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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the lien report, solve explosions across iran. randy and media report strong last insight. a defenses are in action that sites across the country based off the keys, ryle valid retaliation for you, runs on pre, cemented me, solid tax. last week we'll go live to jerusalem in a minor. to us cindy and prime minister and arrange promoting chases, and all that time in the office is focusing begins in the world's biggest election, [000:00:00;00]
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the tower and raid, welcome to the showing. we begin with breaking news reports of explosions being heard across iran. right now, the country's foss, new services they've been heard near the airport. all of the central city of, of is a han, rainy and state media also reporting that commercial flights had been suspended to east for hon the capital tie. ron, as well as other cities, raining officials suggested they had come under attack from drawings, with one saying there was no sign of a mi solved. striking israel had found retaliation for in the rainy and miss all and drawing a tac last saucer di iran, fide hundreds of drawings and missiles at ease, riley and doctor tackle most, all of which were intercepted or more on this breaking story. now, with our correspondent tonya, saying that injury slim tonya hyde there,
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please tell us what, what do we know so far? well, it's still a very sketchy picture emerging from iran, as you said in the early morning, i was to wear these reports of explosions being heard mainly. and there is a han and also air defenses activated that is all based on long and state media agency reports. and there were also american networks as saying that some u. s. officials said there was a warning that is wrote could be a striking yvonne within the next 24 to 48 hours. but there's no official comments yet a be reached out as well to it's really military. no official comment yet as to what is happening in iran. we also heard and yvonne and official no telling the news agency were to sit there were no me side strikes that the sound of the explosion was coming from a the activation of the defenses. we also don't here yet,
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any changes here in israel, when it comes to the home phones are combined, which would then no issue, some public safety, a direct this new a changes here. so still a very sketchy a picture of what is happening. okay. time you just to remind us why these trucks are happening. what's happened over the past few weeks? that's led to these now? well, i think you have to say that the, the region is very much on the edge intentions are extremely high. iran had an account to attack, launched over $300.00 new nissan's and drones at israel law. so today in the early morning hours of sunday, they're going mostly intercepted by the air defenses across the region with a, with a israel together with a strip to take part in this, a here in the region that came forming an attack on the iranian and iran and
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consulate a compound in damascus, an april, a 1st that was widely attributed to a is ready to have not taken responsibility for that striking, ever since, yvonne had said that it really retaliated, now the situation off to the counter attack last week and by the wrong which was unprecedented. visits are coming from iran in a so a, so to speak, to loans as is relevant is rose a headset. it's really a retaliate of for that's a stride. so there is, of course, a lot of concern. now for anything that is happening here in region, not just in israel, but also across the region of other countries that this could spark a why to regional conflict. tonya, the world has been waiting to see exactly how is what is the route would retaliate . many of its allies has called for restrain. do you think israel has been heating?
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those quotes? bobby's been seeing isn't visits by the dream and, and the foreign minister of the u. k. this week. and of course, a lot of pressure also from the u. s. saying that, you know, if i should consider the, the 6, the add to tens against this, a strike against those strikes by a, by run a successful and a calling on is road to so restrain. so the question here was all week long. how will is ro retired? and they said they were retired. the question is, you know, in the, what scope would it be limited to? what are the targets? so that has been discussed. so this has been of course, you know, been on the front line. see on the agenda or week so we have to wait and see what has been unfolding the here in the early morning hours so far. we have no confirmation here from the is really military or, or the government of for,
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for anything of that that was our correspondent tonya claim. the interested in reporting on these breaking news reports of explosions being heard across the ron right now, tanya, thank you. and of course we'll be following that story here on dw, throughout the day on, on our website, d, w dot com. well, the united states has vase heard a draft, un security council resolution granting the palestinians full un membership full membership in the u. n. is the 1st step in the process that would effectively recognize a policy in the inside. at the moment, the policy no authority has no new member observe. the status in the you in the security council has long endorse division of use route. i love and the palestinian style. living side by side, the palestinians. one just died in the west bank east. the rest of them and the gaza strip with boats and save the well. the world's biggest election has started with almost a 1000000000 people in india able to vice prime minister in the renter,
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marty, and who seemed to nationalist beach. i paid for aiming to secure a food 5 year term in the worlds because democracy. the main challenge is a network of 27 opposition potties called the india alliance. this includes the congress potties sent it on the nearer guntee family, which is already given india 3 prime ministers voting will last 6 weeks. well i spoke to our correspondents. i read coffee. k in southern india are in house team to what extent of victory phone are injured? marty is already a full gone conclusion. a hi there. uh well, uh many people, uh, uh, are giving this opinion that day. so for the conclusion that 5 minutes, the name, the remote in his body, be the be all set to win the next no. this time, however, there are those be come off on both of june and uh, uh, the actual story will only come out then. because right now across the country, there have been many opinion polls as well. and they are in,
