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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 10:00am-10:30am CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw news coming to live from berlin, reports of explosions in the sky over iran. iranian media say air defense systems were activated at a nuclear facility near the central city of is fine. this after israel valid retaliation for iran, unprecedented drone and missile attacks last weekend. we'll bring you the very least also coming up on our show today, indian prime minister and our rent remote 86, a nother term in office as voting starts in the world's biggest election. the
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. i'm quite richardson, welcome. we begin to show with reports of explosions in the sky over iran, media sources there say that air defense systems were activated and a military base and a nuclear facility near the central city of is fun. to run temporarily grounded commercial flights across areas of western and central regions in response. and iranian senior commander told iranian state tv that there was no major damage following the incidence. that israel had vowed retaliation for a retaliatory iranian attack. last saturday, iran fired hundreds of rooms and missiles at israel in that attack, which followed a suspected is rarely strike on. it runs embassy in damascus. previously, almost all of a runs missiles were intercepted with get more on this developing story from our correspondent in jerusalem. rebecca rivers, rebecca, her information has been trickling in this morning. what can we say at this point
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for sure to ok. i'll preface everything with can st confirming what you just said that this news is trickling in. it is very much a developing story. most of what we know comes from i'm named sources. so you know, i don't want to say that we know for sure everything that's happened or even not. but what i can tell you is that some us officials have confirmed the israel carried out a strike. we haven't dates and explosions in video at which seemed to be, which appeared to be in the sections over the east, the han area and there were reports of explosions in that area as well. iran state media is saying that there a defense had been activated and officials, they're saying that 3 drones will shut down overnight. israel of course, has not commented, they very often do not comment on these kind of operations, but everyone was waiting to see how they might respond to that retaliatory attacked by iran that came on saturday to israel. and it certainly appears that this may
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have been confirmed that they certainly may have been the attack is riley, media reports also saying that explosions were reported in syria and iraq, that we have no more information on that. we were hearing that they were fees, that they may be sort of an attempt to try to attack nuclear targets inside iran. and is the hon is home to some nuclear plants a or even if you have some targets there in the region. but it appears that they haven't, they, they haven't been targeted or at least that wasn't successful in the international atomic agencies consuming that none of the nuclear facilities in the area with damaged. and all eyes have really been on israel since last weekend after that iranian retaliatory attack, which, which caused, which is a more limited damage, then it could have what options it has as well know,
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been considering and response. well, there's been a number of options on the table as always, and they were room is that a plan had been approved by the wall cabinet um to attack even on monday. was it, it was the plan was that they were going to retaliate very, very soon after that attack on saturday. but the diplomatic efforts did manage to stop that and they show those plans with now seeing if this is confirmed. as i mentioned again, we still don't have any confirmation that it wasn't. david was really a tact, but even is confirmed. this is much more limited than some of the other options. of course, iran, israel was saying that they could or either in pundents, an analyst was saying that the options on the table for israel were basically a direct attack on arabian soil, or perhaps an attack on one of its proxies in 11 or yemen or another. and other region, cyber attack was also something that was mentioned, but in the days since saturdays were talent tree attack, there's been
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a flurry of diplomatic efforts to try to urge israel restraint. no one wants to see this a breakout and to a why the conflict are certainly not a direct conflict between israel and iran into a bigger war. and it certainly seems once again, if this is concerns that those efforts were relatively successful, is route saving to want to send a warning shot. in fact, there was one i'm named is riley, military posts personnel that said to the washington post that this was in fact in his randy attack. and it was a warning shot to around that they were able to carry out an attack. i didn't think underwriting soil, i should say, and i don't think anybody thought that that wouldn't be possible, but certainly it is a, a limited attack. it is confirmed and hoping everyone suddenly the us and a you allies of people here in the region. certainly hoping that this isn't going to spock any why the conflict. we have heard from an a rainy and senior official
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telling the religious news agency that iran has no reply in for immediate retaliation. and we also know that the hon come on to israel, didn't issue any warnings to it civilians or any instructions or perhaps indicating that they are fearing any retaliation at the moment. so israel's allies urging restrained, as you've said, with even you as president biden in a call to manual, who urging him to take the wind here and just tell us what kind of domestic pressure prime minister netanyahu is under, within israel. i understand he's been meeting with his war cabinet earlier this week. yes. what cabinet has been made? things sometimes more than once a day in the wake of saturdays attack, trying to come up with a plan. we're trying to agree on a plan on the best way to retaliate. they have vowed since that today's retaliate tree attacked by iran, but they would retaliate. they said that they weren't going to listen to coals not to do so that in fact, they had no choice but to retaliate. but just how and when was really the big
