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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the, basically the, the news life from berlin reports of explosions and this guy, oh, but you're on your end and media say air defense systems by activated as a new care facility. now the central city of east behind this off to is read about retaliation for it on unprecedented drone. and we signed a 3rd last weekend re bringing the latest also in the program and in 5 minutes the names are more of the 6. another term in office as voting stotts, and the was biggest election the,
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i'm the advantage, you're welcome. you're on stage media has reported loud explosions in the sky, and you have the central city of east for hon. there on says it's air defense systems were activated at a nearby military base and a nuclear facility shooting down a number of drones. meanwhile, us media reporting is ratified at least one nissan in retaliation for an indian nissan and drooling a tag. last weekend. slash is mark the sky above the iran in what alleged to be, and it's really attack iran state media reported loud sounds. being hood near the city of east for home, the area or is home 2 important defense facilities and a large nuclear seem to as the attack prompted slight divisions across around 2 to 5 avenue by daybreak. the incident was being down played was however, used as
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a state media reporting, the city was come and emphasizing that nothing was out of the ordinary course of the there were some loud sounds that were heard in the east stuff, the city of us behind. and this was related to the air defense system as though we told you, and our viewers before triggered by the presence of the 3 small drones that were present in that area. other than that, nothing has happened. everything is back to normal. used the officials have reportedly told media that israel is behind the incident. it's will cabinets has been debasing its response to a large scale, a rainy and messiah tac last week. and iran said it had retaliated to a presumed is riley strike on the roms, embassy, and syria, which killed 13 people. is rails. our national security minister seemingly
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unimpressed with its legs. this move, posting the wood feeble and the social media update, and condemned the suspected strike while egypt owed for strength from all policies . the you and other regional leaders are also cooling for come. we have to do all everything possible that all sides restrain from the escalation in that region. we have seen the mass of attacked withdrawals that missed as well, and about 300 right here on, on as well, if it is absolutely necessary that the region space stable and at all sides refrain from further action. mean, i believe israel and iran to de escalate in hopes of keeping this latest, middle east violence from spiraling out of control. let's get more of this uh, developing story for me. i caught us bundle rebecca auditors in jerusalem. rebecca,
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any confirmation from israel as yet on? if it falls behind this attack? no official confirmation direction. i will preface everything by saying, you know, that this is in fact a developing story in the picture of just what happened, how it happened and who was the perpetrator is still becoming clear. what we do know largely comes from on name sources that report in launch a u. s. media. but also some is rarely media and rainy and media. so, you know, just to let you know, just to make sure that everybody understands that this is still a very much a developing story and the picture is still emerging. what i can tell you as you heading that report, that us officials telling many us outlets that they have concern. this was in his right, the strike and we're hearing reports that the us were in fact was that a strike was likely within 48 hours. we know that explosions were reported all over . that is for one area and video circulating shows what suddenly appears to be into
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sections is right. iranian raw, the state media is saying that the a defense was activated and officials in around saying a 3 drugs were shot down. now, as i mentioned, is route hasn't commented. we have reached out to the military for a response, but they have not responded to us or to anyone. it appears they tend not to comment on these attacks, but you know, we were hearing in the lead up to the overnight attack. the israel was very certainly determined to respond and it was being pulled that they do so in a limited manner. it's certainly a piece that that may, has been the case. and if confirmed it took me, seems that many people here in the region and allies will be breathing or even short lived the sigh of relief. that things didn't, at least for the moment escalate. so the let's talk about the city of is fun. yeah . because we're talking about these a, these, the,
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these explosions around in and around the city of it's for one, which is also where sites associated with it on the new care program. all. would that make it a potential target? that's definitely hard to say. but as you rightly point out, is the hahn is a region that is home to a large a base. there's also a major missile production complex complex, as you pointed out, several nucleus sites there as well. uh, it certainly could be the reason why that region was the target of the suspected attack. we know though, from a rainy and officials, and it's also been confirmed by the atomic energy agency saying that none of the nuclear facilities were in fact damaged. we're not sure where, what was the targeted p is more likely that a military base in the area was the potential target. and that might signify a tit for tat attack because it was indeed an air based on military base in israel
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that was hit by one of the missiles from the a rainy and retaliatory attract tack over the weekend. you said earlier, rebecca, the east bed was determined to respond to talk to us a bit about any pressure, if at all by mr. benjamin netanyahu was under to respond as well. i think it's very safe to say that benjamin netanyahu, the war cabinet. i have been under immense pressure from all sides. domestically internationally. i mean a home you're, you're looking at a pressure from within his own coalition from whole cushman, because of that coalition on the far right. really pushing for a strong fees, rapid response to a saturday's metallic tree of attack, cooling for a much bigger response than what we've seen if it is indeed confirmed. this was the response. and you have, of course, the international pressure, particularly from the us, but also from the you. we had 7 foreign minister and a late, a bad bulk, and the u. k. foreign minister, david cameron here, this way,
