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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life lane taking the blame for intelligence failures in the october 7, 10 on a time. they had a few geralds ministry intelligence unit becomes the 1st senior figure out to resign for the failures. a lot from us to attack and kill more than a 1000 people. coming up the united states stay as down another super pop. it's troops conduct naval grooves with philippines forces at a time for the both of pushing back against china is growing in florida. and new data shows, europe is now the fastest woman confident off to the deadly yet of extreme keats
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floods and struck the i'm british manager. welcome to the program. the head of israel's ministry. intelligence unit has resigned for failing to prevent a monster attack on the 7th of october in which 1200 people were killed and to 50 others kidnapped. major general auto and holly is the 1st senior he's really figure out to step down over the attack. i leave, i said that on the he's come on to the intelligence detector. it did not live up to its task. his decision to step down could set the stage for more resignations among israel top security personnel as get more from the debit card responding to back of it to us in journals number back up. how likely is it we now see more resignations from other senior ministry officials as well?
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it's difficult to say very obviously that is up to the decision of age and every member of the security and political establishment. but he's the, what we've seen today. certainly the most senior figures stand down. uh, as you rightly point out, he said the intelligence division did not live up to the task we were entrusted with. he actually acknowledged responsibility about a week off to the october 7th attack in some, somewhere in mid october. and he wasn't the only person to do so. they were other very senior officials by defense and political who came out. also acknowledging some responsibility, including the defense minister, you'll have good loans and even some members of the opposition because they, they said, well, we have been in, in power in the years leading up to this attack. and we also have failed. so the one person that hasn't taken any responsibility is the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and it's certainly something that he's been very criticized for. his
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critics say that he's in fact prolonging the will potentially and you know, refusing to already set up some kind of inquiry into just what happened and how these, how these failings happened in order for this attack to take place. what we do know, of course, is that there was a major failure of intelligence to allow such an attack and even up to a year before october, 7th, intelligence officials, quote, waiting of a document that really outlined pretty much what happened on that terrific day spot is also watching the gaza strip. you know, we're, we're raising the red flags saying, you know, we're seeing strange movement of mass battalions. we think that something might be happening over the intelligence officials saying, no, i'm asked, just want to the cost of the goal is the strip and go from there. they're not interested, nor do they have the capabilities to carry out such an attack. but as, as of course, as we know now, that wasn't the case, and whether or not we see more people taking this lead remains to be seen,
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but it could very, very well be possible. bearish rebecca, stay with us because we did stuff about other developments as well. and so think about this cause of bodies that have been found in mass graves at the cause of hospital civil defense things and cause i have discovered the bodies buried in the hospital. the courtyard and the southern city of con eunice, the grave was found in the necessary medical complex which has previously been rated by israeli forces. the civil defense groups is at least 50 bodies have so far been in june. a spokesman said some had no clouds indicating they may have faced to try and abuse israel's ministry say as it is investigating the reports. rebecca is running upset if carried out to precise and limited operation. i'm not saying how does that square with what we're seeing on the grounds of the hospital now it's it's certainly difficult to make those 2 realities square, bear, usher, right? so at the time all of these right in february, the idea of said that they had carried out
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a precise attack. they said that they'd arrested some 2 hundreds, a suspected terrorist as they called them and that they had retreated in the retreat. they said that they had cleaned off and even offered food uh, food deliveries of additional food shipments for the people who had been caught up in that sage. though that is counted to the reports, we were hearing the eye witness reports on the ground at the time he was saying that they were terrified to come out, that they were, you know, stopping that they had no access to food water. so these, we have very, very differing realities here are definitely different, differing a sort of yeah, realities of what, what people are saying happened at that time. now we're seeing that this, this evidence of this mass grave, in fact, on alda 0, is saying as many as 200 bodies have now being found. and people reporting that around 500 people are still on accounted for, and that hon you in this area. so we could say that number rise again as you say,
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the word precision. really difficult to comprehend when we're looking at this. so the idea of saying that they are investigating, they haven't made any comment on this evidence sofa oven to say that, that we're looking into this event. but as you rightly point out, precise, nope, perhaps the words that many would use when you look at the scenes coming out of how newness, right? so those, some of the developments happening in that goes on, let's take a look at what's been happening in the west bank because the residents there have launched a general strike that did sort of the weekend closing shops and other businesses of to. is there any truth rated a refugee camp in the country? the processing and red crescent sales, at least 14 people were killed in thousands injured. israel tay is a target to administer the militants during a counterterrorism operation. we have this report. it strikes military greets the news. sean, if you do come in to absorb some part of the restaurant, a good estimate, many killed and injured dogs, boys dozed and homes destroyed the can i you,
