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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CEST

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the, the business dw news line from valid renewed health and ukraine off to you as lawmakers approved a new package urgent they needed military, a presidents that and skiing well comes to support saying it will send a powerful message to the kremlin finance or confidence the assistance will make a difference on the about also coming up, talk is ready to send hundreds of thousands of refugees back to have gone installed, apply least thousands of women fearing for the future on this hardly bon room. and approve of other tears steps up to protect australia as endangered the penguins from the scorching summit. the
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gulf is welcome to the program. ukrainian president for them is a landscape has well come forward. he called a live saving a package passed by the us house of representatives. he said, the $61000000000.00 of aid will send a powerful message to the kremlin that washington will stay with keith. the legislation is expected to be approved by the us senate on tuesday, and quickly signed into law by president joe by ukrainians. hope the support will help stop the comment rush in advance on the front line. on the street in the ukrainian capital keys. people commemorates soldiers who died, defending ukraine from russian troops. that's cautious relief that more aid from the us could finally be coming soon. the.
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the literacy. so the media at 1st glance, $61000000000.00 might not seem like a lot, but it gives us a chance to get weapons as soon as possible and kicked the russian invaders out of ukraine. which is going to allow them is the unit who is a consumer. we need to end the war on times. that's a very unfair to us. to keep fighting with the aid, we get more, we don't have a lot of options. it's out all me without partners weapons, it's a pool, but ukrainian soldiers have been waiting for since last. yeah. so you cranes, president has been pleading for more defense systems and more munition the, i think every one who's supposed to del package. this is a like saving decisions. i am grateful personally to speak of mike johnson,
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to all american hearts who like us and ukraine, feel that russian evil definitely should not prevail. us low, make his kid and waved ukrainian flags off to the vote. the nearly $61000000000.00 a package includes funds full weapons for key. you've more training for ukrainian soldiers as well as more cash to help the us replenish its own weapons. stockpiles the final vote to release the support for ukraine should happen. this coming week, a slow process are administered as announced, the cremeans am so attached to the finding of the city of khaki in a rush and the radio interview. so guy left off said that cox has a key to put into the idea of creating a demon militarized zone in ukraine, which would protect russian voters settlements from you friday and 5. talk to if
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it's a friend, 2nd largest city and has been on the fields from baldwin for weeks with key infrastructure being targeted. now let's bring it rushing to fast unless consumption is talking to us from vilnius. because of the 2nd level of the doubles down on claims on ukrainian territory and the full takeover of hockey's. what do you make of these remarks? it won't get hurt. on the other hand, if you don't do those things, if you really want to do that during law, so maybe that's going to be another thrust to the expected russian offensive later this spring. but all the other him how give seems like a logical thing for polluting. it's important elements in the best symbols sort of uh, attempt to create a zone of protection for the a southern regions of russia, which came increasingly on the training of the tech in the last few months. however,
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i think it will be quite difficult to say, oh, the use of the price. it is actually graceful with capital. the 1920 is in a very symbolic but i do think that the premiums will be ready for that. and it's not going to be at and walk into in, in the pocket if the rest of the inside to really take it. but there's some stuff good to know. i think it's a bit of food to actually signal the, you know, uh, a package of not we are not going to be scared. then we're going to continue. what we are already doing that's. that's by the way that a typical crime and paid at the a package. it still has to be approved by the us senate and most of all of them. is it landscaping doing to ensure this winds up on job items desk as well. i think what we've seen recently got has, is a certain re balancing of the ukrainian and if you reach out to each attempts
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to washington from the administration to especially the from star republicans. and in disrespect, we've seen me basically if you significant moments, probably the most important one is the one that was reported in the american media metering recently in venice here, where am between ukrainian representatives and representatives of the trump campaign of the republicans paintings in which it seems the premiums succeeded in at least in pressing uh, some of their on their reasoning on the republican intellectual core of plus. let's not forget the zaleski scope to speaker johnson. speaking doesn't visit you great. and on top of the head polish president,
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i should be done as well as david cameron, the you, the u. k. for a sec, treat me to donald trump and trying to convince him that it is in the interest of the public composite to support your price. if i don't think it was that's difficult, because to logic started, we'll proceed from public opinion polls in the us. a very significant majority of americans think that the us should supposed to cry. so in, in this sense, it's quite the re alignments in terms of the outreach that key of dos concept to negate the reporting. thank you very much, constantine. thank you. let's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines today or the health ministry and gaza, which is run by some of those is riley strikes on the southern city of rough overnight coast. 22 people, including 18 children, old and a half of kansas population of 2300000 have sold rescue general from israel has
