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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the w news live from the germany, is to resume corporation with the you, an agency that helps palestinians an independent investigation finds no evidence to back up. israel claim that some of the organizations employees to plots in the event the 7th attacks also coming up on the program from california to new us students off stepping up pro palestinian protests. a college campuses, hundreds has been arrested.
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the menu is making and thank so much for being with us. gemini, will resume its cooperation with unreal house, the united nations agencies of palestine. refugees in garza, several countries hold to the funding temporarily during an investigation into the agencies stuff. israel had accused thousands of the agencies employees of being involved in the october, the 7th. the terrorist attacks more than a 1000 donors, including the 2 largest ones, the u. s. and germany suspended the unrest funding. as a result, the recent investigation says that israel has not provided evidence. sutton, unrra employees were members of terrorist organizations. jonathan found that is a spokesman full on rough aisle somalia, for his reactions to the news that germany is going to resume corporation with his
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organization. i mean, this is a course of very, very positive development. i do want to stress that the german, the last month that already come forward with fresh funding of 45000000 euros for our work in the west bank of georgia and syria and 11. and so what we're talking about today specifically is a kind of on locking of the, the remaining suspension on funding for gaza. which is critical moments, of course, given the, the, the normal scaling through my entire process and gaza is absolutely essential that gemini and other, the countries act too hastily when they suspended payments to unread without waiting for a thorough examination of, as well as the allegations. well of course, i mean i'm not in a position to, to be sort of inside the room in terms of the decision making. but what i mean, what, what the state cause was. it was a huge risk, absolutely unraveling of our operations in gaza, but also the cost,
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the rest of the region. and our agency, of course, is the primary humanitarian agency in government, but also working with palestine refugees across the region. so the, the decision when it made, i mean it looked like we were, we were basically gonna have to close up shop in february. but because we had a number of return ease and then germany, posts is not the only government which is listed suspended listed suspicions. we've been able now to, to sort of push out operations protected through to the end of june. and we look the basically the kind of guilty as being postponed over and out of a recent months of the us and come back. but that doesn't mean that the situation is perfect. young june, jonathan sila spoke to us and so on, rather un agencies of palestine, refugees speaking to me a little earlier. now columbia university in new york has extended the deadline for pro palestinian student pro testers to clear the campus by 48 hours. the university says that students have agreed to dismantle
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a number of tents. police have one that they will clear the entire camp. if the demonstrates has failed to leave protests against the wall in garza, i have spread to 2 universities across the united states. several colleges have closed campuses and hundreds of people have been arrested and corresponded, and even the elders group joins me now from columbia university in new york to benjamin. what's the, what's the license that way you? well, what's happening of the, the i'm, you can see a small group of processes that have gathered here. a lot of camera crews also is of course, a lot of media interest is we're following the discussions that are going on between organizes of this so called gather solidarity and companies it's entering. it's because we can also with the president of columbia university, we have this deadline at midnight that the university sat then after 4 am they send out an
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e mail to stop saying that they have made it significant progress thing. and that student protest as i've committed to dismantling and remaining as significant in number of attendance. but we will have to see based out that they will, is still figure out the situation over the next day. 48 hours how this will unfold . but yesterday night we heard of chopper and flying over to columbia university, and we see that the discussions going they have reached a nationwide level already with the secretary of education. but also the wind has weighing in on the discussions. if we see this approach is growing and also moving on to other universities, notes here just in new york, but also it to all the states of the us. many to a students say that they see it for the safety because of these protests, all the and the safeguards in place for students who feel threatened officials of columbia university upset that they are offering additional resources . a full them full, they do is student will have a ride be linked to columbia university,
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the urge jewish students to stay away from campus that's run to that. not right now . they're having hybrid classes, so not of them are coming in to the university. we also had that there was a problem for faculty members or for students who wanted to come in to the university, but they could not. i mean, we have to be a checks now and also for media it's quite difficult to gain access to a campus and to see what's going on there. and in that situation, of course, it what the student rate in the student magazine are doing is very important, having a very good life coverage of what's happening, following the situation a full the last week. and also the discussion is there now going on between a columbia university, what the students that are in thing come in, but also with a protest is that a gathering outside to show support with the pro police teen and it protest as it have been camping inside of the university on that line for a 67 days. okay. just briefly, benjamin, the bite and administration that has of course, come under a lot of pressure for its support of israel among young americans. in particular,
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how is the government handling its response to these process? for the protest, this is not enough going on, but just to give you an example of this break that we see within the democratic party one. this ended yesterday voted on this a bill on israel. we had many lawmakers saying that a military is rel, needs to be conditioned. many of them are criticizing that the bottom industries is not taking this too far, and many, especially of they are up and up. the muslim community say that the by now ministration suits a, do more to put pressure on the government opinion. mean attention to w correspondence and human alvarez group. they're reporting from new benjamin. thanks so much i, as i say, let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. and the european union is cooling for an independent pro until the discovery of mass graves that to gauze the hospitals. the spokesman says there's a suspicion of violations of international human rights. palestinian health workers have discovered hundreds of bodies buried near the hospital. i'm gonna stay