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in all of the opinion that in all range of many are saying that the a, b and the coalition, the india can come back to follow many. i think that is that it may not be because the opposition parties, even though there's not perfect symmetry between them, but they have succeeded in establishing an ally and they have succeeded in distribution of deep across the country. they're trying to put up a good time. now if their renter moody does when as a is expected, what, what can we expect from his, the 10 as well. there have been many promises uh that the assignment as it has made. in fact you've been calling them his lesson a guaranteed. so that has been a month to meet up with the length of the b to b. they have gone to be elected with the promise of more these guarantees. and they have been promising everything uh from uh, from the electricity to taking the country as becoming the uh, 3rd uh, to get the economy in the well, there is a, there was
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a plethora of from what was the opposition has also been saying, is that if you could be comfortable for the 3rd time. this would mean the end of democracy in india because they've been saying that the hallmark of, uh, b, j, b in follow, have been attract down and almost all the democratic excuses and all the conventions of democracy. viewing freedom of the press and doing the freedom of defend. uh so uh, uh, opposition says that those things are most at stake. if the beat, if he comes back to power, you've just been outlining some of the concerns. how concerned off versus to about accusations of discrimination by bodies, government images, page i pay against muslims and all the non hindus or what does a fair bit of concern on that front too. however, i will have to admit that it is that concern is not uniformly spread in all parts of the country. for example, where i am right now, i'm standing in front of somebody which is on the southern most tape up in united
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states because i'm in florida. so i'm in idaho. uh and the body is with vic log here, the local policies that known as a medium parties. and for them the concerns are entirely different. uh, their leaders in the campaigns. they've been talking about that often they've been using the b to b of corruption. they've been using the b to be off the implementing policies or other enforcing policies on the see those i'm a lot of which have not worked for the benefit of the state. the big concerns has been a little different on the democratic particular credentials of course. but in some other parts of the country that have also be the sentence against the track down on minority. but as i said, it's not really uniform. sorry, this is known as the world's largest selection, with almost a 1000000000 people eligible to take part. talk to us about the logistics of this huge undertaking as well. yes it's, it's a major, but just to collect the size and the election, somebody should meet months and months of preparation in the election commission is
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the money which is this possible for the conduct of connections of india and during the time of connections, it has sort of a 3 hands, all the all macros can funding bit of an exotic, has it mobilizes large amounts of to go to the person that has been for the next and even guessing today's elections within the 1st phase of a 166000000 voters are going to uh voting for more than a 1000020 votes across 70 c says we set up the z sending the lower house of 543. i'll do which 102 are going to the both today and only 4102 seats. $166000000.00 voters that going to come out to the conclusion has made elaborated arrangements. the really book says that uh for every vote to the voting booth has to be within industry. so he'll get on it this way and, and some cities, what he likes, that is, that is, it has 740 stations within the apartment complexes. so all you have to do is come
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down if you buy the boat and go back. sorry, katya k. in can you company in india? thank you so much for that. here in germany, the government in berlin has some of the russian ambassador, after the rest of 2 suspected russian spies in germany, the german russian deal nationals were detained in the bavarian city of bicycle. it, they're accused of planning to sabotage. german military support for ukraine. authorities say u. s. military bases in germany where also targeted the growth in through a military base in bavaria. it is here where american soldiers trading ukrainians, how to use bots on tanks. and it was, according to speedo magazine, the prime focus for one of the main arrested on suspicion of plotting an act of sabotage. we had our security services have prevented possible bump attacks intended to damage and undermine our military
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assistance to ukraine. this is especially serious espionage case for putting this criminal refreshing within superchargers him the german russian nationals named omi as alexander g and peter s were arrested on wednesday. i'm brought here to the federal court of justice for questioning them item the be accused one of the detainees of having agreed to commit x of sabotage in germany, especially against military infrastructure and industrial sites. here, in preparation for this action, this suspect had already scouted out several potential targets. and according to our findings, he had passed on the information he had gathered to russian intelligence was from the hundreds, and the prosecutors have also charge deter, asked with being a member of a terrorist organization. they believe he fought for the pro russian separatist
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army. the next people for public around 2015, it means that someone who lives among blacks, normal german citizens who participated in that kind of criminal exec. ready as many years ago, obtain some special trainings, it had the connections to the russian military and specifically to g review and came back and without being, you know, detected as the fretful, the national security. so this is disturbing. the court lynn has so far denied any knowledge of the suspect, but the foreign ministry in bel lynn has summoned the russian ambassador to explain himself. so before we go, he's reminded now about top breaking news story. a rainy in the media reporting strong blog posts and say a defenses are in action at sites across the country. these dr. israel valid
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retaliations for iran. i'm presented me solid tax last week is more on that story on t w dot com will be following out. of course, here to you on data throughout the day, i'm jared rate in building. thank you so much for watching. take care upgrade to the innovation. green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to the subscriber to plan it's a my


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