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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news, live it from the land, ongoing or recovery efforts at the sites of the mass graves in dogs, a look and say they have recovered nearly 300 bodies at a hospital in the city of hon. unit full. so coming up on the program, we visit a small ukrainian city, close to the russian border. community twana pos, it's people trying to put themselves back together. often sleepless nights, the russian bombardment and the pressures parliament cost was a controversial bill to the port asylum seekers to rewan that the prime minister and 5th, the 1st lights will leave within weeks. the
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money keeps mckinnon. welcome to the program. garza is how most controlled civil defense agency says it has been covered almost 300 bodies buried in a mask. right. the agency says some of the dead had no closing. it was uncovered inside the nasa hospital complex and the southern city of con eunice, the hospital was ready to twice by is ready troops and is no longer operational israel's military. so that is checking the information which has not yet been independently verified. meanwhile, a new independent report says, israel has failed to provide evidence for its claim, the members of the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees. what involved in terrorist activities? now the review was commissioned by the u. n. following is really allegations that 12 on russ stuff were involved in the october the 7th one month terror attacks. it
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concluded that on raw has procedures in place to ensure it's neutrality that, that, that is room for improvement. i also the w's, tanya explained. my who's in jerusalem, how is ro is responding to this report about audra? it is that it has responded in a form of a tweet from the foreign ministry saying that that's according to so long a possible to determine. but when the ends and right how most ends and a very much criticizing the report as saying that it ignores the severity of the problem. and the severe infiltration of homos that when right is part of the problem and the part of the solution. and this has been to stands all alone after the serious allegations raised by israel, that some of the staff members buy one robot involved in the october 7 a terror attacks. now this report had been prepared by the french for a minister,
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cuz we colonda and a 3 human rights organizations that have been working on it for the 3 long past 3 months. and this report had been released last night and as you said, they have a said there are enough safeguards and procedures in place to ensure and that's what they were looking at. the know, try that the of the organization that they recommended. and several points to toughen up those safeguards, especially also when it comes to the vetting process where list are has been in the past already often staff members that are employed by um and what has been submitted to is really of socrates. but they also said that a so far as well, it has not provided a more evidence as to the other cations of the staff members. we also understand as another internal investigation, a ongoing about those particular stuff. members that has not been published yet, but the question is now of course many countries have
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a suspended of funding. some have restarted the in the meantime. and now the question is whether other countries are really followed suit. okay, and can you, can you also give us a quick update on the mass grave in, in gaza that the mouse around health authority says has been uncovered. what are the officials saying about that? well we don't have the full pictures there yet, but the civil defense forces there. and then i'm also socrates and goals have said they have found so far over 280 people in a temporary burrow side and the courtyard of the uh no sir. hospital now is run has in the process of identifying those being very to is run has said they're checking those reports that have not commented on that. of course that comes know of to is ro withdrew from a 100 units in the beginning of april. and we understand that many of the relatives of people this i'm head sort,
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i also showed the hospital which was then where the army was also operating. and they said they, they going to, to looking for the last ones and to basically be able to bury them in an improper a graveyard. tonya, i think so much for the update that's t w's. tanya came a reporting from jerusalem. now tensions between israel and iran has put the spotlight on terence nuclear capabilities. the west, the keys is around if using it's civil and nuclear program as a cover for developing weapons, which it denies is for hahn, is that the halts of iran's nuclear program. this conversion plant is located outside the city. powered by 3 chinese applied research reactors, it produces fuel for a run civilian nuclear program. these images were short in march, 2005,
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with raising a secret weapons program here to run those denies it is developing a nuclear bomb. in 2015 after long negotiations, western nations still continue with around to stop it becoming a nuclear power to run and got released from sanctions in return for accepting limits on these new key activities or with college. political will mutual respect and leadership with the limits on what the word was hoping for. the following year, a new president's moved into the white house in 2018 he made good on one of his election promises. i am announcing today that the united states will withdraw from the a ran nuclear deal without us participation. the agreements quickly unraveled a range and engineers got back to work and progress has been swift. so you and nuclear watchdog stays around is now producing uranium close to weapons grade