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question. and it seems though they have decided for a limited retaliation and limited attack that you know, along the lines where they say that they were forced to, well, that they had no choice but to return fire. and you know that, that it, but it's definitely you've confirmed certainly much more limited than, than feed many people who are fearing that it could have been a much bigger retaliation and be met with even bigger retaliation as around. have promised that brent but benjamin netanyahu and his government have been under intense pressure. he's been really under pressure from all sides from his own coalition. and of course, international pressure within his coalition. he said fall right members. and even members from his own la code potty is urging a really strong response to iran. well, whole cushman. but as you could say, that was saying, you know, really is round top to stand back and allow this to happen. but we need to go in and have a very strong response. you've had pressure from the us and from germany,
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from u. k. and other e u members saying, you know, let's cool jets here. let's not try and allow this to spill over into a wide, original comfort. and even this being a little conflict, even within the wall cabinet a, apparently a or allegedly, or we're hearing reports that, that the 3 members of the will cabinet struggling to come to a decision that they can all agree on. so you know, benjamin netanyahu and his little cabinet under a lot of pressure in the last few days. and if this concern, certainly seeming though they've taken the lesser of the less or 2 of the options, the less the evil of the options play. rebecca, thank you. that is our correspondent, rebecca renters in jerusalem as on our son as a research fellow for middle east policy at the international institute for strategic studies, regional security in the gulf region is among his areas of expertise, a very warm welcome at to d, w. thank you for taking the time to begin with. i would like to ask and your
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reaction to these reports out of iran. thank you for having me on the show. were clearly in an action reaction come direction dynamic here. there's 1st of all, much that you don't know still about this attack. it seems as though as well does carry out this attack based on various statements and essentially of the record. uh, uh, some information coming out to various sources to the map, to the media and to the prospect again, there's much, we don't know, including the scale of this attack at the intended targets and whether drones or missiles were used. but the conclusion that we can draw initially at the stage, from the limited press reports coming out of iranian, they to media and from put the surgery, anything online that's reports of the shows, the explosions and intersections on objects in here on those suggest that they are
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on that as well, funding as opted for a limited strike and for a less than proportion. that response to it was a fact last weekend it has chosen to send a cautionary message to iran at one of the same time. not wanting to expand the scope of his confrontation, much further. do you think that there could be more to come from israel or was if this was indeed, cuz if, if this is indeed confirmed to be the strive, do you think that this is what they were planning to do? so at this stage, it seems like as ryan has been hating the us as warnings not to escalate and widen the scope of his confrontation much further than it already is. and so it seems at this stage if that is what it has opted for a more limited response. no, nothing can be a little doubtful as ryan has by striking the uranium concert it's in damascus. has
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prompted trigger this latest from the direct destination between iran and this row, and there is no rolling out. that is why the might see a benefit in re escalating the situation once again. number line, keep in mind, that's when, as when it struck the radian console in damascus, it was coming under lots of international pressure, including from the us because of its atrocious conduct and gaza and because of gauze, dire humanitarian situation. and so it can be rolled out, especially as, as well, that seems to be preparing to embark on the wider assault on by that that would once again see some technical military but also politically affinity and re inflaming the situation once again what they want and can you argue, how might this development be received in the gulf states? what are their preferences? what do they want to see happen here? or so there's a lot of anxiety in the gulf at the moment. there's a lot of anxiety towards is where the recklessness and its desire to escalate that
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by again targeting the ring and confidence in damascus. because if the situation or to escalate much wider, if the us were to be dragged into a wider confrontation and more direct competition with the wrong, that's obviously put to the gulf states at the risk of parting because they play host to us forces and us military bases and could therefore become the target. i'll be radian, retaliation or retribution. they're also very worried about the reading and in fact as well. because in a sense that previews a nightmare scenario for them around would use hundreds of missiles, drones and attempts to saturate and penetrate their defenses. and of course, that all states are not as capable as, as well. and they would more likely than not, not receive the level of western support. that is why it has received an order to intercept such an attack. so for them, there is a lot of reason and then lots of calls for anxiety. and i think what they would
