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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw dues live, and from berlin, the guilty verdicts. the goods didn't help ignite the need to move it. now, one of harvey weinstein convictions had been overturn new york's highest court today. quash the 2026 crimes conviction against the disgrace. hollywood producer. but weinstein will not be leaving prison as a result. also coming up protesters and supporters of donald trump together outside the us. supreme court inside the justices or hearing arguments, showed that the us president, should he be immune from prosecution for actions during his time as president and the united states, revealing that it has been secretly shipping long range ballistic missiles to ukraine. washington saying they have already been used on the battlefield and
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you're in europe and defend is introducing an entry fee in an attempt to curve of mass tourism and an attempt to protect the people living in the library golf to our viewers watching on tv. as in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome, we begin tonight in the united states where new york's highest court today, over turned a 2020 verdict that found harvey weinstein guilty of rain. the new york court of appeals road that the movie mogul was not given a fair trial. once needs trial. you may remember help sparks of the global need to move it. he'll remain in prison because of the guilty verdict in a separate rape case in california. the rumors of harvey weinstein sexual
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misconduct had been circulating for years, but is 2026 crimes conviction in new york state confirmed it. judges have now overturn that in order to new trial. in a 43 decision new york's highest court said the judge in the original trial, a lot of cross examination that portrayed the powerful producer and a negative light. the judge also allowed testimony from women who claimed weinstein had assaulted them, but were not part of the case. the 2020 guilty verdict along with newspaper articles in statements from well known actresses lead to weinsteins downfall. some of whom are dismayed by the latest ruling. this today is an active institutional betrayal and our institutions betray survivors as male, sexual violence. and we need to work within and without the systems to start
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housing. what is known as institutional courage. none of this means weinstein will be freed. he's in prison in new york and was separately sentence 16 years for another rate in los angeles. the new decision is still a disappointment. for some women is uh, well i saw it about an hour ago and headlines and i gotta say it made me sick to my stomach. i'm a sexual abuse survivor myself. so the idea that this man, this monster is getting another shot. i just. yeah, just as hasn't been serv just this week. i mean it's messed up and it's just was where america is, i guess unfortunately, but i'm not surprised and it sucks. those like the core, the, the campaigners emboldened by harvey wines teams downfall wonder whether use of social progress have also been overturned. jason k,
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but don't you is with nbc news and i heart radio in los angeles. he has covered the weinstein story extensively. he told me more about why this conviction was overturn today. so the argument has been made that the judge allowed testimony from sexual was alleged sexual assault victims of harvey weinstein to testify in the case in new york. they had nothing to do with the charges that he was facing and basically are calling it a hit piece on the winds, the name. so anybody who alleges anything can just say what they want in court, and that's not the way the courts are. design. courts are designed for those accused to face charges. and so they over tenure convention, basically saying that it wasn't fair to harvey weinstein to have to sit and listen to testimony from, from a lead sexual assault victims telling what his lawyers are basically saying are a bunch of lies. so having witnesses come in to help paint
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a picture of someone's character here. this goes beyond a, a procedural error. and if you will, i mean we did have one judge saying that harvey weinstein did not receive a fair trial at all. i'll explain that to a straight, to show you when somebody goes to court, they're supposed to face charges and only hear evidence. they're surrounding those charges. if you know if harvey weinstein accused of something, and then you just kinda open the floodgates for anybody to come in and say, whatever they, you know, feel happened to them. that's not fair to the person who's on trial, and wouldn't be fair to harvey weinstein. why those? why the prosecution when with those witnesses, i'm not exactly sure i wasn't in those boards mean. but the accusations, uh they seem to be in line with several of our other of the accusations against
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harvey weinstein. so they wanted to paint the picture, but that doesn't necessarily work with the us justice system. we know harvey weinstein is serving time in prison at the moment. does the reversal in this case? does this mean that he is going to be able to walk free until there is a, a new dr. or no, he's actually serving time for a nother conviction of race in los angeles, so he will remain bind bars. what will be interesting is if they expedite him to los angeles from new york to los angeles, there's several prisons here in california. they need to go to false. i'm in northern california. there's a few prisons in southern california in los angeles county, and it puts him closer to his family. it puts in closer to his money, puts in closer to his production company. so all of these things, so he's allowed to still have a life while being in, in the los angeles prison. even though he can't go out and actually run is business
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. it is a little, it's a little bit easier to conduct business when you're behind bars and your production company, you know, several miles down the road versus 3000 across the country. that was decent capability of there was a b c news and i heard radio in los angeles was staying in the us and a nother story about howard this presidential power and its limits. the u. s. supreme court today began hearing arguments and them unity case brought by former us president donald trump. and the justices are deciding whether it can be prosecuted for conspiring to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election . trump argues former presidents can not be prosecuted for crimes allegedly committed while in office or trump was back in court today at his hush money trial in new york. and he complained about not being at the proceedings that are even more important in washington. i asked our washington bureau chief in his full to set the mood for us today at the us supreme court to you. all right,
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friends and you know, just to give you a little bit of an idea of the space, the supreme court is right behind me in the capital is just a couple of 100 yards away. and this is, of course we are. trump supporters of tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power in january of 6 of 2021. the feeding card stood by donald trump. to do so. and then of course, it took donald trump a couple of hours before you ask them to stop trying actually to, to the wife present. so this is a very uploaded atmosphere here. there's a lot at stake, and that's what people told us who traveled to you a to washington to witness this historic day. no, i don't know one's above the law in this country. i think there's numerous laws he's broken and i think he needs to pay for him and face the music of unity.
