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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin, harvey weinstein. new york's conviction. over time, new york's hire support pushes to 2026 palms conviction against the disgrace tale with producer boss. he will remain in prison on a separate great product. and different testers and supporters of donald trump together outside of the us supreme court waiting for his fee that he should be immune from prosecution for actions during his time as president plus emmanuel crawl was your of a dia, future unless you've scales up its defenses. the french president says,
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your isn't for fred. defend off global trends, the aren't finish, kind of, you're welcome. we begin with breaking news in the united states, where the state of new york's top called has over time movie mogul, how the weinsteins conviction on 6 crime charges, including rape. in a full history decision. the new york court of appeals ruled, but vine steed was not given a fair trial. and it said the judge who presided over the case improperly allowed testimony from witnesses whose accusations were not connected to the case to jason kemp. a don't. yeah. is with nbc news and i hot radio in los angeles. i asked to explain why weinsteins new york conviction has been overtime. so basically what the lawyers have argued was that it was an absolute hit piece on harvey
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weinstein. that the judge in that case, allowed testimony from women who alleged sexual assault by the movie mogul. and they had nothing to do with the actual case. so is a smear campaign against harvey weinstein? the appeals court sought their way and they have now decided to order a new case, which i think is going to be interesting in the coming weeks. what happens until then? because he's kind of in prison, is he essentially a free man? no. no, he stays in prison and he will stay in prison until the next time that he has to go to court. he was convicted in los angeles in 2022 of sexual assault. sentenced is 16 years behind bars. they. they may extradite him from new york to los angeles, just so you know, kind of shuffling inmates around. nothing newsworthy there, but he, instead of staying in new york, he could stay in los angeles where i believe he lives. that's where his home is. so
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it'd be closer to family, closer to probably as lawyers and things like that, closer to also the weinstein production company, which is still around. how does this uh, budget going down in the movie industry at the moment as well it's, it's sending shock waves. uh, you know, the me to movement is still very active in hollywood. and here in los angeles, this is where most of the actors and actresses live and work. so to have somebody like a polarizing figure like harvey weinstein, basically, you know, hey, what he did was justified, or what happened may have been conceptual or whatever. it really is sending strunk ways because a lot of a lot of actors and actresses built their celebrity on the need to move. right. and so now what does that do? that will be interesting to see. and now we'll see if uh,
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there'll be some big stars that come out today. reese witherspoon, who is one of the major proponents behind the me to movement. she may come out and say something, maybe some of the other actresses that a ledge, sexual lesson, a saw from harvey weinstein may come out and say something. so it'll be interesting, like i said, in the coming days to see who's willing to come out and say what, in a grievous error, this is or you know, or whatever. but it's definitely uh, water to your topic for the next couple of days. do you talk to us a bit about the alleged victims? i mean the victims hoover cultured in their fast case and we'd have to testify again. is that quite clear or is that going to be aware on that? so i'm sure he is going to be given an opportunity to tell the story again. but do you really want to relive that? you know, if you're a sexual assault victims, you're gonna have to go in front of the cameras. you're going to have to go in front of the judge, go in front of your abuser alleged abuses. and i don't know if women or even
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a sexual assault victims would want to do that, just open. they want to do that. so it will be interesting. i'm sure that they will be given an opportunity, but sometimes in these kinds of cases they, we live testimony. but that's kind of the crux of the appeal is that some of the testimony that was given was by women will lead sexual assault. but we're not involved in the actual case. so it'll be interesting to see who is allowed to testify and who's not allowed and who they are. just take, you know, off camera deposition, there's a or out of court room depositions were leave it there for the time being. thanks so much for joining us today. jason kemp of donya. meanwhile, donald trump has been back in quotes today at his house monday trial in new york. he complained that he should have been at the supreme court in washington, justices that are heading arguments, that trump can't be prosecuted for the things he did while he was president.
