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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 4:02am-4:31am CEST

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justin, especially after what happened this week. german police arrested to suspect and russian spies. they were allegedly planning attacks on us and german military bases, sabotage, to make sure that you cranes military never gets the weapons. it says it needs to when the war i'm for golf and berlin, this is the day the bathroom. and we accuse one of the detainees of having agreed to commit acts of sabotage in germany, especially against military infrastructure and industrial sites. here. this is a threat for german national security. he passed on information he had gathered to a pass and connected it to a russian intelligent service. this is a particularly serious case, the suspected agent activity for pollutants criminal regime. which means that
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actually russians have a huge network of people who live in germany, events. we will continue to support these plans to threaten us also coming up due by as one of the world's most striving global cities. it's also one of the planets hottest in dry us places. now that was all true until this week when the rains, okay. when the storm sales came across from saudi arabia and we were looking at the re dos thinking goodness, if this fits then is going to be cataclysmic. which of our viewers watching on p b, as in the united states, into all of you around the world. welcome, we'd begin the day here in germany with the rest of to suspect and russian spies accused of sabotage connected with the russians. secret service german prosecutors are accusing. the 2 men applauding attacks to cripple germany's ability to send weapon as to ukraine. the suspects are duel nationals,
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both german and russian. they were arrested in the bavarian city by roy to $33.00, say that one of the band is also a suspected former fighter for pro kremlin forces in eastern ukraine. and they say that he was planning an explosive or arson attack with german and u. s. military bases were alleged, possible target of germany has become the 2nd largest supplier of weapons to ukraine, but not without controversy. there is a fierce debate in this country. so i'm saying that the government should do more to help ukraine fight back russia. others demanding the very opposite saying that this war is not germany's will. the graphing through a military base in bavaria is he where american soldiers train ukrainians? how to use bottle tanks to and it was, according to speedo magazine, the prime focus for one of the main arrested on suspicion of plotting an act of
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sabotage. we had our security services have prevented possible bump attacks intended to damage and undermine our military assistance to ukraine. this is especially serious espionage case for putting this criminal refreshing to putting separation orders in the german, russian nationals named only as alexander g. and peter s were arrested on wednesday and brought here to the federal court of justice for questioning the item, the b accuse one of the detainees of having agreed to commit x of sabotage in germany, especially against military infrastructure and industrial sites. here, in preparation for this action, the suspect had already scouted out several potential targets, and according to our findings, he had passed on the information he had gathered to russian intelligence and was
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there from the hangings. and prosecutors have also charge deter, asked with being a member of a terrorist organization. the believe he felt for the pro russian separatist army, the next people public around 2015. that means that someone who lives among blacks, normal german citizens who participated in that kind of criminal exhibits as many years ago, obtain some special trainings. it had the connections to the russian military and specifically to jerry view and came back and without being, you know, detected as the fretful, the national security. so this is disturbing to the credit, lynn has so far denied any knowledge of the suspects, but the foreign ministry in berlin has summoned the russian ambassador to explain himself more. now when to bring in our russian affairs. analysts, constantine, egret, constantine. it's good to see you. um what more can you tell us about these 2 suspects?
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what do we know? what we know very little about. so i can tell you, brent, i think this is very, very important. i don't want to use the word sensational, but very important investigation in arrest because it's not only at least judging by the federal prosecutor's office, was itself only about spewing osh that was normal and that dates back to, you know, the case of the cold war. it seems about the actual acts of sabotage, the plan to at least people trying to facilitate. i'm not at all surprised that these people have some kind of, evidently, with 2 possible. it's some kind of sort of you to a russian. well post on the trial. that's a big role. they are real, they're both about 40 years of age. so that means would probably be brought to germany. i suspect. so we don't know as a lot of them as children, there are hundreds of thousands not more than the medium sized people in germany.
