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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this dw do's line for berlin. tonight, charges of small lying in an attempt to undermine german military support for you. crate police have arrested 2 suspected russian spies accused of planning acts of sabotage. today, germany's board ministers summoned the russian ambassador demanding an explanation . also coming up the united nations security council voting on union membership for the palestinians. they would be the 1st step towards recognizing a palestinian state, but a few west veto is old. but here in t and ultra orthodox jurors, finding the draft it is real country supreme court as lifted their exemption from serving in the army, the
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brit golf. it's good to have you with us on this thursday, and we begin with a diplomatic route over the arrest here in germany of 2 suspected russian spies, the german russian dual nationals were detained in the bavarian city of by roy this week there are chairs, a planning to sabotage german military support for ukraine authorities say the us military bases here in germany. we're also targeting the crossing through a military base in bavaria. it is he aware american soldiers trading ukrainians, how to use bottle tanks. and it was, according to spiegel magazine, the prime focus for one of the main arrested on suspicion of plotting an act of sabotage. we had our security services have
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prevented possible bump attacks intended to damage and undermine our military assistance to ukraine. this is especially serious espionage case for putting this criminal refreshing put in substantial gozine the german russian nationals named only as alexander g and peter s were arrested on wednesday. i'm brought here to the federal court of justice for questioning them item the b accuse one of the detainees of having agreed to commit x of sabotage in germany, especially against military infrastructure and industrial sites. here, in preparation for this action, this suspect had already scouted out several potential targets. and according to our findings, he had passed on the information he had gathered to russian intelligence was from the headings and the prosecutors have also charge deter, asked with being a member of
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a terrorist organization. the believe he fought for the pro russian separatist army . the next people republic around 2015 means that someone's lives among blacks, normal german citizens who. busy participated in that kind of criminal exam. ready has many years ago, obtain some special trainings i had the connections to the russian military and specifically to jerry view and came back and without being you know, detected as the frightful the national security. so this is disturbing. the kremlin has so far denied any knowledge of the suspect, but the foreign ministry in berlin has summoned the russian and busted uh to explain himself. i guess originally affairs and a wisconsin teenager to tell us more about the suspects as well. we know is there a little that's i can tell you, brent, i think this is very, very important. i don't want to use the word sensational,
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but very important investigation of arrest because it's not only at least judging by the federal prosecutor's office, was itself only about spewing osh that was normal then that dates back to, you know, decays, of the cold war. it is about actual acts of sabotage, step a gland to at least people who are trying to facilitate to. i'm not at all surprised that these people have some kind of evidently, with 2 possible uh, some kind of sort of you to a russian or post on the truck that's a big around the street. they're both about 40 years of age. so that means would probably be brought to germany, i suspect. so we don't know as a lot of them as children, there are hundreds of thousands, not most of the medium sized people in germany. and it is a loss. and very proficient crowned c v. s b, all the russian for intelligence. and did you, are you the mid 3 colleges to recruit people, especially that was what are the keen on money for some reason do not integrate and
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on are dissatisfied with their life? yeah, what you describe here is it's verbal ground here in germany for the russian secret service. i'm wondering, has germany grossly under estimated the reach of the kremlin here in germany when it comes to, you know, i guess convincing people to turn against germany or when it comes to changing public opinion here in german as well. frankly, brent, i think it's, it was vastly other estimates. it's uh for at least have most of the posts. so the period my own experience is that i met people from a very boss came in germany. that's a big promo scope propagation. and i think some of them probably were ready to be at least very helpful to the russians that these people range from a high level ability to radical students that dislike natal
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to german businesses to, to form a ged or comments. i mean, there are also people in germany that can be both recruited to the rest of the schools and a loss. i do not think of as best. i think it's really consensus that the german states and the jo, secure services did not pay enough attention to these russian networks. i would recommend a book published by a british research drill law school. gemini is rush are probably right before the full scale invasion, which depicts these a, these extremely bossed networks of a crumbling of files. and as you said, it is a propitious ground for recruitment them to infiltrate to that with you've got to use russian affairs analysts, konstantin, egrets. speaking with me earlier, what says israel was founded back in 1948 ultra orthodox jews have been exempt from the military drafts so that they can devote themselves to religious study. but
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israel's top court has effectively lifted that exemption for 66000 young men of fighting age. that has triggered protests among the orthodox community. the government has until the end of this month to agree on a new conscription plan dw, i mean, as if reports now on the latest political threats to prime minister benjamin netanyahu . of the ultra orthodox life is a deeply religious there. calling is to pray and to study the torah. many of the men brought their holy books with them to this protest. ticket science here say they'd rather die than abandoned their traditions. those traditions have so far spared them from serving in the 3 of the armed forces. all other is really jewish men are supposed to serve at least 32 months and women 24 and most think the ultra orthodox should do the same now. but the men here who call themselves already or from a people don't even see themselves as really wants to do. nobody here is gonna go