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immunity charge. it should be dropped because there are the zurich and it's hard to say without uh, just completely wiping the other side charges that are against him. um, yes, it should be a knew it was practically the, you know, the assumption growing up in this nation that no on not even the head of state is above the law. and, you know, the presidential own is to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution. the law of the land, if the president can break that presidential lows with impunity, then what are we as a republic? now these are not nearly present in progress or not. i shouldn't use your knowledge . that's what it's all about. nobody. i believe that this supreme court just took this case to a good way criminal trials for the president. but that's what it all is
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. we can hear right there. there is a lot at stake with this supreme court decision. what will it mean if donald trump wins this case? and if he wins the presidential election in november, so he basically can do whatever he wants to do. he could basically order the killing of a political opponent. he puts a destroy the constitution because he would be immune of any prosecution during, of course, his presidency. but also afterwards, this would open a like a whole new of options for donald trump to well, it's kind of a, i guess, a restore or kind of keep him in power for however long he wants to be and brings, you know, this really i think that is true, which would really attack uh the democracy as we know,
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it's right now in the united states. and if the court says he does not enjoy absolute community, where will this puts donald trump? now there is a, this big fear that it will take far too long before the core tier behind me makes the decision some expect the not through before june. and that would basically mean uh that wouldn't be hold accountable. i'm just trying to terminal the court before the elections and then of course, if the then would be re elected, he would try to get rid of this uh, a court ruling all this accusation and then basically would never be hold accountable. what you did just these couple of 100 yards away from me in the capital in january 6 in 2021 or the washington bureau chief and his ball in front of the us supreme court is thank you. we use the visuals. have confirmed that ukraine has begun using long range missiles that were secretly shipped to ukraine
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in just the past few weeks. the weapons were used for the 1st time in the store. i caught a rushing air field and cried me a last week. the army tactical missile systems known as attack and for part of a $300000000.00 us, a package that was approved last march. washington previously supplied mid range versions of the system. the latest batch against rank targets 300 kilometers away. marina barone from kings college london, says the new missiles will help ukraine, but will not be enough to make a decisive difference. indeed, according to the new york times, ukraine would have received some 100 out accounts. if missiles in order to be able to strike targets far behind the line of contact. so we can assume that this will create the problem for the russians as a need to shuffle their logistics in order to bring so outside of the range of out
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accounts. now with a range of 300 kilometers. however, um that being said, we have to also consider as a possibility of ukraine using these missiles on the russian territory. and russia proper, for instance, on munitions storage is or oil refineries. so targets are strategic importance, and that is, of course, a concern for many politicians in the united states, and also some in europe who don't consider it as crossing a potential red line. but i've seen that given the small number of missiles at greenhouse, they will have to choose a targets very carefully. and if it, you know, if it is likely that we're going to see some targets attacked inside russia. what's this going to mean for the dynamics of the war? moving full to unfortunately, the number of these missiles is too small. and of course the russians have seen the
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packing junk. boy, these are the missiles that have a ballistic trajectory, and they are supersonic. so they can be interest, stop the meanings of the russians will most likely have to adjust and fill the gaps in air defenses and potentially critical areas making this obsolete towards the ukranian side and very costly for both ukraine and the allies. and of course, the russians have already claimed to have interest sap did an earlier version of app accounts, which the ukraine on force is used back in september 2023. so right now it's not about an intersection per se, central jamming over to be a signal bought um, adjusting to the actual range and trying to protect um, critical infrastructure. yeah. and these attack them systems as the name suggests that they can attack targets, but, and that gives you offensive power. but isn't the bigger problem right now for the ukrainian military?
