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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the dw news law either from berlin, more or rest here in germany over suspected spying for china. the lake is a staff member of the far right alternative for germany party and 3 others have been detained on similar charges. also coming up british plans for a sharp rise of defense spending by ministration soon. next, meeting with data chiefs in warsaw. he says the increase is necessary to protect democracy. the golf is good to have you with this,
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we begin with more arrest here in germany on suspicion of spying for china. the latest a staff member of the far right alternative for germany party known as the a f d. the worker was an assistant to this man maximilian cross. he is the a, if these top candidates hoping to win a seat in the european parliament and elections, this coming jude to man. and a woman were detained hours earlier on. similar charges. federal prosecutors say the 3 set up for companies to obtain research and technology that could be used to help the chinese, they as dw security corresponding thomas barrow has the latest. now on this case, this latest espionage case undoubtedly is turning into a big political story into a big political controversy here in germany, but also into a story that could have wide ranging consequences from a security perspective already we've heard from very senior officials here in but
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in including germany's interior minister nancy phase, i was stressed that if confirmed this would be an attack on european democracy from within. now the i, if the gemini is far right potty has been at the center of this latest controversy, they confirmed that the person who was detained was indeed her name per year of maximilian. todd maximilian caught himself stressing that he only heard of these uh, latest news from press reports that he had nothing else to add. but that obviously if confirmed that will have specific consequences. and china also reacting to this on 2 other cases of alleged spying. basically saying that those reports that, that to discredit tie not this case is also particularly relevant brand because it comes on the hours off to several other people in an unrelated to case we're also detained here in germany for spying, allegedly, for china and on back particular case or not today's,
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but yesterday's case. i actually spoke exclusively to the head of germany's domestic intelligence agency. and this is what he had to say. this is this one on file. so this case is a particular significant screen. we are dealing with a case of proliferation, which also involves weapons new, have this no haul from, from this case shows that china is also active in gemini, on that there are cases of proliferation. here here, 45 jones from the federal officer was involved in the investigation at a very early stage of tiny philadelphia. how many is that me blowing? once the investigation was clear, we were able to handle this case over to the police on the public prosecutor. that's on file show further information pertaining to the case will be released by the federal public prosecutor. so these and 5 become can came at any time is it's not just showing that allegedly spying here in germany is it? so last week i understand we had 2 germans who were arrested, they're accused of spying for russia. so what's going on here,
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as there are differences, according to a security official, is when you look at people who might be spying for china compared to people who might be spying for restaurant in the chinese k security. or if there's lots of stress that china strategy, there could be long term could be wide ranging could be focused not only on political espionage, but also in trying to gather sensitive information from gemini, that could then be used by china for economic purposes or for military purposes when it comes to russia, on the other hand, security officials stress that the impacts could be much more short to say uh, basically also sabotage is something that was related to the case only a few days ago and sabotage specifically to affect for example, gemini support, towards ukraine when it comes to political support and the one hand, but also to military support. on the other hand, what both cases however, do have in common is that, that turning into very important cases. this yeah, for germany, security agencies,
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any particular for germany's domestic intelligence agency, they have a specific task to look at these kinds of spine operations to see what kind of impact those could have here in the country. so it's not necessarily all new government authorities have been warning for quite some time that that could be an increase in spine cooperation is coming from countries such as russia or china. but these cases that we've heard in the last few days are turning really into very sensitive issues, both from a political perspective, but also from a security perspective as well. our security correspondence always buried with the latest here in berlin. thomas is always thank you. several of us universities have closed their campuses and switch to remote learning. as more students joined protest camps against the board. in gauze of hundreds of protesters had been arrested administrators fear of the citizens could stokes in ty, sensitive the new york university warned students to lease before they called in
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police to arrest them. they have been living in 10 camps, setup on campus to protest. israel's war in gaza. it's a movement that has been growing at universities across the us. now some institutions including this one in boston or restricting access to campus to deal with what is happening inside. we were following what was going on at columbia university and were very upset with 100 plus protesters for rest. columbia put out a call to action versus across the country to set up the captains at their schools . so more than 100 students were arrested last week at new york's columbia university for setting up what they called pro palestinian encampments. they were established just as the university's president faced law makers in the us congress . big realtor about claims of growing anti semitism on campus. the university
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has now closed it stores and shifted to online learning. but some lawmakers say this isn't enough. every single one of these college and university presidents will refuse to take action should immediately resign in this phrase. i have never seen a more disgraceful act than what we are seeing on college campuses right now. the confrontation between students and administrators comes as pass over one of the jewish religions, most important holidays that underway. well, some students will take their classes online, maybe at the campus, or staying put as they say for them. it's a matter of justice and free speech. well i asked dw, corresponded benjamin alvarez gruber,
