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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news coming july from berlin. germany says it will resume its cooperation with the us agency for palestinian refugees. an independent investigation finds no evidence to backup. israel's claims that some of its employees took part in the october 7th terrorist attacks. also coming up stark and warning about the state of human rights, i'm seeing a national reports the conflicts in gaza and ukraine, as well as the spread of authoritarianism, are damaging the world order by undermining international law and arrested for protesting and is real. we made
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a post and in human rights lawyer charged with incitement of terrorism. after leaving a demonstration in support of gaza. plus us secretary of state mc blinking is arrived in china for 3 days at thomas is expected to raise concerns over tensions in the south china sea and support for tooth brushes. invasion to ukraine is likely to be on the agenda to the hello. i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. germany will resume is cooperation with the owner of the united nations agency for palestinian refugees and gossip. several countries halted their funding temporarily during an investigation into the agency staff. israel has accused dozens of the agencies employees of being involved in the october some terrorist attacks. more than a dozen donors,
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including the 2 largest ones, the u. s. and germany suspended their own ra funding. as a result, recent investigation says that israel is not provided evidence that certain when wrong employees were members of terrorist organizations. well, earlier d w spoke of germany's development, administer about the overall investigation. she had this to say about the agencies work. that report feels very clear that i'm the right is able to do the job here that it's not part of her mazda to separate the phone, them us. and i think these reports of we will lose these analyses. a lot of these reports and data, but the 1st uh, what we see is that this isn't very important for me for to, to show that on the right, it's doing a very good job here. amnesty international has said the world is seeing a near breakdown of international law and its sides,
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multiple complex as the main threats. the annual report on human rights singles out israel and its allies for quote, multiple violations committed in gaza. and also says, china and russia are demonstrating a willingness to destroy the rules based order from your organization said there has been a trail of human rights principles by today's leaders and institutions. i will see the national secretary general condemned, but she called the collective punishment of post indians in guns. so the level of valuation that we have money to unprecedented. we have certainly seen that you guys over the last 6 months, we've done extraordinary number of victims within the civilian population. we use the use of funding as a went from the pool, ways to collective punishment, to impose the palestinians. the interest number of jonah and these keels allowed. just number of you mind me tell you, electives killed a very unprecedented tom to cvn ever recorded. so these
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violations on not only extremely serious, they all. so just so he's riley's, just define all of those violations and the united states hunting. very recently. as going more on this, i'm joined now by our special corresponded abraham. an anesthesia report puts a spotlight on israel's more in gauze. it also draws attention to the october 7th terrorist attacks by hum us. uh, they're pretty serious allegations in this report. are those allegations likely to have any consequences? well, that's exactly what this report is sort of trying to highlight is that despite these allegations, which have been going on for quite some time, it does seem to be that there are no consequences we've seen. and for example, in the security council, the united states acting as a diplomatic supporter for is refer a very, very long time preventing resolutions that would call for
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a cease fire from the passing. and that's basically the point of this report in the way that sort of the meta steam, if you will. what they're saying is, is that post 1948 post the 2nd world war and all of these atrocities the world has sort of come together and decided we're going to have rules and they're going to apply to everyone. and what this report is saying is that this, this idea is failing, but not every one is treated the same way and that the people in, in, in, in, in gaza and, and what the innocent civilians and goals, or would they have injured is, is proof of that, that the system doesn't really cold anymore. and that it, you know, lies the blame, then a defeat of the super powers that are not maintaining that world order anymore. and this not just the united states. the report also singles are russia and china for guilty of their own violations. a 155 countries are covered in this report. germany also gets some criticism. tell us more about that. well, germany is one of the strongest allies and supporters of israel. since it
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historically, but also especially since the beginning of the october 7th war and germany has been accused of the german government. it has been accused of supporting his real despite there being these a serious allegations for example, despite there being a you know, and a legit genocide case against israel at a the i c do. of course the german government maintains that the support for the jewish people is because of its history because of the atrocities and the crimes of the holocaust. and it sees supporting is real and, and it would, you know, critics would say the government of israel, as i, as, as a direct translation of, of that's important, that historic responsibility. and so germany is being accused of double standards, right? because people will look at how much germany, for example, has condemned the killing of innocence in ukraine. it's a condemnation of russia and say, well,
