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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live and from the land taking the blame for intelligent saying is in the october the 7th terror attacks. the head of israel, military intelligence unit become the 1st senior if they get to resign for the same is that allowed to come up to attack and kill more than a 1000 people. also coming up on the program, ukraine's president says billions of dollars and us funding will ensure that ukraine does not become another for golf. some conflicts, i'll talk to us and we'll make has approve of package urgently needed military aid and new data shows. but europe is now the foss, this woman, confident of to a deadly. you the extreme heat floods and drugs.
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the menu is mckinnon. welcome to the program. the head of israel's military intelligence unit has resigned. failing to prevent the hum us terror attack on october, the 7th in which 1200 people were killed and 250 others were kidnapped. major general off on elisa is the 1st scene yet is ready to go to step down over the attack. i leave, i said there's, i'm the, his come on the intelligence director. it did not live up to its task. his decision to step down could set the stage for more resignations among as ralph told security personnel to more let's go straight to rebecca versus our correspondent in jerusalem. hi, rebecca, now i believe it says that he bears responsibility for this intelligence said,
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yeah, how likely is it that will now see more resignations from a senior military officials? of course on ya, that you know, we'll have to wait and see what happens in the full out of this resignation. we know that her leave are accepted responsibility already at in, around about a week after the attack initially took place back in october. and several of the a significant officials also took responsibility, including you'll have galani, the defense minister though nobody stepping down of course until today the one person that didn't take any responsibility at that time was the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. now, in his resignation speech, the general who leave us said the intelligence division did not live up to the task that we were entrusted with. and we certainly know now in the, off them off of that attack on october 7 that they were major upside is in intelligence. we know that up to a year before that attack,
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in october intelligence officials were made aware they, they had found a document that detailed much of what actually happened turned out to actually happen in the attack. and we know that spot to is he will see who would station to watch uh over much of guys that were in fact a cooling the alarm saying that they've seen unusual activity that they'd seen drills being carried out by a mouse battalions. and that they were worried and date that they would be an imminent attack. but intelligence officials basically batted those fees away, saying that her mouse had no interest in carrying out an attack. they didn't believe that they had the capability to do so. when in fact that they were more interested in governing gaza, that was certainly the, the, the opinion of not just the military, but also the government listening to that and listening to that advice from the military. so as i mentioned, he already accepted some felt that way back in october, and now he is a he,
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there's leading up to that men standing down as intelligence chase for the military . he's also called for an investigation into the wrong doings and into the site is of the middle tray, the intelligence, and indeed the government. but to that so far hasn't been undertaken by prime minister netanyahu. okay, rebecca, stay with us. i'll come back to you in just a 2nd to talk about the schools of bodies that have been found in mass graves out of garza hospital, civil defense teams in goals that have discovered these bodies buried in a hospital courtyard in the southern city of han eunice the grave was found in the knots of medical complex, which has previously been rated by is really forces the civil defense groups has at least 50 bodies of sofa, meaning zoomed spokesman said some have no clothes indicating that they may have faced torture and abuse. israel's military says that it is investigating these
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reports, and rebecca israel said that it carried out precise unlimited operation. and then that's the hospital that doesn't really fit with what we're seeing on the grounds of the hospital complex off to the right. does it as well? sadly, that is true, we've seen the so called precision targeting of the sheaf and other hospitals as well, but in the optim off and certainly the pictures that emerge from there. you know, i will reiterate again that we have not being able to access because a everyone knows that by now. but the stuff that we have is being reported from journalists on the ground. people eye witnesses. we're seeing a lot of video being circulated on social media and around and it does not show what you might call precision attacks, which is what the military se they carried out. as you say, of 50 bodies, that number has, has been increasing. i've been hearing 180 even up to 210 bodies from the nasa grades that has been discovered that number very likely to rise as many people
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reporting missing persons in that area. i've heard numbers of up to 2000 missing persons in that area. so we may well say that number rise is difficult to say at this point. it's obviously ongoing just how, how much that number could rise, but precision isn't. but perhaps the words you would use when you look at the pictures and when you hear the stories of as you say, the eye witness accounts of alleged abuse, naked bodies being found in these pages, i will have to say what comes of that in the days and weeks ahead, but certainly not what you might call precision. okay, now let's turn our attention to what's been happening in the west bank because residents let are launched a, a general strike at the we can, they closed shops and now the business is off to is ray. the troops rated a refugee camp in the territory. the palestinian red crescent to saying that at least 14 people were killed. thousands were injured. israel says it targets had