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levels. these passivity is attempting targets for opponents of the rain, univision team. in 2010, a computer virus crippled operations at the time. no one has ever accepted responsibility, but many believe a virus was developed about the us and israel. the tense was again, but target in 2021. the power went out to set to can, which means backed by months is not included an act of nuclear sabotage and blamed israel back into the present day footage. claim to have been shots of the is for hon. facility to run sites with sites have is safe and damaged. following is right . it will strike or the rough l gross is the director general of the international atomic energy agency. he's planning a visit to, to around to verify it runs potential nuclear capabilities and an exclusive
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interview with the w. he told us what his strategy will be once he gets the what i would say is that the event should go break more. and this is, this is clear. so more than a message, i will be there to try to book these things back on track if they want to be believed. and i don't have a problem with that because we don't have an, an on to on tight uranian a gender. but what we say is we, we, we need to verify, we need to be able to have on better access, we need to have the possibility to see what do we need to see if they don't have anything to hide. as they say so vehemently why they are not cooperating with us and the way they should. so this more than the message will be, i hope i sincerely cold. will you be a serious conversation to put things back on track because we have not on try as we should at this moment, or fail grossi? that is the director general of the international atomic energy agency speaking to
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dw, now, in ukraine, more than 2 years. also, the russian invasion border areas are still coming on the massive shelling a month ago. russia launch the wide spread bombardments of towns and villages in the sumi region in northeastern ukraine, using missiles and guided ariel buttons. the w met with residence of a village called village peace, a rifka, and was former residents who fled elsewhere for their own safety. the silly region 6 kilometers from the russian border before the month, garments in march, 4000 people lived in the village of a leak of peace. carissa. now about $500.00 are left. the regional government says russian aircraft dropped nearly 200 guided bombs on the community over 2 weeks and march macola and his wife tomorrow stayed to take care of their elderly parents
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so that you're getting a collaborative us. what if they shape for you? my father in law said i was born here. i'm going to die here, and that's it. i have to give him food. he can barely stand on his own feet that the police helped evacuate residents from villages near the border while local authorities organized evacuation buses. some villages are now completely empty. in the legal piece, carissa local infrastructure was destroyed, the administration building, the hospitals, schools, workers were just finishing repairs on the library when the showing started for the mobile. we have you for we need project from ideas, but we didn't have time yet. we didn't have time to do it, because now i think we've gone down and looked at that and we will restore it again . for more russian air strikes could come at any time. we asked the mayor of she is afraid to stay on and work here.
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sidney this is my house, this is my home. i'm not a free to to the store. this town about 50 kilometers from the russian border. now shelters evacuated, to tell harrowing stories of russian bombardments the social. this of everything was flying from the sky or the one something happened to my ear . i have a noise in my head and cannot hear when explosions are really skating on data, but i didn't want to leave. i didn't want to put the last moment shelter. residents are supposed to move on to stay with relatives or find rental housing needs on clear when it will be safe for anyone to return home will soon be region isn't the only border region under attack by russia. i off dw
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correspondent current carleen, a trim lloyd, how things are looking along the front lines. yeah, as well, as you know, russia has been intensifying is the tags and the whole eastern region. we so yes, so you, for example, that tarkey, if you crank 2nd biggest city, had been attacked heavily, even the tv tower was destroyed. fortunately though no one died because the employees were hiding. but this intensified attacks that are being held by the people living not only the frontline cities but also here. the capital in key is yesterday. we had several attacks in the middle of the night at around 3 am. 4 am. so you can really feeling you praying that this attacks are been intensifying and also that you created military set that up to 500 strikes, kind of cure in a region every day. and that is of quite
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a lot. that is absolutely an extraordinary intensive soon enough. to really make a difference on the ground now. so that's a great question. yes, we're expecting the senate to pass that bill a today and president by then already said that he will sign the bill as soon as it's ready. we do know also that the pen to them is preparing a to deliver a bad what pins a military 8 as soon as possible. also, members of the house of representatives have said that it will take days, or perhaps we weeks to deliver that to military 8 that is urgently need it to your ukraine. we're talking about mainly about defense systems like a to comes but also artillery shells. and this is pre say, precisely what he prayed at means will this help a well, yes, of course it will help a president celeste. he said, yes, say for example, that all the attacks that we saw in harkey, which has been avoided with more air defense. and that is also what soldiers are
