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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news, live from berlin. the accusations against him helped ignite the meat to movement. now one of harvey weinstein is guilty verdicts has been overturn new york's highest court questions the 2026 crimes conviction against the disgrace to hollywood producer. but that doesn't mean weinstein will walk free. also coming up, us secretary of state anthony blinking is in beijing for what are expected to be tough talks. tensions are high between the us and china, or taiwan, and the war and ukraine. and venice introduces an entry fee in an attempt to curb mass tourism and protect residence. the
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i'm only an ease of welcome to the program. we started in the us where new york's highest court has overturned a 2020 verdict that found harvey weinstein guilty of rape. and a 4 to 3 decision, the new york court of appeals ruled that the former movie producer was not given a fair trial. it said the judge who presided over the case and properly allowed testimony from witnesses whose accusations were not connecting the case. accusations made against weinstein, where the spark behind the global need to move it. earlier, entertainment journalists kj. matthews told us more about why the court overturned harvey weinstein is conviction. it's yeah, it seems very complex. but if it really isn't, the bottom line is appeals. court judge said that the trial judge should not have
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allowed all of the evidence that they allowed in the bottom line is he was convicted because a certain woman came forward for a specific case in new york. however, that judge allowed other women who also made allegations to come forward and tell their story. the problem with that is that those women had nothing to do with the particular case that he was being tried for. and so now the judge of saying it was unfair and you were allowing in prior bad acts that were unrelated to the current case in which he was being tried for. and so now they're left with deciding should we re tried harvey weinstein, which we already know the aid has already said he will do that. okay, so a lot of the public has been taking it says, shutting down on whether or not wines dean was guilty in this case, but you're saying that's not what it's really about here. no, no, you should not walk away saying that this judge is saying that harvey weinstein is
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not guilty. that's a totally separate entity. this judge is saying is that the trial was not fair to him, but the judge is not saying that he's not guilty. so we have to look at 2 separate things there that there was evidence brought in that should not have been brought in, therefore interrupted his ability to have a fair trial which every individual in america is entitled to. and one's name was accused by dozens of women. this isn't even the only conviction rate conviction that he's face. he's actually in prison due to another red conviction. so does this ruling have any practical consequences for wanting a yeah, as you just her key was convicted of rape and sexual assault in california to which he was sentenced to 16 years. so he was supposed to serve about that time once he finished his time in the state of new york. however,
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now that that case has kind of been tossed aside and he's still in prison in upstate new york. they may end up shipping him over to california to start serving that time until they retry him again in new york. so he's not getting out of prison . he may shift prison to moving from upstate new york to california los angeles, california to be more precise. but he's not getting out of prison any time soon. that was entertainment journalist, kj matthews and los angeles. speaking to me earlier us secretary of state anthony blinking is envisioning for what are expected to be tough. talks with chinese leaders blinking 1st met with foreign minister one. the one warned him that the relations between their countries could slip into what he called a downward spiral. tensions between united states and china are high over a range of international issues among them. the world ukraine blinking is also expected to hold talks with president fusion paying later another source of
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tension is taiwan. lincoln's visit comes as washington promised, more than $8000000000.00 of military aid for its endo pacific partners with taiwan chief among them. beijing views taiwan as its own territory and has threatened to seize it by force. database east asia correspond to james tater looks at the impact of the funding and blankets visit on taiwan. so we don't walk away from our allies . we stand with them. it's back is described it as an inflection point in history. the world us president joe biden, this week assign since a new phone, minute tree aid package, west, more than $95000000.00 us dollars motion more than age 1000000000. if that is a mocks for washington's in the pacific pond, this, it includes on supports in front of military financing for taiwan. the self for democracy, the china claims has its own. on the same day, the us secretary of state, america's top tips, not just me blinking visits. china face pharmacy, not included on the agenda, page,
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things, ministry threats to tie one percent badging. make a what it thoughts about the us funding for taiwan is defense. pretty well. military collusion between the us and taiwan will not bring security, nor can it save taiwan from the doomed faith of independent high school to ship. i mean a chinese presidency. jim ping has often said then what he calls re unifying taiwan with china is a court interest for badging. recent years. china has ramped up minute trains invitation. flying with a tree, i crossed into ty, one's ad defense identifications on almost every day. in less than a month, taiwan with a new great, it's newly elected president lighting though he's about to do everything he can to protect. i one from chinese, the term is a way to live this reconciled his new national security team with menu coming equipped with years of experience, many diplomatic positions. they've welcome the latest us port task on the saw it on
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will be all it shows that our primary goal is to complicate the calculations on the other side of the straight into cost. china is time table for potential reckless military actions always seem to be constantly postponed in order to maintain stability in the taiwan strait. i'd ship all tie t that would be able to see about that time when he is officially is often said in self. defense is that responsibility alone, but with a gap in military capability between type and aging whitening tie when he is exercises like this a couple of months ago. underlined the fact that the support of washington would be critical to funding off a chinese attack. earlier i asked correspondence, ivy and customer and beijing, how the us secretary of state was received there. yeah, actually at the reception of blankets, 1st half of his china trip in shanghai yesterday was rather warm, blinking visited the basketball game. he had discussions with students at the
