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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 7:00am-7:02am CEST

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a global service as a whole lot of climate problems to fix areas. i'm trying to tell the rest of those channels. they've got new videos every friday tried to plan. it's a the, this is dw news, and these are top stories. top court in the us state of new york has overturn day 2020 verdict that found movie mobil, harvey weinstein guilty of rape. the court of appeals ruled that weinstein was not given a fair trial to remain in prison due to a guilty verdict in a separate rape case in california. it was a cute accusations against weinstein, that sparked the global me to the us. supreme court has heard arguments in an immunity case brought by a former president, donald trump. justices are deciding whether trump can be prosecuted on charges that
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he conspired to overturn the 2020 presidential election. trump argues the constitution forbids prosecuting former presidents for crimes. they allegedly committed while in office hades prime minister, rio henry has stepped down to allow a transitional ruling counsel to be sworn in council as tasked with the pointing a new premier and restoring law and order as the country struggles to tackle spiraling gain violence. kings are believed to control most of the capital of porto . plus we're watching the news from berlin. you'll find much more on our website. that's d, w dot com the, his name is synonymous with the abuse of power against women. in 2020 the hollywood movie mogul harvey weinstein was found guilty of rate. the verdict became key to what became known as the me to movement. what did
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a new york's highest court overturn to that conviction? saying several witnesses had given testimony about allegations unrelated to the charges against weinstein. how could that happen? and what does it say about us justice? and what about me to? is it now just another case of, he said, she said, i broke off in berlin. this is the day the from our collective. hundreds of years of experience. we knew that harvey weinstein did not get a fair trial. this is what it's like to be a want to get in there. i got to say it made me sick to my stomach. we are devastating for the survivors who are connected to this case and our institution.


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