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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 25, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news, long awaited military aid is headed to ukraine. us president joe biden says weapons shipments will start with an hour as, as he finds a multi $1000000000.00 a bill after months of congressional grid lock. plus riot police are on campus in texas. students step up pro palestinian protests that colleges across the united states. hundreds have been arrested and sentenced to death for singing. a rapper who took aim at the reigning and regime is given the death penalty the
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i'm on the use of welcome to the program. us president joe biden has signed a bill into law authorizing billions of dollars and military aid for ukraine. a day earlier, lawmakers gave the final green light, the $60000000000.00 package ending a month long stand off and congress binds those suppliers will supplies will soon be on their way. i'm making sure the shipment start right away. next few hours. really be 2 hours from equipment to ukraine for air defense positions for artillery, for rock assistance and armor vehicles. now this package is literally in invest, not only in your brand new credit, but yours. in our own, secure, small, the 1st official shipment of 8 is set to arrive and the next hours and days us
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officials have confirmed that ukraine has begun using long range missiles, secretly shift and recent weeks as part of a recent as part of a previous aide package, they say the missiles were used for the 1st time and a strike on a russian airfield and crimea last week. the army tactical missile systems were part of a $300000000.00 assistance package approved by the united states and march us supplied mid range version of the system. last september. this latest batch construct targets up to 300 kilometers away. ukrainian government says the us aid is urgent. hundreds of thousands of ukrainians have been caught up to fight on the front line since russia launched its invasion over 2 years ago. and many have not returned dw, spoke to a mother whose family has paid a high price. natalia started nick, had 3 sons when russia launched its full scale invasion of ukraine. this is my
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son who says my youngest son or last summer, natalia buried her youngest or lexi. he served in some of the bloodiest bottles of the will lower to my level. my youngest was, installer died after solid. he was in boss moved up to box moved to his in half as on the phone. he didn't see the fence. he was near on to leave. ken has on your phone, there's a country village called antonio sca when he was killed there for the day of alexys death. natalia tried to convince him to leave the army. he feared he'd share the same fate as our eldest son said he, he would just being reported missing a middle son. andre is also listed as missing. natalia hopes, the oldest sons are alive, but let's be no confirmation. she likes to remember them as they appear in these photos for me, specialist and this is my eldest sunset. he this is my andrea. sure. this is all
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you a little. they were happy who my boys can do everything. what are your cooking and baking from sidney? or what do you but they grew up well and that's what they grew up together. i have boys to read the lawsuit and the 2 or 3 of them graduated from music school. when the queen telling me to come to school for a controller, natalia is supported by her daughters in new orlando and alicia, they call her mother to send the boys. but i am step almost low as we tried to call whenever possible to ask her. mom is doing this, i have clothes so, so she comes to us, sits with her grandchildren, my my the results are retired but it says no one. you only have 2 little 3 s month to come. and she doesnt, since that husbands disappeared, orlando, unless yeah, are in constant contacts, trying to find out what happened to them as the vantage just as it seemed to have this that no one gives us any official confirmation or less. yeah. and i would like to us together to the security service of ukraine. those are non,
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we constantly received the same on so that the russian side does not provide any information. there is no confirmation of any kind of watching and wants to try to. natalia says the lack of information is unbearable, but she hasn't lost hope that should one day be able to hold cassandra again or from school. but what can i say? honestly, i tried to smile and not show my emotions over. i take few or walk so that no one, uh, 6, lots going on. if they do, my head starts to her and i run away. i don't want to be seen to coast to coast. mm . but let's take a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. secretary of state anthony blinking has called on the united states and china to manage their differences responsibly. made the comments during talks with the chinese communist party secretary for shanghai change in j. janine blinking will head to beijing on
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friday for talks with president change and paying for the direct arizona's house of representatives has voted to repeal a near total ban on abortion or to record the state supreme court ruled earlier this month, that authorities can enforce the band that dates from $1864.00, immeasurable now go to arizona as republican controlled senate spanish prime minister pedro sanchez is considering standing down. the court has opened an investigation into a legit corruption by his wife sanchez plans to give his decision decision on monday and has suspended public duties until then. the columbia university in new york has extended the deadline for a pro palestinian student protesters to clear the campus by 48 hours police of warrant. they will clear the camp by force. if the demonstrators don't leave voluntarily, protest against the one cause i have spread to universities across united states, several colleges have close campuses and hundreds of students have been arrest
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that message for the speaker of the house was clear. as mike johnson visited columbia campus in new york of his thoughts on the protest, as well, also unequivocal my message to the students inside the encampment. if you go back to class and stop the nonsense there, look, if we want to have a debate on campus about the merits of these things. let's do that. but you can't intimidate your, your fellow students and make them stay home for class. think about that, is that right? do you think that's right? stop wasting your parents money. congressman lawler says, i think that's right. the pressure on the schools administration over is handling of the protests is intensifying with many, including speaker johnson, calling for the president to resign. i will say that the administration has done just about everything possibly wrong. it can do so far. and every single moves they've made has only made things, was the worst of all being calling police on peaceful perfect protesters who are