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cooling full restraint. that has been the message from the western community. indeed, nobody wants to see this a spill out into a major or more major conflict. and that is, you know, everybody will be signed a sort of sense of relief as we have been hearing from a right. and for officials that there is no applied at a retaliatory attack. so it could well be that for the moment, things on that front have calmed down somewhat, but the region of course remained credibly hot and nothing can be guaranteed in this region. it is very volatile. rebecca, thanks very much for that. let us funded rebecca. it does reporting from journals them that let's bring in the job now he's a political scientist and director of the center for middle east and global order. welcome ali. we're still waiting for official confirmation that is around the could be potentially behind this attack. but what does it look like to you was user friendly behind this? well, there are
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a lot of details that are not kind of furniture yet. but of course, we can suggest that it's very likely that you know what happened in terms of the strike on the wrong, but also on southern syria has been carried on out the way as well. and how do you read the in response to this uh, sofa as well, the right side is clearly playing down. what has been happening or they're talking about. so it'd be arriving at defense system successfully shooting down a small, small drones, commercial drones even. so they're even belittling what has happened. so this is very much signaling that'd be around in saw. it has no appetite whatsoever for any kind of retaliation. and how will that go down in the, in, in domestic public. well, the downgrading is also
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a signal to the domestic support of bass that nothing has nothing major has happened. so there was no show for iran to potentially retaliate, of course. and there's always, you know, the possibility of retaliation, but i don't think that we're going to see any escalation from here on because the wrong side is uh, you know, are still not interested in an old out tour. uh, so this remains uh, you know, a core, uh, you know, interest from the around inside. so they are not interested in re sally aging and reacting to this in a manner that could provoke further tips of tops. and that could spiral out of control and going into an offshore. i mean, it's interesting to say that i need because they didn't, and foreign minister was speaking to a us media outlet. and he had promised the exact opposite of what you're saying. if it is around what to attack iran for. yeah,
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and more importantly than your once for a minister or the i r g. c, a commander was saying salami following the april, 1st attack by a wrong on easy last weekend had suggested that iran had now a soul of you, a question that with you know, say that any attack from israel on iranian figures, interest would be responded to by a retaliation from inside iran in territory. so this indeed was a new question and all of that. but i would be careful because it's really, you know, it also or associated with risk if this new a question is put in place. this would mean, you know, a highlighting a new quantity of explanation between the 2 sides and what to be around your reaction to what has happened. so, you know, uh, last night suggest is that uh maybe this newly question is not going to be
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put in practice in every single incident. because the strategic calculations still remain in place. which is that it would be immensely costly for uh, the right hand side to, uh, you know, to go uh for an, a lot more uh, with ease well and potentially the united states. but so walking, no, not that this is the state of plan that we are in, and you're talking about this new immigration, but doesn't apply to every instance. what happens now is it, it in proxies that continue to try and attack is rarely interest and is run a response to them? what are we looking at? now, as i think this is the past and that you just described that we have been observing over the last half a year in the context of that as a war is likely to continue regardless of the events i think on april
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1st. but also last night, and so i think from these really side, this as being also kind of a middle ground do. they found a officers here as well meeting. so they had and you know, calls from the international community and see towards is really a restrained us. so these really seems, seem to have, you know, demonstrated to kind of show for us so that they could penetrate, you know, you're on an aerospace, uh, but this also singles that there is no interest at this point from these very side to provoke iran into a larger, military, contract confrontation, electrical compared to other countries in the region. so egypt, for instance, those aust, you get on an israel to exercise restraint. you have hold on, we just calling it and he's really attacked and has condemned it. and what, how do god always companies of the region look at this? i mean, what does that take going to be, or?
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well, there vide so interest of the countries that you mention, but most notably, the countries in the persian gulf region, you know, the united arab emirates, but also sad ravia are extremely worried about. so one thing only, which is stability. and so they want to, uh, you know, to, uh, to use all diplomatic channels that they have in order to calm down at the escalating tensions between the wrong and israel, which could be the stabilizing. and which would be politically, but especially to cut off because it costly for many of the states in the region. i did want to comment on uh, on, on the cut the, because there were reports that the author is unhappy with the way things are running. and uh, it could potentially withdraw or at least lower its involvement when it comes to negotiations. but it's been a part of how do you, how do you see those funds there?