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and it is a less and very proficient crown. so the, be all the russian for intelligence and did you, are you the ministering colleges to recruit people specially that was what i thought keen on money for some reason do not integrates and on are dissatisfied with that life. yeah. what you describe here is it's verbal ground tearing in germany for the russian secret service. i'm wondering, has germany grossly under estimated the reach of the kremlin, here in germany when it comes to, you know, i guess convincing people to turn against germany or when it comes to changing public opinion here in germ a well, frankly branch. i think it's, it was vastly other estimates it's uh, for at least the most of the posts or the period. my own experience is that i met people from a very boss came in germany. that's
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a big problem or school property. and then i think some of them probably were ready to be at least very helpful to the russians that these people range from a high level ability to radical students that dislike nature to german businesses, to the former g d r comments. i mean, there are also some people in germany that can be both recruited to the rest of the schools and a loss. i do not think of this visit. i think it really consensus that the german states and the jo, secure services did not pay enough attention to these russian networks. i would recommend a book published by a british research drill law school. germany is rush are probably right before the full scale invasion, which depicts these a, these extremely bossed networks of a crumbling of files. and as you said, it is a propitious ground for recruitment them to infiltrate, to. and why would you describe me also, pre dates, the more in ukraine,
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how best would you say that this network of russian spies in germany, how bass visit? so it's pretty like that brent uh, the spice. i don't know, it's fully just security services and full. the nato allies to figure out, i mean, i suspect are quite a few that's big country mold in the medium people and of key interest to the russian intelligence. what i can testify including my own experience, for example, tutoring. i belong to mind and ability. i met extremely pro jim american who jump, there's the crowds who think that america who in the lives i also talk to people on the left. we are sure i am time aid to that for whatever put him is like a savior. so i think the problem of these ideas sprayed spread widely in different segments of the gen sante is a loss very, very. so i think the full scale invasion did change
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a lot of months in germany. that's very good. but basically, it had to be paid with you printing blog this conversion. i got one question for you beyond germany. before we run out of time news today that on poland has arrested a man suspected of helping russian military intelligence and a plot to assassinate ukraine's president of the does this news, does it surprise you? or it does have bits to some extent because of clothes that are much smaller pro, ration networks, imposing buttons to be seen during the rest of the recent collection. there are and tell you, painful, says raising their head in a poland. so in a sense, also it is a metro and a substitute look pulled up is a part of florida all of supplies of ammunition a tree bring. what's the weapons reason, nothing, without having an issue. and it seems that the russians are paying more and more attention to that. and of course, you can always find in any culture you can find greedy people or people who can basically blackmail to work for you. so i think that's not what we see is condensed
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russian interest in weston, a trustful quarter of those and production facilities. that good are we supply you? great, and i think we'll see probably suspect the last more such cases inseparably, europe, and probably german, russian analyst, konstantin, a good konstantin. as always, we appreciate your time in your analysis. thank you. it is an exercise in democracy on the gigantic scale. the world's biggest selection is about to get underway in india, almost a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote in the prime minister and arrange remotely . and his indian nationalist b j. p. party are aiming to secure a 3rd 5 year term in the world's biggest democracy. the main challenge here is a network of 27 opposition parties called the in the alliance for this includes the congress party centered on the neighborhood guntee family,
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which is already given india 3 prime ministers. the upholding will run in southern phases over 6 weeks. the w's cause of re neutrons in daily breaks down the enormous logistics of giving a voice to a 1000000000 people. in the us 2024 election for the time and who will govern the country for the next 5 years. with incumbent 5 minutes to a new inter moody being a favorite to win a such time. it's called the biggest democratic exercise in history. and the numbers are incredible. 10 percent of the was entire population will be eligible to vote. how many is that's? that's 968000000 people, more than the population of the u. s. u and rustic combines and they all spread across a huge nation. i'm here in the mega city of denny. we're getting better so people will be relatively easy. but holding stations have to reach every one wherever they
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live in this vast country. this enormous logistical challenge is the task of the election commission of india, an independent body, monday to by the constitution. rogers commodities, the man in charge. everybody's looking towards us, re being the largest we being the oldest and we'll go see we are committed to deliver and absolutely the spotless elections in an absolutely free and fit environment, a with a little blank feet. the process is so complicated. it takes 45 days with a schedule for different states to vote. this community center in the north indian city of noise will service one of and yes, 1000000 posting station manager about just bible will soon set up the booth a cia. i'm delighted to work towards the election since i'm part of the democracy and i see like the contribution, it's an act of social service coming towards my nation with that that he will be one of $15000000.00 that extra work as that's more people than can fit into 214 by
