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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why? from berlin? ukraine awaits a long delayed vote. in the us house on a $60000000000.00, a tax, presidents and landscape warrants as allies it without the funds. ukraine can't keep the russian forces at the bank. also on the program explosions, hit the base of no, ron back malicious south of baghdad, killing one person authority say they don't know what caused the black plus the united states agrees to withdraw its troops from the chair. the decision comes after new year's military clinton cancel is in agreement with watching the
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and a warm welcome to the viewers around the world. i'm michael. ok. us lawmakers are preparing to hold a crucial vote on aid for ukraine. the us has been ukraine's biggest backer in this war against russia. the congress has not approved major funding since last year. mainly because of victory across the political aisle. democratic lawmakers in congress have been pushing for a major new weapons package for ukraine 4 months. but republican hardliners had been reluctant to provide funding to key 2020 to now appears to be cross party support for a $61000000000.00 package of the ukrainian forces on the front line have long to rush and they run munition right now. they're being out gunned by the russians in the eastern done yet, screeching president. low to me. is that lensky fund his troops this week in the in
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bottle of tone of chests, if you out which you cranes as russia aims to capture in the coming weeks? he could handle metals for that bravery, but not the tools to do the job. so landscape has long appealed for more military aid for front line forces and the defense systems to protect cities like causes ukraine. second largest cities suffers almost daily attacks. we've agreed you, me said zion ukraine have been waiting for months for this. michael support package waiting for a vote in congress as of today. well, i think the overwhelming a conclusion here and, and coming sense is that the pressure is got too hard or too big, too, too significant for the republican let house of representatives to the speaker of the house, my johnson. and frankly, for america, the white house, as well as the senate who passed a similar measures about 2 months ago. and ever since the white house is, is,
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is begging the house to, to bring up. there's a package, you know, the united states is aware that it has obligations that it is the, and proclaims itself to be the leader of the free world. but you can be a leader of the free world if you, if you don't need it. and apparently, if you don't, um, uh, put up your pack of pocket books and, and do what you're supposed to do. meaning helping ukraine, israel and taiwan. so there's a whole package $95000000000.00 which will be decided upon today. and that includes military uh, security assistance as it says, uh for israel, for taiwan. and as we said here, $65.00 or $60000000000.00 for ukraine. so i think that was the reason pressures got really immense and, and, and too hard to ignore it in and not show why is this a to ukraine still so controversial? this it is because there is a relatively small number of hotline republicans who say that though the united
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states can actually not afford to sell out of $60000000000.00 to ukraine, or almost $1415.00 to israel and 8 to taiwan. because we have for the united states has a $34.00 trillion dollar deficit. how, you know, budget deficit and national bank actually not deficit but national debt. and that is the reason why they say they are not on board with this. the other reason is, and that is important to is of course, the border or in a crate immigration situation at the us mexico border. and that it gets complicated because then we have to talk about donald trump and what he's, what his interests are to block any movement on this front, so to speak. because we have a presidential election this year. it's a dw correspondent to step on simon's at the us capitol many 6. meanwhile, large explosions have hit the base of rocky militia south of baghdad. the so what
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do you say? at least one person was killed in several or injured? it's on clear what caused the glass. the base belongs to a coalition of the wrong link groups called the popular mobilization forces. and electro officials say the blast were caused by an air strike. the united states has denied involvement in the attempt. so i'm in a been, is a middle east analyst at lancaster university. i asked him what he makes of the explosions near baghdad. yeah, it looks like an ad strike. it looks like the sort of thing that has been conducted on more and more in, in recent days. chances are we know where it's come from. we know that it's not the united states, which is incredibly unwilling to escalate this precarious situation. any further. we know the israel has struck a number of different targets in recent days, in an attempt to try and tail it raining in games, but they've been trying to make in the past week or so. this is all part of
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a much bigger strategic game between israel and iran. here's the latest incarnation of dots, increasingly sleeves and haas style rivalries. and so i mean, what about the drone attack on is fun, you know, ron, which is widely being attributed to israel. ron's been careful not to directly attribute the attack to israel and the for administer reportedly compared attacking drones. toys is the caution into ron's rhetoric something you expect as well what they're trying to do. and i think all of the parties that are involved in this, or trying to spin the outcome of particular events in the most positive way for them. this is as much about strategic narratives about messaging, about claiming victory and that sort of p all struggle as much as the physical direct military strikes that are taking place. it's about telling the narrative
