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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the the business, the, the news live from valid, renewed help in ukraine after you as lawmakers approved a new package of urgently needed military a presidency. lensky, welcome to the support saying it will send a powerful message to defense, finance, or confidence. the assistance will make a difference on the bathroom. also coming up is rarely false as killed more than a dozen people during a raid in the west bank. in response to palestinians launched the general strikes, closing the shops and protests and a group of volunteers, steps up to protect australia as endangered the penguin scorching summit.
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the gulf is welcome to the program. ukraine's president for the landscape has well, compos, he called a life saving age package, passed by the us house of representatives. he said to $61000000000.00 of aid will send a powerful message to the pregnant. at washington will stay with keith. the legislation is expected to be approved by the us senate on tuesday and quickly signed into law by president joe by ukrainians. hope the support will help stop the car and rush in advance on the front line. on the streets in the ukrainian capital keys, people commemorates soldiers who died, defending ukraine from russian troops. that's cautious relief that more aid from
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the us could finally be coming soon to see so then media at 1st glen $61000000000.00 might not seem like a last, but it gives us a chance to get weapons as soon as possible and kicked the russian invaders out of ukraine, which is going to allow them, is the unit who is a consumer. we need to end the war on times. that's a very unfair to us. we'll keep fighting with the aid, we get more, we don't have a lot of options. it's out all me without partners weapons, it's a pool that ukrainian soldiers have been waiting for since last. yeah. so you cranes, president has been pleading for more defense systems and more munition, the for i think every one who supported dell package. this is
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a like saving decisions. i am grateful personally to speaking mike johnson, to all american hearts who like us and ukraine, feel that russian evil definitely should not prevail. us low, make his kid and waved ukrainian flags off to the vote. the nearly $61000000000.00 a package includes funds full weapons for key. you've more training for ukrainian soldiers as well as more cash to help the us replenish its own weapons. stockpiles the final vote to release the support for ukraine should happen. this coming week, a russian sorry minister has announced these kremlin same to capture the ukrainian city of khaki. in a radio interview set, a lover of a said that a real khaki is key to put into the idea of creating demilitarized zones and
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ukraine, which would protects russian board of settlements from ukrainian 5 car cases. ukraine, 2nd largest city and has been on the 5th bombardment for weeks with key infrastructure being targeted. i also saw russian affairs analysts concerts in a guy. what he knows about most coast plants to launch a massive attack on how to use if you don't do those things, if you really want to do that during the law. so maybe that's going to be another thrust to the expected russian offensive later this spring. but on the other hand, how give seems like a logical thing for polluting. it's an important element in uh, the best simple sort of, uh, attempt to create a zone of protection for the southern regions of russia, which came increasingly on the training of the tech in the last few months. however, i think it will be quite difficult to say, oh, how good is a big price?
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it is actually graceful with capital. the 1920 is in a very symbolic but i do think that the premiums will be ready for that and it's not going to be at and what can do in the pocket if the rest of the inside to really take it. but for some stuff good to know. i think it's a bit of food to actually signally. you know, uh a package on not we're not going to be scared and we're going to continue. what we are already doing that's, that's by the way of a typical crime and paid that now the a package still has to be approved by the us senate and most of all of them is it landscaping doing to ensure this winds up on jo biden's desk as well, i think what they've sees recently got has, is some re balancing all the ukrainian, if you reach out to each attempts to washington from the administration to
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especially the from star republicans. and in this respect, we've seen me basically if you significant moments, probably the most important one is the one that was reported in the american media a metering recently in venice here where i am between the ukranian representatives and representatives of the trump campaign of the republican spring turns in which it seems, the premiums succeeded in at least in pressing uh, some of their on their reasoning on the republican intellectual core of plus. let's not forget the zaleski spoke to speak of johnson as big doesn't visit duke, right? and on top of with the head polish president, i should do that as well as david cameron, the you, the u. k. for a sec tree, a meet to donald trump and trying to convince him that it is in the interest of the
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public composite to support your price. if i don't think it was that's difficult, because to logic started, we'll proceed from public opinion polls in the us. a very significant majority of americans think that the us should support your crime. so in this sense, it's quite a re alignments in terms of uh, the outreach that the key of task contacting i got the reporting. thank you very much. consulting thank see is really military and say it's safe itself has approved plans to continue the war and cause i'm and is very media say that part of the plans include a military operation in the southern gaza strip. city of rough off comes off the overnight strikes on rough off killed $22.00 people including 18 children. that's according to the health ministry and gaza, which is run by home us more than half of the strips population of $2300000.00 have