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that his 3 making set of allegations last august, former president trump was charged with 4 accounts of conspiracy and instruction by the justice department. special counsel jack smith today and then dining room was an sealed charging donald j. trump, with conspiring to defraud the united states, conspiring to disenfranchise voters a conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceedings. but trump legal team argues who should be protected by presidential immunity. the claim, many legal experts are skeptical about. he doesn't have any text in the constitution to rely on, and that's significant because the constitution does grant and unity explicitly to members of the legislature. but it doesn't mention the president. according to his lawyers from who is acting with in his official responsibility was president. when he legibly tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election, they say no president and us history was ever prosecuted for his official act. and
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neither should from but the case goes beyond donald trump. if the supreme court ruled that the president doesn't have immunity from prosecution, many fear it could open the door to criminal behavior in office to have the president, the above the law and be able to commit crimes well in office would make our whole system vulnerable to dictatorship because the president could use the power of his office to subvert the vote. to subvert checks on the system like impeachment, and to try to remain in office past the end of our term. the stakes are high and the mere fact that the supreme court is hearing this case now is significant. even if the justice is here and to see reject terms, arguments. the procedure does by him time and many think. but it's exactly what the former for us, but once the supreme court is unlikely to decide before june, meaning that trump trial will be further delayed, possibly bringing on until after the november election in case of an election
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victory from codes, theoretically order the justice department to drop all cases against him were not there yet, but the possibility does little to dial down tensions in the run up to the presidential elections. and the deputies units for the last people outside the supreme court, whether the president should be immune from prosecution. and if you don't know, i don't know one's above the law in this country. i think there's numerous laws he's broken and i think he needs to pay for him and face the music. yeah, i think it should have stayed at the lower court ruling. they were very explicit and very clear. yeah. i think they shouldn't have taken it. oh yeah. they should been done as a long time ago. should've been done right now. it should be done a long time ago. so why do you think, is there a part of a cold there just fall a person instead of a instead of the constitution, that's where it is. uh the unity charge it should be dropped
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because there are certain to say without uh, just completely wiping other side or bullshit charges that are against them. um, yes, it should be a new i really hope that the presidents, any president those are the types of governments where the head of state is about the law and can connect crimes with infinity. so i don't, i don't want the us of a turn it into that, you know, mean it was, it was practically the, you know, the assumption growing up in this nation. that's not even the head of state is above the law. and you know, the presidential own is to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution, the law of the land, if the president can break that presidential owes with impunity,
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then what are we as a republic? now these are not nearly present and i shouldn't use your knowledge. that's what it's all about. nobody. i believe that this supreme court just took this case to a good way criminal trials for the president. but that's what it all of course acknowledged. some of the stories making headlines around the world hates. he has one in a transitional ruling counsel in the prime minister, arial. andre has resigned the council this task with the pointing a new premiere and restoring law and order as hate to grapples with a wave of gang violence. amid you, as officials have confirmed that your plan has begun using long range besides, secretly shipped and reese and fix the ami tactic of mesa systems on attack, games were bought for $300000000.00 us a package approved in march. the resolved system is capable of striking targets,
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300 kilometers away. french president emanuel macro has one that that europe could die unless country is united to face the challenges of changing wild across stress. so the continent must take responsibility for its own sovereignty by strengthening its joints defense and relying less on us support . speaking of the so bon university and policy also said in victory for you, praying against russia is key to future european security, the columbia. to get them, we'll get goodness and better. all one, your must dr. lie too heavily on ex, done the resources. let's keep putting everything that strategically important. we have delegated all energy to russia but fronts, but several of apartments have delegate the security to the united states and other critical interests. also to china. we must take them back. this is what strategic autonomy is all about. having so many se i asked them to correspond to these are
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louis by the french president. there was explicitly linking y'all to be in security to victory for you frame as well. that was the case. indeed, he was saying, the question of european security was decided upon in ukraine by reading at the center of the new world. he has said the world has changed, and europe needs to adapt to that. and he was pleading in favor of a european defense strategy with a common force with more investments in the defense sector across europe. it's also not just the front supposed to also be other countries. obviously, my problem once you have to adopt a stronger defense policy, does he see himself as being in the lead on it? it does sound like that really he was talking about maybe assessing on a common beside a she, you defense system. you was also talking about nuclear decision being at the center
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of this new strategy and a front of the have nuclear weapons. and so front would be at the center of that. if you look at the home phones and my call has over the past few months, actually been pleading in favor of a war economy. and he's been touring the country here in, in france, saying that companies needed to invest more. and that the government was actually spending money on weapon systems. and new companies and new factories are being built across frauds as we speak. so yes, he seems to be a you taking center stage at this new york in strategy. and he also said that europe can only be strong, actually, in military sense if it were strong and it makes sense. and that was the other part of his speech. he was saying, we really need to come up with a new commercial policy and new investments for a policy. we need to be strong as economies if we want to count in this new world,
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how much support is the it within the union for want to present mcroy as saying that of the well, that's a very good question. b l easy was saying and advised that he hop, they have been talking to the gym and counterparts. i mean, you hear the similar speeches across europe in all the countries in these you have been hearing them in these past months. i think there is a common sense, so if you know, we need to find the back, we need to stand together. we need to be stronger. and you know, in order to be able to survive in this new world where war has come back to europe . talk this a bit about the timing of the speech. well, this comes a, just a bit more than a month ahead of the european elections. when you look at the pollings, at the, at the licensed opinion polls, you can see that the far right policies are rising, has been rising in the polls. and that's also the case here in france way where the