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that you are emerging from something and a stronger position to restore the radians during that after they struck israel last week, or indeed that the talk is what hit we. so it'd be as raves doing it after they thought it'd be arranging the talk. and now we see the radians doing it without blaming as well. but suggesting that they are still standing in the face of a truck, the child is, should talk a feeble a talk is a some sports that we only have half a minute. but i am curious, what's your sense of how israel is managing the threat of escalation with around and it's proxies. it's a really complex one. it doesn't necessarily want to escalate in light is having to deal with an incredibly devastating situation in gaza. it knows that if it does escalate with the run, it has to deal with this by law. it has to deal with proxies and allies in syria and in iraq. it knows that that type of escalation in a new threshold would for
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a much equity increase. the possibility that is route would face the serious attacks on multiple fronts. that's a simon may been middle east analyst at lancaster university. many, many thanks line for a brief look now at some of the other stories making news around the world at this hour, turkey is present in great shape tire verde. one has met with a moss leader, is mile in the is stumble. there talks or thought to have focused on reaching a ceasefire in the gaza strip. and the war that started with a mazda is terror attacks against israel last october. they also want to get more humanitarian aid into the besieged territory. with just over 2 months to go before the start of the games in paris, the olympic torch has reached the 1st spectacular destination on it to ventral 12000 kilometer journey. it was carried to the acropolis high above the great capital assets. the flame is due to arrive in paris on july 26th. for the start of
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the game. the german worship has ended its mission protecting ships from humans with the militants and the red sea. in february, germany deployed the air defense frigate to join the use naval mission. run back towards the middle tents, want to force an end to the is really military operation in the gaza strip. us media reports a washington has agreed to withdraw troops from new share. the base in the west african country has been key in counterterrorism efforts in the so health region. but new year's ruling hunter cancelled a military cooperation agreement with washington last month and demanded the truth . withdrawal protests against the us presence have taken place since a military to last july. the us currently has around a 1000 soldiers in major issue areas is a german journalist who focuses on these that held region of africa. i asked him to
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tell us more about the withdrawal of american soldiers from new year. and i think the question leads to the cause, the problem, after all, and usually there is the southern states. so why wouldn't they, i think the restaurant a lot from the events surrounding the, the retreat of the french soldiers from, from the jail. the defense government didn't want to lease. and in the end, they were pretty much forced out and all ties between media and friends have been kept ever since, at least for the moment the us don't want that to happen. so they try to maintain it, maintain a relationship somehow. meanwhile, missouri is getting closer and closer to moscow. what let to new here is closer ties with russia. i think it's uh, a lot about southern main tea. and the cool did ties seen then the big part of the population as it moves towards the liberation from this corrupt political 6th
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system in the jail, and also from oppression by foreign powers. so the idea of through india is very high in the popularity and liberating themselves from having one path. not only in that case, the west is seen as a means of gaining more leverage in yeah, the construction of a new what auto with media and a better place. and i'm curious about your perspective on this will the us withdrawal effect it's on its ability to wield influence in new share? it absolutely there more than 1000 soldiers stationed in these at the moment. and it's a very important assets. and once they've gone, it would be very difficult to have an idea of what's going on in the region. and that definitely makes a different situation for the us and its ability to stay in contact with the, with the content as well. because that would be less personnel, and the, the,
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the balance of assets will shift because that will be russians in place at the moment. and nobody knows. so how long they will stay. so there are a lot of open questions concerning that. so give us some perspective here. how has new hairs recent political shift affected its relationship with its former western allies? for example, france and what alliances has it formed with other countries other than russia? and the moment i wouldn't say that media has forced, has created new alliances. it is trying to move it safe into a situation where it's not hiding with either side in the multi pulled over. and that is seen as a means to, to gain more leverage as i sat. and that has been discussions that is set, at least with you, with the rain iran, about the uranium expectations in new jail. china is raising its influence interest and in these you and took his politics as well. so
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the discussions with many sides. but at the moment the, the goal of the government or media or the content of the military government is to an upside with anyone. and definitely they also say that the russian military advisors to adjust the rights in the country, they will leave as soon as federal system. um, but if that really happens is something that has to be seen in the future and we're gonna have to end it there. our thanks to journalist israel, eric a surface the best in store has conquered a monster wave. another re portugal. the wave was measured at 28.57 meters, which could be a new world record. the wave was measured using phone technology. if confirmed the monster wave would surpass the german's own previous record of 26 point one meters in 2020
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and we will end it there. up next blind football players. how the german women's team stays on the ball despite some challenges. i'm michael, looking for me and the rest of the berlin loose team. thanks for watching to stay with us. more news as always, at the beginning of the next hour, the people in trucks engine, i was trying to see the city center. the straight screen the around the world more than 130000000 people us we all mine because no.


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