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my son was sleeping there. he had gone to wash himself and then he prayed and went home. is the home is higher of? there was a slide for in front of him was shots him. i heard the son of the shooting. my oldest son went up there and found he was bleeding. he blinked at this, look at these flat palestinians describe these drive it as president. good. yep. and of the model. yeah. i mean, it'd be within my that there is indeed a complete destruction of homeless shop law electricity grid. took up the sewage towards the network. yeah. and the infrastructure comes out to have the, you have to finish the incursion is unprecedented. dequina teasley there was night for those and rooftop to have the desk was nothing special. forces detroit, people, it's indeed a real one of the other men as long as drive the military seas. it's guilty
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militants due to the beat. the army also sees it has the phone and destroyed explosives and sees many weapons used in what it calls digital activities. violence in the westbank has escalated sharply in recent months. on sunday started the forces confirm the game to palestinians who attacked a check point in the territory. according to the un, more than $450.00 ballast indians and 9 is tried. these have been killed in the west front since the october 7th dead attacks by hum us. then you will also see if the violence against palestinians is trying to fittest their has increased significantly. because i did states and a number of other countries having both functions on vide incentives and arch is trying to do more to stop the violence the following day. so i needed my understanding and residents launched agenda. the strike shops,
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universities found on the public transportation. but all blues to protest bases are needed under the if you to come back out to walk out of funds within yellowstone. rebecca richards, rebecca, what it is around se, prompted this raid in the west bank or over as israel says that the operation was carried out to dismantle terrorist infrastructure and apprehend suspects. indeed, suspects were apprehended. we know that some 4 days you had and that report to some 14 people were also killed during that re now it's one of the largest we've seen in the west back since october 7. but a violence really has escalated a great deal since october 7. first, with an idea of raids, a other idea of incursions and, and just to, you know, day to day interaction with the ministry and palestinians in the west bank as well as with vine upset lives more than 480 palestinians has been killed since october 7
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and 2023 before october 7 was already on track to be one of the deadliest is in the west bank since the anti party is for least a couple of decades. now. operation break, the wave was launched actually in 2022 and we were seeing the not the rise across the when west bank then. and that has increased at the same time as this right at the north. in the newer shops kept, we were hearing about smaller rates, a potentially 5 other locations. so we're also carried out over the we can now, critics say that the military using gaza, or as a distraction, if you will, and that they are, you know, attempting to carry out of these operations to help settle scores. and we've even heard people say that they're trying to ton parts of the west bank at least into a little gaza. so that's how people on the ground are experiencing this now, is really military saying, of course that this is, these are all necessary in order to, to keep his riley safe to prevent future attacks and to apprehend terror suspects
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as they call them. so you have, you know, again, sort of differing realities depending on which sondra standing on. but you know, it is really military maintaining that this is very important that i certainly don't want to see move on. it's breaking out from the palestinian side that might, you know, injured there is there's ready citizens. and that they don't want to see a 2nd or even a 3rd front. if you consider what's happening in the north of his route when it comes to the 11 on board us. so certainly saying that these, these uh, operations are necessary. we live with the, for the time being. but thanks so much for joining us to have those rebecca auditors and journals and them. thanks so much to a news, talk about the board and ukraine. the country has welcome to vote by us lawmakers to resume urgently needed ministry assistance. president of all the domains and landscape says to $61000000000.00 a package passed by the us house. it gives his troops a real chance of victory on the backing scene. so this key is now urging a quick passage through the us senate speaking on american television,
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he said the ministry id sends a clear message to moscow in the dates of each team. so unfortunately, these from the united states of america. and of course, the supports of the american people use us because it's increasing out. of course, the political decisions depends on the public opinion. and this age will strengthen ukraine and sans is dependent upon the powerful signal that it will not the the 2nd topic on his tongue correspond to mic. connelly is an eastern ukraine by russian forces have been making study of bunches. we austin, what kinds of weapons are expected as a result of this age to so in terms of the contents of this bill of what we're going to see arriving to where you credit for lines, i think it's just about we still can't. i mean it's not, is the, it's your 1st priority for the credit ministry. we have