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like to see is a very rapid de escalation of the situation. well, thank you so much for sharing your insights with us today at his doctor house on assigned research fellow for middle east policy at the international institute for strategic studies. look and straight across now to dw as a chief, political correspondent, nina has a you know, what kinds of initial reactions have we seen from the german government? if any we haven't seen an official reaction yet from the german government, but that is not really a surprise given how unclear the situation is at the moment. and the fact that even is res, haven't commented on this kind. of course, be interpreted is assigned that there is a willingness to de escalate, but the german foreign minister, nina babel, she is currently in copper in italy and holding talks with her g 7 counterparts. so the foreign ministers of the most industrialized nations,
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the 7 most industrialized nations, and with show that lead debates exist, and we're expecting that statement around midday, so we'll have to wait for that. meanwhile, you commission president was a lot funder lion has given a short statement on the topic. i quote, it is absolutely necessary that the regions stay stable and that all sides refrain from further escalation. but of course, in recent days, germany has also condemned a ron's attack. on israel over the weekend with a foreign minister saying with us the evening that the german government and the you have use more drastic language towards tear on um, but always urging for the escalation of the situation. and as far as the opposition is concerned, they've been stressing israel's right to defend itself, including beyond its own borders. if there is an external attack, they want to put that topic back on the agenda or in the german parliament. and they want that would clear a sounds from the german government towards iran. and it's while they're busy and they say,
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and that is unacceptable. that germany is still one of the leading nations when it comes to trade with iran. and yet for an administrative r block, we know was, was recently in israel, where reportedly she had quite tense talks with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. what more do we know about that conversation or? well, i know linda battle has really been involved in what's known as shuttle diplomacy since the homeless attacks on the 7th of october last year. so this week, as she went to israel again, it was her 7th trip since october, and she over reportedly they sweet. have he to talks with prime minister there. i mean, the time you all built and use paypal. so germany's biggest tabloid reported about this escalation, and they quoted from a transcript they say they got from an is really me did tunnel, who apparently had got hold of the transcript of the conversation between that and the own sad lock and bill. it says that natania was so bad, but pictures of markets and gauze are full with food and pictures of people,
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essentially in the gaza strip on the beach. quite happy and then babbled as close to the saying that these pictures are wrong. and then that was an escalation was an attorney, i was saying when not like the nazis. and apparently he was referring to the happy pictures that the nazis distributed during the 2nd world war from the will. so get so when they fabricated those pictures of happy inmates where they got them to pose and then babble is quoted by both newspapers saying, are you calling into question the authenticity of doctors reports from guys and what international media are saying? now of course, this is an intense discussion. this is always very, very serious when the car and government government finds itself accused of a, an accusing somebody of nazi crimes essentially. so the government invested in tel aviv stephens, i've, i've posted this morning and posted several tweets on extremely twitter reaction to
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these reports and always using the same wedding saying key points in this account of the hour long meeting between public and there's one, you know, i'm wrong and misleading, and thank you so much. that is dw chief political correspondent, camina has a, a quick recap for those of you just joining us. there are reports of the sound of explosions in the sky near the iranian city of it's fun early this morning where a military base and nuclear facility are located. one iranian official has said that drones were shot down. iranian commander told state tv. there was no major damage from the incidents european commission president or so that when that deadline called on iran, israel and their allies, to refrain from escalation in the middle east. turning now to some other news, the world's largest, the democratic election has kicked off as people in india had to the polls. voting for what is called the lock so that the lower house of parliament will continue
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until june. first, nearly a 1000000000 eligible voters up and down the country are casting their ballots in 7 phases. the voting is staggered to give election, officials and security personnel time to move around the country. prime minister and are under moody is seeking a 3rd term and office full suggest he and his hindu nationalist, b. j. p. or on course, as to when another land slides adored by his supporters. some indians say his policies have bread, intolerance, and are threatening. india is the secular roots, the leader should be authoritative. the dilution is the icon of the century. i believe should be the celebrity, not just for indians, but for the whole world. and it goes to india's prime minister to read the movie.