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why is there not that same condemnation when it comes to people in gaza? right. hey, thank you very much. that's our special correspond to abraham student protests against the war and gaza has spread the universities across the united states. several colleges have closed their campuses and switch to remote learning. some universities called in police to break up protest camps. hundreds have been arrested since last week. the administrators fear the citizens could still cathy semitism with some jewish student saying they are afraid to come to campus. those who are protesting, say they're defending free speech. another day. another round of pro jobs, demonstrations columbia as new york campus. as to protests. and to that 7th day charge of anti semitism, a, causing a political crisis with calls for the colleges president to resign. over
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a 130 people were arrested on monday evening as a protest organized by n y u students. the man of new york said, hate has no place in the states. i know what it is, the most the streets. i know what it is to protect post protests as a police offices. this is a different energy that i'm seeing. but the movement is spreading beyond the streets of manhattan with incumbents now occupied in college campuses across the united states. and i'm one of the organizers leading and my teachers for cease fire. and we're out here joining in this encampment because we know as jewish people, our liberation, our safety is tied up in the safety of the palestinians. and it's a 199 of genocide and that's far past the line. the main demand of
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protests is it's for colleges to divest economic ties to israel over it's humbling at the cause of all on with any companies involved in the production of weapons. so that basically campaign is basically that the arguments are the best way to, to the best university, minnesota from what there's many factoring companies that bond faces or do that create weapons that law in places like young men of palestine get the goals are to be specific and all other countries around the globe. how speaking mike jones and he said to visit colombia on wednesday to address spots. he's always called the right the big island on to semitism. but politicians beginning to weigh into the debates in a fee by the election year. seems an unlikely intervention to cool the rhetoric or corresponded ben. you mean alvarez gruber has the latest on the protest from columbia university in new york of the so called gaza solidarity incumbent in
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columbia university is entering its 1st week and with more and more university seeing a dis protests and with the secretary of education. but also the whitehouse waiting in into and what it cost acts of anti semitism. we can see that this discussion has turned into a nation wide discussion. as proteus is outside and inside of columbia university say that we'll continue it, protesting as we'll see, high ranking publications, a visit in columbia to we have the speaker of the house of representative mike johnson, that in a couple of hours will meet with you, which is students and they are in also get a press conference later in the week following her mazda is terror attack on october 7th, last year is rarely, authorities cracked out on protest, criticizing his really military response. how soon and citizens were arrested for participating and protest or posting on social media dw special corresponded. i mean, it's a met with human rights lawyer of med kelly, for who was himself arrested at a protest and charged with incitement to terrorism. in a small apartment in haifa,
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lawyer and activist off monica leaf is under house arrest. after spending $114.00 days in prison, it's an improvement. felicia says he's still essentially a prisoner. that is onto breast it's you can see. exactly. so if you steps outside the apartment with this electronic tag, the police will be alerted, they'll call him on this communication device. and if he doesn't answer, he can be held in violation and sent back to prison. but the worst part for khalifa is that the court ordered him to rent an apartment outside of his hometown where his children live and go to school. they can only come to visit on school holidays like today. the only thing that we did is going uh, doing this demonstration, the price to support of the people for the guys that the under $20.00 and days of heavy bonding on
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october 19th, last year at least helped lead a protest. and he is really town of e mail from where he's from the transit slogans in support of gaza. he says not from us. a video from that day shows him urging the crowd to remain civil. the without the soon after it began, heavily armed police intervened and started arresting people. lisa was one of those arrested. the wanted to teach the other people listen by us. that's why our artist was so so crude khalifa was charged with incitement to terrorism and spent 3 and
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a half months. and the guido and gilbert of prisons where he alleges he was deprived of sleep and food and was beaten by guards as a lawyer who has defended posting and prisoners, the experience was eye opening. i use the thing that's when they say a physical torture that people exact so exaggerated because they want to get thousands of homes and you know, but the, the stuff that we saw, this is amazing. like it's the whole i didn't hold was claims that in the weeks after the october 7th come off, terror attacks, israel's justice system abandoned the rule of law. it's like if you're not with us, you're against us. that is, that's the thing. and they said that to me clearly in my investigation and it's things that make you think, again about everything that you know about the whole system. you know,
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in one night that there was no, no police, no sort of keys and everything changed. i put her leave his claims to his really authorities, the israel prisons service sent me this response. we are not aware of the claims you described, none the less prisoners and detainees have the right to file a complaint that will be fully examined and addressed by official authorities. the israel police wrote the individual in question, participated in unauthorized march, characterized by incitement, where he assumed the leadership role, the israel police will continue working diligently to protect our citizens and will not tolerate individuals endangering public safety through incitement of violence or support of terror. felicia is hopeful that the is really, courts will acquit him once legal proceedings wrap up his life will eventually return to normal. he says, but his face and the justice system has been shaken to the core sketchup on a few other stories making headlines around the world. today,
