the legs, the network had access to a huge off my level weapons. the whole affair is really a big burden for our democracy and really, really needs transparency. who is behind this grouping and uh, what went wrong that they could authorize. so long without having been seen. now from time, we're seeing those fellows suspected conspirators all set to stand. trial charge was planning an act of treason and membership of a terrorist organization. let's get more from a political got his fund to join us identity. joining us in berlin general. good morning, how advanced was this group, sir? alleged coup line to storm the german bolivar and when the police arrested them as well investigators and prosecutors believe that they, the plans were really concrete. we've seen from the investigations that they had
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already plans to over throw the government with violence. one thing to storm the parliament arrest ministers and politicians. and they were even prepared to take into account that there would be people killed in this operation. they had already started setting up a regional local military units to carry out this kind of violent overtake of the state. and they also had a huge arsenal of weapons ready to be used up to over a $300.00 fire arms they had started collecting. and they also had a pep plans in place to set up a government once this violence part of the plan had been carry out and print time . grace utilized was meant to be the head of this government and also a former member of parliament for the far right is the party was meant to take over the justice ministry. so investigators and prosecutors believe these plans were quite concrete. and this was not just a group of conspiracy theorists coming together with vague plans. another 2 trials
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are also planned, i believe, including one for prince hind wish royce the man. it's claimed the group hopes to install a german, these new lead. uh, what more can you tell us on the yes, so the trial starting today is looking at what investigators have defined as the military arm of the group. this includes 9 people and then there will be 2 more proceedings starting in the next few weeks. one in a couple of weeks in frankfort, which will include the those that investigators have defined as the ring leaders, including kindly device. but these proceedings are considered, ma'am, of a mammoth case case in germany with hundreds of witnesses being called to the stand thousands of documents having to be looked at. and this is a trial that prosecutors have the one of the biggest states security cases in postwar, german history. and it is believe that the proceedings will go on through the 2025
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independently. this is just a one group out of the largest. so called rice boot the movement to what more can you tell us about them? yes, exactly. the broader, loosely defined, the high speed of the movements counts according to german intelligence services, up to 23000 people. these are people who don't recognize the current german democratic states as the legitimate form of government. and they believe that the legitimate form of government is the vice, the empire. that wasn't place until 1945, a parts of them have 4 right. extreme is leadings up to 5 percent. and there are also parts of the tax build. the movement up to 2300 people were believed to be ready and capable of violent actions. also because a few 100 of them have legal permission to own up to one a firearm, one weapon. so investigators keep keeping
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a close look on the general and broader movement to, to the political correspondent juno, suddenly thanks very much for their to the united states. now where tornadoes ripped through 3 states and the midwest over the weekend getting at least 5 people more than a dozen, trista is destroyed buildings and left thousands of households without pop. the town of sulphur in oklahoma was especially haunted staple thought of these fear of the depths store my prize father as recovery efforts get on the way this used to be the center of town in sofa oklahoma. but today the streets are eerily deserted. businesses are destroyed,
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multiple vehicles damaged and building, flattened deadly tornadoes and least have it gone. the community of 5000 people sweeping away livelihoods in just one night. we will arrive way to rebuild and that will move forward will be here every step of the way with the soul for and the other communities across the state. so we move forward investing restoration. but before any restoration can happen, there's another man at the task to complete. clearing up the revel. emergency crews are still assessing the damage, trying to restore power to effective parts of silver. and ensuring the small town gets back on its feet soon.
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and finally, in s, 4 into milan have taken to the streets to celebrate the 20th. is that a title in the top? 2 out of italy and football jubilant into play as put a to, to holds of fans off to the straightforward to me when over 20, no, 6 days off the ceiling. the type in adobe victory of a city rival ac, milan, cities, iconic cathedral was the top with flags and fireworks. to celebrate the newly crowned champions. us and a quick reminder now of a top stories. you are a secretary of state anthony blinking has arrived in saudi arabia as part of the new port to broker a ceasefire. the pain is around and a mosque as both sides signal a waiting list of 12 for the 1st time in weeks. and keeps commander in chief says,
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troops have withdrawn from 3 even. it doesn't have don't yet. i mean, it was thing of the situation. he was rushed, tried not attacking your brain along the entire fund. you're up to date. i'm going to expand a gene. believe here's the
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looking for the french business. the youngsters are you the best of the best pictures taken while i live? a trip to africa with the 77 percent
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