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to them. they want to go to g o. and they're not going to go to the arm. are you against the war and gaza right now? it's up to you so it's not no good, no talk there. so you don't have an opinion, not much settings that's not sufficient there once a year. so make the 3 d one for routine form of people. once you're getting growing and you want us to be like them, and we want a degree of like our life, like you live for many years for hundreds in years. so we're not going to be going to learn, are ready to use the israel as a secular country, which they say is in violation of the torah and therefore has no authority over them. to do is not allowed to and to israel and make a states until the messiah comes waiting for him. and the 2 and visit us with its 80 years ago. we're stuck with it's, with all the problems that come with a. one of the protests began with prayers, but soon the younger men march toward the nearby military recruitment office. somewhat mismatch stand often seems to ultra orthodox or not passages
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things are getting up here at the pre test in front of the idea of recruiting headquarters. if things are peaceful at the beginning, but especially the young people have come out to show their anger that they might have to be drafted and might have to join the idea to fight in gaza. the, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu relies on ultra orthodox parties to keep his ruling coalition together. opposition parties like yes, i t say they should no longer get special treatment. the ultra orthodox community only makes a 13 percent of the population and the reluctant to fight and a reluctant soldier is not always a good soldier. so is it really in israel's national interest? to draft them into the military? of course, now that we are at war and the situation is very complex. we've,
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we've seen this week, what happened with iran? we need more soldiers. this is a necessity. it's not, you know, something that is nice to have. it's a necessity. we need people to serve in the army, and that's the right and morals thing to do. so i'm sure if we sit down at the table, we can reach some sort of understandings and how to enlist these people because it's very, very important. and it's also a part of being an his rally. despite the regional conflict, developing around them live here in the ultra orthodox neighborhood of jerusalem, seems to go on undisturbed. they're determined to keep it that way. it was all media supporting their here's the look. now some of the other stores making headlines around the world. hello, sidney and photographer mohammed, the solemn has won the world press photo of the year award. the further depicts a palestinian woman holding the body of her 5 year old niece after she was killed by it is really striking gossip. mature reset photo was taken with respecting care,
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but showed on imaginable loss. kenya has announced 3 days of morning after the country's defense chief francis oh go lot. and 9 other senior military officials were killed in a helicopter crash. the chopper was travelling in western, kenya, when he went down to soldiers survive. the cause of the crash remains and no the web design where the united nations security council is expected to vote on a draft resolution granting the palestinians fall to you in membership. it's the 1st step in the process that would effectively recognize the palace, city, and state. the united states says that the plans to veto this resolution at the moment, the pals needing a forwarding has what is known as non member absorber status in the united nations . the security council as long and doors, division of israel and the palestinian state, living side by side, the palestinians want a state in the west bank, east jerusalem. and the goal isn't strip. they were waiting for that vote and want
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to go down to our correspond to benjamin alvarez river. he's following things force from washington benjamin. it's expected, as we said, the united states will but will veto this resolution. and of course, that stands in contrast to the us presidents promise to support a 2 state solution is, is this a contradiction? that's right. for the state department, at least, it's not a contradiction when one of its spokesperson was to ask about that. he said that the us remains un waverly committed to a 2 state solution about the us, us at the most expedius path toward statehood for the policing. and people are through direct negotiations between israel and the palestinian authority. and this is the 2nd attempt that the state of palestine is doing to become a new member of the united a nations. it was 1st and labored this application for you and membership to the secretary general bunkie moon in 2011. the initial bit failed because of the
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probably as soon as they can get the required minimum support of the security counts. and that's exactly where this meeting is now taking place. we have the representative of algeria who brought this forward to the security council is saying that this is a historical injustice and it must be address. but as you said, we expect the us to once again a use it's vito. yeah, we're, we're looking at why, because now from the un security council, and there it is. the representative, as you mentioned, from algeria speaking, the palestinians are currently considered a non member observer state of what would change with full membership of service has the right to speak. and for example, the you and the united nations general assembly meetings. but they don't have a, the possibility to vote on resolutions as a non member of the state. that's a dis doctor. recognition of state that was granted by the un general assembly in 2012 by a vast majority of the country. so if for them to become
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a full member of the of the united nations 1st, they need the approval of the un security council. and then they need to that if this general assembly to recognize paul assigned as a member of the you. and that shouldn't be that hard because a current to the $140.00 out of $193.00. you and members recognize the state of pol list. and so the hard part that they are facing now is that they get through the security council for the 1st admission. and then also they will be put to vote at the un general assembly and for them to become full members. all right, who we know you'll be watching. it isn't as we said, that but in the or in security council, i'm expecting to take place at any moment. now, benjamin alvarez group of course, in washington, benjamin, thank you. as you're watching, the video is coming up after the break. a dw documentary looks at how dance influenced the development of humans and white animals also love to group products in berlin. thanks for watching. i'll see you here tomorrow
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