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that's his rally in the holy town, especially case the speak volumes, about the popularity of a bad promises today can do to ever knew what heights moody has become and does most popular lead in decades most indeed well, and i don't as the as essentially a hindu nation, the prime minister kicked off his re election campaign in january this year by fulfilling one of his biggest promises building a grand temple in the northern city of or you'd help it's dedicated to low drum. one of the most viewed duties in hindu is of the temple was built on the ruins of the 16th century, most a long standing sight of contention between hindus and muslims, which was ultimately handed over to the former by the supreme court of india. in 2019 lord drum is the faith of india is um is the foundation of
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india. drum is the idea offering the drum is the legislation of india on a although the indian constitution separates religion from politics. movie is increasingly seen taking the role of a priest spear hitting him to state barely a week off to the grand opening of the rom temple. and you'll do a 600 year old mosque that stood here in delhi. was the race to the ground, or thirty's, ordered it's demolition, calling it, and the legal struck to move some money used to worship you. he says the demolition sense a q to india as minorities. the message is that this country is not middle to mostly, and they want us to leave as a 2nd class citizen. this is a message. will these global perception is starkly different internationally. he's
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widely regarded as a champion of shed democratic values i made it's on. and in the last summer he received standing ovations in the us congress followed by a state now posted in his photo toes to our partnership to our people, to the possibilities. a lie had too great friends to great nations and to great powers chairs. on monday, the up in general, western democracies have ruled out the red carpet for him. movie represents the worlds fastest growing major economy with huge potential before the investment. and india is seen as an important come to wait to china, the g 20 summit. indeed, all september was also an ideal platform for movie to showcase india as a leading voice for the globe. and so i hadn't got to make any a man of many images, the charismatic performer abroad,
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and the tons of each of naturalist at home to now his future as india, as a prime minister. nice in the hands of 970000000. again, notice decide if they want him to continue leading the was largest democracy. and i'd like to now welcome my merchant, donnie, a indian journalist and writer and head of the department of media studies at ocean ok. university. thank you so much for taking the time in your view. are the results of this election in india already clear? the way i think the popular view is that it's a foregone conclusion. but indian elections have also in the boston family. unpredictable. don't forget that in 1996 this country to up the book about hong volume and in the, in decades that left to go live streaming governments that be because the result of that policy paralysis. but um,
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it was really democracy driving. i do think of course having that, that it front of the symbol is hugely popular. he has a mazda c u that has spread far and wide in the country. and the fact that the opposition doesn't seem to have one to be one to be due on the scene. so the be seen as a ragtag coming together of other countries. better teach the position parties standing with the really good congress on the beach. it be under prime and the symbol, the obviously in the, in of supreme position to come back with huge number. the question really is, are they going to be able to come back with more numbers and be, have coverage. he will, they face some last it is in a few feet. and i think those questions huge on concerns around the corner. be more than anything. i'd like to talk a little bit more about in our, under moody as a figure of many indians idolize him. and i'm wondering if you could tell us, give us some context about what is behind his mass appeal as well. i think the
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one thing that everyone is sort of, uh, circle back to when it comes to parameters to movie. you know, he's a, he's a single 9. he's, he's the sacrifice family. nice. he sacrifices family was if you really shouldn't be seen as somebody who doesn't have any plus no financial be implemented, he presents himself to a large public as a simple mind from humble beginnings. and somebody was willing to stop the nation, you fashions and said i, you know, um, that can be done for several of the people, the bread on the book, the 1st subbing of the people. now these are very, very attractive awards and don't um, you know, he, it sort of created a sense, of course, to know, or of course, the christmas somebody who's willing to sacrifice both agreed to god. but that also
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leads to all, all the political power and all attraction being centered around this one individual because he's gone bad. still a general political leaders come from where the backgrounds, who come from most of position of privilege. and i'm sort of, uh, getting the ball. so i think she kind of plays back somebody's in, in the country where there is a huge, you know, up, no, i'm a task for a population that strongly to make ends meet. you seem as a book or if i would just have time for one more question, very briefly, i wanna ask you about moody on the international stage. he's a display, the real and vision to make india the voice of the global south. what do you think his goal is here? as well? i think for brian missed a movie ever since he actually assumed the office of the prime minister in 2014, his sort of foreign policy mission has been also to project him.
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said i'm, i'm team out. his own image, you know, in the week of obviously the 2002, the job drives and the kind of international thing show off prime listener in the movie. he was very conscious of how that was the them, he wants to be seen as a global statesman as a global leader. now that doesn't always squared off with india's foreign policy positions because india is born policy, a sort of month drop is strategic autonomy choose is it's, it's, it's bob know, i'm an ally based on his own strategic interest so that i know, you know, strong alliances and there wouldn't be a cost benefit analysis, but it's back to the uh, into any uh into not in the box to ship. but you why i'm so sorry to jump ahead and cut you off there. i mean it's so i'm afraid we're out of time. we could talk about this all day and really appreciate your insights. that is my a merchant on a head of department of media studies at a show university many thanks again,
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bye. i thank you. and that is our show for now. i'm quite richardson in berlin. many thanks for watching the
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view. we'll tell you who we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d w. i had never, ever conceded that i would be homeless. women in the fifty's is the
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fast as cohort of people experience. think homelessness in australia will sleep out of the public on women. one even tell the families what they are experiencing, falling from middle class into poverty. they shouldn't homeless in 45 minutes. on d, w, the dig ocean, the beauty companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over brazilian reprocess. $13000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the letter will actually cost awesome comes from initial cattle farms in the m, as in the automobile industry, doesn't care about the supply chain profit. all that much. illegal
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leather stats may stood on d, w, the business the, the news africa coming up on the program. what's one? i'm expelling a mom of the office. the president's wants to exports 20000. the funds to gemini pushed back for criticism by german government officials of trophy hampton in this country, where the films and what do they do with the spacious that they also punts? how does a menace species that caused some challenges? and what are the numbers that we take out to you for him all from what's one us press events on our friends and i've often 20 motus and the moments.


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