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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is vito new news life from bullen us doing. it was a piece of rock by unrest as pro palestinian protests spread several us you and what's the piece flow campuses full? the student counts in support of golf on. dozens of students have been arrested, an aide for a german fall right. member of for europeans parliament is arrested on charges is fine for china. it's the latest and a number of the rest of the suspect, the chinese bodies in germany and britain to announce as a shop prize and defense funding from it as diversely select, meet natal, chase,
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and bar. so and face that increases. and that's the thing to protect democracy. the i'm the whole johnny, welcome to the program. student protests against the board and gauze, all have spread through universities. across the united states, several colleges have closed off campuses and switch to remote loading from universities called in police to break up pro discounts hundreds have been arrested since last week. administrators feel the students could still empty semitism, but the students say that defending free speech. another day, another round of pro gas demonstrations columbia as new york campus. as the protests into the 7th day charge of anti semitism, a, causing a political crisis with calls for the colleges president to resign over
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a $130.00 people were arrested on monday evening. that's a protest organized by n y u students. the man of new york says, hate has no place in the states. i know what it is to march the streets. i know what it is to protect both protests as a police offices. this is a different energy that i'm seeing, but the movement is spreading beyond the streets of manhattan with incumbents now occupied in college campuses across the united states. i'm one of the organizers leading and my teachers for cease fire. and we're out here joining in this encampment because we know as newest people, our liberation, our safety is tied up in the safety of the palestinians. and it's a 199 of genocide and that's far past the line. the main demand of
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protests is it's the ecologist to divest economic ties to israel overs humbling at the cause of all and with any companies involved in the production of weapons. so that basically campaign is basically that the arguments are the best way to, to the best university, minnesota from what does manufacturing companies that bomb faces or do that create weapons that law in places like young men of palestine get the goals are to be specific and all other countries around the globe. how speak to mike johnson, he's set to visit columbia on wednesday to address what's his office called the rides and they will and i'm to semitism the politicians beginning to wait until the debates in the private election year seems an unlikely intervention to cool the rhetoric university administrations have been in the spotlight with some deciding to calling police to be paying protest of the w. washington correspondent,
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benjamin nevada. as google has more on that. that's right. some universities like columbia or n y u, new york university has taken that decision. schools are told to send communications if they want n y p d a new york police department to come in. that's what the may or eric adams, the mayor of. uh, new york said earlier today at a press conference, the stress that that's the procedure full private property, and that is different a, with a what and what to do does on the streets for those who are protesting outside of the universities. and that's something that we have been seeing because they're not just protest within the universities, but also supportive who gather outside of the gates of the university to support the students that are setting up. this encampments at columbia university, the students that protested it. and they said that they will keep the so called it guides us all the dougherty and compet until the university divest from companies with it ties to israel. last weekend on sunday, i was they are a covered to this and compliment theory. it's a small, a timeframe that we generally skipped to also get it to campus grounds. and there
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were flyers that were handed out stating that they would remain until the universe to stab. that's all i find interest. so we have to see how that develops and what the steps and university and president and on the all those on management will take now it will look like. and then the next couple of days, dw washington corresponding correspondence, benjamin about his group of them. now let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. hundreds of thousands of origin pinions of protesting and bonus items against the government's move to slash funding for public universities. the spending caught the spot of president tabio release of 17 measurements. he hopes to prologic tina out of a fiscal deficit, but it has foster lead, not just pro. in the us, prosecutors have austin new york jobs defined former president donald trump, for allegedly intimidating businesses in violation of a gag order from being tried for falsifying business records to cover up
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a 130000 dollar payment to an adult fieldstone to keep a silent about them, alleged sexual encounter in germany. now, a series of arrests of taking place on suspicion of spying for china. the latest suspect to be detained is a longstanding aid to a member of the european parliament who represents the fault, right? alternative for germany, bulky, 2 men and a woman have also been arrested. the german government safety espionage accusations of serious vision. meanwhile, the noise, any wrong doing, jim and prosecutors say gen g e can. we can fully named repeatedly post on information to china about confidential discussions that the european parliament gym and media reports say this involves debates on security and defense. implications of china is influence on the use critical infrastructure. and he's also accused of spying on people in germany. who are opposed to the chinese government? the german citizen has been working as an aid to maximilian crime. he sits in the
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european parliament for the fall of rice, a f. d party. cross said he had no prior knowledge of the rest of his staff member . he promised that the allegations proved true, genji would be fine on the european parliament to mediately suspended the leg. spy sums a tough images. i need it. it's really time that we have a thorough investigation and information. what is going on there that the so called petri, what's our, you know, showing how weak they are in terms of taking money from autocrats from all over the world. we come to jim and chance little up show and visited china. gemini has seen several arrests over suspected espionage, but yeah, i'm an interior minister says the latest case is significant. the father for the ask you not the accusations of espionage for china are very serious. and if it turns out to be true that this espionage took place from within the european
