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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:14pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news why from berlin renewed hope in ukraine after us lawmakers should prove a new package of urgently needed military presidents of landscape. welcome to the support saying it will send a powerful message to the kremlin. ukrainians are confident the assistance will make a difference on the battlefield. also coming up, pakistan ready to send hundreds of thousands of refugees back to afghanistan, the plan leads thousands of women fearing for their future under taliban rule, the
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in a warm welcome to viewers around the world on michael, ukrainian, president of a lot of mister lensky has welcomed what he called a live saving a package passed by the us house of representatives. he said, the $61000000000.00 of aid will send a powerful message to the kremlin that washington will stay with keith. the legislation is expected to be approved by the us senate on tuesday and quickly signed into law by president joe biden, ukrainians hope this report will help stop the current russian advance on the front line on the street in the ukrainian capital. keith, people commemorate soldiers who died defending ukraine from russian troops. that's cautious release the more aid from the us could finally be coming soon of the literacy. so the media at 1st glance, $61000000000.00 might not seem like a lot, but it gives us
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a chance to get weapons as soon as possible and kick the russian invaders out of ukraine. we can screen the, is the unit, only the consumer. we eat the end, the war on time, so that's a very unfair to us. to keep fighting with the aid, we get more, we don't have a lot of options. it's out all me without partners weapons, it's a pool, but ukrainian soldiers have been waiting for since last. yeah. so you cranes, president has been pleading for more defense systems and more munition, the for i think every one who supported dell package. this is a life saving decisions. i am grateful personally to speak of mike johnson, to all american hearts who like us and ukraine, feel that russian evil definitely should not prevail. us low,
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make his kid and waved ukrainian flags off to the vote. the nearly $61000000000.00 a package includes funds full weapons for keys, more training for ukrainian soldiers, as well as small cash to help the us replenish its own weapons, stockpiles the final vote to release the support for ukraine should happen this coming week. meanwhile, russia's foreign minister has announced the kremlin aim to capture the ukrainian city of hockey. even a russian radio interview survey. laugh rod said that the car key is key to putin's idea of creating, demilitarized owens in ukraine, which would protect russian border settlement from ukrainian fire. keith is ukraine 2nd largest city and has been under fierce bombardment for weeks with key infrastructure being targeted. i asked the job user,
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russian affairs analyst konstantin, and good. what he knows about most goes plans to launch and all out takeover of hockey. if uh frankly, i think this is possible this typical a very, very full c p r. i told you so, and i'm going to do this. i told you so. so the fact that you're not prepared, that's not my problem. that is very typical thing. one hasn't been has strongest level, doesn't decide anything. he's not fall under the decision making machine. he's just voicing basically opinions that all the piece don't divorce. no, they've got to keep. it's uh, i think clear that it is in the gross sales overall shall be because of the intensity of all questioning. whether in the last 2 weeks, it's been a couple months, but what to put in the launch, this offense is white. so the question especially now
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off to the us 8 by which was basically it's closed and it will be quite the risk. oh, you have to be think that it's, it may be a way of telling a package and not i am not afraid. i'm going to do my own thing in the brain and that's probably the best. the best explanation, konstantin, from your vantage point and know how of course, how does the new $61000000000.00 us a package to ukraine, likely impact russia's planning in terms of scale or timing? it is an extremely unpleasant thing for property and then for the company and then for the russian aggression because of cause it shows that india and there is a bipartisan agreement and we got the grant. and also there is a u. s. vote agreement, public opinion polls showed that support
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a grant is in the us interest. so i think to logic stem, this is probably the most unpleasant news for the kremlin since the but least also last year since the not very successful. ukrainian counter offensive. or i want to go back konstantin, if you will, to something you were saying earlier, just do a slightly deeper dive. what do you make of laugh rob's seemingly frank and direct rhetoric easy, their strategy behind what he's saying in this radio interview. what is the strategy we have to ask, put to not levels, but i think it is a way of telling the international community that's russia is not going to relate differentially. this is the message, no matter what happens is we, i'm not going to relate. this is very typical messaging because the keys always use that. and i think that in this respect, it is also a way of trying to impact uh,
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significant parts of public opinion tends to run up to the european problem with the lectures and in the us. because those who are against 80000 to flatter across the border to neighboring thailand, armed ethnic groups captured an army post last week. the fall of the strategic border town is the latest in a string of defeats for the winter that sees power 3 years ago. the people of ecuador are voting in a referendum on crime and security. the south american country has seen a spiking drug related gang violence. president daniel number one called for voters to support measures, giving him more power to combat what he calls the internal armed conflict with criminal boots. to pakistan. now where the government plans to port some $800000.00 african refugees under the so called legal for it is repatriation plan. the move