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vouch to expand its ground, offensive interrupt for the spike international polls for the spring. the people that go to are voting the referendum on crime and security south american country has seen spike in truck, relates with gun vitamins, president donnie and the bar code full of votes as to support. and i was just giving them old file to come back. but because the internal conflict with criminal groups in spain, the bask region is voting and elections that have been described as the most popular contests, injection, both places last spring nationalist and wiping nationalist. and they connect the 1000 absolute majority of the socialist workers, party of spanish fragments that paper such as it is likely to play the role of king make to park is done now with the government plans to devote some $800000.00 african refugees under the so called illegal for and as repass ration
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plan, the move would see many peoples deported to afghanistan regardless of the residency status, including those born in pakistan to refugee parents. dw visited several alaska on women fearing deportation and life on the tale. bon rule. melinda was born in pakistan, spots ask around background, mean she faces deportation to afghanistan. she is deeply worried. what that would mean for her future prospect, a tom upon his own check of getting, what would we do in afghanistan? it'd be thought of. i knew bunchy of the taliban have restrictions on women. yeah, it's a cute girls can't leave the house and go to work enough. got us done, honey, going to the 60 feet of logic and there is nothing there for us auto body in a part a. could you be here in pack of stone? we mean a free to earn a living. they don't normally wear avail box,
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so they don't want to show their faces here. they fits how the band repercussions in the events they are forced to leave. pakistan's government is planning to expel more than a 1000000 undocumented migrants. as 800004 my scottish don, even people born in pakistan, all of those holding national identity cards are being defaulted. the 2nd phase of expulsion started earlier this week. education is that the full front of many women's minds like the taliban in afghanistan, excluding most goals from attending schools. the bottom ones, we don't want to go back to afghanistan. we can study here and find work. i can continue with my educational teaching. if we went to afghanistan with the tele bonded close schools to women,
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you know educational work as possible. maybe for the shape i was on here. but when i don't want to go to afghanistan, minneapolis, i want to study and become a teacher or a doctor and this isn't possible in afghanistan a little. i don't want to go. the 5 guns and pakistan have sets up their own communities. many say they have fled from tell it then rule which is known for its deeply conservative religious policies. bots, pakistan says the high number of atkins presents the secuity risk. i made an uptake in terror attacks so these are scanned goals and the many likes them allowed to study and work in pakistan. the future looks bleak. it's a scorching setup, long australia is west coast and that is threatening of the survival office. already endangered, endangered penguins,
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the buzz of struggling to find protection from recent heat waves. local volunteers are now thinking outside of the box to keep the penguins cool and boost that chances of survival. just south of pits on australia is waste coast lies penguin island home to the largest population of penguins and waste and astray, the. it's a popular destination. the fed bid watches and tourist but a mid climate change and rising temperatures. the penguins are on the threes. numbers here have plummeted by around 80 percent in the past 10 years. the now summers, unfortunately we've just had so we've had these at high number of or last number of days we've, we've really high above average temperatures. then we will find that we will get a story from either hating local volunteers the steeping up to help the ping when survive crafting new sting boxes to keep them cool. the boxes have events and
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double glaze wools, making them 8 degrees cooler than pink wood may miss the foxes, hopefully, going to play a really important role in helping this population adapt to climate change and hopefully become all would hate to think that my grandchildren, when he to see penguins, and how lucky on the doorstep. i mean you got the jewel of the crown here in rockingham. you go show what all is. marie puck signs is estimate 0 only around $350.00, penguins, least on the island. and with more than 10 summer heat, waves predicted time is of the essence to help them adapt to our planets, changing climates, and have a little bit of sports news for you. kenny s. perez jeff chitter is, has smashed the women's world right quote. at the london marathon, the 30 year old cross the line with a time of 2 hours,
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16 minutes and 16 seconds. as nearly a minute foster and the previous read seems already booked out tickets to defend, to olympic title at the powers summer games. which took from us through a cooling, cloudy capital. promising many of london's amazon the you're watching dw news is that remind them of all the top stores. your current president, for the landscape has welcome to was he called a life saving 8 packets tossed by the us house of representatives along the way. that bill has been delayed for months by 5 touches and wrangling, the us senate as president job. i do not expect you to approve the legislation in the coming day, and that's in front of me of those team. so now up next line football player saw
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the german women's team stays on the boat. despite some challenge. sports that's coming up. right now. got f as in berlin, near the team since the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center. and the straight screen the around the world more than 130000000 people of.


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