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sold refuge about all situated on the board with agent as well as bound to expand his ground offensive into rough off despite international calls for restraint, residents of the west bank of launched a general strike, closing that shops and other businesses of to is way the troops rated the refugee camp in the territory. they posted you and red crescent said at least 14 people were killed, dozens injured. israel says it targeted militants during a counter. terrorism operation is right. it's mindy cheenum, creates the new refugee camp in the absorbing part of the restaurant. after not many killed and injured daughter boosters and homes destroyed. it doesn't connect you. my son was sleeping there, so he had to gone to wash himself and then he prayed and went home. his home is
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higher, of there was a sniper in front of him, was shot to him. i heard the son of the shooting. my oldest son went up there and sunday was bleeding. he blunted this look at these flat palestinians describe the drum unit as president, fit the model. i mean it'd be within that there is indeed a complete destruction of homeless shop electricity grid. took up the sewage towards the network. yeah. and the infrastructure and couple of other have then you have to finish this incursion is unprecedented. dequina the service knife as and rooftop the desk was nothing special forces detroit bishop because it's indeed a real one of the other men. as i done it strikes the military seas. it's going to militants due to the beat. the army also sees it has the phone and destroyed the explosives, and sees many weapons used in what it calls. detritus, activities,
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violence in the westbank have escalated sharply in recent months. on sunday, started the forces confirmed the case to palestinians who attacked a check point in the territory. according to the un, more than $450.00 ballast indians and 9 and started east have been killed in the restaurant since the october 7th didn't adopt by hum us. then you went also seized the violence against palestinians is trying to fit lives. there has increased significantly the connected states and a number of other countries having both functions on vide incentives and arch is trying to do more to stop the violence the following day. so i needed find a senior residents launched agenda, the strike shops, university bond, and the public transportation, but or close to participants that are needed under 50 gum. that's have
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a look at some of the other news making headlines today. the people they have quite the voting in the referendum on crime and security. the south american country has seen a spike and drug related gun violence presidents, danielle and the bar code for votes. us to support measures keeping him all pock to come back. what he calls the internal um conflict with criminal groups holding stations of closed and spans basket region in what has been described as the most popular contested election in decades. suppose this place left waiting. the nationalist and right wing nationalists may connect without an absolute majority of the socialist workers, ponzio spanish, prime minister paper essentially is likely to play the role of king macon. as though solomon germany itself has caused tales on highways. as the state of the valley, we have braces for moving 3,
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whether pale rain ice and snow have made driving conditions extremely difficult over the weekend. full cost of warning locals to watch out for black ice unfolding trees. and it's a scorching summer along australia is west coast and that is threatening the survival of it's already in the age of penguins, the buzz is struggling to find protection from recent heat waves. local volunteers are thinking outside the box now to keep the penguin school and boost their chances of survival. a just south of tooth on australia's waste coast lies penguin island. home to the largest population of penguins and waste and astray leah. it's a popular destination said, bid watches and tourists, but amid climate change and rising temperatures, the penguins are on the threes numbers here. i have plummeted by around 80 percent
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in the past 10 years. now selma's, unfortunately we've just had but we've had a high number of or last number of days we've, we've really high above average temperatures. and we will find that we will get very strong from either heating local volunteers, the steeping up to help the ping when survive. crafting new sting boxes to keep them cool. the boxes have events and double glaze wools, making them degrees cooler and pink wood made nice. these boxes, hopefully going to play a really important role in helping this population adapt to climate change. and hopefully we all would hate to think that my grandchildren, when he to see penguins and how lucky our on our doorstep. i mean you got the jewel of the crown here in rockingham. you got show what all is. marie puck signs is estimate 0 only around $350.00, penguins,
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least on the island. and with more than 10 summer heat waves predicted time is of the essence to help them adapt to our planets changing climates. and before we go, some sports news can, is perez, jip cetera, has smashed the women's world record at the london mass on the 50 year olds across the line with the time of 2 hours, 16 minutes and 16 seconds. that's nearly a minute faster than the previous record. it means he's booked a ticket to defend and pick title at the post games. this roots took ramos through a cool and cloudy capital, purchasing many of london's famous landmarks along the . and that's it for me. and then it was the most for now, don't go way up next. don't feel explains why a personalized diet can help you lose weight and you do more energy salt,
9:15 pm
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