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telling us and are telling our colleagues at the frontline cities they do need more munition. but of course, this is not the only thing clear that they need to. um they also need more soldiers . okay, and a quick question about the mobilization little that was post and you create a few weeks ago. is this going to help to boost the number of the training and troops? that is the big goal you play need so to be so 150000 more soldiers. and that is what this m. abbreviation, the law is, is trying to do their new centers where people can voluntarily sign up to help you cravings of forces. the age has also being lowered from $27.00 to $25.00 and for military aids are at for military service. and also they are more restrictions for the ones who are trying to avoid this military service. like for example, the penalty they would have to pay that is up to $600.00 a year as a per person. right currently. no,
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thanks so much for that update. that's the w's. how early, not familiar reporting from. let's take a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and police have arrested thousands of students that have pro palestinian demonstration at new york university. hundreds of protest as many of them jewish protested despite the compass warnings, not to invest, ease across the u. s. of seem similar protests since the israel, how much conflict began and up to the last year. argentina is president. javier mulay says the country has an economic sub plus in the 1st 3 months of the year. and i was the 1st time since 2008 that knowledge and tina hasn't had, hasn't run deficit for an entire course. however, the critics say that his harmful stairs, he meshes on damaging the economy. now persons paula that has post a controversial bill to send asylum see cuz 2 or one of this comes up to 2 years of
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publicity approve the legislation officer, a mattress on tussle between the upper and lower chamber of parliament. the when license of the nice, the british prime minister refused to act, is insisting the 1st lights carrying microns will leave within weeks. but the bill is expected to face legal challenges. a desperate people making a desperate crossing migrants take rubber boats across the english channel. a 32 kilometer journey to seek asylum in the u. k. britain, this conservative government has made its plan to deport the asylum seekers to rwanda. the centerpiece of a policy intended to deter people from making the crossing. in april 2022, the home secretary struck a deal with the want as for an minister to send people there while their claims were being processed. a 6500 kilometer flight from britain to central africa. the u . k. has already invested over 200000000 euros in the plan. hotels and rolanda had
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been converted to lodgings for migrants. still sitting empty. as the plan soon ran into legal challenges, the 1st flight scheduled to depart a military airbase in june 2022 was a boarded. u. k. supreme court ruled the scheme unconstitutional and saying it could lead to human rights abuses that prompted the government to introduce a new bill, declaring that rwanda is a safe country, despite the history of mistreating migrants. the bill also order is u. k. courts to ignore the countries own human rights act, as well as international rules on refugees, on the un human rights office wait in last months. the combined effects of his bill attempting to shield government action from spammed, the legal scrutiny directed on the call to basic human rights principles. supplements, comb with folks that international human rights and the sign number related obligations find legislation. we urge the u. k. government to take all necessary
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steps to ensure full compliance with the case international legal obligations. other critics say the plan isn't just on lawful and humane, but wasteful, and expensive to one government assessment says that removing an individual would cost $63000.00 pounds more than keeping them in the u. k. it's also unclear just how much of a deterrent effect the plan would ever have. despite all that, there has been calls within the european union to adopt a similar scheme. eager to cut down on migration other countries the, the plan as a possible model. are you k correspondent charlotte telson? pill has been following events in london. hi that charlotte. so this bill is finally set to become low. can you talk us through mondays? events and in the british parliament to yeah, absolutely, and this is, is in the making re, to years since this legislation was us for,
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i suppose since then we month sold in phone and fax it back and forth between the, the house and the low a house support funding, including the 9th, was points against this one on the hours of the morning. and then of course that the next legal boxes as well. the supreme court see being that the policy was on the bus last night and the upgrade to the house, to the on the left to the house. deciding it was time to fax, down the americans to this down the policy. and in essence bound down to the alexis health department. this is a pretty big moment school funding. this is what she see, not just a key policy is not the key policy of the initiative. and what's expected to be an election yet, say the need for if it's an option here. so he and the governments say this is a month, month, month. but for critics, if this actually means right,
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some pain is to see the money they think here. uh so why has been so contagious? the so go, well the pursuit say that this is a more they say like she would want full and they point out that it's, it's a very expensive not for them to be effective for putting on the other hand, they really do say that before us is that the car is still seeing people from making the blue cross in the stages of the chart on our not. so i'm testing so far, and there are a lot of questions about how to say it's a very controversial, but as you say, a victories, a prime minister richie. so not, he's pledging that the 1st flights the posting migrants to rewan the will leave in 10 to 12 weeks. come. what may, how realistic is that given how controversial this is? i said nothing will send in more ways to get lights