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university that was really to be a good part of his agenda today. however, it's a whole nother story today. he holds the political talks and paging this morning. he has met his count, that part one, eat the china support a minister and there to it must be of us rather serious, i would say so one in his opening remarks set that yes, the bilateral relations with the u. s. they the has step allies, but he sees a negative tech. there is the recently increasing and building up. and he also accused us of suppressing china if it's um, yeah, deprive and try and open the to, to meet the rights to development. so recently the perception in been staging is that the ties have been getting worse again. so what are the main topics here? is this the antagonistic, or are there more um, topics that could bring the 2 countries together? i would say more antagonistic because um yeah, the discrepancies in most topics is really quite stock. so they will debate about
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taiwan table debate about the middle east, and it's hard to find the common ground. and one topic that a central a full blanket to discuss it as to what and ukraine and maybe a china has a role in, in directly supporting a, put in some materials. so the accommodations that um the u. s. is um, you know, having against china is quite strong. they say that china is exporting a lot of to use products to russia. and it's also exporting the main shelf machine 2 inputs to rush. and that was a very important for putting to build up. it's ballistic and his ballistic missile program. and so that will be a strong issue, but i don't see any room for progress. actually just a couple of hours ago, a put in has actually confirmed that he will be soon inmate traveling to aging. and i'm sure that seating thing will roll out the red carpet for him. speaking of that red carpet, the ante blinking is supposed to need. she didn't ping himself to expect any headlines from that meeting. so actually,
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um i would say it's not very i'm sure that they will meet. i mean it's really an interesting question because it holds a strong symbolic message. usually cheating thing does not often meet with um you know, government officials on administer level. but recently, for example, he met with a russian for him and assessed 2nd level, but he wasn't paging. so at also be a blinking during his last visit and paging, he got a brief meeting with his teaching ping. so whether they meet, i think that show us with the chinese side, you know, wants to show goodwill, or rather the opposite correspondence probably, and customer and vision. thanks a lot. take a quick look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. students at the university of california, los angeles have joined a wave of pro palestinian citizens on campus, is across the us. demonstrators are demanding a ceasefire and gaza and calling on university to cut ties with israel. hundreds of
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students have been arrested at similar protests across the country as authorities cracked down on the growing movement. haiti's prime minister of the at home the step down to allow transitional ruling counsel to be sworn in the counsel as tasked with a pointing a new premier and restoring law and order as the country struggles to tackle spiraling gain violence. kings are believed to control most of the capital potters house police in europe have broken up again, suspected of stealing dozens of valuable n t books. the thieves posed as researchers distracting library staff while they snatched originals from the shelves and replaced them with copies sandstone books were sold, and russia suspects had been arrested in several countries or venice. italy is worth a visit. 5 year old visit, that is, italian authorities have introduced a new 5 year old fee for people wanting to visit dentist. and officials say the new fee is aimed at curbing peak tourism to the fragile lagoon city and safeguarding
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spaces for residents. they also hope it will help provide more information on the number of day trippers, something relatively unknown until now. hits the city of canals, culture and crowds. venice has long been street by mass tourism now a pilot project aims to rein it in. dave visitors have to pay 5 year rose to enter . the officials say it will discourage tours from coming during peak times and make the city more livable for residence. the charge also tells officials how many day trippers are coming in. these tourists are happy to pay out easy. i think we should pay 10. 5, we should pay more to help j, you've got to it's too crowded. otherwise, if you want to get the most out of it, but not everyone agrees, venetian protestors say the tax won't stop over tourism as there is no limit on
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visits or numbers. they argue more needs to be done to support the local community because it is the we can save this just by giving houses to the local residents. and by repopulating it it's only stim date tourism. it does not reduce. the bigger influx is from asia, from china, from america, it will change absolutely nothing. so, what i want to leave my house, i have to pass through 3 or 4 bachelor parties. i called the local police to tell me they're not doing anything wrong, but they get drunk, they come back late, the alleys are full of rubbish. there are no controls. venice is the 1st major city to run such an experiment. one that could become a blueprint for other destinations,
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played by over tourism. and here's a reminder of our top stories to new york's top court has overturned harvey weinstein is conviction in the states for 6 crimes, including rape. the court of appeals ruled that weinstein was not given a fair trial. once other convictions in california still stand us secretary of state anthony, blinking is in beijing for talks of chinese leaders. you'll meet 1st with foreign minister wong. e. then likely old talks with president. she's in pain, are expected to discuss the taiwan and of war and ukraine. that's all for now up next our show planet a takes a look at whether a new kind of fuel can clean up the shipping industry. there's more news on our website that's dw dot com. you can also find this on social media at the w w. news. i'm on me and he says,
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thanks for watching the do you big ultima video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in get the supply chains. don't mess a deal industry the illegal as a stats may said on dw.


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