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international is wanting, but human rights across the world, a face then those serious threats and decades, conflicts and goals and new crane as well as the spread of all source era and governments of damaging the world or by violating international that's according to i'm the senior licensed report and ukraine has damage to growth, nest owned oil depots in russia's mullins region and an overnight drone attack. and according to the ukranian s b u security service, the depos contains 26000 cubic meters of fuel and the attack caused major fires. and this was confirmed by russian officials. in recent weeks, ukraine has increasingly targeted russian oil and energy facilities. are ukraine top the agenda and talks between the drum and town so that will show it's on the british prime minister receipt. so not in the in earlier today is the u. k. lead his 1st visit to germany since he took office 18 months ago. also on the agenda during that talks was a joint german and
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u. k. plan to develop remote controlled artillery. we can get more now from the w as chief political editor, mikayla, cuz now who joins us from the chancellor in violin. miss ya, ukraine. obviously a huge topic on the agenda today. tell us a bit more about what folks and so not we're talking about this is really overseas through not the bridge department. it's a cool this inflection point. he called the ministry corporation between particularly germany and britain, the closest it has ever been. and the 1st for us is actually labeling. this is him returning to the world stage. he's just come from poland. now speaking with the drum and sean, so it was quite clear that both on some more competition not to just still label themselves as the biggest supporter of ukraine without putting the other one in 2nd
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place within the european context. and so clearly at both, once again said that they would continue to back at the ukraine. and that is the us house of representatives on the senate passing. that's $61000000000.00 worth of support for ukraine. it didn't mean that the, you prove your opinions don't have to stand up and continue the support at this crucial moment in time. so quite clearly a despite that breaks that, but combined as need to part is a both as this time and to send that signal, a strength and european continuity in backing up ukraine, which also breaks down into specific corporation over developing that remote control. how it's a but also when it comes to nitty gritty issues of doing procurement in the future . so at both trying to solve previously unsolvable is issues on defense over that
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very support. okay. and the big news here in germany is this possible espionage surrounding germany. as far as the policy, i believe that was also mentioned that the joint press conference. what did the counselor say about last? yes, that was the one question put to, to germantown. so all of salts who had previously spoken on that specific issue, and that is a close stuff of the top 10 to the whole, the fall, right? of tons for them. the, if the policy was arrested over spying allegations for china, allegedly also is spying on a members of the opposition. the chinese opposition here in germany. he really clearly visited the restrain himself. i'm saying too much because these are ongoing proceedings, but he did say that he was very, very concerned about those allegations of what was going on. and richie, it's do not also speaking of corporation in that particular field. both the display,
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the concerned about interference, not just in the context of e u election but as a full mode threat for western democracies. dw as chief political editor. let me tell you that cuz nobody said that thank you so much for that. we're going to take you to mexico now west vamos all facing to save a popular late they're adults with big commercial growers who specify legal irrigation systems for advocacy pro and barry or shirts and droughts. deforestation have reduced the lake to haul. it's for my size, lakeside city and a water crisis. mexico's lake pep squad. oh, is drying out partly due to drought, and partly due to beek orchard owners, the late legal pipes, and rivers and streams that b blake. so after this from nearby the lemme devereaux find the piping on routine searches in the mountains the best. so i told him also is the most.
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this is because the last 10 years, the streams on the springs, the river, has been drying up and the water has been captured, helps as many to be used for condos and bearing supplements upon on those people's that what kind of a feel for truth owners pipe water to contain ponds to be crops, they are an estimated $850.00 like this one in the area. the more ponds that come up, the less what are there is for villages and lower parts of the township. the villagers are willing to compromise and offer growers 20 percent of local water from streams . the growers haven't responded. so they continue to pose a pipe and do it every single. like i think we're running a serious risk the ask them killing us for protesting this sunday and demanding what we need from the governmental look. yeah, it is up to the government to do it this sunday and support us. you help us get and
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deliver right. these resources is this, the next day, orchard owners are getting bolder. streams and rivers are drying out. so they're taking trucks to the lakes to pull water out. police started petroleum lake shore to watch for thieves last week. the villages can't afford to lose more water, pet squatter is habits former size. if this vital resource disappears, it could mean still more complex in the end to a way of life. and finally, the greek capital, athens has been covered in dust that was blown. and from this hara it is colored the sky of a land knox, including the acropolis, giving the city a motion like appearance. it's a real treat for photographers, but officials say the haze could also reduce visibility and trick a breathing problems. the sky is all predicted to clear on wednesday as wins shift
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the some heart releases between 60 and 200000000 tons of mineral dust every year. and that is all we put time for our money keeps mckinnon. thank you so much for watching the w. the do you big ocean. the beauty companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over the brazilian. we process the $30000.00, hides a day, 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the,
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the full actually cost awesome comes from in negro cattle farms in the m as in. yet


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