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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news. now i from bull in a mosque re pop, happens to be uncovered in garza and rescue workers. they, they have found nearly 300 bodies at a hospital in the city of con eunice and investigation. find israel has failed to backup. its claim that you went refugee agency work as members of terrorist organizations. the, i'm the welcome to the program. come off controlled civil defense agency save
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health workers have on couple of the bodies of 283 people buried in a hospital coach you out in the southern city of con eunice. they said they found the apartment mosque roof at the hospital. the agency say some of the dead had no clothing dislikes previously rated by israeli forces, as well as military analyses that just checking the information which has not been independently verified. dw correspondent condo cramer in general. so i'm told more about the bodies that have been found. i mean, they're more details coming out and this is not obviously the end of it, as he said, the civil defense forces. they have said that they have found at least $200.00 bodies in a ma squared which is located in the courtyard of the or no so hospital and this goes back. they say when there has been heavy fighting, a military operation by the is really military in hon. eunice in january of
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february, which ended sometime an early april. now hun eunice is the 2nd largest city in the gaza strip that had been heavy fighting going on. and from the eye witnesses at the time, but also from medical and g o. as in the medical medical stuff in the hospital, they were talking at the time about heavy fighting around the hospital for us. but also a siege said it was very difficult for medical teams or for a patients and injured people to reach the hospital. and then with the is there any military entering also the hospital that was in february now with uh the uh army withdrawing. uh we're seeing now on these uh uh, grades uh, being uh and discovered how most so. so he said have said some, as he said, were found without a close somewhere killed there. we heard at the time from many arrests being made
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and the it's really military so far has not commented on. the 1st thing is checking these reports and checking the information and be hearing from palestinians from hon. eunice and from eye witnesses there, that there are many relatives now that the fighting, at least and, and this hospital has stopped where, you know, the is really military. they've done this also in other hospitals, entering hospitals because they are saying that these are come months and as of how mazda we're also looking for assigns of the hostage. so it's really all such as being housing garza or potentially for bodies. but right now, for many families and relative, they're going back to their to look for the last ones and take the bodies to bury them in a proper a quite a few hours, dw, corresponding tanya cream other injuries. now a new report stays as well,
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has failed to provide evidence backing up its claim. the members of the un agency for palestinian refugees, both members of total risk groups. the review panel was commissioned by the you. one following is rarely allegations. the $1200.00 rust off board involved in the october 7th from us, tentative tax that is an ongoing investigation by the humans office of intent to move aside into those claims. former french foreign minister kathleen colona. let the review group. the report found that role has mechanisms and procedures in place to ensure that's neutrality, but there is room for improvement loan. some events could quote for examples, instances of a staff publicly taking size post countries, textbooks that could sometimes content contains some program added content when, when go further in the report for that as well as politicized union making. it did
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happen operational descriptions on making sure it's against the management that's get more on this from the w. washington correspondent, benjamin a lot of school by hi ben. what does this report really tell us and what does it not? it test off its own role and a regular basis, applied israel with a list of its employees for reading and that the is there. a government has not informed this organization of any it concerns relating to staff based on these list since 2011. the report also states that on russ screens, the names of all potential recruits against you and system database. it includes also a u. n. is sanctioned list. the report says that own right established a number of mechanisms and procedures to ensure compliance with the many terry and principle, and with the emphasis on the principle of no charlotte to just to give you a scope of this process. and on week long review route conducted more than 200
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interviews made with is riley. and also with the police team, you know, stories. it directly contacted 47 countries organizations with many field visits to the headquarters facilities in amman and jerusalem. the westbank and other a visiting also all the stakeholders. what's important to you and what the report does not tell us. and that's important, something that we need to highlight. she is that this report was commissioned to review on drugs. know charlotte and not to investigate is really allegations that 12 and breast offers participated if you have cobra 7th, that tactful. that. antonio gutierrez, the secretary general, ordered the us internal, watched to conduct a separate investigation, and we would still waiting for the results from that investigation. what last month us congress also passed and know that suspended funding to one rough another you because of the allegations by as well. so with this report reverse of decision. so that's right. only last month that republicans in congress added this year long
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funding ban on site government spending package. meaning that the u. s. contributions are on hold until march of 2025 of next year. but the bottom administration has continued to publicly acknowledge a, the importance of this organization for the region saying and place an indispensable role in gaza. something that the us something the washington also stated in january when it temporarily cost additional funding for on bro. with this new bill that blocks us funding to and fro until march of next year, washington will need to increase its cooperation with other un no guns. ations like for example, that you enrolled food program and we can expect other corporations between it. washington on one side of the u. n. organizations. now the washing will not continue funding on one of the w. washington correspondent benjamin, out of out his google. thank you so much. a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. the hash money twila
