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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is due to the news life from berlin, a mos brave, uncovered in gaza. several different streams find at least 200 bodies at a hospital in the city of con eunice pace, for it has been a treat chief resigns over fame years that allows us to attack and killed more than a 1000 people. on the 7th of october last year and over a 100000 people evacuated in the chinese province upon gong as floods street for weight, everything in that ball. the
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dish manager, welcome to the program. civil defense teams and gaza have discovered at least 200 bodies, buried in a hospital courtyard in the southern city of han eunice. the mass grave was found in the necessary medical complex, which was previous debated by his very forces. a civil defense spokesman said some of the bodies had no clothing indicating they may have faced torture and abuse. israel's ministry says it is investigating the reports. busy the, the correspondence, rebecca, what it does is in jerusalem, she has more about the situation on the grounds of unnecessary hospital, even though israel said it carried out to precise i'm limited operation there or when it's difficult to think of those words, as you rightly suggest the precise isn't exactly the weather springs to mind when you hear the stories and you see the pictures coming out of nasa at the time in
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february, when the idea is conducted that rate and then retreated. they did say that it was a precise attack. they said they've made some 200 arrests and in fact, as they retreated from that hospital, they didn't fact cleaned up some of the area and less food shipments extra food shipments for the people that were left behind. but that's really encountered to count. that's what we're hearing from eye witness accounts on the ground, many of whom saying they were terrified that they couldn't leave the compound, that they were suffering there without food or water. and now we're of course, getting these reports and hearing all these stories of this mass great, that has been found. as you say, that figure rising 1st. it was around the 50 mile and kind of went up to more than $100.00. and now we're looking at 200 also that number likely to grow as we, as we know that some 500 people are on, accounted for at least in the 100 units area, and many more in other parts of garza. so as the idea for treating as the civil events are able to kind of get into many of these areas,
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it's likely that we'll see more here of more of these depths. as he mentioned, many of the bodies are reportedly of, you know, when they could or, and showed signs of abuse. now, the idea of hasn't commented on this, as you rightly point out, they say they're investigating the matter and we may or may not hear something from that investigation, or in another development. the head of israel's military intelligence unit has resigned for failing to prevent the mazda attacks. on the 7th of october and around 1200 people are about to yield, and 250 others kidnapped. major general ad on how levi is the 1st scene here is the only thing i have to step down over the attack. i leave, i said that under his command, the intelligence detective, it did not fulfill its task. he says he would carry the pain of the wall with him for that. but i also correspondence rebecca richards by the this could lead to a father shakeup in israel's leadership. that certainly could be the case parish.
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we'd know that he is the 1st senior official to take the blame by standing down, as you noted in that lady, and that he wrote in his resignation letter that the intelligence division did not live up to the task at hand. now we know that he already accepted a large portion of the responsibility, or at least their shouldering some of the responsibility in the wake of the attack . shortly after somewhere in mid october. and he wasn't the only senior official to do so whether that military or political we so many people saying that they were taking some of the responsibility for the failures that led to the attack, including even the defense minister. you'll have colanda and even some opposition. fake is saying that, well, you know, we have been in leadership in the lead up to this. so therefore, we are also taught the responsible, the one person who hasn't taken any responsibility or hasn't really acknowledged they upon in taking in any responsibility for the attack is prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu. he's widely been criticized for not doing so. and there's a growing movement calling for elections calling for him to at least take responsibility if not, in fact stand down. we know that there was a major intelligence failure that led to this attack. and the, the intelligence, the intelligence establishment were really made aware of the fact that from us were planning to potentially carry out an attack. but that it was an ignored. now, i live in his resignation, quote, for a committee to investigate what went wrong. but again, critics saying that benjamin netanyahu hasn't done that yet because he doesn't want to be made to take any responsibility to go back out there to fault him from giggles to them a while back. meanwhile, a team investigating the un relief agency for palestinians is preparing to present its findings. the agency launched the independence review headed by former french foreign minister. that's read colona after eastern accused a moss of infant creating your organization. several countries prose day funding for the group following the allegations. israel say is at least 12 agency staff
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members were directly involved in the october 7th, 10 out of tax. is there a sense of nights that affect the full $150.00 how mazda operatives were employed by the agency is run also. cranston, i have found a tunnel underneath the agencies headquarters in casa, and that guns and ammunition were found inside the building. europe and union, foreign ministers have been musing and luxembourg for talks on ukraine and the middle east. the ministers are discussing sanctions on iran, and it's proxies in response to attacks. and he's found, they say, the new measure as it should stop, just eating and me side and drawing production. they are also looking at ways of boosting ukraine's air defenses. as russia intensifies, it's a tax on ukrainian energy infrastructure it up as brussels, vanity of alexandra from nominees, and lots of back and jumping off a mall. alexandra to foreign ministers are discussing additional sanctions against iran, and west bank is really, 2nd is what can we expect