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militants during a account to terrorism, a operation his rights, military rates, the nation. so if you do come in to absorb some part of the restaurant, after not many killed and injured dogs, boosters and homes destroyed the connect you, my son was sleeping there. he had to gone to wash himself and then he prayed and went home. his home is higher, up. there was a sniper in front of him, was shot to him. i heard the sound of the shooting. my other son went up there and sunday was bleeding. he blunted this look at the split palestinians describe these drive it as president, fit the model. i mean, it'd be within that there is indeed a complete destruction of homeless shop electricity grid. took up the sewage
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towards the network. yeah. and the infrastructure comes out to have them. you have to finish the incursion, is unprecedented. dequina the service knife as and rooftop the desk was nothing special forces detroit bishop, because it's indeed a real one of the other men, as i done is riley minute receive. it get militants during the read. the army also sees it has phone and destroyed explosives and sees many weapons used in what it calls, detritus, activities. following they've started by listing and residents launched during the strike shops, universities funds on the public transportation, but or blues to protest bases are needed under 50 guns. and we've got lot correspondent in jerusalem. rebecca rich has rebecca. what did israel say from to this region? the westbank but anya israel say it says that the operation was aimed at
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dismantling terrorist infrastructure and apprehending suspects. that's generally what they say when they go in to these refugee cancel areas, cities and carry out these raids is sydney, we believe one of the largest rides that's been carried out since october 7. but we know that the balance has increase. it has, you know, 10 folds since october 7 violence. we're all over the west bank at the, by the hands of ideas and also by settlers has increased a great deal since, since the attack on october 7th, with more than $480.00 palestinians killed by either either f or settlers. um. now 2023 was already on track to be one of the deadliest is in the west bank for more than a couple of decades, really since you into 40 years. and we were seeing that already prior to october 7, that uptake the uptake and bonus has surge since then. with critics saying that the
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idea of using the destruction of goals have to go in and settle schools. but of course, the idea of saying that it is necessary to ensure the safety of its citizens and to ensure that it doesn't say of a 2nd or 3rd front of you will if you include what's happening on israel is northern border with, with the 11 on so you know, you can see that the, the idea of saying that this is really a for security for its citizens. but critics denying that it is necessary and saying that many civilians being caught help in the fray. olivia, we'll leave it that. rebecca, thank so much that's the to lose rebecca riches in jerusalem. our ukraine has welcomed a vote by us. little make has to review urgently needed the military assistance military aid package. it was a huge relief. i was thinking of when the news came through and you could really see people staring at their phones calling each other really kind of, even though i kind of wanted to show because those people have kind of given up hoping after all these months wrangling that it would actually finally arrive,
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i think it is psychologically a massive deal. and also in terms of the scale of this a, if you look at the psalms, it's basically in $1.01 charge of a more than the us has given since the beginning of this war. so it is vital, it is huge. and as you know, people here and you quite expect, it's hopefully the 1st bits of is a, they're going to come pretty soon. so specifically, what kind of, of weapons are expected in an importantly, i mean, are they going to get to where they needed quickly enough? so in terms of the contents of this bill, what we're going to see arriving to where you credit the front lines, i think it's just about re smoking. i mean it's, and that is the, it's your 1st priority for the credit metric. we have a situation right now where the ukranian armies being outgoing, go from by 6 or even 10 to one and having to use it kind of caused the drones to compensate for the lack of basic munitions. so they're hoping for those to roll across the post border into ukraine. pretty soon. same goes for munitions for
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hijack off systems we've seen. given, you know, these delays ukraine able to shoot down many few of missiles and was the case of 6 months ago as a result of much greater damage being inflicted in terms of new types of equipment coming as being hope that was speak and talked in dc about as a cams ballistic munitions, but with a larger range the previous slides to be sent to you. great. which would really allow ukraine to attack rest, logistics, and rushes mitre installations and cry. me a little hans, but it's far away from the front lines. i make that much harder for russia to go into offensive and for lunch. next. thank you so much for that. let's see w. net connelly reporting from the new pro region and eastern new trade. and we're going to take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world now. and global military expenditures sort steepest increase in a decades in 2023, reaching an old time high of 2.4 trillion us still is still comb. international peace for such institute says was and rising tensions fuel spending across the world. the united states was the biggest spend followed by china and russia. north
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korea has fired multiple ballistic missiles toward its eastern horses. as according to south korea's military, north korea has accelerated his weapons testing and recent months as it continues to expand its military capabilities in response, south korea and japan had strength and then military ties with the united states. germany has arrested 3 german citizens on suspicion of spying for china. federal prosecution say the 2 men and one women. women assess up front companies to obtain research and technology that could be used to develop china is navy information about their activities was collected by the gym and domestic intelligence status of the united states and the philippines all set to begin. the annual value cuts on or shoulder to shoulder military exercises on monday. now these are the most expensive middle of free drills yet. and they come amid
