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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from bell in germany says it will start working again with the you, an agency that helps the palestinians, independent investigation finds no evidence to back up his rails claims. but some of the organizations employees to pause in the ok that the 7 attacks will say coming up from california to new q s students, desktop, pro palestinian protest at college campuses. hundreds of being arrested. plus the us secretary of state times me blinking is in china pushing the best of times between washington and beijing. folks are expected to be tough with chinese support for russia, a big issue,
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the menu for this mckinnon. welcome to the program. germany will review made to the un agency for palestine, refugees or unreal several countries holsted funding for the organization during an investigation into agency stuff is reality use multiple employees of being involved in the october the 7th. how must her attacks hold and a dozen donors, including the 2 biggest the us and gemini, suspend, there's funding, but an independent investigation found that israel has not provided evidence that agency stuff took part in the attacks. jonathan fowler represents the you an agency for palestine refugees and he said that he welcome to the german decision. i mean, this is a very, very positive developments. i do want to stress that the german,
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the last month that already come forward with fresh funding of 45000000 euros for work in the west bank of georgia and syria and 11. and so what we're talking about today specifically is a kind of on locking of the, the remaining suspension on funding for gaza. which is critical modes of course, given the, the, the enormous scale you, momentarily in process and gaza, is absolutely essential that gemini and other, the countries act too hastily when they suspended payments to unread, without waiting for a thorough examination of israel's allegations, a little closer. and i'm not in a position to be sort of inside the room in terms of the decision making. but what i mean, what, what the state cause was. it was a huge risk, absolutely unraveling of our operations in gaza, but also across the rest of the region. and our agency as close as the primary
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humanitarian agency in gauze and but also working with palestine refugees across the region. so the, the decision when it made, i mean, it looked like we were, we were basically going to have to close up shop in february. but because we had a number of return these and then germany, of course, is not the only government which is listed suspended, listed suspicions of. we've been able now to it's a sort of push our operations protected through to the end of june. and we look at the, basically the kind of guillotine as being postponed over and out of a recent months of the us and come by. but that doesn't mean that the situation is perfect. young june stevenson sila from unrest. speaking to me earlier at columbia university in new york has extended the deadline for pro palestinian student protest is to play the campus by 48 hours. the university says students have agreed to dismantle a number of tents that police have who owns that they will clear the into my account. if the demonstrations fail to leave protests against the war in gauze, i have spread universities across the united states. several colleges have closed
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campuses and hundreds of people have been arrested. us correspondent benjamin alvarez group that has the laces from columbia university in new york, a georgie of the for am the office of the president of columbia university. send out a statement of faculty members into students saying that they have made important a program as width as negotiations with the students that are currently in this and cabin within the university. you. you just spoke about this 48 hours and negotiations are ongoing between both sides. we had of course, this midnight deadline that was in move with several reports and also seeing protests here that last adopted to am in the morning. now there was a small group of protests that gathered outside of the university, a lot of media present and a lot of the police offices yet. okay. now many do a students say that they see it for the safety because of these protests, all the any safeguards in place for students who feel threatened by what's
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happening that's absolutely right and listening to that try and see that was also one rejecting the 2 state solution arrived be close to the university, it told us doing the students to stay away from campus. now we have hybrid dining, so no on campus classes taking place now. i columbia university and this is something that has started to a nationwide topic, secretary of education weight in speaking out acts of anti semitism. also the wi toes a weight in saying that is unacceptable. not only on campuses in this country, but anywhere in the united states of this trance. so they is say that a jewish students are not protected enough as we see this quote is also moving to other universities, n y, u m, i t in different states in the, in the united states, the protest, the sierra demanding, they said that they will stay in this encampment until columbia university divest,
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if from a investments a, from, from a companies that profit from from east rods war and a gaza. so we'll have to see if they'll find a solution from both sides of the organize that are inside university. and also of the office of the residential then a take a take that back and also leave leave, campus liters. and captains the bite and administration has come under a lot of pressure, hasn't for it supports of israel among young americans. in particular, how is the government handling its response to these protests? that's right, and many republicans have sat that the by the ministration should do more than a couple of hours. we are expecting the speaker of the house of representative mike johnson, who will meet with you is students in the columbia university, but also some democrats to say that the by the ministration needs to put red lines . we have that recently yesterday, a on the when the debate over the package, a package for is rolling for you cream. with many off the democrats,
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with many lawmakers, of the democrats saying that the by no means faith needs to condition the military a to a to is running with many, specially from the muslim and from the are up community. saying that the buy number restriction is not going hard enough on the government if, when you minutes on yahoo, the settings, the red lines only when he speaks to them on the phone, but not actually enforcing the most of the w correspondent, benjamin alvarez, group reporting from new benjamin, thanks so much. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world and of rainy and media say a popular wrap has been sentenced to death on charges linked to the mass protests of the last 2 years. too much, so i, he public feedback, the demonstrations that were triggered by the death of gina mazda. i mean, she died also being detained by ron's so called morales, the police. still, your opinion is calling for an independent pro, been to the discovery of mass graves. it to gauze of hospitals,