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a well e u. countries such as germany and friends has been pushing for new iran sanction since the ronnie miss ellen drawing a tech on israel that there has been some back and forth for different reasons. but today we expect them to announce that they are all on the same page. to introduce new sanctions against iran, iran is already under different sections, regimes from the rapidity union for different reasons for human rights abuses, for new crew proliferation activities and also for their drone deliveries to russia . and this led to her sanctions regime will be now extended to include not only drone antoine components, but also miss silent, missed the components. and there will be also a band on the and the drone or ms file deliveries to iran. and also the whole scope
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of distinctions will be extended so that iran a whole is here, won't be able to deliver drones to russia, but also won't be able to do. it's with regards to the middle east. we'll see whether those shaking sanctions will bite a number a topic here. so you mentioned square plus potential sanctions against violence. settlers in the west bank here last friday. be your opinion on already post some sanctions against individual and to entities. and i don't expect any a new announcements on that today. foreign ministers are also talking about age for ukraine in particular about sending patriot, besides and sofa. only germany has pledge to send the and defense system. why do we order conditions appear so reluctant to send back the system? well, why brush? that is the key question. and we've been asking that for an and defense ministers
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here, this question the whole day. because we know that to what you claim urgency needs our air defense system, not a 100 of them, but it's just 7. they're asking for 7 petra, it systems and still germany is so far the only country ready and able and willing to provide a patriot system to ukraine. others are saying we need to see what we have. we have any capability slip we could deliver, we need to of course, make sure that we can also defend our country before sending any petra systems to ukraine. but what's at stake here is of course, the credibility of that you will be the union of if you are p and send their promise to support you create as long as it's takes and we are waiting may be new concrete announcements later this week, but not here and not today, you don't lose out of denver phenomena in luxembourg. thanks very much for that. so
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know patriot to be silent systems is the other thing is nothing extra, but ukraine has welcomed a 61000000000 ministry aid package passed by the us house of representatives present. one of them is it ask you says it means his troops have a real chance of victory on the battlefield. it also sends a clear message to moscow in the age of 18. so enforcing the support from the united states of america. and of course, it leads to the support of the american people because it's increasing out. of course, the political decisions depends on the public opinion. and this age will strengthen ukraine and sans is dependent upon the powerful signal that it will not the the 2nd topic on his tongue. the democrats, on the mic connelly is an eastern ukraine by russian forces have been making steady advances. we ask them what kind of weapons unexpected as a result of this aid. so in terms of the contents of this bill,
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what we're going to see arriving to where you credit for lines, i think it's just about we still can't. i mean it's, and that is the, it's your 1st priority for the grading metrics. we have a situation right now whether ukrainian armies being outgunned or from by 6, even 10 to one and having to use it kind of caused the drones to compensate to the lack of basic munitions. so they're hoping for those to roll across the photos porter and to ukraine. pretty soon. same goes for munitions for hijack off systems we've seen. given, you know, these delays ukraine able to shoot down many few of michelle's and was the case of 6 months ago as a result. much greater damage being inflicted and in terms of new types of equipment coming as being hope that was to speak and talk in dc about as a cams ballistic, munitions. but with a larger range the braces bites to be sent to you. great. which would really allow ukraine to attack russ logistics and rushes mitre installations and crimea. a little hans cadets far away from the front lines and making that much harder for russia to go into offensive on for life. that was due to the corresponding nick
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connelly reporting from eastern ukraine. a quick check now at some of the stories making headlines around the world and global ministry spending. so it's the 1st increase in over a decade last year, reaching a record to point 4 trillion us dollars. let's talk on international piece research institute says was and rising tensions fuel the arms race. and us was the biggest spend of followed by china and russia. north korea has launched a number of ballistic missiles, according to south korea's industry. the north has accelerated weapons testing and recent months. south korea and japan have strengthened ministry ties with the united states in response so that africa was wondering, african national congress has failed to stop. former president, jacob summa from naming his new policy spear of the nation. the old name of the n c's wing zoom or was done against the amc, which he wants to lead a maze. national elections to the rest of the subdivisions have begun. annual