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well, also the advisory side is very much interested in stability in the region. and they've been, of course, trying to pay i because of their connections to i'm us, but also to your wrong they've been very involved and you know, and diplomatic, you know, efforts towards coming down regional politics. so i think the target position here is also very much geared towards establishing a stability really the, the for the timing. but thanks so much for joining us today. i live at the job director of the center for middle east and a global order. thanks so much. thank you. let's done now to the the chief political correspondent. mean that has a who's also been following developments do not have to be in any reactions from the german government sofa. still haven't data spokesperson says it sounds level of
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choice just said the gemini is cooling for the escalation, but that loose situation still remains unclear that so far they don't have any information that these were indeed attacks. and that the embassy into ron remains open. the german government says that they want to use all channels that they have to prevent further escalation of the situation. now the german foreign minister is currently in italy holding talks with g 7 count of hans that are and we're hearing that that topic was put on the agenda this continuously to so well hope hopefully also have a statement from the german town, so that will f shows themselves, but the government again today condemned ron's massive attack on israel over the weekend and said that it was of unprecedented nature. and of course, it is also treated as debates about germany's position towards the um, the leaders in iran, as far as the opposition is concerned,
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they've been calling for a clear response from the german government towards iran. and the reason they want to put the topic on the agenda next week in parliament and say that the german government needs to revisit, it's around strategy. they say that it's not acceptable. let me is still one of the leading nations when it comes to trade with iran, but the government today said that trade with iran is at the historic low germany you said is going for the escalation in the current situation. but germany is also been judging this trend from israel since of drawing a nissan that that expired on last weekend. and if this is indeed and is rarely attack, how does that reflect on germany's influence on prime minister nathan? yeah. who's copeland as well uh, the foreign minister and the bible has been engaged in what is known as shuffled diplomacy. so she has been to the region 7 times since. uh how much loans the terror attack in israel last year in october. and she has met with is really
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representative of several times and it's always a tight rope walk for the german government of course. and where they do stress is where as right to defend itself, they do stress israel's right to exist. now of course, w sees itself as the country that has a special responsibility towards israel, but, and there is always a debase about just how far can the current is really government actually go in terms of defending itself. so the tone by german government representatives has changed over recent months with all the old ministers and also the german chancellor trying to also adds these really government to so restrained when it comes to the, the activities in gaza. and is trying to put more of a stress on helping palestinians in the region, opening board as to less and more humanitarian a. but it is definitely
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a tight rope walk. now some people are arguing that it is vital that there are still countries that have an influence on the x rays and that at the moment, i mean these seem to be the us and germany. you are speaking of tone a little while back foreign minister and then a bad bulk was recently in east round where she impulsively had heated talks with prime minister benjamin netanyahu to be no more than that. so yeah, i just spoke about her social diplomacy. and so this week was her 7th trip to the region. she did meet a, the is really premier, and apparently this time around that was an escalation in the toolbox as built and use paypal. so gemini spigot, stoplight reports, billed quoted from a transcript of the conversation um that they got from the is riley channel where they say that natania apparently showed on the battle of pictures of markets in gaza. full with food and pictures of happy people in the beach. and then fabric is
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quoted as saying that these pictures are wrong. and then there was an escalation with new tongue out. apparently a saying that we are not like the nazis why he referred to fabricate, to speak to is that the nazis during the 2nd world war, posted to the well to show that everything was going fine, where they had inmates post of of the will. so ghetto for happy pictures. so this is of course an extreme accusation. and then the german government has reacted and said that the this is misleading. it was an intense conversation but that the details of the transcript apparently a not correct. you know how the invalid and thanks very much for those updates on to another story that is also happening today. the world's largest democratic election has kicked off as people in india had to the old hosting for what is called the looks of the house of follow. events would continue on till the 1st of june, nearly a 1000000000 eligible voters up and down the country with costs their ballots. in
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a total of 7 phases, the voting is target just to give election officials and security personnel. time to move around the country. a prime minister that ends from all the seeking a 3rd time in office and both suggest he and his name to nationalist b, j. p on cost when another land slide and dog by his support. as some indian say, his policies have bread, intolerance, and put them in this secular roots. the leaders should be authoritative, the dilution. you're going to use the icon of the century, lucian, he's a celebrity, not just for indians, but for the whole world. and it goes to india's prime minister to read the movie at his valley in the holy town. for she cage had been violent. speaks volumes about the popularity of
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a mad promises today in due to avenue of heights movie has become most popular lead in decades by promoting people. oh, well, and i don't as the as essentially a hindu nation. the prime minister kicked off his re election campaign in january this year by fulfilling one of his biggest promises building a grand temple in the northern city of or you'd help it's dedicated to load from one of the most viewed duties in hindu is of the temple was bid on the ruins of the 16th century most a long standing sight of contention between hindus and muslims, which was ultimately handed over to the former by the supreme court of india in 2000. and 19 lord drum is the faithful thing. the drum is the phone additional thing, the drum is the idea offering the drum is the legislation offering deal on
