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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 27, 2024 1:00pm-1:03pm CEST

1:00 pm
did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016. so the opportunity was, was 1st our 3 pot documented 3 series on last day has the dots may 4th on dw, the business dw, using these are 12 stories. the u. s. s. will provide additional pedro themselves to ukraine spots of the $6000000000.00 that i aid package will have to do with i munition will also be delivered by not any new patriots. defense systems which are green, says that desperately meets announcements, photos, the senate approval of a $61000000000.00 security package for keys. kenya is government says flats and heavy rain have killed at least 70 people across the country. since mid march, verizon was. i've also forced thousands from the homes. the government has wants
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the public to stay on the left with more downforce. expect that in the coming days across the staff and thousands of tornadoes have struck pads of the us destroy and hundreds of homes and farm land, mainly around the city of for my ha, in nebraska, they have been reports of interest, but know that sofa, that's an a to is i've left around $11000.00 homes without power. the national weather service was one of the storms will continue through saturday. you watch and you don't even use one valley and you find much more on our website at dw dot com the the
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issue. how many platforms can you handle single attain usually without having the feeling that it's just too much? you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel, modern. because if we do too much, we paid it all wrong. we messed things up. risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage. humans and multitasking. watching our new to v w documentary world of free speech, free press. access to free information for every stop dreaming. i'm next to take action. dw global media for 2024 in bunch of any register. now lots dissipates from all over the world. you said
1:03 pm
there's been a.


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