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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news lies from berlin, a boss grave. i'm covered in garza civil defense themes, find a piece, $200.00 bodies at the hospital, in the city of con eunice posts coming up as tension between each round and eat on the spotlight. on the 3rd, all the new care programs, we speak exclusively to the year ends, atomic energy chief refund process details due to a new era and must be more transparent. and it's beginnings with the outside world . and that the united states stands down another circle upon american troops.
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charles naples rose with definitive means as both nations pushed back against china's drawing influence in the region. the management of you're welcome to the program, civil defense teams and gaza have discovered at least 200 bodies, buried in a hospital courtyard. in the southern city of con eunice, the most grave was found in the mass to medical complex, which was previously rated by is rarely false. as a civil defense books been said, some of the bodies had no clothing indicating they may have faced sculpture and abuse. israel's ministry say it is investigating the reports he's relatives of getting it out to precise unlimited operation at the hospital. the depth of jerusalem protest funding to back out of it as, as mall. when it's difficult to think of those words, as you rightly suggest,
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the precise isn't exactly the words springs to mind when you hear the stories and you see the pictures coming out of nasa at the time in february when the id is conducted. that rate and then retreated. they did say that it was a precise attack. they said they made some $200.00 arrests and in fact, as they retreated from that hospital, they didn't fact cleaned up some of the area and less food shipments extra food shipments. so the people that were left behind, but that's really encountered to count it to what we're hearing from eye witness accounts on the ground, many of whom saying they were terrified that they couldn't leave the compound, that they were suffering there without food or water. and now we're of course, getting these reports and hearing all these stories of this mass. great, but has been found as you say, that figure rising 1st. it was around the 50 miles and it went up to more than $100.00. and now we're looking at 200 also that number likely to grow as we, as we know that some 500 people are on,
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accounted for at least in the one unit area, and many more in other parts of garza. so as the idea for treating as the civil events are able to kind of get into many of these areas, it's likely that we'll see more here of more of these depths. as he mentioned, many of the bodies are reportedly of, you know, when they could or, and showed signs of abuse. now the idea of hasn't commented on this, as you rightly point out, they say they're investigating the matter and we may or may not hear something from that investigation. discovery, the corresponding tobacco data is the in jerusalem. now the head of israel is going to treat intelligence unit has resigned for failing to prevent the mazda attacks. on the 7th of october, and around 1200 people were killed and 250 others kidnapped. major general are on highly advise the 1st seniors really figure to step down over the attack. i'll leave us a bit under, he's come on the intelligence detective. it did not fully fairly its task. he says
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he would carry the pain of the war with him forever. are invited to attention to the theme as well. and iran have done to spotlight them, turn on new 50 facilities. the west accuses you're on of using it's civil nuclear program as a cover for developing weapons, which it denies is for hahn, is that the hall to be runs nuclear program. this conversion plant is located outside the city. powered by 3 chinese applied research react to is it produces fuel for a run civilian nuclear program. these images were shots in march, 2 10051 of the rare occasions the well got just the inside deep underground in the why. the problem is of is the hon. it's been a tons uranium enrichment facility. west a nation say around is operating a secret weapons program here to run those denies it is developing
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a nuclear bomb. in 2015 after long negotiations, western nations still continue with around to stop it becoming a nuclear power to run and got released from sanctions in return for accepting limits on this nuclear activities with college political will mutual respect and leadership with the limits on what the word was hoping for the following year, a new president's moved into the white house in 2018. he made goods on one of his election promises. i am announcing today that the united states will withdraw from the a ran nuclear deal without us participation. the agreements quickly unraveled a range and engineers got back to work and progress has been swift. so you and nuclear watchdog stays around is now producing uranium close to weapons grade
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levels. these passivity is attempting targets for opponents of you. right. and universe, she in 2010 a computer virus cuz they pulled up for asians and the tons, no one has ever accepted responsibility. but many believe a virus was developed about the us and israel. the tons was again, but target in 2021. the power went out to set to can, which means back by months event included an act of nucleus, sabotage and blamed israel backing for the present day footage. claim to have been shots of the is for hon. facility to run sites with sites have is safe and damaged. following is right, it will strike or the earlier i spoke to rafael, across the get the director general of the international atomic energy agency in an exclusive interview for the dump. no, i asked him how close iran is to producing an operational nuclear bomb as well.