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a rise intentions between china and the philippines. this is drills will include the 1st of a military exercises held outside the philippine territorial waters in the south china sea. the problem is those of which is partly claimed by beijing. i'm patrolled by its coast guard. now the us and the philippines have a long standing neutral defense, tracy and a recent summit in washington. us president joe biden said his country's commitments to manila was quotes and quad w as east asia correspondent james tracer, explains the importance of this. he is exercises it's the biggest annual display, isn't that true? unity between the us and its mutual defense, tracy allied, the philippines, the product time exercises this year, bringing together more than $16000.00 personnel for almost 3 weeks of drills. the exercises this time last week responding civics in our time tensions between the
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philippines and china in the south china sea. in recent months, paging his 5 boys, the canons that philippine resupply vessels near the disputants. second, thomas shown where philippine ship was deliberately beach as an outpost in 1919 north for about 3 is the prospect of us being drawn into direct conflict with badging. if any uh, service man, will it be no service man is killed by an a thought from any foreign power. then that is time to involve the mutual defense through the philippines coast called has been on the front line of chinese aggression. and that's why they've been invited to join the exercises for the 1st time, 2 in another 1st, by like a 10 maritime drills will take place beyond the philippine territorial waters. but within its exclusive economic sun shown by the yellow line here. but that has the potential to frustrate badging because it overlaps with china is so cool. 9 dash
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line in blue here. that's what it says which page and claims its own. despite of 2016 international court ruling, that it had no legal basis to do so. this is exercise as will be directed in pots from 3 or 4 philippine military bases to which the us gained new access last year. they include locations near the 2nd till the show, but also the structure of water separating the philippines in taiwan. the so for democracy, china claims it's on the exercise, just follow a flurry of diplomatic activity aimed at bringing washington's allies in asia closer together. over the philippine press then, sudden and more cost junior, recently attended a historic sized try natural summits with the leaders of the us and japan mall costs us. instead, the meeting wasn't talking to any country in particular, but badging won't. the bulk of time exercises would only lead to grades of insecurity for the philippines. the volume the philippine should be silver enough to realize that rallying external countries to flex military muscles in the south
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china sea, which for the conflicts will escalate tensions. the french personnel will also join the drills for the 1st time. alongside australia, he pictured conducting maritime exercises with the us depend on the philippines earlier this month. this is valid time exercises the latest episode in us efforts to galvanize its allies. the aisles political scientist, richard, hey dar and why it is significant that these exercises are taking place outside philippine territory a which is for the 1st time or is there so much unprecedented as far as these exercises are concerned? well, in terms of size and scale of the x, the sides, the slicer, we also saw close to $16000.00 troops and not only from the philippines and united states, but there were also participants and observers from other countries, including the united kingdom, not to mention japan in australia, so in terms of size, it's not that different, but it's the orientation is
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a type of weapon system that are being just displayed and deployed this you're not to mention, as you correctly pointed out, or it's solved, exercises are going to take place in the sol trying to see that's outside the philippine church r o c. so it's a direct challenge to trying this expansive claims in that part of the world. and this is one way of the, you know, when we, for the united states to demonstrate its iron clad commitment to the philippines and also try to deter china. but importantly, some of the exercises are also going to be close to taiwan. so in that sense, this, there's probably got exercises as a dual orientation of pushing back against china's aggressive intentions, both in the south china sea, but also in tie. one of a number of people dying across europe due to rising heat, has risen by almost a 3rd in the past 2 decades. that is, according to a new report from the use space program, copernicus office said 2023. so
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a record number of days with extreme heat stress affecting people across the continents, it was also a west a year on average with your as a whole seeing around 7 percent. the painful to break a lot downs, ma'am, to it now by dw senior clement reporter. so he's eligible and get to see you again . louise. so more rain, more he's a year of extremes, is what we're talking about, isn't it? tell us more about what, what's in this report, the cannot stay. so this report really gives an overview of the types of extreme ones that we have been seeing in europe over the past year. um, so europe is one of the fastest warming continents, warming it twice as much as of the continents. which means that we are seeing the kinds of conditions, for example, that leads to extensive wild fires last year, areas as largest bowl in paris and london combined for bund, we sold the largest wildfire ever in europe in greece. we've also seen flooding
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across lavinia and it's lee and greece as well. um, so we're just kind of seeing all of these things and, and how they are impacting people and in europe. yeah. and the impacts are quite significant and they the report says that europe is now a woman more than the of the continents. how governments starting to adapt to, to these weather changes. i mean, i think it would be fed state, but they are struggling to cope to some degree. and the report, for example, highlights the point of heat relate to desks and how they have risen that have been or they were in 2022 around 60000 teet related deaths due to heat extortion, heat stroke. and the world health organization said that that number will double by 2050 the governments or the report says that governments have not put in place enough measures to make sure that those are dealt with and recommend like climate health services very specifically to be provided there are