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mostly undergraduates of 18. 1920 s o. demonstrations have been given until friday to dispatch, before the police will be called in. but despite the amounts to call up, the protests students remained committed to the calls and supported by faculty. today marks one week since our 1st encampment on the south lawn, which was literally dismantled by n y p. d at the direction of columbia a columbia university. after approximately 34 hours in our demands, are the state divest, disclose and, and the see for all i think it's just been wonderful. the students have been very peaceful. they're very committed young people who are anti war anti violence, and pro palestinian liberation, columbia notified students that classes and exams for the rest of the semester. it
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will be offered online, bringing a turbulent into the academic year. these protests are fast becoming a political issue for house speaker mike johnson, and for the white house the w correspondent, benjamin others. gruber is at columbia university. you told me about the wider ramifications of these protests for us politics. this is definitely a nationwide top and you just mentioned the white house with all type the secretary of education. we're waiting here say that and what do you see on campus? it's a disgrace the wide how's the press release that they send out saying that anti semitism has no space, not only in any college across the country, but also anywhere. and as we are also the concerns of jewish students, but also a faculty members, a rubbing close to the university even told you it's a students to stay away it, but they are, it's important to make a difference between the protest is protesting inside the university. but also also when we came here earlier today,
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what we're hearing is some chance also some people were here is saying and rejecting a 2 state solution quite different to the trans they were here inside. but we can imagine that this will still develop as we'll see more and more universities. more of this protest also happening across the country. united states supreme court will decide today whether donald trump is immune from criminal prosecution. last year, a special counsel jack smith charged the former president for allegedly attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 election. but trump claimed immunity under the constitution of judges. don't agree with him. the case will against the case against him. well, had the trial as the history making set of allegations last august, former president trump was charged with 4 accounts of conspiracy and instruction by the justice department. special counsel jack smith today and then dining room was an sealed charging donald j. trump, with conspiring to defraud the united states,
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conspiring to disenfranchise voters, and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. but trump legal team argues he should be protected by presidential immunity. the claim, many legal experts are skeptical about. he doesn't have any text in the constitution to rely on, and that's significant because the constitution does grant and unity explicitly to members of the legislature. but it doesn't mention the president, according to his lawyers from who is acting within his official responsibility was president when he allegedly tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election. they say no president and us history was ever prosecuted for his official act. and neither should from but the case goes beyond donald trump. if the supreme court ruled that the president doesn't have immunity from prosecution, many fear it could open the door to criminal behavior and office to have the president of the above the law and be able to commit crimes well in office would make our whole system vulnerable to dictatorship because of president could use the
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power of his office to subvert the vote. to subvert checks on the system like impeachment, and to try to remain in office past the end of our term. the stakes are high and the mere fact that the supreme court is hearing this case now is significant. even if the justice is here and to see reject terms, arguments the procedure does by him time. and many think that it's exactly what the former for us, but once the supreme court is unlikely to decide before june, meaning that trump's trial will be further delayed, possibly bringing on until after the november election in case of an election victory from codes, theoretically order the justice department to drop all cases against him. we're not there yet, but the possibility does little to dial down tensions in the run up to the presidential elections. ronnie and media as a popular wrapper has been sentenced to death to march, to le,
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publicly back to demonstrations, against triggered by the desk of jim mot. gina, martha, i'm meaning who died in the custody of a run, so called morality police. his lyrics took aim at the rainy and regime accusing it of corruption and crackdowns on descent is legal team. so they intend to appeal the ruling a few months and they use music has challenged iran leadership the last few minutes to sort of some sort of structural stuff. but you know, some of the time in his music offered loud support to the women's rights movement over leaving this revolution and join the young people who are now on the streets who we hear a being killed every day. since there's an advisor, now demand up, the was bravest wrapper faces
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a dead sentence. certainly he was initially arrested in october 2022. after backing the protests that erupt. good. following the death of juno, mazda, i mean the, the iranian gar dish woman died in police custody. often she was detained for allegedly, not wearing her head stuff properly. solely, he's arrest prompted outrage and an online campaign for his freedom. last year he was handed this 6 year present to the government and finally new charges against him. so he's lawyers say they will be in the rulings justified the several people have been injured in central london after 5 military horses ran and bucket rush hour. this video shows 2 of the horses galloping through the streets,
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white horse covered in what appears to be blood. they were apparently swooped by noise from the construction site. and police say all of the horses i've now been caught to. that's all for now. i'm only and he says, stay with us, the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carrier subscribe to the subscribe to plan. it's a low engine.


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