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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2024 2:00am-2:03am CEST

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legal capital funds in the amazon. yes, the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chains, profit, all that much. illegal as a stock may said on dw the this is d w and using days around top stories, the united states has dumped the united nations from recognizing a palestinian stage. washington v toyota security council dropped a resolution that would have given the palestinian authority full membership in the will body. the u. s. c is an independent palestinian state should be established through negotiations between israel and the palestinian authority. not through you, an action to the lane has summoned roches ambassador or video
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raced of twos to speak to the russian spies in southern germany, prosecutors say the 2 dual german russian nationals were taken into custody in the city of violate. their accused of plotting sabotaged attacks designed to undermine military support for you crime authorities. the us military bases in germany were also talking it germany's vice chancellor hole. the topic has made a surprise visit to ukraine. he travelled to keith to show our support as you cry and run salt on waif ends and struggles to count to russian resolves and trying to tax. gemini is the 2nd biggest supply of arms to ukraine off to the united states. this is dw news from belen as more and our website, www. dot com. the or germany has become one of the biggest suppliers of weapons to ukraine. second only to the united states has the support made germany,
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one of the biggest target to russian spies. it's a valid question, especially after what happened this week. german police arrested to suspect and russian spies. they were allegedly planning attacks on us and german military bases, sabotage, to make sure that you cranes military never gets the weapons. it says it needs to when the war i'm for golf and berlin, this is the day the bathroom. and we accuse one of the detainees of having agreed to commit acts of sabotage in germany, especially against military infrastructure and industrial sites. here. this is a strategy for german national security. he passed on information he had gathered to a pass and connected it to a russian intelligent service center. this is a particularly serious case. the suspected agent activity for pollutants criminal
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regime, which means.


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