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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2024 7:30am-8:00am CEST

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you have the solutions, the future, the loan is 77 percent every weekend on dw, the 3rd, everything from your phone, headphones on computer, to wind turbines and batteries, the power electric cars on scooters, graphs. but despite the name, then not some sony mosque but comprised 17 crystal and a heavy metal element is found in rock deposits. right us are a precious commodity for high tech societies. with most of that production currently controlled by china. start us and say tional discovery in sweden, braces the possibility of them being binds add to also in this edition, it made some extra costs. china is challenged a year of hey, across the tests. how safe is the old package to a jet fund?
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digital twin has a new life for a factory in india. so for lapland and the arctic circle is home to huge expenses of pristine nature. and also to deposit to route are precious raw materials that i've seen a rapid growth in demand from industrialized nations. drilling teams at a range of locations are collecting rock samples from the ground down below. the operation is being funded by swedish mining company l. k, a b, which anticipates a new gold rush. the team here is currently still busy identifying and analyzing the potential sites before those to posits our mind sometime in the future. the
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kind spokesman is also on hand to inspect proceedings. we are stealing branding and cannot see where it ends. we have to build a deeper than 2000 meters from the surface, and we have pounds more than 700000000 tons of iron or an sun mom point 3000000 tons of rarer oxide. so it's a very good deposits and we think that we have explored perhaps a quarter of it so far. they've literally found new end to the rear earth deposits to the they're taking a sample from a depth of 7900 meters down. the operation is made international headlines due to the discovery of the 1st known rare earth deposits in europe. this device records the depth of the relevant site to within a centimeter. in total, the teams are taking several 1000 samples,
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which are catalogued by depth geologist sean g takes away the samples for further analysis and the live he's one of a 5 strong team working there on shift. the geologist hail from a variety of countries showing drinking himself is french. the sample analysis stage conducted prior to the development of the site will cost the mining company many millions of bureaus. i can go and scratch the rocks and see to this, this part is really hard. i need to to press and press harder. and this here is softer now, so it gives me, gives me information on uh, what kind of narrow it could be. the materials samples are actually 50 percent iron or, and have
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a rear or content of just 0.2 percent. they also contain significant levels of phosphate, which will later be sold to fertilizer producers. so this as a bonus, we get one binding the ion or that's the main idea. while we're operations, once we get that this particular woman's here is as a byproduct. as a bonus, try nice told me and i think the markets but this deposit the patio deposit is the biggest report bed bad profit in europe. so his has very big importance for the sense the efficiency of the you all the critical enrollment here, the rear or it's would then be extracted from material mind from newly created tunnels belonging to the neighboring mind. without wherever it's we'd have no screens or displays no magnets for wind turbines, no electric cars, and indeed, no green energy transition. but the plan
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certainly have their critics to every year the indigenous semi people drive their reindeer, several 100 kilometers from east to west and back again. in addition to the pollution, the mine would block the animals trail, says one rain gear farmer. they will open up more mines and that's really, i guess, totally destroyed the, the rain to hurting in this district in this area. and this saw me released and you can say we can move to the south. we can move to the north. we are stuck in the south a spokeswoman for the semi community association points out those obstacles from craters and a new compromise to lakes full of mine, water, railroad tracks and highways the
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traditional grazing areas for each semi colon measure around 80 by a 100 kilometers the new mind, right in the middle would block all of the animals routes. well, it would be the end for a traditional lorraine, they're hurting in, in my community. and the community of god, not the it would the a, have a, a deep impact on our culture. and our future. so what does the spokesman for the mining company have to say? it is quite narrow for right, and they're hard to bring the rain. there is a task in or not from the mountain as we ask where they are during the summer. it's down to the forest that we us in the winter time. we want to find on suicides, through shows in dialogue with the summer village, the river, or it's been meet those migration routes amount to at least 8 times annual global
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consumption and mining the resources. so close to home would reduce europe's dependency on china and russia for supplies. i mean growing global's engines in europe, the new portion tie con to but west will set you back to 130000 euros. mercedes h u. s. cost almost a $110000.00 on the audi q for each one just over $53000.00 b, w, use id 3 starts at around $37000.00 euros. and those prices for jim and electric cars are all with no extra features included. to pricey finch showing these models are an option, but all the competitive performance wise to to crash test cars made by china's b y d have performed just as well as their european arrivals. right
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now there's a growing backlog of b y, the cars and the german port of framer hoffman due to insufficient demand. but having sold more electric cars than anyone else in the last quarter of 2023, the car maker is not putting the brakes on its expansion strategy across germany, new b y, the show rooms are popping up like this one and berlin for most customers. it's their 1st look at the chinese vehicles. they're used to driving a vw, mercedes or a rental for are curious to check out both the design and engineering of models. 5 millions of 10 ton and dolphin ac. before you get the nice feel very comfortable, i'm getting him is it's the mood page. it's been that you felt the workmanship as comp. it's a great brand, the total and it's a perfect fit for us as a family. yeah, it's a kind close to for medium or small. perfect. right. these seem very similar to the europeans, but are they as well constructed?