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far right draw some of them on us and others leading of the polls. and obviously people have been saying this is not just the speech on europe that might call and was holding today is also speech contained speech and hasn't criticizing him for that. obviously he was talking today mostly about a european strategy, european idea, but right towards the end of his speech, he was saying, you know, if you want to fight back against fall right ideas, we shouldn't be intimidated. intimidated, we shouldn't be afraid. we need to be courageous and believe in the future, believing all values. and i think that's what he wanted to show today. his candidate validate a yeah. comes this coming 2nd in the pulls right now. and he might even come so. so this was definitely also an attempt by him on my call to boost his own components in policy ahead of the elections. we leave it there for the time being. the thanks so much for joining us today. the de corresponding, he's always embarrass and jot in germany. the thought i'd as tentative for
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germany potty is fighting to contain a scandal involving it stop candidate for june, geography and elections. lock somebody on a car, a member of the european parliament was already on the investigation for suspicious links to russia and china. but earlier this week, one of his aids was arrested and accused of spying for china. it's the latest in a series of image to espionage incidents in germany. judging by the number of reasons, arrests, you could get the idea. gemini, is royce, with spies on tuesday. all thoughts is announced a to rested in a default, right? jim and member of the european parliament maximilian cross. and man is accused of relating information about discussions in the european parliament to chinese intelligent services and spying on chinese opposition figures in germany, ground, cutting steel. now we cannot accept espionage against us. no matter which country comes from a distant,
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we'll see that is why it must be discovered and those responsible must be arrested and brought to justice lindsay. the recent arrest in this country and elsewhere show we are quite successful in doing that soil. test us on monday, 3 gym and next those also, he suspected of spying. for china, we're detained in a separate case, prosecutors or legs, the trio, send information to pay things, intelligence services about gym and technology with potential military uses. and illegally exported a laser to china. but it's not only china is suspected agents who appear to be active in germany last week to russian german nationals were taken into custody on suspicion of spying for most got the right keys. the closing attacks in germany ended undermining berlin's military support the ukraine. the men were allegedly also seeking to target u. s. military facilities. are the names i few and yeah, many years now we've been aware that russia has been engaging in major activities here in germany, even before the war. and ukraine was already talking about
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a threat level similar to the death of the cold war and is the whole thing as of course, intensified even further with rushes attack on ukraine. you must go dismissed the allegations saying there's no proof of a link between those arrest is russia. aging also rejects claims that was involved in espionage nonetheless. so many arrests in a short time will feel fios at home. the gemini is a top target before and spice teresa, particularly mechanic who's got about style on a heated session in the drummond parliament. us? yes. well, why it, we heard from the time, so he was somewhat restrained because our ongoing proceedings, the gloves were off here in parliament today. where the far right a if the policy stood accused of essentially a being a traces is to germany. we saw the interior minister site, those cases,
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those other arrests of spies and pointing out to the far right a if the that there is an independent judiciary here in germany. because we have 2 things going on. have 1st of all, we have pretty much all of the policies except the a, if the saying is now we can see out in the open what you are all about to work with will 30 terry and regimes to create one here in germany. this a force of being aimed at the top 2 candidates on the european election, this of the fall, right? a if d and then you have an, a f d policy defending itself. and alleging that there was a narrative against it, that things were stacked against them with the interior minister today empowerment pointing out that these are independent investigations. and that the timing cannot be seen as a, as something that is calculated. so we have an f d that doesn't really want to stick to its own candidates anymore, which it comes to move from the list. so the post is going up next to me and call
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the top kind of, we're going to be at the launch of the you election campaign. and you have on the other hand, i'm pretty much all the other m. p 's here, crying, filed against the if the and stressing that in the end of that the state state and the additional system will catch up with them. the quicker thoughts of other stories in the news today rescue as and why life experts are racing to save thousands of waves based on the cost of western australia. so i'm 160 part of the way it was became strand of near the 2 of us down of guns for at least 26 died. visitors defenders dont have to pay a $5.00 fee from the vision to say the was headed to the site is being done managed by an annual $30000000.00 tourists safety. apologies here, the charge will help the monitor visit, turn numbers. isabel says it's planning
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a ground defensive against the city of rough i, in southern gaza. despite international criticism, there is really a government say is most of how mazda is remaining forces are hiding out in rough uh, by more than a 1000000 palestinians are shouting, satellite images, show rows of tents that 1st appeared on the of this month. i'm confirmed. your thoughts are israel has boss. 40000 tends to accommodate people displaced in any assault. i spoke to sam rose, director of planning at over the u. n. 8 agency of a palace damian's i, austin, brother, humanitarian disaster, can be about it. pens, bearish, things about having me on look, i think, any shape or form in which a large scale operation, military operation takes and rough. it will have absolutely devastating consequences for the almost one point. 5000000 people who have been seeking refuge here for the past several months. however,
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it is done. we said that the implications will be absolute, the catastrophic, for population that has already gone through so much. yet, despite what you say, isabella is committed to cutting out this operation, showed israel have a re think, is that what you're saying? i think we as a human, to turn organization we as part of the human a certain community. and we're interested in that you're going to turn well being of that population we call for an immediate cease fire for immediate release of false stages on for an end to this. so this blood shot and this hell that people have had sup, put up with we, uh, yes we, we call for it system. we as a human, a certain community and very little influence on not directly, but we call on those that do have influence to do everything that they can before. it's too late, you know, with the largest and operation that's working in the gaza. have you seen all being told of israel's plans to evacuate people from rough up before any offensive?
