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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin emanuel, my pro one is your off of a diet future unless it scales up its defenses. the french president say is your isn't for pads defend off global pets. does y'all have been ministries to join forces? i'm european countries to make the defense industries homegrown. the only duration has been di, if you can just see behind me the amount of destruction flooding and can, there has been more than 50 people and 5000 part on neighborhoods. maureen is full cost of the days to come. the
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advantage manager, welcome french president. emanuel mack crawl, gone to that europe good died if countries didn't unite to face the challenges of a changing world during an annual speech process. so born university, he stressed that the continent must to take responsibility for its own sovereignty . by boosting it's drawing to defense and relying less a on us support. he also underlined but ukraine's victory against russia is key to the future of europe and security. from all of this, with john knob, i did have the correspondent liza lewis, who is at the sorbonne university where that speech was delivered. liza, it sounded like macro has linked a ukrainian victory as existing show 2 european security as well. that was the case. indeed, he was saying,
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the question of european security was decided upon in ukraine by reading at the center of the new world. he has said the world has changed, and europe needs to adapt to that. and he was pleading in favor of a european defense strategy with a common force with more investments in the defense sector across europe. it's also not just the front supposed to also be other countries, obviously macro. and once you have to adopt a stronger defense policy, does he see himself as being in the lead on it? it does sound like that really he was talking about maybe assessing on a common beside a she, you defense system. you was also talking about nuclear decision being at the center of this new strategy and a front of we have nuclear weapons and so front would be at the center of that. if you look at the home phones and my call has over the past few months,
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actually been pleading in favor of a war economy. and he's been touring the country here in, in france, saying that companies needed to invest more. and that the government was actually spending money on weapon systems. and new companies and new factories are being built across frauds as we speak. so yes, he seems to be a you taking center stage at this new york in strategy. and he also said that europe can only be strong, actually, in military sense if it were strong in economic sense. and that was the other part of his speech. he was saying, we really need to come up with a new commercial policy and new investments to a policy. we need to be strong as economies if we want to count in this new world, how much support is the it within the union for want to present mcroy as saying that well, that's
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a very good question. the lizzie was saying and advised that he hop, they have been talking to the gym and counterparts. i mean you hear the similar speeches across europe in all the countries in these you have been hearing them in these past months. i think there is a common sense, so if you know, we need to flank back, we need to spend together. we need to be stronger. and you know, in order to be able to survive in this new world where war has come back to europe . talk this a bit about the timing of this speech. well, this comes a, just a bit more than a month ahead of the european elections. when you look at the pollings, at the, at the licensed opinion polls, you can see that the far right policies are rising, has been rising in the polls. and that's also the case here in france where i, where the far, right draw some of them on us and others leading of the polls. and obviously people have been saying this is not just the speech on europe that might call and was holding today is also speech contained speech and haven't criticizing him for that
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. obviously he was talking today mostly about a european strategy, european idea, but right towards the end of his speech, he was saying, you know, if you want to fight back then fall right ideas. we shouldn't be intimidated. intimidated we shouldn't be afraid. we need to be courageous and believe in the future, believing all values. and i think that's what he wanted to show today. his. com did i validate a yeah. comes this coming 2nd in the pulls right now. and he might even come so. so this was definitely also an attempt by him on my call to bruce. his own companion is in posse ahead of the elections. we leave it there for the time being. the thanks so much for joining us today. the, the corresponding, he's always embarrass to us. officials have confirmed that ukraine has begun using long range besides secret to be shipped in recent weeks. they say the results were used for the 1st time in a strike on a russian air field in crimea. last week,
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the all me tucked tickled me sorry. the systems are attack games were part of a $300000000.00 assistance package approved by the united states in march. the us supplied mid range versions of the system last september. this latest batch construct targets up to 300 kilometers. wait. a mike martin is a senior fellow in both studies at kings college london. i asked him what targets these long range i talked him besides now bring within the range of the ukrainian ministry. so they attack them system as a right end of about 300 kilometers and when stop the ukrainians can strike old ukrainian territory that the russians attorney ok fine, including crimea. so they can also reach deep into betters. and in some russia as well speaking the alpha territory including a crime media you mentioned the ukraine has already tried to destroy several times
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the coach bridge, which connects the russian mainland with the russian occupied from me in ending july. and is also an important supplier route for russian troops. do you expect the ukrainians to try and target this bridge again with the attack in? that's why i certainly expect the ukrainians to target. because bridge, again, whether they'll do side with the tech comes or not, is open for debates. the russians know that the trainings a very interested in going to touch base the kinds themselves a couple of months ago said that they, it's just a matter of time before they destroyed that bridge. but if i were the trainings i'll probably be looking at 3 or 4 different attacks that does it the same time. so maybe an attack ends, maybe a storm shot of a cruise missile and maybe something from the c one of these drones. the c drive is that you crime has been using quite successfully, but there is no doubt that they will this summer be going off to the coach bridge again. how important is the destruction of the coach bridge for the ukrainians?