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$21.00 migrants died and another 23 year missing. after a boat carrying $77.00 people capsized off the coast of jew booty. according to the united nations migration agency, there were several children on board migrant. most of them from ethiopia in somalia, frequently tried cross to human, hoping eventually to re saudi arabia and other gulf notions. russian deputy defense minister timor, yvonne off has appeared in moscow court on wednesday, charged with corruption. the general in charge of military construction could face up to 15 years in prison. divine up is seen as a close associate of defense minister surrogate showing go a law makers in the us senate to pass the crucial $61000000000.00 a package for ukraine. after months of delay, the bill had broad bipartisan support was $79.00 votes in favor and 18 against the
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senate, also approved aid for israel and ty, one present binding promised to sign the legislation on wednesday. you're a secretary of state has the blanket has arrived in china for a 3 day visit. i made growing tensions between the 2 countries blinking landed in shanghai where he's meeting with senior chinese officials and will then head to beijing. it's the top us diplomats 2nd visit to china in less than a year. lincoln is expected to discuss a number of issues including trying to support for russia. us is trying to is helping rushes more effort in ukraine, adding, but it damages us security. how to put limits on our relationship without limits. one is for the emission division us secretary of state, anthony blink, and we'll have to put some distance between russia and china. pushing back on china as well, and russia's war machine will be
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a priority. china continues to provide materials to support versus defense industrial base and all of this is feeling pollutants or machine as he attacks ukrainians and threatens european security relations between the world's top. 2 global rivals had been 10 since early last year, after our chinese bible and flew across the us territory. and for us disputes relating to cell from taiwan. since then, they've thought a little shooting thing he'll be face to face talks with you as president joe biden . in san francisco last november, but the u. s. has kept pressure on beijing, sanctioning chinese firms that ship products to russia. and then really new micro chip export restrictions. the. the us state department of china is supporting russia's war machine by supplying machine tools computer chips. optics, drones and cruise missile technology, russia semiconductor imports from china jump from 200000000 in 2021 to over
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500000000 in 2022. as the war drags on russia's drawing, economic and diplomatic isolation has made its increasing the reliance on trying to its former rival for leadership of the communist bloc. during the cold war, china appears to hold the upper hand and the relationship. washington warns it will hold being responsible at moscow mix gains in ukraine. china shops of criticism insisting it's a neutral party. don't tell you what china has always control your account. both have to use the items and nicole, the regulation compete to relevant country circle, it's me or into the lack of what i know the status of the relations between china and russians. tensions ratcheted up again last week after joe biden called for hire terrace on shining steel and aluminum. lincoln has his work cut out for him.
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the u. s. congress has passed a bill to band the social media platform, tick tock, unless it's chinese owners sells off. it's us assets, lawmakers have been concerned about possible chinese government control of tip talk . bike dance, which owns to talk has denied that it share sense and to the user data with the chinese government. take talk has about a 170000000 users in the us. i offer more, i'm joined out by the lars halter from dw vistas so close. how likely is it that bite dance will actually sell tick tock bump, but it's not very likely at all to. it's actually almost impossible in this for several reasons. first of all, and they have given a bite dance, 9 months to divest, which could technically be extended to 12 months, according to language here in the law. but that is not enough time for a deal of that magnitude. also talking about magnitude,
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nobody knows how to value uh, the us portion of tick tock, but if it would likely be in the 10s of billions of dollars. so they overman could not really make people delete their apps, obviously, but they could ban it from apps, stores a. so once it is banned, you could not download it. no new users could come in. that could also not be any updates, but also be interesting that companies send us could no longer a gift, a web hosting services to bite dance and to tip top. and that means they would probably run out of space at some point for the eclipse and videos, and then just slide a dias load. do me a lot of people used to talk with like a 170000000 users or something in the us. what the, what are those users saying about this? they're not very happy now of, uh, i gotta say half of americans approximately just according to a recent study are behind that band and they want his band. but that's obviously for these political reasons. they've heard the story long enough now over the last couple of years,