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would see many people deported to afghanistan regardless of their residency status, including those born in pakistan to refugee parents. dw visited several african women fearing deportation and life under taliban rule. melinda was born in pakistan. spots ask um background mean she faces deportation to west counties, dawn. she is deeply worried. what that would mean for her future prospects? come upon his own check of getting it. what would we do in afghanistan? it'd be thought of on the bungee of the taliban have restrictions on women. yeah, the key girls can't leave the house and go to work enough. got us done behind me going to the 60 feet of logic and there is nothing there for us auto body in a part a. could you be here in pack of stone? we mean a free to earn a living. they don't normally wear avail, thought,
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so they don't want to show their faces here. they fits out of band repercussions in the events they're forced to leave. pakistan's government is planning to expel more than a 1000000 undocumented migrants. as 800004 my scottish don. even people born in pakistan. oh those holding national identity cards are being defaulted. the 2nd phase of expulsion started earlier this week. as well. education is that the full front of many women's minds with the taliban in afghanistan, excluding most goals from attending schools. the bottom ones, we don't want to go back to afghanistan, we can study here and find work. i can continue with my educational teaching. if we went to afghanistan with a tally bind to close schools to women, you know, educational work as possible. maybe over the shape i was on here,
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but when i don't want to go to afghanistan, minneapolis, i want to study and become a teacher or a doctor. this isn't possible in afghanistan a little. i don't want to go to the 5 guns and pakistan have sets up their own communities. many say they have fled from taliban rule, which is known for its deeply conservative religious policies. bots, pakistan says the high number of atkins presents a security risk. i mean, they're not taking type of attacks for these ask and goals and the many like. so i'm allowed to study and work and practiced on the future looks bleak . tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets of spain's canary islands, to demand changes to mass tourism. they say the current economic model, harm's local residents and the environment. the protestors want authorities to take
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steps to less than the negative effects. of so many torres, flocking to the popular destination the canaries have a limit. that's what many of these posters read. thousands of local residents across the 7th in every islands. protest against my students, and i don't know, but i'm gonna get i'm, what we heard of this demonstration will be historically we're convinced that it is going to find that people are finally raising their voice and that almost they are not going to stay at home. residents say they are not against tourists, both say, after all tourism accounts for about 25 percent of the archipelago cdp, but they do want the numbers to be regulated. now still nearly 14000000 tourists visited the canary islands. that's more than 6 times its own population. north ticket, i was curious to know that we don't want to or if we want quality tourism,
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one beach is full of garbage and we don't want housing books all over the islands. i, the activists say the tourism projects like luxury hotels, out of times illegal. the destroy natural habitats, to projects in southern pen and re fi have been particularly contentious. of all of this resentment is also driven by dissatisfaction with present living conditions. people complain of low wages, limited water supplies, and the housing crisis to them. whole model of tourism is unsustainable. this is the, it's not only the tourism project, it's the cues, the precarious work, the unemployment and the weariness of the people who are tired of it. protest those also want the government to consider imposing to respect that might discourage visitors and bring in revenue to improve the lives of local residents. and we have some sports news for you can use periods computer has smash the women's
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world record at the london marathon. the 30 year old costs in line with the time of 2 hours, 16 minutes and 16 seconds, nearly a minute faster than the previous record. it means she's booked her ticket to defend her olympic title at the paris games this summer. the route took runners to a cool and cloudy capital, passing many of london's famous landmarks along the way. and here's a reminder of our top story, ukrainian presidents. a lot him is the landscape as welcome, which he called a live saving a package passed by the us house of representatives. the long awaited bill had been delayed for months by by parties in wrangling. the us senate and president joe biden are expected to approve the legislation in the coming decades and we'll end is there up next. we have a report on the hair when the epidemic and kashmir,
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that's after short break. there's more and dw dot com and of course, you know, social media including instagram and x. our handle is predictably acting w news unlike look. and thanks for watching and bye for now, the, the gentleman was c w plus or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level reading gentleman has to go driven by agreed in the 2 thousands door to bag engaged in various time risk business practice to reach somebody who's basically involved in every shady scandal .


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