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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw dues coming to line from berlin. students step up pro palestinian protests college campuses across the us from california to new york, make shift comp spring it up in support of people in gaza. more than a 100, the rest are made at columbia university alone, also coming up, arrested for protesting in israel. we made the pounds 10 in human rights lawyer charged with incitement to terrorism. after leading a demonstration in support of gauze and massive down pores and severe flooding, kill several people in this place. thousands in southern china authorities warned more heavy rain is on the way the
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hello i'm terry march. and welcome to the program. so you can protest against the war and go, so have spread to universities across the united states, several colleges have closed off campuses and switch to remote learning. some university called in police to break up protests camps. hundreds have been arrested since last week with us. traders fear the citizens could spoke anti semitism, but the students say they're defending free speech. another day, another round of pro jobs, demonstrations columbia as new york campus. as a protest into the 7th day charge of anti semitism, a, causing a political crisis with calls for the college president to resign over a $130.00 people were arrested on monday evening as a protest organized by n y
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u students. the man of new york says, hate has no place in the states. i know what it is to march the streets. i know what it is to protect post protests as the police offices. this is a different energy that i'm seeing. but the movement is spreading beyond the streets of manhattan with incumbents now occupied in college campuses across the united states. i'm one of the organizers leading and my teachers for cease fire. and we're out here joining in this encampment because we know as jewish people are liberation, our safety is tied up in the safety of the palestinians. and it's a 199 of genocide and that's far past the line. the main demand of
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protests is it's for colleges to divest economic ties to israel over it's humbling at the cost of all on with any companies involved in the production of weapons. so that basically campaign is basically that the arguments are basically to, to the best university, minnesota from what there's many factoring companies that bond faces or do that create weapons that law in places like young men of palestine get the goals are to be specific and all other countries around the globe, how speak to mike jones, and he said to visit colombia on wednesday to address spots. he's office called the ride the big island on to semitism. but politicians, beginning to way into the debates in a fee by the election year seems an unlikely intervention to cool the rhetoric or corresponded benjamin over as gruber, if is the latest on the protests from columbia university in new york of the so called gaza solidarity incumbent in columbia university is entering its 1st week
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and with more and more university seeing a dis protests and with the secretary of education, but also the whitehouse waiting in into and what it costs acs of anti semitism. we can see that this discussion has turned into a nationwide to discussions. approaches is outside and inside of columbia university say that we'll continue it protesting as we'll see. high ranking publications, a visit in columbia to we have the speaker of the house of representative mike johnson, that in a couple of hours will meet with you, which is students and they are in also get a press conference later. amnesty international her. so the world of seeing a near breakdown of international law, it sites multiple conflicts and the rise of artificial intelligence as the main threats. the annual report on human rights, single, single south israel and his allies for quote, multiple violations committed in gaza. it also says china and russia are demonstrating a willingness to destroy the rules based border. your organization said there has been a betrayal of human rights principles by today's leaders and institutions in
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the weeks following how mazda is terror attack on october 7th, last year is really authorities crackdown on protests criticizing. these really military response, posted in citizens were arrested for participating and protest or posting on social media. dw, special correspondent, i mean, is a met up with lawyer human rights lawyer off by a colleague who was himself arrested, out of protest and charged with incitement to terrorism. in a small apartment in haifa, lawyer and activist off monica leaf is under house arrest. after spending $114.00 days in prison, it's an improvement. felicia says he's still essentially a prisoner. that is the best that you can see. exactly. so if he steps outside the apartment with his electronic tag, the police will be alerted, they'll call him on this communication device. and if he doesn't answer,
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he can be held in violation and sent back to prison. the worst part for khalifa is that the court ordered him to rent an apartment outside of his hometown where his children live and go to school. they can only come to visit on school holidays like today. the only thing that we did is going uh, doing this demonstration twice to a support of the people for guys that the under the weather and days of heavy bonding on october 19th, last year, khalifa helped lead a protest and he is really town of e mail from where he's from the chanted slogans in support of gaza. he says not from us. a video from that day shows him urging the crowd to remain civil the economy. without the
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soon after it began, heavily armed police intervened and started arresting people. lisa was one of those arrested they wanted to teach the other people listen by us. that's why our artist was full. so crude khalifa was charged with incitement to terrorism and spent 3 and a half months and the ghetto and gilbert of prisons where he alleges he was deprived of sleep and food and was beaten by guards as a lawyer who has defended posting and prisoners. the experience was eye opening. i used to think that when they say the physical torture to the people exact so exaggerated because they want to get thousands of 100, you know. but the,