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a couple months that are trying to do other things in catalonia, in spain, for example, um, they're looking at the seller nation, which is taking salt out of ocean water is very costly and energy intensive. i travel to the regions, have a look and see what other solutions by looking at. let's take a look at your reports is actually day on the cost of bravo and northern spain. but some tours. so enjoying the beach. just meet just from the ocean. it's hard to believe that could be a problem with water, but in this part of spain, a lack of rainfall is leading to severe shortages. this is one of the most popular tourist destinations in catalonia, but the sect to have faces the problem. drive in the region means that's treeless and the regional government is considering imposing restrictions on taurus as businesses gear up for the summer season. the question is, how can they can so this soluble restore the sun, the hotel in your rate in law holds one answer here, gray, water,
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water that comes from bus, for example, is piped back into the hotel for the toilets. just as a 20 years ago, the hotel installed separate pipes and treats the grave will fit in the basement. it claims to have saved 15000000 liters of water and made substantial financial savings from water costs. ok, so okay. a lot. i think it's something that in hotels that are room ready finished, they have to take advantage of a renovation situation. but i think it should be mandatory and new hotels being constructed. so there is the ability to recycle water and there is that are within the field, open space with the help of the nearby capital and institute of what to research. the hotel is also piloting a natural system using plants and soil to filter great water researches estimate costs for such a solution could be recuperated in 5 to 6 years. hello,
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is this the my is this system has been designed with ornamental plants because with lots of natural based solution, one of the many aspect of that is for it to be privy in this case, ford taurus. and that's why it's next to the hotel bar. if i'm doing 70 of the tourism season kicks off businesses and look into the ocean to fill swimming pools and provides drinking water and diesel. the nation plants like this one, but it's costly, an energy intensive. still the region will need every solution. big small, if it's to survive, as the drug goes on sundays, we saw that some really simple and incredibly effective ideas in spain. so saving bukasa for saving energy. and this extreme weather that we're seeing, it is also increasing the potential for boosting renewable energy production.
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and, and use instances, that's right. i mean, last year already we saw around 40 percent of the electricity and you're coming from renewable energy, which is a big step up. but be extreme weather. so you know, flooding for example, filling rivers gives the chunks the hydro energy for example, to be built so that we could use that to generate more energy. storms mean more wind. so then that's more wind power. and all of these things would help us move away from the fossil fuels that are fueling the problem with the climate and driving up temperatures in k. so a positive side to the story dw senior planet, unfortunately resourceful. thank you so much. i now just before we go, we've got the proof of what sauces have been telling us all along, but the sports the practice is a spiritual meeting point for humans and mother nature. now this is margaret river in west and australia is beautiful in itself, even before the hawaiian sofa,
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gabriel bryan is joined on the waves. i have pulled dolphins, gabriella won the final of the competition, and got a nice cheque for her assets. it is perhaps the experience itself that was price. this is a quick reminder of a top stories that we have for you today. the head of israel military intelligence unit has resigned for failing to prevent the hum of terror attack on october. the 2nd major general on how lisa is the 1st scene yet, is there any 2nd to step down over the attack and ukrainian president load him is lensky has a rapid delivery of new weapons off to us will make his post. $61000000000.00 a package. so we have time full coming on next week of africa and the
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slice against the illegal trade is apollonia lodge. now, many people that can and my colleagues are vanity will be here at the top of the next hour. international headlines, i hope you can join us again, so that the
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respects its own about a walk in waves and texting nature. that's right, sandra, respecting nature, studying aids. i mean, it's about being up to date with cameron diaz technologies training for the eco way of life, the environment magazine, the co africa next on d w. augustine's cove pushing on the inside the rings out. so this new generation,
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again, stereotype prison news for the future. in 60 minutes on d, w the we didn't force it on anyone, but we did sell them such a product to us and buy agreed in the 2000 star to bank engaged in various high risk business practice to search the bank was basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector? well, twice a range for ever higher process. if you made money, that was pressure to make more money. and then the minds of the german institution,
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the georgia bank story may 2nd on the or when it comes to environmental protection. one of the biggest challenges is how to balance competing interests all too often. there is a conflict between nature conservation out economic goals bought, taking auction on climate change, come and look new opportunities if it is done right. so welcome to go off because i am a son drug of homes that we know video right here in comp. hello uganda onto.


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