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military exercises extensions rise of a china present. joe biden has said america has commitments to men in the east coast. implied this, he has drilled, extend for the 1st time outside philippine 10 of the toner and walters in the south china sea. the area is bach, the same by china and is patrolled by its coast guard to the deputies used to show a lot of funding. james territory explains the importance of the drills. it's the biggest annual display of military units. the between the us and its mutual defense, tracy allied, the philippines, the products time exercises this year, bringing together more than $16000.00 personnel for almost 3 weeks of drills. the exercises this time largely responding to the maritime tensions between the philippines and china in the south china sea. in recent months, paging his 5 boys,
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the canons that philippine resupply vessels near the disputants, 2nd, thomas shant, where philippine ship was deliberately beach as an outpost in 1919 known for about 3 days. the prospect of the us being drawn into direct conflict with badging. if any uh, service men, really fee to service man is killed by an at that phone. any foreign power. then that is time to involve the mutual defense to the philippines coast called has been on the front line of chinese aggression. and that's why they've been invited to join the exercises for the 1st time to in another 1st by like a 10 maritime drills will take place beyond the philippine territorial waters. but within its exclusive economics on shown by the yellow line here. but that has the potential to frustrate badging because it overlaps with china. so code 9 dash line in blue here. that's what it says which page in claims is its own. despite of 2016 international court ruling, that it had no legal basis to do so. this is exercise as will be directed in pots
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from 3 or 4 philippine military bases to which the us gained new access last year. they include locations near the 2nd time a show, but also the structure of water separating the philippines in taiwan. the so for democracy china claims is it's on the exercise, just follow a flurry of diplomatic activity aimed at bringing washington's allies in asia closer together. the philippine president sudden mall coast junior, recently attended a historic 1st try natural summits with the leaders of the us and japan eh, ma, costs us instead, the meeting wasn't talking to any country in particular, but badging won't. the bulk of time exercises would only lead to grades of insecurity for the philippines. the volume the philippine should be silver enough to realize that rallying external countries to flex military muscles in the south china sea, which for the conflicts will escalate tensions. the french customer will also join
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the trails for the 1st time. alongside australia, he pictured conducting maritime exercises with the us, japan, and the philippines. earlier this month. this is public atlantic sizes. the latest episode in us efforts to galvanize its allies in germany, 3 german citizens have been arrested on suspicion of spying for china. prosecute to say the 2 men and one woman established a front companies to obtain research and technology that could be used to help the chinese navy it up as a kind of take our respondents almost bottle drugs been out with more. thomas, 3 of us for list espionage on behalf of china. do we have more details? i'll start is describing this as being particularly sensitive case. pressing that is essentially means that germany has to be even more vigilant when it comes to
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espionage, in this particular case, august, the espionage coming from china. and the fact that it's particularly sensitive has to do with the fact that according to officials, the 3 people that were arrested were in, for involved in taking the nova to technologies and sharing that with china. that could then be used for military purposes. so that's the reason why authorities have been describing use is particularly important. and i had the trans, earlier today to speak exclusively to the head of germany's domestic intelligence agency. and i asked him, specifically about this case, is this one on file for this case has a particular significant screen. we are dealing with a case of proliferation, which also involves weapons new have additional funds from this case shows that china is also active in gemini, and that there are cases of proliferation. here here,
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45 jones from the federal office. i was involved in the investigation at a very early stage of tied to the how do you send me blooming once the investigation was clear, we were able to handle this case over to the police on the public prosecutor. some further information pertaining to the case will be released by the federal public prosecutor. so these and 5 become can came at one desktop and a lot of income. i was just a few days after 2 people were arrested here in germany on suspicion of spying for russia. how great is the threat to from russia to domestic security in germany? i he and document. i have your names i've seen. yeah, yes. we've been aware for many years, so rough sized fueling major penalties here in germany, except on floating, even before the warranty. queen i was talking about a threat similar to that. so the cold war era is gone. so i think naturally, this is of course intensified even further with rushes attack on ukraine. yeah, i will have to realize that russia is engaging an espionage type. so cyber espionage,
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i influenced operations on this information on this tool box as we call it, well, not fully. also include sabotaged in extreme case and then the 2 in each. oh, yeah, it makes same for this team as we have to reckon with the fact that rush, i'm and the headlights of sabotaged patty dodson gemini bush. and i'm the issue of them. less than go to thomas is russia focused on germany when it comes to it's espionage activities in europe, as it is particularly focused on jet money when it comes to its espionage activities in europe. now this is not necessarily something new, but it has been more evident and more serious for german authorities savings the war in ukraine begun. that was something that i also had the chance to discuss with mister has invited to the head of germany's domestic intelligence agency. that's something that he's agency and other intelligence agencies have stressed a long time. now that since the war and ukraine begun the efforts to deal and to