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i think there's 2 ways of looking at this. so the bridge connects crimea to russia protocol, and it was built off to the 2014 united zack's incursion by russia dot takeover primary by russia. and so is a huge logistical pipeline for russian forces in columbia. and also in the south that of occupied the train. so from an interest to go point to view, it's a big hit for you tried, but actually it has a huge symbolic value. so the coach bridge is partially connected to vladimir putin . he opened it, he rode the 1st train call. he was the driver of the 1st train, the winds across the bridge. i'm sorry, striking the bridge collapsing. it is a huge symbolic load to russia as well. and, and psychology and symbolism have a big part to play in war. how many is that?
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is that it is a reading such an important thing at the moment, given how expensive these me size on them. there is a limited supply of them. and you also have the kremlin saying earlier today that these messiahs would not impact the outcome of the conflict or well look, i think on your 2nd point that we can discount most things that the credit and says about the conflicts in ukraine. but even if we just put to one side, that symbolism point to not count, one of the 2 major logistical supply rates to russian forces in crimea, and in the south of ukraine. that's huge. that's absolutely huge. and that means that the, the russians have to put all of the logistics through the, all the radio link in the south of ukraine, coming through the dumbass and coming across that land kartel between hustling in the west and the don't buy from the east. that makes it much easier for the credit is to then attack that just to go cordele. so no matter what the price of these
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missiles is dropping, that bridge is of huge benefit to the kinds minutes. however, they might mountain the senior fellow in law studies at kings college london told me to meet under traffic on expedite, at least a 155 people have died in attends in mia as direction rains. linked to an e mail caused flooding and landslides in neighboring kenya, which is also being hit by weeks of flooding across the country. red cross officials say the desk door has no reason to 50 the rental rains have brought the capital city nairobi to a standstill in time neighborhoods or underwater. i'm thousands. have fled their homes to seek shelter of the weeks. a relentless down pores have caused misery and narrow b rescue teams have managed to move some residents to safety. me and my do doesn't arrive and my brother who on top of,
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on top of the getting my g. i'm from morning to 11 p. m. and the city's poor neighborhoods, high water had devastating effect material used to build shelter, washed away by the flood of people at suffering. i need to sell them to take that things and where are they going to do? we don't know. we have to begin. we need food to feed our children and clothes to we are utensils are washed away homes filled with mud to lucky. some people, even most of the rules we stranded and don't know what to do next, we'd desperately need help authorities or warning residents of heavy to
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very heavy rainfall made worse by an el nino weather pattern all the way until may with rain and thunder storms. forecast to continue through the weekend nairobi floods are likely to get even worse and the depth of corresponding phoenix money and go sent us this update from nairobi about the unfolding disaster to the device facing slides have continued so cost i lots of destruction in the area just behind me, they used to be a bridge that has now been so much in the water. on this other side, they used to be house. these people used to call these please home. just 2 days ago you'd have phones, houses, funding, but right now they've just remained a sion of their former costs. and i see a ability has just been recovered and the destruction has continued to take place of residency saying they've never seen them onto the destruction that they've seen this particular time. and those people who been displaced from their houses have
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been taken to various uh shelters within this area to the corresponding phoenix mountain. godaddy reporting from nairobi in your media say, a popular rep uh, has been sentenced to death too much salary. he publicly back to demonstrations, triggered by the death of gina and mazda. i mean, he who died in the custody of your on so called morality police. his lyrics took aim at the union regime, accusing it of corruption and track down some defense. he's making team say they intends to appeal to running the much silly he's music has challenged iran leadership the need to the, to sort of some sort of structural stuff. but you know, some of the time in his music offered loud support to the women's rights movement. all that quoted in believing this revolution,
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enjoying the young people who are now on the streets, who we hear a being killed every day or 6 isn't advisor. now demand up the was bravest wrapper faces a dead sentence. certainly he was initially arrested in october 2022. after backing the protests that erupt. good, following the death of juno mazda, i mean the, the iranian gar dish woman died in police custody. often she was beeping for, allegedly, not wearing her head stuff properly. solely his arrest prompted outage and an online campaign for his freedom. the last year he was handed the 6 year present um with the government and find a new charges against him. so he's lawyers say they will be in the routing the that's it for the time being. coming
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up next up, the break doc failed and looks at not 3. and the king diamond state now is controlled for 3 generations. i'm going to expand a g in billing. i'll see you back in about 45 minutes from now. thanks so much for watching. the driven by agreed in the 2000 storage of band engaged in various high risk business practices. race for ever higher profit. and then the ethic, the mind of a german institution, the judge authentic story starts may seconds on the w. the april of 2022, a military parade celebrate.


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