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here i think we have to clarify something that is a normal assumption when, when we talk about the break through times and, and how close or how far the country can be at to simulate of that metric with the amount of time required to have this, the necessary amount of heat and reached uranium, which is at the moment estimated says as, as a matter of 4 weeks rather than months. but that does not mean that a round house or won't have a nuclear weapon in that space of time. and i think that he's bought a gratification to be, to be made and a function, i like to say a function of nuclear warhead requires many of the things independently from
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the production of the fee size material, in this case, the uranium including perhaps be tested. so why we say that this situation is, is a situation that warrants are allowed because of the enrichment at all, most media, teddy levels. and we cannot be deriving from that the direct conclusion that iran has now, i know what, but why would it on be enriching uranium to near military level levels? if it doesn't want to produce a nuclear weapon as well, that is a fair question. i mean, the question that many are asking the same time, most motivations or objectives or goals, are a matter of loss of speculation. and the right, of course, the property line is that they want these material form medical or other cvn purposes is not very clear. why these amounts and that these speed of the level
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would be required from that, but seems that is not technically impossible. these cannot be argued back. but what is clear and what i have been telling by uranium counterparts, diamond again is that of course the psych dvd raises eyebrows and compounded with the fact that we are not getting the necessary degree of access and visibility to the i believe should be necessary. so when you put all of that together, then of course you end up with lots of question marks. so if you're not getting the level of access that you would ideally like to have, it could be the case that as we are talking right now you're on is effectively developing a nuclear weapon and you will not know about it as well. i, i wouldn't be so sure about that. what may be happening is that iran could
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be, you know, producing a bards for centrifuges and other, and honestly, the equipment of these, of these type, which would, of course, have a repercussion in their, in their general communities. but i cannot be speculating about that. we do not have any information of that type that there is, because this is what you're pointing out, that there is an active nuclear weapons program as we speak. that'd be incorrect. that that would be misleading. that being said, and that our doubts, iran has not clarified a number of the findings. the agency is made in iran about activities. for example, if they get basing in places on sites that were not supposed to be nuclear sites. so we have a number of questions. why did we find
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a traces of other enrich uranium even places the now a farm or a parking lot? one was there. where is it now? so these questions and at the same time, at the same time, we have lost and you already introduction was very graphic in that regard. we lost after these famous 2015 agreement, the j. c. b, o, a was abandoned, that we have lost a number of the access is and b, c, v, d and monique, during that for us, is very important that this has been the center of these dialogue that i have been on. i am still trying to contact with iran. all right, i'm trying to understand the risk that all of this boy is this to the bottom, essentially. and this is where the isabel hum oswell comes in. because there's, as you've seen, has increased tensions between israel and iraq. and do you think that the longer this wall goes on, the greater the risk that is of in could potentially attack it ons,
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nuclear facilities. when i, i hope no, i have said a few days ago and green, which may not be perfect. granted, but it has um, a allowed us for the past 70 years old. last to avoid a new trouble to avoid a situations that will be completely out of control. and we are getting closer to that situation where this could happen if we start subbing the, the number of ration regime easy, read as possible, way not just the growth rate of the weekend. it was the fault of that behind the scenes. iran is in contact with the united states to resume a nuclear negotiations. can you confirm this as well? i think that are some context and, and the based perhaps is a question for the united states and not for me or for iran. what we are always trying to promote is dialogue. we hope these dialog takes place and that what we
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are interested, what i am interested in is the dialogue between us, the, and iraq because that many things that need to be to be verified. and it is for this that we are going to be traveling to tad on. so, and what, what is the message you will be bringing to tad on with you? because so find this conversation. it appears to be, it ends on being absolutely as honest as you would like them to be, which leads me to wonder, what is the message you bring to them. when you use the world honest, which is perhaps that too much for me to getting to these area. what i would say is that eventually corporate more. and this is, this is clear. so more than a message, i will be there to try to book these things back on track if they want it to be believed. and i don't have a problem with that because we don't have an, an on to on tight uranian a gender. but what do we say is we, we,
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we need to verify, we need to be able to have on better access, we need to have the possibility to see what do we need to see if they don't have anything to hide, as they say, so vehemently. why they are not cooperating with us in the way they should. so this more than the message will be. i hope i sincerely cold, will be a serious conversation to put things back on track because we are not on try as we should at this moment. we live with the for the time being, but thank you so much for joining us today. off i am gross, a director general of the international atomic energy agency. thank you so much. i a thank you very much, but your opinion, it used to extend sanctions against iran, foreign ministers meeting, and deluxe them back. say they've been further tired and restrictions on a range and weapons production. the new measure of single out to me size and drones, and the potential to transfer to russia and groups acting on iran, be hoff it up as brussels. better to have alexander phenomena is in luxembourg.