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at least 3 or 4 years now that the chinese are spying on us using take talk. so of course you want to the band, but yeah, like you said, a $170000000.00 users. many of them are making money on tick tock, so they are of course against it. and they're speaking up and interesting that there's also the ac on you, the american civil liberties union, they say. and i wonder with the quote to if the us government would band take to get set an alarming told the president for excessive government control over social media platforms. and they say, if you as bands of for an or platform, that book invite copycat measures by other countries. and that obviously is what we're already seeing. because china has just band maita and a maple what's up and threats from its own platform. so they're the talking about other other areas looking at best the use also trying to figure out what to do with tech talk. they also see it as a problem matic will say what's, what's the latest? so that's an interesting thing because we have a totally different story here. not. i'm not related to spying in this particular
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case, but we're talking about this week, especially in brussels. we're talking about a new version of tick, tock, tick, tock, light, that's been launched recently in france and in spain. and it has an interesting option. it new rewards users for watching videos to more videos to watch, the more points you can get. and those points you can actually even exchange for money to be used online or like amazon, which of course is highly addictive. and that was so they see a major problem they have now that you commission has just now asked take double bite dance for a risk assessment report that was delivered just last night. but whatever that says obviously doesn't solve the problem. so this discussion is ongoing loss. thank you so much. last house here from the the business. welcome here in germany, several people been arrested on suspicion of spying for china. the latest suspect to be detained is a longstanding aid to a member of the european parliament who represents the far right alternative for
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germany party. the german government says the espionage act you say accusations are serious. beijing denies any wrong doing jim and prosecute his saint gen g e can. we can fully named repeatedly post on information to china, about confidential discussions that the european parliament gym and media report say this involve debates on security and defense. implications of china is influence on the use critical infrastructure. and he's also accused of spying on people in germany who are opposed to the chinese government. the german citizen has been working as an aid to maximilian crime. he sits in the european parliament for the fall of rice, a f. d party. cross said he had no prior knowledge of the rest of his staff member . he promised that the allegations proved true. genji would be fine on the european parliament to mediately suspended the leg. spy sums a tough images, i need it. it's really time that we have
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a thorough investigation and information. what is going on there, that the so called petri quotes are you know, showing how weak they are in terms of taking money from auto crowds, from all over the world. a week off the gym and chance, little up show and visited china. gemini, has seen several arrests over suspected espionage. but you, i'm an interior minister says the latest case is significant. the father for dash united, the accusations of espionage for china are very serious. and if it turns out to be true that this espionage took place from within the european parliament, would it be an attack on the internal constitution of democracy in europe past the type of democrats? he, in the old process, china has so far officially denied any involvement in espionage, but as the you prepared for elections to its parliament in june. this incident will add to growing fee is the democratic institutions across europe,
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being targeted by foreign intelligence agencies. and finally, passengers on the lift terms of flight, los angeles went through a scary 20 minutes when they're playing tried to land at the cities airport. on tuesday, a live stream recorded the touch and go to landing of the boeing 747 passenger jet, which touch down so roughly that the landing had to be a band and the plane headed back into the sky and landed smoothly and safely about a quarter of an hour later, there was no information about the cause of what's a commentator called the roughest blanding ever caught by the streaming service around. you're watching dw news, just reminder the top story we're following for you this our l. c. international is warning that human rights across the world face their most serious threats in decades. conflicts and gaza and ukraine, as well as the spread of authoritarian governments are damaging the world porter. i
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my lading international law that's caught up next close up the looks of how the oil industry hit its own research for decades . i'm terry martin. thanks for the
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what. what the world looked like this boil companies had told the truth more than 40 years now. for 2 reasons have known that c, o 2 emissions cause global warming. but instead of warning us, they've been seamlessly manipulating the public climate crisis. the oil industry cover up low. so next on d, w. farmers are protesting around the world climate change
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subsidies and competition. some import, threatening their livelihood. how can the world's supply be secured? and to the winners and losers, the actor cultural business of the future made in germany. in 60 minutes on d w, the dig ultimate beauty companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over brazilian reprocess. 30000 hides a day. 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the letter will actually cost awesome comes from illegal cattle farms in the m as
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in yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. process. all that much. illegal leather stats may said on d w, the, i feel like there's always a connection with my ancestors here. i know that every piece of the bar care, every strip of it, every layer that's inside every ring of the tree. there is a part of their dna, there is a part of their energy here because they were here with this trees stood with grass and big for a round.


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