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we'll have to see, but i'm sure they'll have put in a lot of effort. a mom, the show room manager is a no doubt that the cars will find plenty of fires. d y d makes its own batteries as well as crucial ship components in its own factories. a lot of potential buyers are surprised by the high quality of materials and a fine german standards. generous array of in car entertainment upfront prices for a b y d model. here start at 29000 bureaus b y. but also has to look at how comfortable competitors are faring and not overdue things are you see the seal as a direct arrival to the test lot and it's entry level price. this is just the low tesla model. b y d explorer ships can transport up to 7000 collector cars. the company is planning to dispatch a further 8 of them on the route to europe, with an eye on conquering the huge market here the,
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on its domestic market, b, y, the out, sales us arrival tests, not as electric cars become the subject of a brutal price for production capacities for huge 100 minutes, not cheap, still call for the modern another night shift or continue production all weekend. and china could easily be turning out $50000000.00 cars a year. but interestingly, domestic demand only 23000000 means a difference of 27. and what he wants demand is it 14000000 and here up 13 to me on . so china has built up capacity. so a norm is to think it covered the entire world. a figures like that have prompted the you to consider introducing unit of tariffs due to b, y these excessive states subsidies. one possible way of stomach, the tide of chinese eaves anticipating those tariffs. the might be as intending to build a factory in the u on this patch of countryside and southern hungry. but the 1st of
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digging will be by archaeologists, roman era artifact stating back more than 2000 years to been found here. for centuries, the area was used as pastor land for grazing callous. that discovery could mean serious delays for construction work. but d y d expect it's cars to be rolling off the line here next year. so will the project have to be halted? the solution that contributed like it's not in our interest and of course we don't plan to do that. we're working closely with other institutions that are carrying out archeological work and with investors so that we can do our job and they can do . there is with a minimum of interruptions, good hungry is a popular spring board for chinese companies in europe. budapest is home to one of the biggest chinese communities on the continent, and soon thousands of workers are expected to arrive from china to build
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a new z y d factory. this could also see part of china is surveillance system coming to hungary, which would mean china gaining access to hungary school on camera surveillance networks. the 2 countries have now signed a security package. gary and police could soon start to be accompanied on st. patrols in budapest, by chinese security personnel, the leader of the opposition and the hungarian parliament, fears that the arrival of b y d will have adverse side effects. the i don't think the to deal with this. the same social credit system that works in china. but even if they bring in the camera system and the facial recognition system, that is something that could be, could be very much used by a lot of private government. b, y d is confident of selling cvs on the european market. but it can also mean the
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import of more than just the chinese electric cars. so what is your response to chinese export sprint? how about working hand in hand and collaborating? don't you develop vehicle platforms, power trains, batteries, and driver assists with safe call make is huge research outlays and make the input cheaper as already seen, and none of the tech stuff too pricey for the global market. european electric vehicle makers are under pressure. i can see the point coming very quickly, you know, 2030 i think is really the critical moment for this industry. if i'm not prepared by then is to like time for europe to take back the initiative to this european joint venture. be a model to follow. air bus has production, split up across a number of nations with the plants all working in close coordination with each
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other. it's a concept that secure the future of europe's aircraft. manufacturing industry. does your car sector now need a similar move to an air bus moment? well, there are few in industries been talking about a range of different solutions. right now have been floating the idea of that kind of economy strickland today of us. wherever he gets together and produces this assume of that sort of vehicle. the trouble is that already there's been a huge amount in investment and a big investment pipeline coming in on batteries and related technologies and the study much stuff to discuss it across to your of it should amongst different manufacturers. there are over 120 car factories in europe, turning out models for numerous manufacturers. and a myriad of models in makes a set up that is proves very profitable so far. the i'm so now to be interested in how to makers have been making various attempts to develop their own individual