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combat russian influence russian propaganda, russian espionage have only increase and that as such, they are also preparing to deal with that in the coming future. and this particular case, the rest a few days ago are a clear case of this. and in fact, the authorities have also mentioned that they're expecting in a way more aggressive types of russian espionage would, might include sabotaged, as well as with best concern. here in germany that these kinds of espionage, if they do include absolve sabotage, could also target, for example, critical infrastructure in the country could also target some of the japanese support that goes to ukraine. could also target very, very sensitive issues for this country. and that explains why, from a political point of view, but also why from a security point of view, this issue in particular is very sensitive. indeed,
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the zip codes you go to is bundle thomas barrel there. thanks so much. in china, these 4 people have been killed the following days of torrential rainfall in the south of the country. more than a 100000 have been evacuated because of flooding and land slides in gong dung. providence, june. gwen is one of the worst effect in cities with scientists blaming climate change. a. c. c t. v footage captured the moment a bridge was washed away. a churning photos quad jones video sheltering day lice gives a taylor picture of the damage. in another town, the streets was turned into a raging river. scooping up this car under their large objects several days of dine pours of so the chinese province destroying homes farm landed
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businesses. rescue workers have been racing to evacuate those trapped by the de la h. hundreds of school students were stranded in their dormitories until help arrived. brought them to safety. have a cup to us of also being deployed to assist villages, hit by land slides, but fly the injured for treatment. you can go on don't is prone to summer floods. but they've started maternity or the unusual a precipitation records for april have already been broken in many parts of the province. the tents, the populated region is located in the pearl river delta. i'm just china's manufacturing heartlands. it says flood defense is in place, but there and also equipped for the extreme weather events that scientists say are becoming more intense and unpredictable because of global warming. and then the number of people dying across europe due to rising heat has been by almost upside
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in the past 2 decades. that's according to a new report from the eagle space program. copernicus also said 2023. so a record number of days with extreme seat stress affecting people across the continent. it was also a better. yeah, on average weight daughter up as a whole, seeing around 7 percent more rang phone. samantha burgess is the deputy director add to combine it goes climate change service. you're replacing maureen folds on average, wind files and heat waves. and much of it has been linked to climate change. i asta if this was the new normal. yes, that's right, and thank you. so you're, it is the fastest woman confident with temperatures rising at about twice the global average rate. the 3 will, must use on record for europe of older code. since 2020, i mean 2023 europe. so a huge number of records, the record proportion of europeans affected by heat stress,
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record sea surface temperatures and record melting of gleick. c is. we also saw a huge number of extreme events which we know a likely to become more frequent and more intense due to climate change. which region would you say in europe are the most at risk? it really depends on which variable we're looking at. so we know from the scientific evidence, the winches in northern europe likely to become west so, so we'll see more intense storm events. and when those storm events happen, they will drop more rain full. however, there's a contrast in southern europe where around the mediterranean region is likely to become dryer and boma in some way likely in southern europe to see more droughts and heat waves. northern europe during winter more heavy rainfall events last summer was also the hottest on record. what can we expect this year? i have to say ahead of time of the expectation for 2024
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summer. but what we can say is the natural variability has changed. sorry for some of that 2023. we're transitioning into the el nino phase of natural variability which has a warming influence on our global climate. we are now coming out of that phase and it remains to be seen whether we move to a neutral or lighting media phase, which has a cooling effect on our climate. however, what we can say when we looked at our seasonal full cost and when we look at the record ocean heat, content to myself is version that we are still likely to see sheets temperature records. so when we look at the seasonal full cost, it looks like summer in europe, across all of europe is loc. they should be wilma, the fast. yeah, average the columbus logical, normal. and it's also likely that we'll have more energy available in the system from record flyer, ocean temperature is leading to additional evaporation with woman atmosphere will
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not atmosphere can hope on moisture, which as i already mentioned, leads to more intense brain pull events. and we'll leave at the for the time being . thanks so much for joining us. samantha badges from the combined because climate change service, thanks so much for your time. thank you. and here's a quick reminder now of a 2 top stories, civil defense themes in gaza. i have discovered that these 200 bodies buried in the hospital, the courtyard, and the city of con eunice. the most craigslist found in the necessary medical complex, which was previously rated by is rarely forces. and at the head of advancement of fate, intelligence unit has resigned for fading to prevent a mazda at an attack on the 7th of october. major general on how deep uh is the 1st senior is ready to step down all the time. that's all for the moment, but coming up next off of the break. assign show tomorrow today,
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