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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news coming to you live from berlin. ukraine limits, passport, renewals for military age. been living abroad. keats's, it's a temporary measure to get more men back home as the military faces. manpower shortage is, but the move provokes anger and long lines that ukrainian consulates in europe. also in coming up. ryan police are on campus in texas. students step up pro palestinian protests across the united states. the colleges around the country. hundreds had been arrested and reveled troops in myanmar say there
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partially partially withdrawn from a key border town. they seized just weeks ago from the force of civil war drives on there's little prospect of a peaceful solution. the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. ukraine has stopped issuing new passports to some military age men living abroad, part of the bid to pressure them to return home to fight. the move is temporary and comes the day after the ukrainian for administrative suspended consular services for men from the ages of 18 to 60 long queues formed at passport offices and european countries after foreign minister demitra clay by announced the measures the limits come shortly after ukraine adopted a new stricter mobilization policy to shore up forces amid gains by russia on the
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battlefield was earlier i spoke to the w correspondent, caroline that you more in keith. i asked her what this new mobilization law means for ukrainians living abroad. this is especially tragic terry, for man, between 18 and 60 years old, we're living abroad and one to renew their passports. and there are hundreds of this man, for example, in poland to have seen, already queuing up in front of the consulates, trying to renew their passports. they cannot do any kind of paper work at ukrainian consulates, but only the process to come back home. and this has been highly criticized here in and t of also by members of the parliament saying that this has not been discussed during the whole progress and procedure of the mobilization law. as some members of parliament are members of the committee of national security. even want to cole, in members of the administer of carrying affairs,
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to ask them to explain this issue. because this had apparently not been this cause, and it seems to be a phrase on that might not even be legal. what does this mobilization say about how the war is going for ukraine? carolyn terry already mentioned it. a ukraine needs manpower. they need more man on the front lines. it's not only weapons, it's also about soldiers. the she's a, the, the sieve of the army said that they need at least $215000.00 more soldiers at the front line. and also we know that russian troops out number ukrainian troops, but up to 10 times this means that every ukrainians soldier and that there are at least 10 russian soldiers. so this already shows that russia has a significant advantage on this field. catalina, thank you very much. those are correspond currently that you more in keith,
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it's well us present, joe biden has signed a bill into law authorizing billions of dollars and military aid for ukraine. a day earlier, lawmakers gave the final green light to the $61000000000.00 package ending a months long stand off in congress bite and says supplies will soon be on their way. i'm making sure the shipments start right away. next few hours really be to our equipment to ukraine for air defense, beauticians for artillery rocket systems and armor vehicles. now this package is literally invest not only in your brand new credit, but in yours, in our own security. while the 1st official shipment of fresh aide is set to arrive in the next hours and days, us officials have confirmed that ukraine has begun using long range missiles secretly shipped in recent weeks as part of the previous
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a package. they say the missiles were used for the 1st time and a strike on the russian airfield in crimea last week. the army tactical missile systems were part of a $300000000.00 assistance package approved by the united states in march. the us supplied mid range versions of the system. last september. this latest batch construct targets up to 300 kilometers away. now let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. a grand jury in the us state of arizona who's indicted. former president, donald trump's lawyer jude rudy giuliani and chief of staff. mark meadows for attempting to use so called fake electors to try and overturn the results of the 2020 election. 16 others have also been charged. trump is described as an uninvited co conspirator, or the is really military says it has attacked dozens of targets in southern 11 on
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belonging to the ran back militia. has paula in retaliation for rockets fire over the border? israel's defense minister, your god claim that half of his beloved commanders in the area have been killed in the latest round and fight. hell, israel has said that is preparing to evacuate. palestinians from the southern gauze and city of rafa and launch its long awaited offensive there. these really government claims that the bulk of hamas is remaining forces are hiding out and drop off the offensive continues israel's response to the must her attacks on this really pounds. it on october 7th, over a 1000000 internally displaced, guys are now living in rafa. media reports say israel has bought 40000 tents to accommodate those who will be forced to move. once again if when it begins, it's a salt. but this has yet to be officially confirmed. satellite images show
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collections of tens that were not there earlier this month. so there are reports of israel's now planning to carry out defensive in ralph on stage is that is so is real is is real scaling back its original plan for a full scale offensive? i put that question earlier to our correspondent rebecca richards in jerusalem. it's very difficult to say is round not giving way exactly what they plan to do, but it is indeed all indications point to israel pushing ahead with its fine to offensive rafa. they've said so themselves, yesterday they is ready military concerns that the at least the 2 battalions to reserve battalions that were cooled up to prepare for this eminence offensive that they were indeed ready and they were just waiting for a political green light. they're also reports. yes, today that some very senior is ready, officials are in egypt to talk to their egyptian counterpart about this plan. defensive obviously, ref,