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him unique football stadiums. they will got the booth minutes crowds and transport a key element. the electronic voting machines or ends. 5 and a half 1000000 of them will be deployed more than ever before. in the as electro rules say them must be opposing station within 2 kilometers of every residence. that means putting offices will have to take voting machines to all sorts of remote areas. like here to the himalayan region from the dock. they will navigate narrow bridges, ship equipment by boat, or had a cup to wilkes, nobody pass and hike through mountains using all nodes of transport. and these elections are costs. the indian research has made a conservative estimate that they'll cost $14400000000.00 us dollars. the window will be announced on june 4th, in 17 general elections in india, as democrats of history, the results have never been contested. but the opposition figures are now
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questioning the election commissions independence, saying it's the same as the routing b, j. p. they may be aspects about in just put a takes which can be criticized, but participation is not one of them. in fact, it's higher here than in many smaller routes and less complicated. democracies. more than 2 and 3 eligible indians are expected to vote in the upcoming weeks. a little more now i'm joined by to judge buys be a senior research fellow for south asia at chatham house in london. it's good that they have you with us tonight. i've been looking at the polls and they show prime minister moody with approval ratings, around 80 percent. most politicians can only dream of a number like that. i know that he is part and they want a 3rd 5 year term. would you say that the selection is bodies to lose? yeah, yeah, thank you. first for inviting me,
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i think the 3rd term body lead government is a foregone conclusion. i think the key question really will be the, the strength of the mandate, which will dictate how forceful the government will be pushing ahead with some of its more politically sensitive economic reforms, but also perhaps some of its more divisive identity driven politics. and i think moody is arguably stronger going into this election than even was going into the previous election in in 2019. why not be economy is argued. well, i think the economy is arguably in better shape. india is projected to be the worlds fastest growing major economy this year. it's on course to be the world's 3rd largest economy. by the end of this decade, surpassing germany in japan to be j. b maintains and overwhelming funding advantage over or opposition party. the parties used everything permits into to our hindu nationalist agenda to efforts to create a rally around the flag effect. so the parties used everything from india's g, 20 presidency to a space program to it's bit towards the 2036 olympics as
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a means of strengthening its electrical position. and then finally, i think the b j b just offers a better brand and it's better organizationally than the opposition. would you say that there is a single issue? i mean, you mentioned a strong economy and i'm wondering the pgp and the prime minister, where they're putting their campaign together. you know, have they kind of pulled on that old american campaign slogan? it's the economy, stupid. i mean, is that what will determine how strong this mandate will be as well? i think it comes down to, i think that movies, popularity really comes down to 4 key factors which no politician either within his own party to be repeated or in the opposition have really been able to replicate. and these are of the hindu nationalist or, and due to the agenda of the development and reform agenda. a degree of emphasis on hyper nationalism and then the multi brand, which is uh, being harder for any, any, any politician to try and capture or emulate a, you know,
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he seemed to see be someone who is a savvy campaign or is used everything from social media to holograms, try and promote himself. so he seemed to be somebody who's a political outside or he doesn't come from one of the family dynasties. and he's been embraced uh for his sort of man of the people. persona of these been literally given the level of, of a child well, which means that a tc, a seller to show that he comes from, you know, a grassroots background and, and the lower cast status just helped to elevate his popularity and him in the country. i understand that in the law requires that there be a pulling place within 2 kilometres of every eligible voter in india, and the selection will take place over the span of 6 weeks. now, all of this demands, hercules and feats of logistics as well as patience. i mean, spreading this vote out over 6 weeks. does this add in your opinion to the integrity of the election and does it add to the public's trust in the election results? so i think on a procedural level, indian democracy remains very well intact. so i mean if you look at, for instance,
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the most recent state elections that took place last year, we had fewer recounts fewer complaints about border manipulation of vote rigging a relatively high voter turnout. uh so uh, i think if indeed democracy remains quite robust at a, at a procedural level and claims that if you know of movie winds again the to india will slide into some sort of dictatorship or we're seeing the death of indian democracy. i think this is very much exaggerated and i would still, i would argue that the institutions still remain stronger than the individual despite the challenges, the logistical challenges of putting together such a herculean oh, you know what the task of putting together such a large election. mr. boss needs the world's biggest democracy, india and the world's oldest constitutional democracy. the us, they're both holding elections this year. i mean, could there be any 2 major elections that are any, any different when you look at them? in your opinion, what can americans learn from the indian exercise in democracy that we are about to
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witness as well? i think there are parallels that can be seen. i mean, that's something you, some folks of people have drawn parallels between movie and, and, and the former president trump both are, are populous leaders. they've been both have been subject to allegations of or, but they've been concerns about democratic backsliding under both leaders. and i think in both cases we've seen that the, the institutions of a much stronger than the individual in both countries. so. so i think it, there are parallels and i think what the, what you know when we're discussing the us election, i think the respective who wins the us election in november. there's a high degree of bi partisan consensus in washington on maintaining engagement with india as a long term strategic partner. so as much as the there isn't on doing china is a long term strategic rival. yeah. what it will definitely be a key election that all the world will be watching for the next 6 weeks. that's for sure. change advice from the chatham house in the u. k. we appreciate your time and