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off the ground. but i think we can understand, given the complex, i just laid out that how long as we say that one, there is a lot of skepticism from members of the public. indeed funding the system issues that wants to take off in spring. the pay is now not uh, not going to happen now. i mention the specs a long waiting 50 bucks this months. yeah. as individual to expect to be blown beyond that should take off the ground. there's a lot of questions about how many people on them and how long this policy is the same position as much as much sean, and thank you so much for the update about solid telson silver forcing from london . now at least 4 people have been killed following days of torrential rain full in self and truly not more than a 100. thousands have been evacuated because of flooding and land slides in going
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don't provence quin yang quin wrong is one of the worst effective efficiencies. scientists say climate change is lessening the effects of flooding in the region. cctv 1st, which captured the moment the bridge was washed away, i'd sure. and instead for pressing kwan don't video, sheltering de lice gives a clearer picture of the damage. in another town, the streets was turned into a raging river. scooping up this car under their large object the several days of dime pours of so the chinese province destroying homes farm landed businesses. rescue workers have been racing to evacuate. those trapped by the daily hundreds of school students were stranded in their dormitories until help arrived. brought them to safety, have a cup to us of also being deployed to assist villages,
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hit by land slides and fly the injured for treatment to a quantum is prone to summer floods, but they've started much earlier than usual. a precipitation records for april have already been broken in many parts of the province. the tents, the populated region is located in the pro river delta. i'm just china's manufacturing heartlands to go. it says flood defense is in place, but there and also equipped for the extreme weather events that scientists say are becoming more intense and unpredictable because of global warming. symbol, we can cross over to sabi and crates, mind who joins us now from the aging. so fabi and we're seeing some really dramatic footage there it looks quite bright and sunny where you are. but so what can you tell us about the situation in one building right now? yeah, actually here in beijing in the north, the way that has just cleared. but in the south and the province of quantum,
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they've already torrential rain falls. actually over several days. state media have caught them once in a century, a rain falls. and if you look at the recordings, then you know, some town to record at the highest precipitation since the beginning of the official statistics so that it's really dramatic. and at the consequences, a mess of we know that um, you know, a whole district of cities are flooded um, more than 100000 people have evacuated and sold 5. we know, according to official numbers that are roughly a handful of people have been found that and in other it doesn't also missing, but i expect those official numbers to go out because of just today, the local government has issued the rent a lot. that's the highest a warning in terms of rain falls for today, so the situation could escalate further. okay, china is the well biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, which obviously feed into climate change. do you see any change at all in chinese
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environmental policy? it will to yes i do. so china is the biggest polluter. that's one side of the story. but the other side is that china is also leading in terms of renewable energy. and the growth of the capacity that has been installed every year is growing and growing. and last year, for example, um china has installed most solar panels and then the u. s. for example, and it's whole history. so it's really quite, quite mess of. but of course, you could say that it doesn't go fast enough, but i mean in terms of goal is that the government has set the target is to have a peak of a c, o 2 emissions before the 2030 and according to experts, china is actually on track might actually achieve that goal a way before 2030. so actually that is really and people end messages on the one hand as a c o 2 is not peak yet, and they are called power plants being built. but on the other end as a mess of increase up throwing up pentodes wind turbines, etc,
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probably and fits my reporting from beijing and saw the and thank you so much for that and that is all we have time full, i minute groups, mckinnon. thank you. so much for watching dw adult film is coming up next. so stay with us about the
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spring kind of follow the woman, but i'm not a man either. not
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a 3rd option or anything else. i just don't have a genders. robin has fair to become the family and friends react to the change and the partner, not a man notable in age and the next day. respect its own about walking waves and texting nature. that's right, sandra, respecting nature, studying the new data. it's about being up to date with current ideas, technologies. i'm trying to eat co way of life, the environment magazine, the co africa in 60 minutes. on the d, w, the,
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the big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in the yes, the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chains, profit, all that much illegal as a stock may said on d w, the spend kind of how i'm not a woman but i'm not a man either. i'm not a 3rd option or anything else. i just don't have a gender for my not to for my transition with hormones in surgery,
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and i was like as completely as female advices. that hurt me a lot of the time this i'm just, i'm not physically, but psychologically happened is a m c. shoes is new. i take the hormones because i enjoy feeling more masculine, most cleaning teeth, but that doesn't make me a man of this month to month. yeah, the one who sits in speaker, i'm going to look at myself and.


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