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what the students watch from these projects. that's right. and more and more universities and colleges joining them, the students at columbia university in new york. we just saw the pictures that said that would keep the encampment that was set up last wednesday until the university divest from companies with ties a to israel last weekend. and on sunday was they are not covered. the so called gaza, so late already and temperament and sly as were being handed out, stating that this thing happened would remain until the university davis. all. if finance was negative requests by the university n y p, the police was called a to arrest them. that led to only formal a campus, a demonstrations with seeing right now. and how are we seeing these protests still growing across the us? they are growing and not just at the universities where the encampments are still ongoing in columbia, for example, faculty members joined the students for
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a wall code yesterday morning. most schools are joining these approaches. we see that at n y, u and new york university, the university of michigan, mit that's the massachusetts institute of technology jail. just to give you a few examples, this is a developing story, of course, with more than complements being set up, police making arrest that kid. and while you, on monday night, and universities like columbia announcing that it's canceling in person classes over concerns about the safety of its students. ok. so, and the students are calling for divestment start vestments of a or from is real. why those are these purchased? why are they so controversial beyond their she was the president of columbia university sat is that she was deeply saddened by the situation on campus. she said, and i quote, we cannot have one group dictate terms and attempt to disrupt important milestones like red ation to advance their point of view. that's after they set that they
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would also and be there and keep with the approaches during an upcoming a graduation at the university. and even the white house also released a statement on sunday evening saying that while americans have indeed a right to protest it peacefully and have the rights into peaceful approaches, the calls for violence and physical intimidation. targeting jewish students in the jewish community are placed into the enter, submitted unconscionable and dangerous saying that they have absolutely no place on any college campuses or anywhere on in the united states of america. and on the other side, we have a student organization, columbia students for justin in palestine. they send out also a press release last week and saying that they are frustrated, but why they call these media distraction. focusing on inflammatory individuals who do not represent us and they had it that they for only rejected is saying that any form page, or biggest street bigotry and they oppose it. and they stand against non students attempting to disrupt all solid aries. so we can expect the story to develop
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further as we see more and more schools and colleges. also joining these protests tell a university to divest it from firms in his room dw, as benjamin over as good with, with the latest from washington. benjamin, thank the british prime minister received soon, atkins amounts plans for a massive increase in u. k. defense spending to counter what he calls a growing threat to global democracy. so you next made the announcement during a visit to worse all along side. nato secretary general un stone and back. you also and build details of a new 580000000 euro military aid package for ukraine to include boats and munition and air defense vessels. see next says the increase to britain's own defense budget is necessary as the world is the most dangerous. he says that it has been since the end of the cold. i believe we must do more to defend our country, our interest on our own families. so today only announcing the biggest
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strengthening about national defense for a generation. we will increase defense spending to a new base spelling of 2 and a half percent of gdp by 2030. not stones today, and roys is steadily in each and every year. over the next 6 years will invest an additional $75000000.00 pounds in our defense. meanwhile, the british parliament is passed in controversial build you st. asylum seekers to, for one to 5 minutes to reach you through knack insisting that the 1st flights carrying migrants will leave within weeks. but legal challenges to this legislation . they are expect just after midnight, the 2 year legal impala meant to be stalemate ended order. with this vote in the house of commons, the i'm to the right, 312. the news to the last 237. so the i
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have it, i have it. it's a controversial that has divided opinion in britain and across here, as well as in the one to some see it as an economic opportunity. or i think it to be good for donation considering but in there's no nothing that is better than human to copy the quote as we're very grateful to receive the in progress from the u. k. because this will support the countries development. i'm not sure it's correct to the hosting them as an opportunity to us, as for wanda, is because they have skills which still share with us. so you understand that this is a profit for us of is look at it from an ethical and historical perspective. color of it why 2 and one is history. we had many refugees kindly as a result of the genocide against the to the right. and we got help from the neighboring countries. so we support the refugees that the 2 because we understand
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deeply it's good for them to come on and good for us to host them on the la hotel. now in england. and does is like this man who wished to remain anonymous and not so sure where you're going to find that goes for these people who uh so the, it's like we have a graduated, but we've noted that you had the jobs, we are out there searching for jobs, british prime minister officially. so next phase, the 1st deportation slides, but just a few weeks away. and with immigration, a key issue among voters in europe. it's likely that topic governments will be keeping a close eye on the policy success or failure. you're watching dw news coming up next, close up looks at what the big oil companies have known for years about climate change. i'll be back in the top of the hour with more of old news. i hope to see you that the,
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the big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in. yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry. the illegal of the stats may said on d w.


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