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the stuff that we saw, this is amazing. like it's the whole i didn't hold was fairly foot claims that in the weeks after the october, 7th and most hair attacks is really just the system abandoned. the rule of law. it's like if you're not with us, you're against us. that that's the thing. and they said that to me clearly in my investigation and it's things that make you think, again about everything that you know about the whole system. you know, in one night that there was no, no police, no sort of fees and everything changed. i put her leave his claims to his really authorities, the israel prisons service sent me this response. we are not aware of the claims you described, none the less prisoners and detainees have the right to file a complaint that will be fully examined and addressed by official authorities. he gets real police, wrote the individual in question participated in an unauthorized marge
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characterized by incitement. where he assumed a leadership role, the israel police will continue working diligently to protect our citizens and will not tolerate individuals endangering public safety through incitement of violence or support of terror. felicia is hopeful that the is really, courts will acquit him once legal proceedings wrap up his life will eventually return to normal. he says, but his face and the justice system has been shaken to the core. let's take a look now. the few other stories making headlines around the world. lawmakers in the us senate passed a crucial $61000000000.00 a package for ukraine. after months of delay, the bill had broad bipartisan support with $79.00 votes in favor to 18 votes against. the senate also approved aid for israel and taiwan. present button promised to sign the legislation on on wednesday 5 hundreds of thousands of argentines, or protesting. and when, as our, as against the governments move to slash funding for public universities spending
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caught as part to prison. how the mondays, i'll stare at the measures he hopes to pull out, pull ours into the out of a fiscal deficit. but his latest move has sparked a backlash in china, at least 4 people have been killed and more than a 100000. evacuated after heavy rains cause extensive flooding and long dung province. the government issued its highest level rain storm warning on tuesday as rains continued, the boss or the south of the country. major ologist and the megacity of tions and warn citizens. the risk of flash floods was very high. chinese state media said it was a once in a century event. the dw stevie kong is following the story from hong kong. the what's the situation though and that flooded region of southern china?
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well, the unusual and widespread waiting for um, it has started in the south, and part of china lasted for a couple of days making it's one of the rest of the practice rankel in april in the history of a sofa. it has caused, at least for that, and some $60000.00 residents have been evacuated to safety, crowns. and now it has caused like a tens of billions of tens of millions of dollars. i'll come at last in china already. and so now the government is spending up its efforts to uh, send those and image recei personnel to rescue and also search for the missing residents remain the most of all areas. now speaking about the china as the 2nd, the 2nd largest in the, in the southern part of the country is actually one of his most economic import in
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engine onto the country. and also has to popular as the most populous population across the country with populations more than a 100000000 people living in volume problems. so the impact is very great. and in the coming few days, i had the authorities as to upsetting the rain, although that you have is a little bit so far right now to be how much is climate change being recognized by officials in china as a driving factor behind these floods of the weather, weather events in china, it has become more intense. and obviously the reason is that we have also observed a relative breaking brain for invasion and home calling just last year. and according to latest report published by the u was,
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well metro logical organization is set. ashes is the most how it hits region regarding in terms of the climate change, a decisive and a 80 percent of the hydro metro logical events are about like lots and bring forth a pass code south just last year. ready. and so speaking about the tires that we have. so let's just last month in the national political congress in beijing known as the 2 sessions that the government has said of one of the few quantitative climates targets in this plan in 2024. as that is to reduce the energy intensity 52.5 percent in the coming year. that means the energy consumption unit of g d p. but analysts is worry about the actual progress of meeting these targets because of the target seto this year is described as motors and lower them expectations. and
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also um, considering the sewing economy of china um, suffering right now of service. our consent that boats wrecked the government speeds in terms of energy agree, navigation session efforts and all of those a queen policies. because right now, the more pressing issues for china is to say the rates of growth in economy and to support those uh, energy intensity intensive industry. so it could be like a worrying practice for china to separate the uh, in terms of bb. thank you very much. that was the w as be come in hong kong to you're watching dw news from berlin. just reminder of the top story we're following for you this. our students across the united states of set up make shift camps on college campuses to protest against the war. and gossip hundreds have been arrested
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since the demonstrations began last week. a big stay in global us. what's the secret to spending less time stuck in traffic? rappers in vietnam? check it out. thanks for watching. driven by greece. in the 2000 a starch of bank engaged in various high risk business practices raised for ever higher profit. and then the epic demise overdetermined institutions. the dodge of back story starts may 2nd news on the w. the navy guns f have says what name.


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