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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 7:00am-7:03am CEST

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story and so my friends have someone else to dogwood, see the highlights of selected for you, you every week. a new a box, subscribe. now the, this is dw news, and these are top stories. us present and joe biden has signed a bill into law authorizing billions of dollars and military aid for ukraine. lawmakers past the 61000000000 dollar package over the weekend, ending a months long stand off in congress. the bill also includes additional military aid for israel and taiwan. columbia university in new york city extended the deadline by 48 hours for pro palestinian student protesters to clear it's campus. police have worn, they will clear the camp by force. if the demonstrators don't leave voluntarily,
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a wave of protest swept universities across the us since the most terror attacks and the war and gaza. these really military says it has attacked dozens of hezbollah targets in southern lebanon and retaliation for rockets fired over the border. israel's defense minister you'll have kalonde, has claimed that half of has the less commanders in the area have been killed in the latest round the fighting. you're watching dw news from berlin. you'll find much more on our website that's dw com. the today us president joe biden signed off on a long delayed package of aid for ukraine, giving hope to groups on the front line, who are exhausted after more than 2 years of war. ukraine is missing and not just
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ammunition and weapons, but also personnel and ukraine's efforts to expand mobilization have proven to be controversial. i'm quite richardson in berlin and you are watching the day. the minor must be a full mobilization. we have to become as militarized as possible for many a stressed and don't want to go. so let's, let's see, i got 5 days off, much being punished for the patriotism of russia is preparing to mobilize at least 300000 man over the next 6 weeks. this is the most to road is the front of pain the for 2 years. so there are no more volunteers to this situation, the mobilizing experienced soldiers would be suicide. my husbands exhausted, he's only 29.


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