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foremost president donald trump has opened in new york. he's accused of falsifying business records to cover up a $130000.00 payment to a for an act to, to keep assignment about in the alleged sexual encounters. the 1st of a criminal trial perform when he was president. when we now just at least 4 people have been killed off the days of co venture, waiting full in southern china. little than a 100000 has been evacuated because of flooding and non slides. authorities say many thoughts of going down provence, broke records for monthly rain for european union. following with this, those meeting and lock, some book have agreed to extend sanctions on yvonne by tightening restrictions on the drawing in weapon deliveries. due metro's to single out in his files and drones and the potential fonts for to russia and troops acting on everyone's behalf of the a controversial bill to send those items. the cost of bundle is on the wedge of
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policy and the british parliament. the government amended the legislation after the supreme court ruled that a previous plan could lead the human rights abuses. the prime minister insist the 1st flights carrying migrants will leave within weeks. a desperate people making a desperate crossing migrants take rubber boats across the english channel, a 32 kilometer journey to seek asylum in the u. k. britain, this conservative government has made its plan to deport the asylum seekers to rwanda. the centerpiece of a policy intended to deter people from making the crossing. in april 2022, the home secretary struck a deal with the want as for an minister to send people there while their claims were being processed. a 6500 kilometer flight from britain to central africa. the u . k. has already invested over 200000000 euros in the plan. hotels in rolanda had been converted to lodgings for migrants. still sitting empty. as the plan soon ran
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into legal challenges, the 1st flight scheduled to depart a military air base in june 2022 was a boarded u. k. supreme court ruled the scheme unconstitutional and saying it could lead to human rights abuses that prompted the government to introduce a new bill, declaring that rwanda is a safe country. despite the history of mistreating migrants, the bill also orders you k courts to ignore the countries own human rights act, as well as international rules on refugees. the un human rights office wait in the last month. the combined effects of this bill attempting to shield government action from found the legal scrutiny directed on the call to basic human rights principles. supplements, comb with folks are international human rights and assign them related obligations by legislation. we urge the u. k. government to take all necessary steps to ensure full compliance with the case international legal obligations. other critics say
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the plan isn't just on lawful and humane, but wasteful and expensive to when government assessment says that removing an individual would cost $63000.00 pounds more than keeping them in the u. k. it's also unclear just how much of a deterrent effect the plan, whatever has despite all that, there has been calls within the european union to adopt a similar scheme. eager to cut down on migration other countries the, the plan as a possible model are you k corresponding charlotte chosen pills in london has followed the day in both parliamentary chambers where the new ro, bundle bill was being debated and has been paused. charlotte, that debate went on for hours. why is that? yes, indeed. speak news this evening to me is in the making as it is punctual fashion legislation makes me go back to have this next feed,
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a back and forth in palm. and since you've been talking about that, and now finally this bill, a set to come to this really is a big victory for the prime minister. again, where she's seen that reading has things to premier a shift on this legislation that i keep all the people the key policy for him in a crucial election. yeah. now why? because up in this no, back and forth. well, there's a lot of strange feeling on both sides of this debate. a critics of this legislation say some more. uh some say its its fox expensive. uh and uh break human rights legislate. busy action components of this legislation say that it was it the parents to try and stop say, just the legal migrant crossings across the channel. a lot of that is in question and not what do you have to know by consoles uh,
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last weeks between the 2 houses. the problem is, finally though, this evening the, the house, the house knows on alexis house. i just saw that it was time to fax down the changes that he was trying to make found down essentially to the electrical well permanent. she still not has also pledge but full slides, the folding migrant storage on the will leaving 10 to 12 weeks cold. come what may, can he really keep the promise or well this is a big by means of the day will be tomorrow. it will be a big talk for him to celebrate this, this legislation being pos, they're all still a lot of questions about how this is going to what logistically and all to so much back and forth. a lot of skepticism as well. i also among members of the public he did sent out today the prime ministers and the just to go to some of the questions that have been moved. randy know that this legislation that takes off their child
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to flight and then it ready to go. and it's, uh, they're all steps in place to make this happen to say, what is skepticism about how this is going to, what is it, whether or not flight school gets off the ground as to whether or not the date is they do? it will says, is it terrance a lot of people pointing out this as people have to be sent to were wondering some numbers to stop death for people trying to make the crossing across the channel. the question then as well about what happens in the longer time with the opposition, maybe policy expected to win the next selection, not in favor of this as pledging to scrap it. so it's like steve, the question is, how long about beautiful charlotte chosen feeling? love them. thank you so much. i to that's all for now up.
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next. all on wales takes a look at by emmanuel cons ideas of the relevant today. i'm the whole jewelry. thanks for watching. good. by the, the 2nd the is, it is someplace power into the more people than ever on the move worldwide in such a base in life. when it tries to get it in cardboard, that's the, that's the image and find out about bailey story. info, migraines, a man turns people's thinking upside down, his profession philosopher, his name and my new account. his motto,
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dare to know. that was pretty.


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