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defensive power in median simply doesn't have enough air defense systems to protect itself from russian missile attacks, right? to that is correct. so the army tactical missile system, that's what the outcome stands for, is an offensive weapon, which is grayed to destroy a specific car, a targets a command post. we've seen that and drug cory airfield and so on. however, it is just one part of a very, very long equation of which the ukranian forces i'm missing. so artillery shells, sure to range artillery shells and of course era defenses. because while ukraine will be trying to orchestrate those surgical attacks using the small number of accounts that they have at their disposal, the russians movie, pounding, ukrainian critical infrastructure was impunity because ukraine doesn't have the necessary air defenses. so i don't think that these other accounts will change the
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battlefield dynamics dramatically. that was maureen enrolled there. speaking with this earlier, a warning from french president emanuel met chrome, europe, and i'm quoting here, could die unless country is united to face the challenges of a changing world. in a speech today at the sore bone in paris that chrome stressed that the continents would must take responsibility for its own sovereignty by strengthening its joint defense. and by relying less on the us security umbrella, he added that you cranes, victory over russia is key to the future of europe. and security code also said that europe must not rely too heavily on resources coming from abroad. in this case, type is everything that strategically important, we have delegated all energy to russia but fronts, but several of apartments have delegated the security to the united states and other critical interests. also to china. we must take them back. this is what
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strategic autonomy is all about having so many studies was afraid to present a manual nickel and speaking there. we asked our correspondent lisa lewis, whether the french president is explicitly linking european security to victory for ukraine. as he was saying, the question of european security was decided upon in ukraine that is reading at the center of the new world. he has said the world has changed, and europe needs to adapt to that. and he was pleading in favor of a proper european defense strategy with a common force with more investments in, at the defense sector across europe. it's also not just the front, but also also by other countries. obviously he was talking about maybe assessing on a common me side a she, you defense system. you was also talking about nuclear decision being at the center of this new strategy and a front of we have nuclear weapons and so front would be at the center of that. if
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you look at the home phones and my call has over the past few months, actually been pleading in favor of a war economy. and he's been touring the country here in, in france, saying that companies needed to invest more. and that the government was actually spending money on weapon systems. and new companies and new factories are being built across frauds as we speak. so yes, he seems to be a you taking center stage at these new york in strategy. and he also said that europe can only be strong, actually, in military sense if it were strong in economic sense. and that was the other part of his speech. he was saying, we really need to come up with a new commercial policy and new investment policy. we need to be strong as economies if we want to count in this new world. step was dw, is lisa louise,
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every forwarding from terrorist. so now to the far right alternative for germany party and it's suspected showing a connection. the party is finding to contain a scandal involving its top candidate for june's european elections. his name is maximilian crop. he's a member of the european parliament and he was already under investigation for suspicious links to russia and china. with this week, one of his aides was arrested and accused of spying for joy. judging by the number of reasons, arrests, you could get the idea. gemini is royce, with spies on tuesday or thursdays, announce state arrested in a default, right, jim and member of the european parliament maximilian cross. and man is accused of relating information about discussions in the european parliament, the chinese intelligence services, and spying on chinese opposition figures in germany wrong. because we're still not . we cannot accept espionage against us. no matter which country comes from a discipline. we'll see that is why it must be discovered and those responsible
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must be arrested and brought to justice lindsay. the recent arrest in this country and elsewhere show we are quite successful in doing that soil. test us to be linked on monday free gym and nationals also suspected of spying. for china, we're detained in a separate case. prosecutors, the legs, the trio, send information to pay things, intelligence services about gym and technology with potential military uses and illegally exported a laser to china. but it's not only china is suspected agents who appear to be active in germany last week to russian german nationals were taken into custody on suspicion of spying for most got the keys to closing attacks in germany and it undermining berlin's military support the ukraine. the men were allegedly also seeking to target u. s. military facilities for the names i few and yeah, many years now we've been aware that russia has been engaging in major activities here in germany, even before the war. and ukraine was already talking about
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a threat level similar to the death of the cold war and is the whole thing as of course, intensified even further with rushes attack on ukraine. you must go dismissed the allegations saying there's no proof of a link between those arrest is russia. aging also rejects claims that was involved in espionage nonetheless. so many arrests, initial time will fuel fios at home. the gemini is a top target for foreign spice with suspected chinese influence on german party politics that lead to a heated session today inside power limits here at berlin, our chief political editor, the killer governor, has more. this is why we heard from the time slot, who was somewhat restrained because their ongoing proceedings, the gloves were off here in parliament today, where the fall, right? if the policy stood accused of essentially a being a traces to germany, we saw the interior minister sites, those cases,