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insurance been out for mall. alexandra, what has been decided at the you foreign ministers meeting? well, as you have just mentioned, there been one decision. the foreign ministers agreed today to increase sanctions on t. ron and uh, what it means in concrete terms is that there are going to expand existing drone related sanctions. the sanctions regime was imposing july 2023 in response to iran's drone deliveries to russia. and it will be expanded to include miss. so components and me cycles, so me, so production and ms. so transferred to both russia and the proxies in the middle east. will it make a difference? there are experts and also your officials for our us cap to co saying that iran has been under so many different sanctions regimes in the past and that they have lost
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or to the art of sanctions. so convention, so we will see whether the decision today will have any consequences on the ground . the foreign ministers have also been talking about additional aid for ukraine in particular about sending patriot. besides, any developments on that from well, it seems that there is a growing number of countries who are willing to deliver air defense, ms files or defense systems to ukraine. however, we have not seen any concrete pledges yet, and that is quite surprising because ukraine is, is asking for on the 6 additional patriots air defense systems. and they say it is very urgent to protect our citizens and their infrastructure. and we still waiting for those concrete pledges, and the you foreign policy see, feels that burrell was to ask about that by many journalists to we're asking,
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why is it taking so long? what's happening there? what does it tell us about the use could ability and could always say, well he himself in brussels, doesn't have any page with defense miss aisles. that is something that, that you are p and capitals needs to decide on. and we are accec expecting some expecting some announcements in the next days, but no pledges are here today. the demos, brussels bureau chief, alexandra phone number and reporting that from luxembourg. thanks so much. thank you. but us on the philippines have begun under the tree exercises us tensions rise over china. president joe biden has started america's commitment to manila. he's gotten, i am glad. this is drills extend for the 1st time outside philippine territories and waters in the south china sea. the 80 as popular came by china and is controlled by its coast god to dw east
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a show called respondent james j to explains the importance of the greens. it's the biggest annual display, isn't that true? unity between the us and its mutual defense. tracy allied, the philippines, the product time exercises this year, bringing together more than $16000.00 personnel for almost 3 weeks of drills. the exercises this time logically responding to these maritime tensions between the philippines and china. in the south china sea in recent months, aging has 5 volts. it kind of is that philippine resupply vessels near the disputants, 2nd, thomas shant, where a philippine ship was deliberately beach as an outpost in 1919 no, no. what about 3? is the prospect of us being drawn into direct conflict with badging, if any, uh, service man, veto service man is killed by an at that from any foreign power. then that is time
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to involve the mutual defense to the philippines coast called has been on the front line of chinese aggression. and that's why they've been invited to join the exercises for the 1st time to in another fast, by like a 10 maritime drills will take place beyond the philippine territorial waters. but within its exclusive economic sun shown by the yellow line here. but that has the potential to frustrate badging because it overlaps with china is so cool. 9 dash line in blue here. that's what it says which page and claims its own. despite of 2016 international court ruling, that it had no legal basis to do so. this is exercise as will be directed in part from 3 or 4 philippine military bases to which the us gained new access last year. they include locations near the 2nd till the show, but also the structure of water separating the philippines in taiwan. the so for democracy, china claims it's on the exercise, just follow
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a flurry of do domestic activity aimed at bringing washington's allies in asia. closer together. over the philippine president phone 9, gulf coast junior, recently attended a historic fast tri natural summits with the leaders of the us and japan mall costs us. instead, the meeting wasn't talking to any country in particular, but badging won't. the bulk of time exercises would only lead to greater insecurity for the philippines. the volume the philippines should be silver enough to realize the rallying external countries to flex military muscles in the south china sea, which i'm for the conflicts will escalate tensions. the french personnel will also joined the drills for the 1st time. alongside australia, he pictured conducting maritime exercises with the us, japan, and the philippines of the of this month. this is public atlantic sizes. the latest episode in us efforts to galvanize its allies. you
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mean by the god in germany, 3 german citizens have been arrested on suspicion of spying. for china, prosecutors say the 2 men and one woman established front companies to obtain research and technology that could be used to help the chinese maybe be the best of categories funding. thomas sparrow has been following this story. he has more details about the alleged espionage or i'll start is describing this as being particularly sensitive case. pressing that is essentially means that germany has to be even more vigilant when it comes to espionage. in this particular case, august, the espionage coming from china. and the fact that it's particularly sensitive has to do with the fact that according to officials, the 3 people that were arrested were in for involved in taking the nova to technologies and sharing that with china. that could then be used for military