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a situation right now whether ukrainian always being outgoing by 6 or even 10 to one and having to use it kind of caused the drones to compensate for the lack of basic munitions. so they're hoping for those to roll across the photos porter and to ukraine. pretty soon. same goes for munitions for hijack off systems we've seen . given, you know, these delays ukraine able to shoot down many few of michelle's and was the case of 6 months ago as a result of much greater damage being inflicted. and in terms of new types of equipment coming as being hope there was speak and talked in dc about as it comes ballistic munitions, but with a large range of braces bites to visa said to you, great, which would really allow ukraine to attack rest of logistics and rushes mitre installations and cry, me a little hans cadets far away from the front lines. making that much harder for russia to go into offensive on for life. that was the the correspond to mit connelly reporting from eastern ukraine. quickly tom and some of the stories making headlines around the was the global military expenditures. so it's steepest increase in over a decade in particular,
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industry reaching an old time high of $2.00 trillion us dollars. the stock home international peace visa institute phase was and rising tensions fuel spending across the world. the united states was the biggest spend followed by china and russia. north korea has 5 multiple ballistic miss irons towards it's eastern waters. according to south korea's ministry, north korea has accelerated its weapons testing and be some months as it continues to expand its beneficiary preventatives. in response, south korea and japan has strengthened them really free ties with the united states . and germany has the rest of the german citizens on suspicion of spying for china. federal prosecutors say the 2 men and one woman had set up front companies to obtain research and technology that could be used to develop china's navy. information about that activities was collected by the german domestic intelligence service. the united states and the philippines are set to begin the annual body cup
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on or shoulder to shoulder many fee exercises. on monday, these are the most expensive minutes. the drills get. i'm come, i made a rise in tension between china and the philippines. this is drills gonna include the fast ever ministry exercises held outside of philippine kind of total and was in the south china sea. the problem is, those are waters populate, came by paging and controlled by its coast guard. the us and the philippines have a long standing neutral defense treaty. and at the recent summit in washington, us, president joe biden said he's confused commitments to manila white coat. i am glad that those east asia correspondent james trip explains the importance of this year as exercises. it's the biggest annual display, isn't that true? unity between the us and its mutual defense. tracy allied, the philippines,
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the product time exercises this year, bringing together more than $16000.00 personnel for almost 3 weeks of drills. the exercises this time last week responding. civics, maritime tensions between the philippines and china in the south china sea. in recent months, paging his 5 boys, the canons that philippine resupply vessels and the the disputants, 2nd, thomas shown where the philippine ship was deliberately beach as an outpost in 1919 . no, no more about 3 is the prospect of the us being drawn into direct conflict with badging. if any uh, service men really feed no service managers killed by an at that from any foreign power. then that is fine to involve the mutual defense. the philippines coast guard has been on the front line of chinese aggression. and that's why they've been invited to join the exercises for the 1st time to in another fast, by like a 10 maritime drills will take place beyond the philippine territorial waters. but
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within its exclusive economic sun shown by the yellow line here. but that has the potential to frustrate badging because it overlaps with china is so cool. 9 dash line in blue here. that's what it says which page and claims its own. despite of 2016 international court ruling, that it had no legal basis to do so. this is exercise as will be directed in pots from 3 or 4 philippine military bases to which the us gained new access last year. they include locations near the 2nd till the show, but also the structure of water separating the philippines in taiwan. the so for democracy, china claims it's on the exercise, just follow a flurry of diplomatic activity aimed at bringing washington's allies in asia closer together. over the philippine press then sudden and more cost. journia recently attended a historic sized try natural summits with the leaders of the us and japan mall costs us. instead, the meeting wasn't talking to any country in particular,
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but badging won't. the bulk of time exercises would only lead to greater insecurity for the philippines. the volume the philippine should be silver enough to realize that rallying external countries to flex military muscles in the south china sea, which for the conflicts will escalate tensions. the french personnel will also join the drills for the 1st time. alongside australia, he pictured conducting maritime exercises with the us, japan, and the philippines. earlier this month. this is public atlantic sizes, the latest episode in us efforts to galvanize its allies. but let's get both from don mclean. jim. he's a political analyst, and electra adela sale university in many and i get to see a don these exercises happen every yeah, this time that outside philippine 10 total waters for the 1st time. how significant do you think that is? well 1st of all,
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as thank you so much for having me here today, and we have to understand a 2024, but look at the industry. it's 3 very important things. so 1st there's clarity in manila is region by great and political will to exercise its sovereignty and sovereign right based on international law. and this is where the exercises, within the philippine easy is clearly seen. so there's a lot of agency from one to list a point of view. second, of course, as the load is a little exercise. um, but based on the attention to this, getting the philippines of nobody's able to leverage its geo political dynamics in order to send for its place as a partner of choice in ensuring that their rules based borders kept in tap into maritime. so many and the 3rd point here is that with the participation and rather the active participation of the philippine coast guard. this represents the crucial step towards the whole phoenician approach, which a marcus junior administration was emphasized under its national security policy.