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those other arrests of spies and pointing out to the far right if the that there's an independent judiciary here in germany because we have 2 things going on here, 1st of all, we have pretty much all of the policies except the a, if the saying is now we can see out in the open what you are all about to work with will 30 terry and regimes to create one here in germany. this a force of being aimed at the top 2 candidates on the european election, this of the fall, right? a if d, and then you have an f d policy defending itself. and alleging that there was a narrative against that, that things was stacked against them with the interior minister today empowerment pointing out that these are independent investigations. and that the timing cannot be seen as a, as something that is calculated. so we have an f d that doesn't really want to stick to its own candidates anymore,
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which it comes to move from the list. so the post is going up next to me and call the top kind of, we're going to be at the launch of the you election campaign. and you have on the other hand, i'm pretty much all the other m. p 's here, crying, filed against the if the and stressing that in the end of that the state state and the judicial system will catch up with them. that was because they are reporting. here's a quick look now, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. haiti has one in a transitional ruling council and the prime minister are you'll henri, has resigned the council this task with a pointing a new premier and with restoring law and order, etc, grapples with a wave of gain violence. rescuers and bob was ex, birds are racing to save dozens of wells beached on the coast of western australia . a 160 pilot wells became stranded near the tourist town to duns for at least 26. we understand, have the police in europe,
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have it broken up. a gang suspected of stealing dozens of valuable antique books. the thieves posed as researchers distressing library staff, while the snatched originals from shelves and replaced them with copies. some of the stolen books were sold in russia. suspects had been arrested in several countries. the blades of the windmill at the move on rouge night club in paris had broken off just months before the city hose, the olympic games that was not know what caused the blades to fall off. but now when we understand was in venice, italy is worth a visit and it's worth about 5 euros to battalion authorities are introducing a new 5 year old fee for people wanting to visit the city official say that the new fee is a big curbing pick, tourism to the fragile lagoon city and safeguarding spaces for the city's residence . they also hope that it will help provide more information on the number of day
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trippers. something relatively unknown until now. hits the city of canals, culture, and crowds. venice has long been street by mass tourism now a pilot project aims to rein it in. dave visitors have to pay 5 year owes to enter . the officials say it will discourage tours from coming during peak times and make the city more livable for residence. the charge also tells officials how many day trippers are coming in. these tourists are happy to pay out easy. i think we should pay 10 meant 5. we should pay more to help j. you've got to. it's too crowded. otherwise if you want to get the most out of it, but not everyone agrees, venetian protestors say the tax won't stop over tourism, as there's no limit on visits or numbers. they argue more needs to be done to
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support the local community because it is the we can save this just by giving houses to the local residents. and by repopulating it it's only stim date tourism. it does not reduce. the bigger influx is from asia, from china, from america, it will change absolutely nothing. so, what i want to leave my house, i have to pass through 3 or 4 bachelor parties. i called the local police to tell me they're not doing anything wrong, but they get drunk, they come back late, the alleys are full of rubbish. there are no controls. venice is the 1st major city to run such an experiment. one that could become a blueprint for other destinations, played by over tourism. are you watching the news after she'll break?
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i'll be back to take you through the day to night. harvey weinstein drank conviction from 2020 overturn. it has the new bit known as need to know, asking who knew for walk you through the shock in the right estimates the
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the who need them call is trying. sylvania has so much more to offer and just following beautiful. the funny you symmetry in the world. transylvania, the house of romania in 45 minutes on the w the
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. the cost about why does this? because now i'm liza the new host. joining us for an exciting exploration and everything in between. this is a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope video will tune in a world of free speech, free open access to free information for every stop dreaming. next, take action. detail use global media for them. 2024. a bunch of any practiced in now. lots dissipates from all over the world, from waiting to share their solutions and to shape tomorrow.
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join us and register now for the d. w. global media for in 2024. the. his name is synonymous with the abuse of power against women. in 2020 the hollywood movie mogul harvey weinstein was found guilty of rate. the verdict became key to what became known as the mid term movement. what today? new york's high, his court overturned to that conviction, saying several witnesses had given testimony about allegations unrelated to the charges against weinstein. how could that happen? and what does it say about us justice? and what about me to? is it now just another case of he said she said i bring comfortable with this is the day the.


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