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your excellent analysis tonight. thank you. thank you for having me as well. rule to remember take offs and landings are less likely when it rains in the desert. one of the world's busiest travel hobbs due by international airport, has personally resumed operations after heavy flooding forced it to close. on wednesday, the standstill came after the united arab emirates was hit by a record breaking store. more rain fell in a 24 hour period that has ever been recorded before. at least one person was killed . many homes of businesses were damaged the aftermath of an unprecedented gulf of storm. the streets of 2 by turned into concrete rivers, bringing the middle east financial capital to a standstill. abandoned cars littered the roads. and police found one feline resident,
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cleaning for dear life. saved in the nick of time. okay. at 2 buys busy airport. the storm may have passed, but the troubles are far from over. with so many ground to jets, taking up space, there's little tarmac left for new arrivals. inside the terminals are crowded with stranded passengers trying to get re booked after their flights were cancelled. there are hundreds and thousands of other passengers just like me and this airport who have been waiting for 10 hours, 15 hours. somebody been for going to for, for 30 hours. it's not draining outside. it's the way there is clear or sunny water loved being, the water level has gone down a while it's not clear to what extent climate change may have caused the historic rainfall. experts say it's an example of the kind of extreme weather we can only
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expect to increase as temperatures rise around the world with climate change, what we see a lot and is that you expect increase intensity of storms like this of heavy, heavy rainfall and increase conditions to form storms, to even begin to think about precipitation. as the climate changes, the gulf is expected to experience bigger and more frequent rain storms. but for now, there is more immediate work at hand. cleaning up debris, clearing roads, and assessing the damage from the historic down port. well joe, nearby, alexander cl. he's a freelance journalist based in london who just happened to be in do by this week when the rains came out. was that it's good to have you with this, you know, you are one of thousands with a story to tell about the do by day lose. the start is off. when the dark clouds move didn't tell us what you've experienced. yes,
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so it was raining on tuesday and i was that's my hotel and i so it is dark clouds and rain pulling down, but it's due by a it's a hot country, but it's that it doesn't have a square. so the tool building and, and the roads and don't have tours. so that's why the road south side mount without a computer keeps. i did me. i'm on the 22nd floor of the met would tell me i would tell doesn't have a it's complete. you've said to me on to the reception and so the students work because people's aren't going to electrocute and so 11 to go have to actually go down flights. yeah, absolutely, and that's really chaotic and this task for really under pressure. but it's it and i can see it from my window and the it's actually dark to, to, to show you i unfortunately, but, and i can see car as everywhere. it's like
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a swimming pool. and some every do by have trucks to take out the water. but to this area where i am in charge of yeah, isn't having to meet for the moment. how does i know you? you were there before the range came. be worked, did you get any warning from, you know, from weather forecasters or even from your airlines that did anyone that tell you what was about to happen? not control i just saw on my whether app on my phone and that it was going to rain on tuesday at so i can get the warning to and finally, cuba is famous for its roman. what better way to drink it? then in a cocktail, the cuban capital havana. so is that a competition to see who makes the best cocktails teams from around the world to part of the events. but this was not about, you know, but the progress we're lucky to is, the bartenders had to come up with their own creations and he makes the best run
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cocktails. well, team greece came out on top to come the top prize of $10000.00 euro is a in room, shaking it up with the table as well today continues online. you'll find this on x, also known as twitter, and defined as on youtube videos. you can follow via brent golf tv and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then if the
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fund is to live in freedom without fear, cost to is russian. caustic is a new, classifies the l g b to, to us community as extreme as he reaches the decision to buy a one way tickets and to play the focus. 2 2 on using digital twisting to say we've on factory the 50 year old siemens planting moon
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by was on the brink of closing. then new digital technology was used to keep it running. model jacks being copied around the world, made in germany. in 60 minutes on d, w, the increasing and recent medium donna watching online services, the only work that is holiday destination is a drowning cost. at the cost every year of the exports of $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why is there another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible.
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make up your own mind, dw, made for mines, the hello and welcome to focus on your rep. it's great to have you with us. russia continues to clamp down on civil liberties in the country. authorities added what they call the l g t b movement to a list of extremist and terrorist organizations, visitors. so if a clear bar in the south west of russia experience 1st time, the impact of the new ruling in march of this year, they were subjects to a police rate. the extreme is labeled outlaws.


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