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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. the us secretary of states, raises concerns with china as president, over and support for restaurants, google and ukraine in georgia, present changing thing, antony, blinking, criticizes china. i was have for russia to make weapons. he also announces areas of cooperation including controls of advanced a i and in the us, every connection is underway. it is a $45.00 day multi phase process. correspondence is on the campaign train, press crossing the country. we bring of the latest from delhi,
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the i've been expanded to broken us secretary of state antony blinking has met with china as president on the 3rd and final day of a visit fraught with tensions speaking after the meeting blinked and spoke of progress in the relationship between china and the united states, including on issue such as organized crime and officers of intelligence blinking stress that the maintenance of open channels of communication between the 2 superpowers remained. of course, an importance and welcome recent contact, including his phone visits to be doing with the a box blinking also pointed out the very main serious difference is not least on chinese support for russia in the light of its attack on ukraine. in my discussions today, i reiterated our serious concern about the p r. c,
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providing components that are powering rushes through war of aggression against ukraine. trying as the top supplier of machine tools, micro electronics, nitro, cellulose, which is critical to making munitions and rocket proponents and other use items that moscow is using to ramp up its defense industrial base defense industrial base that is churning out rockets, drones, tanks, and other weapons the president pollutants using to invade a sovereign country to demolish its power good. another consider the end of the structure to kill innocent children, women and men in russia with struggle to sustain its assault on ukraine without trying to support another source of tension in us. china relations is taiwan. lincoln's visit began and just as washington promised more than $8000000000.00 of ministry aid for it's in the pacific pop knows with taiwan, chief among them. badging views taiwan as its own territory. and i was checking to seize it by force. the don't lose eastern shore correspondent james church. i
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looked at the impact of the funding and clinton's visit on taiwan. we don't walk away from our allies, we stand with them. it's back is described it as an inflection point in history. the, the world us president joe biden, this week assign since a lot of phone, military aid package, west, more than $95000000.00 us dollars motion more than $8000000.00 if that is a marks for washington's in the pacific pond. this includes on supports in front of military financing for taiwan, the self pro democracy that china claims has its own. on the same day, the us secretary states america's top tips and not just me blinking visits, china and face to face and promising not included on the agenda page, things, ministry threats to tie, want percent badging. make a what 8 thoughts about the us funding for taiwan? is defense pretty well. military collusion between the us and taiwan will not bring security, nor can it save taiwan from the doomed faith of independent. i just want to ship, i mean, a chinese presidency. jim ping has often said what he calls re unifying taiwan with
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china. is a cool interest for badging recent years. china has room temperament. it treats invitation. flying military i crossed into ty, one's at defense identifications on almost every day in less than a month. taiwan with a new great. it's nearly elected president lighting though. he's about to do everything he can to protect. high one from chinese attack is a way to live this reconciled his new national security team with many incoming equipped with years of experience, many diplomatic positions. they've welcome the latest stressful task. one of the sort i'm will be able to is that our primary goal is to complicate the calculations on the other side of the straight into cost. china is time table for potential reckless military actions always seem to be constantly postponed in order to maintain stability in the taiwan strait. i'd ship all tie t the out that time when he is officially is often said in self defense is that
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responsibility alone. but with a gap in military capability between type and aging whitening tie when he is exercises like this a couple of months ago. underlined the fact that the support of washington would be critical to funding off a chinese attack. and i spoke to james sheriffs or who sent those up to bolt in aust, what's taiwanda response had been to blinking visit? well, brush when it comes to these really contentious issues between the us and china. any type of communication, the side say on, on issues like sides of you did a positive lights. both sides saying communication is absolutely critical to avoid any type of military miscalculation or escalation invoices around tiwana federal field in the south china sea and the blinking for him. is paul reiterated comments and then we usually hear in these types of situations reiterating the importance of p is an instability across the taiwan straits. but i think no one's under any
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illusions. hey, i think people recognize that those fundamental tensions between the us and china on this question are still there. and we heard much more forceful comments from chinese officials following these meetings. chinese president region paying saying that over the past few months, the 2 sides have managed to improve some areas of the relationship. but the big questions and challenges remain behind the scenes. and then of course we have from china is 12 different, not wong e with probably more force will come in saying that the us should not use high one as a tool to contain china. so really, what we've seen over these meetings is improvements in some areas, the bad relationship between the st. pete set 2 superpowers. so when it comes to those where the fundamental tensions, or if it's high, one still much disagreements about his funding. james j to that turning to india now, which is holding the largest democratic collection in history. it stretches over appeared to $45.00 days. the election kicked off a week ago with the fast of 70 election phases. now,
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phase 2 is getting underway with pulling across 13 states and union territories, a total of $88.00 seats, and the looks of all that's the new house of indian development being contested. the incumbent prime minister and that ends them all the seeking arrest them. he's in the nation. is media potty is also aiming for super majority which could him by his coalition to change the constitution. most of these challenges in the, in the alliance are seeking to end his rule, but all struggling to find the message that resonates. need of those are the in part went to 2 neighboring constituencies in northern india to get a taste of watts at stake. the t lot get show i can do good lives, immediate policy in elections here in the community. klux native, northern india, about the, to the only indians live here. it's