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reference proximity to the egyptian board and makes it slightly different to some of the other offensive. we have seen and goal is a sofa, and so they were reported leave it to discuss their plans with the additional socrates. so when you talk about this phased plan, that is what we're hearing. although, as i reiterate, i'll reiterate that we don't have confirmation from israel exactly what their plans um, but this is what we're hearing, that there is a kind of plan phase. we know that the us has been putting on pressure for weeks, particularly, but also others, including germany, to try to prevent the worst of a humanitarian catastrophe that would come with going in to integrate it into a rapper and a ground offensive with move and a 1000000 people sheltering there, so it does certainly appear and that's what we're hearing. but this phased this phase, it's, you know, plan phase offensive is to try to evacuate many of the civilians that are there. we're hearing that it could take some weeks. so though this offensive is to, to begin as long as we expected it could take some weeks yet,
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terry felt satellite images are circulating that show new tent encampments in southern gaza. with those tense rebecca, be enough to accommodate and evacuation of rough ha as well. we think we're talking around about 40000 tents. that's because we've heard that israel has procured 40000 tens. they haven't given any acknowledgement or they haven't commented on whether or not these 10 cabins that we're seeing via the satellite imagery is, is they work. we're also getting reports that they're being erected by egyptians and the way, uh, but of course, you know, with the, the approval and the, you know, coordination of the, as riley's but, you know, we're talking about 40010, so far we're talking about a 1000000 or more than a 1000000 people and rough. uh um yeah, i'll leave you to do the math on that one. i don't think we're going to see a full evacuation of ruffled, but also we're getting
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a lot of reports on the grounds that people civilians who are just exhausted from having move. sometimes up to 56 of the times in as a gradually have come down the street from the north, big evacuated into various different positions. so they're just exhausted. and they simply, you know, we've heard so many people saying that they are willing to just die. and ross so that they don't want to evacuate anymore. so we are hearing that this is going to be a slightly different offensive than the ones that we've seen, perhaps more targeted in order to try to comply by those us and all the allied, the moms, the to not cause such a humanitarian catastrophe. and to try to keep civilian casualties, tease to a minimum. but as i say, you know, this could take some weeks we are talking about moving a 1000000 people. and just with are all going to go really remains to be same. terry. rebecca, thank you very much. is always our correspond rebecca richards there in jerusalem as well just over 24 hours, remain in extension granted to pro palestinian protesters
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a columbia university in new york, before they faced eviction from a protest camper wrecked it on campus. police arrested more than a 100 students last week in an attempt to quell the protest against israel's war and gaza, but the crackdown has inspired other protests at universities. across the united states, several colleges have close campuses and hundreds of students have been arrested. the message for the speaker of the house was clear, as mike johnson visited columbia campus in new york of his thoughts on the protest, as well. also unequivocal my message to the students inside the encampment. if you go back to class and stop the nonsense there, look, if we want to have a debate on campus about the merits of these things. let's do that. but you can't intimidate your, your fellow students and make them stay home from class. think about that, is that right? do you think that's right?
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stop wasting your parents money. congressman lawler says, i think that's right. the pressure on the schools administration over his handling of the protest is intensifying with many, including speaker johnson, calling for the president to resign. i will say that the administration has done just about everything possibly wrong. it can do so far. and every single move they've made has only made things, was the worst of all being calling police on peaceful, perfect pro testers who are mostly undergraduates of 18. 1920 s o. demonstrators have been given until friday to dispatch, before the police will be called in. but despite demands to call up, the protests, students remain committed to the calls and supported by faculty. today marks one week since our 1st encampment on the south lawn, which was literally dismantled by n y p. d at the direction of columbia
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a columbia university. after approximately 34 hours of our demands, are the state divest, disclose and, and the see for all i think it's just been wonderful. the students have been very peaceful. they're very committed young people who are anti war, anti violence, and pro palestinian liberation, colombia, notified students that classes and exams for the rest of the semester. it will be offered online, bringing it to be looked into. the academic year dw corresponded benyamin over as goober is at columbia university. he told us about the wider ramifications of these protests for us politics. this is definitely a nationwide topic. you just mentioned the white house. we also have the secretary of education. we'll wait in your say that and what he has seen on campus is it's a disgrace the wide how's the press release that they send out saying that anti semitism has no space, not only in any college across the country,
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but also anywhere. and as we are also the concerns of do a students, but also a faculty members, a rubbing close to the university even told you it's a students to stay away it, but they are, it's important to make a difference between the protest, this protesting inside the university but also also when we, it came here earlier today, what we're hearing is some chance also some people were here as saying and rejecting a 2 state solution quite different to the trans they were here inside. but we can imagine that this will still develop as we'll see more and more universe. it is more of this protest also happening across the country. so take a look at some of the new stories now, starting in spain, the or rather the in terrorist, the arms of the windmill at the legendary with a rouge night club and parents of collapse. no one was injured according to firefighters. it's not, you have known what caused the accident at one of the most well known spots in paris, which came just months before the french capital hoss the olympic games. secretary