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we personally as unremitting myself. no have not been told. we are not policy to those discussions. we read the newspapers. we follow the satellite imagery as you all, we had the announcements from the is riley or for it says we understand that it may be imminent, but there is still time not to go ahead with it. but no, we're not potty to any of the timing on this side. speaking of side live satellite imagery that satellite images that have appeared of the tents that have come up in southern gauze. do you know who put them up? and if they offer people who might potentially be evacuated from alpha or i do not know, i have not seen that sense. personally, i've seen the satellite imagery, we can only assume that these are people who will be effectuated. i can see them on your screen right now, but as i said, it's hard to see impossible to see how this can take place,
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how this can happen without major humanitarian consequences. major suffering, major loss of life. we're talking about human beings have already gone through. so much temporary camps. so assessing a flooding, gaza with a decent human beings, they simply cannot hold up with this. we see the pictures as you've seen them now. but know, personally, i kind of, i kind of verify that myself a better this board has continued for about 7 months now, if i'm not wrong, what would you say about the similar evacuation plans that have been implemented from time to time in various spots of gaza have they actually worked they they haven't what? no, i mean what does the objectives that have been a cheese people have left with out anything they've left a short notice. they proceed leaflets from the ad's having them to move. within a matter of hours, we saw that in gauze of 60 back and in october we store it and ross there and we
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saw it with this check about approach that was taken several months ago. so know these may get people time to move, but there is no west states to go to. we've all seen the repulse. we've all met the people whose relatives have been killed. we know all, but we have had people who been killed on that way from one spot. so another, as they've been directed to by the auth, or as he's being being killed on, on, on the way. so, no, there is no safe place to go. and it's people that haven't into an, of a smaller area, it will become the more distance looked in terms of the conditions that, that facing, on our ability as a few minutes our and community to deliver the aid on the supplies that they need. and for them to get to watch the sanitation to the health care of the food and the shouts of which will keep them alive. some are just one fine questions and you'll data in rough. uh, what are people in rough uh, attending your thoughts as over done moving more when harvey weinstein is conviction in the state for 6 crimes, including rape. the court of appeals ruled that weinstein was not given
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a fair trial. one student's other convictions in california, state and staff that's also now coming up next. these conflicts on tim sebastian interviews, russian political analyst, andre ballistic off. i'm british mandatory invalid and thanks so much for watching . let's see you again. so the, the, the,
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into the conflicts own with tim sebastian presidential elections in russia of the usual full gun conclusion with nothing left to chop. not even the best in jail of the leading opposition figure. i'll explain about me, my guess is the russian come and say to andre collapsed, we call the economy. he rushing your asia center in moscow was a valley such as serious, correct? the bluetooth had to be to come fix the next on d, w. the new tell here we are happy that we are
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boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the con. you news africa in 60 minutes on dw, the d big ocean view companies play a role and the destruction of the rain forest. i have 10 rays all over the brazilian. we process $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is on the forward market. the auto industry, for example. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from it, nasal cattle farms in the m as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about
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the supply chain profit. all that much. illegal leather stats may stood on d. w. the presidential elections in russia of the usual full gun conclusion with nothing left to chop. not even the desk in jail as the leading opposition figure. i'll explain about me, whose name postern couldn't bring himself to speak. my guest is the russian commentary to andre kalashnikov, who had split kindly. he rush, are you ready? just center in moscow. wasn't a valid me such a serious threat to put in his regime. but he had to be killed even to be imprisoned when it was a threat to pretend that competitor may be invisible in an informational field about the same time, quite my team and way to compress it for,
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for the parts of that population. and because of that it wasn't.


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