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a little the indian constitution separates religion from politics. moody is increasingly seen taking the role of a priest spear heading him to state barely a week off to the grand opening of the rom temple. and are you still a 600 year old mosque that stood here in delhi was raised to the ground, all told he's ordered it's demolition, calling it, and the legal struck to move some money used to worship him. he says to demolition sense, a queue to india as minorities, the message is that this country is not middle to most thing. they want us to leave as a 2nd class to do this. this is a message. will these global, the section is starkly different internationally. he's widely regarded as a champion of shed democratic values i made it's on. and in the last summer he
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received standing ovations in the us congress flooded by a state the now posted in his phone, toes to our partnership, to our people, to the possibilities. a lie had 2 great friends, 2 great nations and 2 great powers chairs in general, western democracies have ruled out the red carpet for him. movie represents the worlds fastest growing major economy with huge potentials for flooded investment. and india is seen as an important come to wait to china of the g 20 summit in delhi das september was also an idea of the platform for movie to showcase india as a leading voice for the globe. and so i haven't got to make any a mind of many images. the carrier is not to perform a abroad and the tons of each of nationalist at home to know his future as india, as a prime minister. nice in the hands of $970000000.00 again,
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notice to decide if they want him to continue leading towards law. just democracy from one of those over to uh dw adele, a bureau tube sandra pate this month. so i'm very good to see you. p. m. o, the used by the predictor to win these elections. is this then a done deal? never on the estimate, the indian voters, but i think it's hard to say that the better question would be, how big is the majority of prime minister? i'm already going to be very few people here doubt that he's going to win a sec consecutive term. but the question of the march and office majority, that is really at the center of attention we did he get the 400 seats and parliament that this watch as part of the b j. p. once or is the raw? the fractured and weak weekly, appearing a position in a position to just snatch away a few of those seats. and it was making sure that there will be better checks and
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balances in parliament. that is really what the debate here in this country is about. critics of also accused by minister mostly of divisive politics. is that playing a role in the selection, as it does play a role, it does play a role for certain sections of the population. the mostly minority, for instance, it's by and large 14 percent of the indian population for them. that is a very real threat as well as for the christians. so they feel they could be further relegated to the 2nd class citizens and those vast country. but if you look at the majority of the population that the majority is 80 percent can do for them, the message of prime minister and the random modi resonates making hinduism. a cornerstone of his politics making handle cultural cornerstone office politics and combining that with a promise of economic development. moody has given the guarantee he's really
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attaching my guarantee. us your prime minister to a lot of his policy making and saying, look, 52247. i would like to take this country to the club of the bundle of nations. and that was the, the year 2047 when in just kind of breaks a 100 years of independence and that prompt that promise office that resonates with a lot of indians. they believe that he can be in fact be the person that make sure that their life quality is improving, that they're with the development for them and that they can feel it in their pockets. so are those the main concerns on what those minds as they have to the polls? as i said, if you ask around to you whether you're in the countryside or in the capital daily, most vote us are concerned about high rates of unemployment, especially youngs. this are affected millions of young indians point to the labor market each year without being absorbed so they are restless. they're waiting for an answer to this. and then also india as
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a country of high inflation. people see that in the markets every day when they buy audience or tomatoes. so they would like that to be addressed as well. the economic problem is, is yes, development. that is very much at the heart of this election and fips. this would probably be also a deal breaker for either pregnant. it's done around remo. do whether they follow his vision of a future. india or the promise of the opposition who is at the moment more focusing on the debates about the future of democracy. the future of secularism as to main would cost us for this country. so if not everybody does it on for a 3rd tom, what can we expect? can i see more of his very must you not a search of politics both at home and abroad? the beach i p. his reading potty is putting in to tom the notion of that india is essentially into state at the very center of their politics and again in
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combination with the promise of economic development. and that might well mean that that would be less space for public descent as a lot of critiques are of the thing here they are saying india is back sliding. democratically and a lot of democratic and guys have actually don't ranked in the off by a couple of positions as well as let's look at press freedom in. yeah. when moody took over was rang about a $140.00 in the ranking of report us with our board us known as a a downside to $160.00 and a little less. so. oh, those are indicators that the kind of policy making a lot of people are experiencing and feeling here is infect pointing towards the very old story. terry and style of ruining that is leading less space for voice as of to send or you leave at the end of the time being deliberately have sandra peters monday. thanks so much. of course,
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look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the united states has vetoed a widely back to resolution for full united nations membership of palestinians. i propose the state of palestine. the usa is an independent palestinian state should be established through negotiations between israel and the palestinian, the polity. not to you, an extra with both. the jewelry has been selected in donald trump's harsh money trial is the 1st criminal trial. a former us president has ever had to face 7 men, and 5 women will decide whether trump falsified business records been paying off and adult film actress ahead of the 2016 presidential election. trump calls the fine politically motivated police of what i said, more than a 100 students at the profile of sitting in front desk of new york's columbia university.


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