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spokesman says they're all a, they're all suspicions of violations of international human rights. almost any and health workers have discovered hundreds of bodies buried near the hospitals. i'm gonna see international is warning, but human rights faced the biggest threats in decades. the campaign groups as the was in gaza and ukraine violate international law along with the spread of or force harry in governments. and the ukrainian drive an attack has damage to oil that pose in russia splints region. ukraine says the attacks on storage tanks cause major fires across the brain, has increasingly target state of russian energy facilities. in recent weeks. now, us lawmakers have pasta new $61000000000.00 aid package for ukraine, ending a month long stand off in congress. the measure was approved with a broad support from both republicans and democrats, sent it also back to new age. israel anti one president joe biden is set to assign
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. the legislation also included is a bill to them. tick tock from the us unless it's chinese, ona selves of american assets. there were concerns about control of tech talk. the platforms not bite down, says denied that it says details of it. seizes with the chinese government to talk has about 170000000 uses in the u. s. w, a secretary of state antony blinking has a rice of talks in china. these tensions between the 2 superpowers are rising. one focus is expected to be chinese support for russia. the us, as china is helping most cuz we'll efforts in ukraine, which facing denies how to put limits on a relationship without limits. this one is for the emission to beijing us secretary of state anthony blink. and we'll hope to put some distance between russia and china. pushing back on china's role in russia's war machine will
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be a top priority. china continues to provide materials to support russians, defense, industrial base, and all of this is fueling pollutants, warm machine, etc attacks ukrainians and threatens european security relations between the world's 2 top global rivals had been 10 since early last year after chinese spine balloon flew across us territory and fresh disputes relating to silver world. taiwan emerged since then, the thought a little shooting, being held face to face talks with the with president joe biden in san francisco last november. but he wants, has kept pressure on beijing, sanctioning chinese firms that ship products for russia. the real estate department of china is supporting russia's warm machine by supplying machine tools computer chips. optics, drones, and cruise missile technology. micro chips are crucial and filling the gaps in the russian war effort. russia semiconductor imports from china to jump from 200000000 and 2021 over 500000000 in 2022. as the war drags on,
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russia's growing economic and diplomatic isolation has made it increasingly relied on china. its former arrival for leadership of the communist block during the cold war. china appears to hold the upper hand and the relationship. washington warns it will hold being responsible at moscow mix gains new frame. china has shrugged off the criticism to inform you what china has always controlled the export of jew use items in accordance with laws and regulations, relevant countries should not some year end attack. what's her normal state to state relations between china and russia? we've tensions ratcheted up again last week after joe biden called for hire terrace on chinese steel and aluminum. lincoln will have his work cut out for him. now ukraine has talked to the agenda and told symbol in between the german town, so that will affiliate some the groceries prime minister refuse to neck. this is so
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next, 1st visit to germany. since he took office 18 months ago. the to lead is also discuss plans to develop remote control onto the re depo use chief political edison. mikaela. christina, how's this update on mental? this is really a, this is do not have the brits 5 minutes. a cool this inflection point. he calls the military corporation between particularly germany and britain. the closest it has ever been and the purchase price is actually labeling. this is him returning to the world stage. he's just come from poland. now speaking with the drum and thompson who's quite kid, both on some more competition and not to just still label themselves as the biggest supporter of ukraine without putting the other one in 2nd place within the european context. as so clearly at both, once again said that they would continue to back at ukraine. and that is the
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us, the house of representatives and the senate passing that $61000000000.00 worth of support for ukraine. it didn't mean that the, your pre europeans don't have to stand up and continue the support at this crucial moment in time. so quite clearly a despite that breaks it, but combined as need to part, those are both as it's time to send that signal, a strength and european continuity in backing up ukraine, which also breaks down into specific corporation over developing that remote control. how it so, but also when it comes to nitty gritty issues of joint procurement in the future. so both trying to solve previously unsolvable is issues or defense over that very support for you. okay, and the big news here in germany is this possible espionage surrounding germany. as far as the policy, i believe that was also mentioned that the joint press conference. what did the
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sounds to say about last? yes, that was a one question put it to germantown. so it would have salts who had previously spoken on that specific issue. that is a close stuff of the top. com does it hold a fall, right? of tons for germany, a, if the policy was arrested over spying allegations for china allegedly also is spying on a members of the opposition. the chinese opposition here in germany. he really clearly and visited the restrain himself. i'm saying too much because these are ongoing proceedings, but he did say that he was very, very concerned about those allegations of what was going on and received it soon. a also speaking of corporation in that particular field, both the this clearly concerned about interference, not just in the context of e u elections, but as a small mode threat for western democracies. the w as chief political editor. let
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me tell you that, cuz nobody said that thank you so much for that. and that is all we have time for. but stay with us for documentary about north korea's kim, tennessee. i'm a new groups mckinnon. i'll be back to the top of the hour. thanks for watching the do big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in. yet the supply chains does matter. ideal industry, the illegal leather stats may said on d w. good.


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