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of state entity blinking is called on the united states and china to manage their differences responsibly. he made the comments during talks and shanghai with the city's communist party secretary change and things like and we'll head to beijing 4 talks on with the present. she's in pain from now to beyond, nor where fierce fighting between and surgeon groups and the military government is pushing the nation towards collapse. tens of thousands of people have been killed in the ongoing battle for control. this map shows how much territory is controlled by their positions and which areas are controlled by the military hunter, as well as areas that are still heavily contested. but such a point in the battle for territory and control of the country has been the town of new. why the in, on the, on north eastern border with thailand in the me. almost city of milwaukee this week, explosions and smoke rising from buildings attacked by helicopters, overhead,
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resistance flights and say they have for now partially withdrawn from the critical board to assist you with tile on which they seized only earlier this month. their retreat follows the counter offensive by the ministry hunter, which sees control of me a ma in a 2021 crew, plunging the country into violent scales. fighting in b a y d has cause thousands to flee into neighboring thailand. although thailand's foreign ministry set on wednesday some had since returned, this is one year what it is so important to have only a handful of border crossings between me. i'm are and thailand located in the city and more than $1000000000.00 us dollars of trade passes through me of what e each it control of the city means control of an economic lifeline that to me i'm a thailand has wouldn't be a muslim entry on. so it's not so a lot of fighting to spill over the board to propose and as in wide meeting to resolve the crisis, but a peaceful solution looks distance. the situation in the
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a ma remains enormously complex with resistance groups opposed to the hunter at times also facing each other. elsewhere. this particular concern for the rank of people in the amazon was in ratcliffe and states that the most the most of them ethnic group is quotes in across 5 of faith. slicing between military and opposition forces the car and violence of central escalation of debris. some 2017 correct down by the military, which killed tens of thousands of ranges and caused the hundreds of thousands to flee beyond. whereas in 2017, the range of what targeted by one group. diane, now trapped between 2 arm to functions who have a track record of killing them. beneath the hunters veneer of control, a country crumbling, the united nations estimate some 18000000 people in the country currently require a humanitarian association with a 100 minute about a 3rd of the population. so tomorrow there's,
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let's bring in mark farmer there he is, director of burma campaign, u. k. that's a london based engineer. the rally support for the pro democracy movement and beyond. mar, welcome to the program work. how do you see it? do the rebel groups pose a real threat to the hunter's grip on power? yet the military's and the grades of threatened housing at any time since the independence of the country, i think they most controlled a huge sways of the country. and i think the decades they've been playing this divide and rule game between ethnic groups and within ethnic groups. and, and that is, that game is no longer working for them. we're seeing more unity now, and we'll corporation between different ethnic groups, the financing, the ministry at the same time. and that's simply not able to cope. we've also seen the big difference being that many of the, the other main split group in, but they've now owned to many different,
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they've owned single pdf people's defense forces. and then they've joined with the economies and they're fighting of both these military at the same time. so it's absolutely desperate times for the ministry at the moment. and that's why we're seeing them using such brutal tactics. extra protects against civilian targets, indiscriminate shutting bombing across the country. now, the kind of thing. now there are multiple militias fighting against the hunters troops. it's a very diverse society. you say there's a lot of unity there. do the rebel groups really have common cause to they all want the same thing as well? they have common cause and they want to see the military gone. perhaps they have no own exactly the same vision of what comes off to us. but there is between the, the larger ethnic groups, the, the national union, the kitchen independence organization and the others. there is a lot of behind the scenes cooperation behind the scenes communication and
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coordination and assistance happening to each other. but yeah, there's also other smaller groups that perhaps like have of course they split from the main economies in the past because of the, the ministry using these divided little tactics. and you know that loyalty is a more to themselves, more to the power they have. how it base their, their revenue streams ross, is there any overwriting, support for human rights and democracy likes a larger estimate comp groups have. okay, how is this civil war affecting the civilian population in myanmar? it's a, it's a dreadful humanitarian in human rights crisis across the country. more than 3000000 people displaced in gomez, suffering people are in there is now the liberal rates, if from control of the families military. but also that's the human agencies, most international aid agencies,
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they don't offer it there. so there's very little assistance getting through to people. so you know, the situation is as dire as i've ever seen in 25 years of working up the campaign u. k. i was visited to come in states just at the end of last year crossing both of that to see and it is for the suffering, the human rights violations, the things that people going through absolutely dreadful. but at the same time, strange that you, even those things are worse than ever. there's more hope, vanessa, because people are thinking, yes, the situation is absolutely dreadful now. but finally, perhaps we haven't shots to get rid of the families military. by anybody we can be free of them and then we can go without having human rights, economic development, democracy and the other things that people in the country is so desperate for lark . thank you very much for talking with us today. that was mark farmer with burma campaign. you k. thank you.