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a strong hold of him. do not solicit b, j, b, a prime minister. and the movie the party puts law, job center stage needs, campaign, city of the city of mid it today, the line between real life and fiction is blood photo and google is a popular actor, hopefully law drawn in the iconic television series around mind in the 1950s lord rome is come to meet the voters and he's a be, be candidate global is a 1st time candidate. he's not be involved in politics before a. he's a huge fan of prime minister molding, which seems to be his means. what the ration destroyed by virginia student and the motives vision, you know, which is the development. yeah. are they developed to make a different country? it's his vision. you're just doing what i can stall to make so that the
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crowds wait to see him. he knows how to use his popularity and the motions of his friends. i'm not promising anything to the general talking. you're just connecting to i, that's it. not far from the riley support for the wp, a po strong. but you can find some critical voices. but this is the worst time for poor people and a good time for the rich people daily wages like me, a suffering and dying in these times. i've got a, is the yes, i am very happy and excited to see the 2 types of movie that has come to our town. it is good that b 2 p chose him as the candidate for elections. you should have thought moody has done in men's development work in a country like india, where the population is any rising. that's the truth. he is like god for us. you said you picked out a job over here in this family is
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a testimony to the henri every supposed to be. did we have gained what the us, the party believes prime is the bodies popularity. really just a game with a defining fact of the window sills election. but here in a near bring steve gauzy about the bodies shudder. ma, it's right still off with something else. put the opposition. eliza india block. she has the book, this books present of the indian national congress buffy, and rand from me. i got the about she's challenging moody's candidate and this comes to n. c for the national parliament seat or mean topics women and safety stop the changes for the constitution. democracies in danger via looking at the instances reading the tools in chief ministers out in j dawn you had some support to us but fighting for the seat is an appeal back to she seems. 6 odd, you know,
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god, god, anyone who supports the ideology of the be to be safe coordinates all these days. corruption charges dropped against the position of leaders who joined the b. j. p. party to talk just as how you doing. got this fucking meet it. go with reach the benefits of merging. they made up a lot rom, just political jump in that mixing of religion and politics where these many experts fear it could widen tears in india, social fabric and yadda yadda upon goodies, nationalist prime minister, victor, all bon, has used the conservative political action conference in budapest, to further set out his rights being news and vision is valid in cry. make america and europe great again. and part of that he said, means defeating the progressive well spirit. the levels alexander phenomenon has
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moved from the event which attend these have declared no will cause own outside the conference. then you have police cars, order to block our view. at one of the entrances, a security guard tells us to stop filming. so learn with us the movie, somebody i think that you should have the far right politicians and influence source gathering q in budapest seem to prefer a close door setting. unfortunately, dw was bad from attending the conference along with some other big outlets. it's organizes rejected. our request saying that the conference is in a walk soon, and then we will be welcomed if we become less woke. and what did it doesn't mean no walk, so no vote zone that good. this is not, not to for people. i don't really cheap. and this is what kind of i diligence about the very best originally the term well, describe someone who is informed and conscious of social injustice and racial
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inequality. but in conservative circles, it's being used with negative co notations. and can you tell us what is the no focus on you don't understand the our purpose is the conservative as well as to come back to the san. okay. inside the van you frame and is to the, to all been filed up the crowd that hung gillian. leader who's been widely criticized for dismantling the country's democratic institutions, made clear he believes the upcoming european and you asked selection. so we'll see the far right on the right. well, the se, but obviously you have to go back to the progressive liberals field. the danger replacing this era means replacing them. it means the ends of the progressive world spirit, the media comerica. great. so again, me you to upgrade or down or go. donalds, trump go you were p and 7 to the government in budapest,
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once to use the then to present itself is a lighthouse for right wing forces. but all going is facing serious pressure says this is on us too many of foreign policy expert domestically, due to economic recession and internationally as well, his badly needing this international support because he's also so very isolated in europe. so this conference is more a message to europe and then to hon gary ends. he can not really make a big when he hungry on this conference. what he wants to demonstrate is that he's strong and that he is able to make alliances for the then participants have different ideas and concepts. what unites them? the policy expert says, is the culture war against liberals. i clicked on mind to know the top sort of the following for you, us secretary of state anthony thinking as hell of the press conference and paging
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on the time and final day of, of visits crossed with tensions. he said he raised us concerns about trying to support the rushes ball in ukraine, and it's a tendency to create weapons that's inch for the moment. coming up next up, the brakes done, but i'm finished managing billing. i'll see you back here in 45 minutes. the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to those channels to subscribe to plan, it's a the,
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there are some places just about everyone is heard of but fuse.


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