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solutions. but there are now a range of major issues that require solutions very soon was a portable book. this is ashley and who is a one phone bad? listen i. there's impact connectivity in digitalization advertising. i'm just out was one of the elect. wow. to an evaluation to that's a line. so even for a traditionally successful carmakers, that's a huge task. and one that's better solved through joint project you best. so then indian dimensions pull. yeah. can on this quote plus $200.00, which means cooperation. but how would that work for? no, and mercedes have set the precedent with the tween go in for door smart models, sharing the same technical platform, which is little surprised when you look at them. the venue in companies doing joint ventures involving identical vehicle platforms and also means a challenge for that model to stay sufficiently distinct and not become interchangeable. even you also spotswood bad brand image and awareness are
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priceless for companies, although also a big hurdle for closer cooperation. but growing costs, the pressure is mean they have few alternatives. we're going to have to see some fundamental sharing of engineering not on a piecemeal based. it's not between personal and run of overdoing volkswagen and ford, but for the industry. in other words, an air bus moment. the idea here is to lower costs and maintain competitiveness by developing a joint car construction platform. it is a long road ahead, however, are arriving at that sort of compromise is extremely difficult. something has to get somebody has to be prepared to allow losses in their own manufacturing losses in their own production versus losses in the countries where some of these vehicles are being produced. because we cannot sustain the existing capacity. understood
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existing fragmentation of the industry for very much longer for that kind of collaboration is still a long way off. in the meantime, the e u as launched an entry dumping investigation into those unwelcome competitors from china and across cover themselves. been in the news recently due to doors disappearing, mid flight on computer malfunctions, almost causing a crash. all they still a safe way to travel. the problems of most have been due to pull her to assembly with the individual components being put through pretty rigorous testing. for the name of passenger safety just how much stress kind of they're playing with style and have you ever asked yourself this question when your flight runs into severe turbulence? the wings of this adverse can bend flat to 5.2 meters.
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so the well equipped to hold up against the strongest gust of wind an airplane can also fly with just one engine, provided it can keep the plane flying at 250 kilometers per hour. and preliminary tests, airframe parts need to withstand as much wear and tear as they do over the aircraft this entire lifetime. that's often more than a $100000.00 flights kind of cloud of was a spray stall. the sanctions one of a range of tests before a plane is declared elworthy aircraft to construct it to meet safety requirements, but not to over fill, fill them. pick a fuselage is for example of extra weight and therefore increase fuel consumption.
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don't be alarmed or start twitching your seats here. vertical. take off site, this prove just how much all planes can be in emergency situations. all the boeing did this just to show the maintenance technicians. always keep an eye on the plane windows because there are natural, weak spot, kinetic kraft. the riskiest parts of a flight all take off and landing to make them safer. tests are conducted to determine the optimum speeds. to ease your mind, just remember when it comes to vital instruments like the altitude, indicated that across the boys has more than one plus, while several 100 people die and playing cautious every yeah. the studies show that more people are killed on their way to the airport pop something to bear in mind
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the next time you encounter inside turbulence is know when now safe from the intrusion of robots. they work in fine to raise with us or each other and can also support that human co workers via virtual reality headsets. now there's another news i mentioned to me piece of technology that enables factories and products to get digital twins, thousands of miles away. sound speaking, stay tuned. the almost 50 years old. this evening's factory was in danger of being shut down before being saved by digital tweeting technology that replicates products or processes launched here in the indian city of cottonwood 10 years ago. it's proved to be
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a game changer. the head of seaman's indian operations is proud of his team success story. so we thought, let's apply the digital technologies that we are talking about to our own manufacturing strategies here, uninsured. we went from 80 variance on 3 production lines to a $180.00 variance on one production, like in addition to saving money, it's also help to make production faster from 21 seconds per part. 4th, a change down to just 9 2nd. back in germany, around half the population of this small town book said prospect sold this plant in law uh mine makes hydraulic components. and just like in india, the digital twittering technology can have a massive impact on operational processes. and so the industrial sector is a model for us as bush ricks wrote, a digital twin is made for each product. and of course,