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parliament, would it be an attack on the internal constitution of democracy in europe past the type of democrats? he, in the old process, china has so far officially denied any involvement in espionage, but as the you prepared for elections to its parliament in june. this incident will add to growing fee is the democratic institutions across europe, being targeted by foreign intelligence agencies. as for this prime minister, richard still knock has announced plans for a mass of increase in you could defense spending to count on what he called a growing threat to global democracy. so not meet the announcement. don't go visit to warsaw alongside natal secretary general against stall to bug. he also unveiled the details of a new 580000000 euro military, a package for ukraine to include both munition and ad defense and the files. so next i've been increased to britain's own defense budget is necessary,
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as the world is the most dangerous. it has been since the end of the cold war. so today only bouncing the biggest strengthening about national defense for a generation. we will put the case on defense industry on a whole for to one of a central lessons of the war. and ukraine is that we need deepest, don't pause and munitions and for industry to be able to replace them more quickly . we will send you create an additional $3000000.00 pounds sitting $3000000000.00 pounds of support this year. and we'll provide them with a lower just as a package. if you k military equipment. this will include more than 400 vehicles, full 1000000 rounds of ammunition, 60 votes, and i'll show rating croft vital air defenses and long range precision guided stone chatter missiles. when you'll be all state of new corresponding christine, one of the in brussels. what stood out for her during this me thank i was all on the middle east right now, but rache, so next a prime minister of the u. k. was it paints the state that europeans could not
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afford to take their eyes and their sides or false. what was happening in ukraine, ukraine is of course fighting wolf that russian invasion as we speak. and we know that ukraine is coming short in terms of ammunition, and it's also desperately needing a defense capabilities that it has aust its allies for the bridge. prime minister did highlight the fact that west and efforts to help you brain had been stopped in starts and that at times had been piece meal. he said by today's, with today's announcement he was hoping that britain would be taking the lead in, in rallying up allies to once again come around to make strong commitments. not just in the way of supporting and supply and ukraine was miniature, a but increasing defense spending as low as 2 volts figure p, a european security. one of the key things was in the 2 in a when a journalist, us the question about the cost at which this was coming, this, the context of this class is that people in europe are increasingly counting the
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costs. and all these growing populated disquiet about the war if it's about the huge sums of money that will being committed to the war. if it's in ukraine, this, at a time with european public services are seeing the standards declining. i'm talking about people not getting edited access to health care, for example, people really asking the question about whether or not these sums of money are better off having an impact be used in, in domestic a policies and, and, and to, to, to, to increase public spending in their countries, the message from the 2 leaders, the nato secretary general, and the bridge prime minister was to say, it comes at a cost to have a neighbor, an aggressive neighbor like russian that europeans had to pay the price. but this is something that they will have to re around to do that the higher price, the higher cost would be letting me put in guessing a win and ukraine. that would be the greatest cost and everything that is being done to help you create now is essentially making an investment in europe and
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security as christine wanted, while they were reporting from brussels in ukraine, molden to use after the russian invasion border areas of still coming on the mass of shelling a month ago rush, i launched a widespread bombardment of towns and villages, assuming a region in northeast and ukraine, using the files and guided area bones. dw met with the residents of a village called valley copper, safeco, and with former residents who fled elsewhere for safety. the silly region 6 kilometers from the russian border. before the month varmints in march, $4000.00 people lived in the village of a league. peace carissa. now about $500.00 are left. the regional government says russian aircraft dropped nearly 200 guided bombs on the community over 2 weeks and march macola and his wife tomorrow state to take care of their elderly parents.
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that you gave him collaboratively. what, what did they shape for you? my father in law said i was born here. i'm going to die here, and that's it. i have to give him food. he can barely stand on his own feet that the police helped evacuate residents from villages near the border while local authorities organized evacuation buses. some villages are now completely empty. in the lake, a piece carissa local infrastructure was destroyed. the administration building the hospitals, schools, workers were just finishing repairs on the library when the showing started mobile. we have so many projects and ideas, but we didn't have time yet. we didn't have time to do it. now i think we've gone down and looked at that and we're going to store it again for more russian air strikes. could comment any time we asked the mayor of she is afraid to stay on and work here.
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sidney, this is my house. this is my home. i am not afraid to tell him the story. this town about 50 kilometers from the russian border, now shelters evacuated to tell harrowing stories of russian bombardments of sale. it said that everything was flying from the sky or the one something happened to my ear. i have a noise in my head and cannot hear when the explosions are really skating and data, but i didn't want to leave. i didn't want to put the last moment shelter. residents are supposed to move on to stay with relatives or find rental housing needs on clear when it will be safe for anyone to return home. and finally, the greet capital, athens,
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husbands covered in dust blown in front of the heart of it as the color of the sky over landmarks, including the acropolis, giving the city a motion like appearance, truthful photographers, perhaps. but officials say the haze could also reduce visibility and for the present problems. that's all for now. thanks for watching the updates innovation. green the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the carriers subscribe to those channels every friday, subscribe to plan, it's a.


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