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purposes. so that's the reason why authorities have been describing use is particularly important. and i had the chance earlier today to speak exclusively to the head of germany's domestic intelligence agency. and i asked him specifically about this case as good as this one on file. so this case is of particular significant screen. we are dealing with a case of proliferation, which also involves weapons new, have this no haul from from this case shows that china is also active in germany. and that there are cases of proliferation. here here, 45 jones from the federal office. i was involved in the investigation at the very early stage of gaiety through the hobbies at me blooming. once the investigation was clear, we were able to handle this case over to the police on the public prosecute tax stuff. i'd show further information pertaining to the case will be released by the federal public prosecutor. so these and 5 a company came in on desktop and what they call mazda, just
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a few days after 2 people were arrested, here in germany on suspicion of spying for russia. how great is the threat from russia to domestic security in germany here and our trend? you have your names? i few and young. yes, we've been aware for many years that russia is fueling major penalties here in jem an exception for him, even before the warranty queen i was talking about a threat similar to that some of the cold war era is gone. so i think naturally submit this is of course intensified even further with russia's attack on ukraine. yeah, i'm gonna have to realize that russia is engaging an espionage of the types i cyber espionage. i influenced operations on this information month and this tool box, as we call it, will not fully also includes sabotaged extreme case and then the attempt to reach, oh yeah, it makes name for this team. we have to reckon with the fact that rush, i'm and the how about and so sabotaged patty. dodson gemini bush loves to shoot on less than go to thomas. is russia focused on germany when it comes to its espionage
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activities? in europe, as it is particularly focused on drug money when it comes to its espionage activities in europe. now this is not necessarily something new, but it has been more evident and more serious for german authorities. savings the war in ukraine begun. that was something that i also had the chance to discuss with mr. has invited to the head of germany's domestic intelligence agency. that's something that his agency and other intelligence agencies have stressed a long time. now that since the war and ukraine begun the efforts to deal and to combat russian influence russian propaganda, russian espionage have only increase and that as such, they are also preparing to deal with that in the coming future. and this particular case, the rest a few days ago are a clear case of this. and in fact, the authorities have also mentioned that they are expecting in
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a way more aggressive types of russian espionage would, might include sabotage, as well as with best concern here in germany the, these kinds of espionage, if they do include acts of sabotage could also target for example, critical infrastructure in the country could also target some of the japanese to support that goes to ukraine. could also target very, very sensitive issues for this country. and that explains why, from a political point of view, but also why from a security point of view, this issue in particular is very sensitive. indeed, the security guard has been done to thomas battle there. thanks so much i. it's kinda quick. so mind to know if i've top stories of this uh, civil defense themes and gaza, i've discovered that these 200 bodies buried in a hospice volunteer on in the city of con eunice. the most grave was found in the necessary medical complex, which was previously rated by is ready forces and the head of israel's ministry.
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intelligence unit has resigned for failing to prevent a mazda attack on the 7th of october. major general otter on honey is the 1st senior as ready figure to step down over the attack. coming up next up, the break global ask us asks how we can use the ocean to to generate imaging and british punitive village by the
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august of goes off sourcing on the side inside the rings out to this new generation. again, stereotype prison news for the
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future. on d w that actually i just filed and i felt like i was ready to direct money woodstock director and act to have a nice shovel on in an exclusive interview. anecdotes from the center as well as in yellow and. and i was and what really tried to see the box and val. com. and 60 minutes on the dw the asked about why does that? because now i'm leave them under the new host to
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join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between. this is the video and audio production 5 d w. i hope video with you and in the y goes in pakistan is feeding the joy of books and the is the hope for los angeles, many homeless the ends could oceans. so all energy needs the
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almost 40 percent.


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