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we also have applications in the automotive area where we also create twins for both the vehicle and the parts supplied onto the dogma. i'll take a ton excusing a few to start talking about for the to really couldn't tie the auto makers to engineering companies. firms are finding digital twins indispensible. the new technology already has its own industry association based in germany, to promote it on the international market. the spring and shipment german and was your opinion industry spend the association and committee work and the development of standards means we have a pioneering role. we have a growing number of members, especially in connection with digital twins that includes japan and south korea, where they're taking a closer look at what german industry is doing in this area. i'm from device in co . siemens has a production site, a large number of programmers, and also its own training center. new recruits, learn how machines can support their work or potentially even deal with themselves
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. but the trainees see the set up not as a threat, but as the next step in industry, with prospects for them to this is the, i'm 5900 over a labradoodle. what's the difference between the school board and what is cool? what can collaborate with human very easily and roll what needs its individual space to us? it's, it has a 3 button on it's and more do from which we can reduce the time of programming drastically into that. i want to work with the, with both companies will work on smart manufacturing, digitalization and digital india. still eager to learn from germany's mid sized business model, the middle stand. we can learn an india from the experiences of the german middles, done. but the indian middle stand is much smaller than the german middle style. and that's where we have the ability to adapt to the environment, adapt to the situation in germany,
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the team at bush effects or is currently creating new parts from a 3 d printer models for hydraulic components. this unique generates pressure for a hydraulic pressure. used to make car doors, for example, the digital twin was tested here. it can display the entire supply chain of a product. you know, thing that means your digital twins to collect and provide all the data generated across the entire life cycle support from the production t used by customers site when it's, when queen inch dean dees, a docking to sell mode, so fulfilled them switched on this put sponsors step ahead of the competition, given the use plans to require verification of supply chains in various industries by 2026, which is already the case at the plant in india to with just the fraction of the workforce allowed to work in the factory during the band demik,
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the prior digitalization of operations meant that the jobs were actually saved the shooting portion. that okay, so nevada, this is what, what am i this will do for home and that so we put a 2 minimum number and maximum products in, in the front of the team in india are convinced that even supposedly old school production can change regardless of the company size, this is not only for the big boys. right? again, we are saying we've been able to demonstrate in a 50 year old factory that it is possible. the challenge is really, 1st in the mind, the adoption, we need to adopt this because that is what will make us competitive. and with this digital factory leading the way others will be easier to follow that fit for another episode of maine with treasured roads in sweden,
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chinese eaves prompting here up to show united front stress test aircraft pods and the name of safety on a digital the twins factory in india, c and x time. the
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in good shape. a child's health is the most important thing to parents. what is good and what is bad for all the to ones? and when she had grown up stopped to worry in good shape. she minutes w. a new crew that caused the commission lifesavers in the mediterranean. there's
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the punk faces. it's 1st big challenge of refugees who are on the verge of just stuff in 90 minutes on d w. the words people have to say, that's why we listen to every weekend on d w code names project, cassandra, re determined through our investigation that has below was operating like
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a global drug cart. not somebody normally theaters, organization. the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. suddenly we had in las vegas to attack at a terrace organization. finance. the idea is the fall of the money, the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i was scared. i mean, as well as not a whole lot, they want to do actually of money. i want to take down their findings. they had from life themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and to their own people. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? so the opportunity was, was 1st our 3 pa documentary series on march, the hezbollah dots may 4th on d, w. the,
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you're watching due to the news coming to you live from berlin. the us and the new plan at new sanctions on iran, as well, or just its allies to step up international pressure on to ron in retaliation for last weekend's attack. but western nations are wary of any moves that could spark a wider conflict. also coming up on our show, germany's chancellor calls on china as a children paying to help bring rushes war and ukraine to an end. all actual says beijing's close tie. small scouts could play a major role in securing piece.


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