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now to kenya and that country's capital city, nairobi is at a standstill due to widespread flooding and across the city. entire neighborhoods are underwater and thousands of leather homes to seek shelter. the commuter train service has been suspended and major roads are blocked due to to rental rainfall. dozens of people have died across the country since the range began. last month. the weeks a relentless down pores have caused misery and narrow b. rescue teams have managed to move some residents to safety. me and my do doesn't arrive. and my brother who on top of on top of the getting my g, i'm from morning to 11 p. m. and the city's poor neighborhoods. high water had devastating effects. material used to build shelter,
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washed away by the floods. want suffering. i need to sell them to take that thing. so i'm go where they go and we don't know. we have to begin. we need food to feed our children and clothes to we are utensils are washed away homes filled with mud t lucky some people, even most of the rules we stranded and don't know what to do next, we'd desperately need help authorities or warning residents of heavy to very heavy rain made worse by an el nino weather pattern all the way until may with rain and thunder storms. forecast to continue through the weekend. that rubies floods are likely to get even worse. are corresponded. felix. the ring goes
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covering this story and joins us now. from the outskirts of nairobi, fedex, the flooding is obviously serious there. what's the situation in the capital now? the situation has been, di, if you can just see behind me the amount of destruction that's taking place in the last 2 days. houses came down. people that trying to solve aids, whatever is remaining parts of the household, you can see some people actually, even the food was destroyed and a lot of destruction has been taking place and the rescue efforts have been going on this morning. one key does just been found dead down the stream and it's just been devastating the last few days. how is the government dealing with this emergency? felix do? does the government have the resources it needs to cope with this and help the
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people of the uh, there has been a multi, i didn't see response to you by the government red cross and all of them are going on with the rescue efforts. yesterday. president william brutal convened a meeting with. busy what is the address he's take what it does, and that's the military to step in to help with the rescue efforts. but it's, it's been, uh, the government has been accused of coming to let into the policy. and people, i say, had the governments coming that it would be the idea probably these amount of destruction could not have taken place. if my coming to mind can just show you this other side, it has just been very diverse between you could, you can see some of the walls. that's why shooting the houses had been destroyed and people are just trying to see what more can be done if you see on the front end . uh there are uh fences to some of the houses and what had actually gone to half of the houses. so it's been crazy and people are saying,
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how does the government come in in good time, then some of this destruction would not have taken place, so they feel more to be done by the government. the president has um, called in, i'm going to address here as close to him and they are hoping to ensure that this damage does not continue just very briefly. what's the weather forecast? felix? is there any relief inside of the there's not a live inside and they're not focused on the same. the civilians will continue to the month of may. so there's still much more that needs to be done. several. c people have asked, have been asked to leave that areas and if i q, it's too high a ground so that they will not be victims of the flooding that has been taking place in the country. felix, thank you very much for your reporting. that was the w, as felix maureen. go there on the outskirts of my robe. you are watching dw news coming to you live from berlin up next focus on europe. looks at how climate
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change is impacting villages. in the french helps, of course, you'll get all the latest news information on our website at c, w dot com. i'm terry martin from me and all of us here at the w. there's thanks for watching the
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a vision to death on a street and test alone. a key in for august, coming to us with an impassioned for both his attack is violence and cisco has become increasingly personal, increased and puts media to can be at the focus on your next on d, w. and so the conflicts own with tim sebastian presidential elections in russia are
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the usual fold down conclusions with nothing left to chop, not even the best in jail of the leading opposition figure. i'll explain about me, my guess is the russian come and take the andre collect, we call the economy. he, russian, and your agent center in moscow was always such a serious, correct? do you have to be too confident in 60 minutes on dw, the we did, you force it on anyone, but we did sell them such a product driven by agreed in the 2000 storage of bank engaged in various high risk business practice. those types of unc was basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector worldwide. raised for ever higher
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process. if you made money, that was the pressure to make more and then the minds of the german institution, the georgia bang story may 2nd on d, w. the, this is focus on europe, i'm liable, a nice to have you with us. a reason landmark ruling at the european court of human rights could set a new president in the fight against climate change. judges rule that switzerland has violated human rights by not doing enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. the case was brought forward by a group of more than 2000 women. extreme weather events are becoming more frequent
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in europe as the deadline to meet the parents climate agreement.


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