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so we're see a lot of important developments here, but most importantly, the willingness of the philippines to play a larger role in its celebrate the pm sovereign rights. let's talk a bit more about that whole of nation approach. because we also heard in the report that they just play that present not cause drew a red line on the mutual defense treaty with the us. and given that there have been repeated confrontation between chinese and philippines. ships in the south, china see how close do you think we ought to that mutual defense treaty being actually invoked? well, here's an important thing. there is a realization between the 2 allies that, that they have to stay grounded and prepared based on any particular uncertainty that is continue with leaking the west philippine sea in particular. but we have to also look at the china side, you know, understand china strategy. china tries to avoid a direct confrontation militarily speaking. it tries to provoke the status quotes
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to the point the world short of war. and this is because it is also aware of its military limitations despite having the largest name. uh, so with china 3 that is engaging in various the salamis, slicing, regional and activities that tries to weaken the political will of manila and sort of stamp it. then the gentleman see if the alliance but as we can see here, manila remains committed in pursuing a defense or gate oriented point policy and then strategy. and this is enough signaling to show that it is merely defending what's left of the status call rather than provoking it. you're talking about the china provoking at the state disco, essentially sort of the wall. but then this is all happening in the region where a code of conduct does not exist. a code of conduct essentially for conducting the search. and i see that i sent you the no rules of engagement that have been laid, dine they down isn't the, is that not the risk that these provocations could actually provoke a wall as well. we have to understand that the code of conduct is unlikely to
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be, you know, establish in a way that should have been and that is to make it binding. because of course, as we can see, china has clearly re directed the balance of power in the geography of the greater south china sea to his favorite. so it is unlikely for it to agree to any binding agreement, the image, it's a sort of actions. and unfortunately, china only understands uh, you know, a power as a major motiv currency for interested in age. so what the philippines is doing is trying to level the playing field, harnessing and leveraging its defense and economic ties with like minded countries to play cost on china is a activities where you live with their, with the time being elizabeth of talking to you. but i think of them is don mclean give in manila. thanks so much. thank you very much. the number of people dying across europe due to rising heat, has risen by almost
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a 3rd in the past 2 decades. that's according to a new report from the use space program. copernicus also said to 2023. you saw a record number of days with extreme heat stress affecting people across the continent. it was also a better. yeah. on average with europe as a whole, seeing around 7 percent more info. so let me know if a more is samantha bridges. she's a deputy director at combined because climate change service. welcome to the w. according to the reporting yara scene, maureen full, then average wide fios heat waves. mazda of this has been linked to climate change . is this now the new normal? yes, that's right, and thank you. so yours is the fastest woman confident with temperatures rising at about twice the global average rate. the 3 will, must use on record for europe of old code since 2020, i mean 2023 europe. so a huge number of records. the record proportion of europeans affected by heat
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stress, record sea surface temperatures and record melting of garcia's. we also saw a huge number of extreme events, which we know a likely to become more frequent and more intense due to climate change. which regions would you say in your other, most at risk? it really depends on which variable we're looking at. so we know a from the scientific evidence, the winches in northern europe are likely to become west. so, so we'll see more intense storm events. and when those storm events happen, they will drop whole rainfall. however, there's a contrast in southern europe where around the mediterranean region is likely to become dryer and boma in some way likely in southern europe to see more droughts and heat waves. northern europe during winter more heavy rain full events last summer was also the hottest on record. what can we expect this year? i have to say ahead of time of the expectation for 2024 summer.
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but what we can say is the natural variability has changed. sorry for some that 2023. we're transitioning into the el nino phase of natural variability which has a warming influence on our global climate. we are now coming out of that phase and it remains to be seen whether we move to a neutral or lighting media phase, which has a cooling effect on our climate. however, what we can say when we look at our seasonal full cost and when we look at the record ocean heat content in this f as version that we are still likely to see sheets temperature records. so when we look at the seasonal forecast, it looks like summer in europe, across all of europe is loc. they should be wilma, the fast. yeah, average the columbus logical, normal. and it's also likely that we'll have more energy available in the system from record flyer, ocean temperatures, leading to
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a additional evaporation with warm atmosphere. wilma atmosphere can hope them roister, which as i already mentioned, leads to more intense brain full events. and we'll leave at the for the time being . thanks so much for joining us. samantha badges from the combined because climate change service, thanks so much for your time. thank you. are and here is a quick reminder of our top story at the moment, the head of these barrels, really for intelligence units, has resigned fading to prevent a mazda attack on october. the 7th major generals out on funding is the best senior . it's really big. got to step down to the attack. that's it for the moment, but coming up next off of the break is global us. i think over to you across the globe from focused on to america. and remember, you can always get more news on our website that's f d w dot com auto not instagram, and x accounts. i'm gonna expand
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a j. a 1000000 thanks so much for watching rebecca game in about half an hour from now. with more news and updates you then, by the
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