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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the business day, the we news line from burlington, china is leader of warrants germany against protectionism. president, she tells chancellor shows the 2 countries depends on free trade. sholtes isn't showing up for the 1st time since germany said of age are reduced dependence on its biggest trading partner. also coming on israel considers it's next steps. it's military chief says iran will face consequences for us. reprise will attack again without clarifying what form that may take. and scientists confirmed global warming is killing off corals, the worst ever mass bleaching event underway right now. the
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earliest welcome to the show, germany's chancellor shaw. it's susan china sitting down with its leaders at a time when economic and diplomatic relations between europe and beijing are increasingly strained. following a meeting between sholtes and chinese premier lead, so young lee said that the economic interest of both countries remain deeply intertwined. presidents agents, a warrant schultz, against resorting through protectionist economic measure, saying the 2 countries depend on free trade. last year, germany launched a strategy to avoid over dependence on china. sholtes also asked see, to exert his influence on russian president vladimir putin to end the war. he said, the 2 signs agreed that russia's nuclear threats were unacceptable. even with those questions, these thoughts on she clogged even to germany and china speak out clearly against
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the use of nuclear weapons and threats to use them via bones rather than doing so. we reiterate the appeal that we formulated together at our last meeting here in the aging, in november 2020 to donald by now today we also agree on this account to sign which don't we reject attack. so nuclear facilities such as power plants, but we also call for adequate solutions to the problems of the food security in the world. hunger must not be used as a webpage, been the problem on the kind of buffer paths a or chase international editor. richard walker is following this meeting very closely and joins me now and the studio richard, we heard the chancellor there. that's not exactly what the chinese are saying that they agreed on this. yeah, so it's kind of interesting, like, obviously these totes have happened like both sides of, of had their meetings and now they going out to the public and saying, giving that versions of what they talked about. and in some pretty important
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details. there's a discrepancy, a difference. so what we just heard from one of shots that was saying that germany and china expressly oppose the use of n threats to use nuclear weapons. and saying that we just reaffirm the appeal that we formulated together as our last meeting in badging in november 2022. now i was at that meeting in 2022 and paging with all our shelves and not in the room of cool . that's but, but yeah that and like schultz came out and this was a seems a major success that he got, she didn't paying to say no use of nuclear weapons and even threatening to use them is the stabilizer. that's a problem. clearly, i'm to vladimir putin now, this time around schultz, the thing we've just refund that if you look at the chinese version of the talks that they have is a pretty long what you called a readout. describing the tools that the use of nuclear threats is not mentioned to the the use of nuclear weapons. yes,
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but not the threats. so that looks like she didn't, pain is actually weakening his position on pretends use of these threats in this conflict. ross at then refer me as we just heard from while i felt so obviously we're going to be pursuing this with the german government and asking them, you know, behind closed doors, did you say that? is there a discrepancy between the readout and what they really said behind closed doors, but even if that's the case, what she just paying says in public accounts that that is going to be looked at in more goes. and they'll say, oh, all right, he's watering this time. yeah. so a big devil that's in the detail there. same goes for a plan. peace conference um that jeremy is pushing for that set to take place in switzerland at china has reportedly agreed to, to continue consultations on that. so can not be seen as a success forshaw we don't know yet so, so essentially is what the chinese so well,
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that's all just come out and said that we've, we've agreed to like, consult, closely and positively. i think he said about, you know, the about the shaping this peace conference, if you look at what the chinese said about that. and the chinese say that they support the holding coaching kit in due course of an international peace conference that is recognized by both russia and ukraine. and it shows the equal participation of all parties and fed discussions on it will piece plans. so basically, the chinese a, suggesting here, okay, we're up for this conference if rushes involved, and so far russia is not invited to that. so that's going to be an interesting thing to watch. now in the time ahead, like does that piece conference open up to the russians? the china has taken part in one of these peace conference is the 1st of the series of conferences that happened without russia being there. but then it stepped back from the last one. the gems have been saying to them,
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you need to be there. and obviously the chinese is saying, well, we're really, we're only going to take part if you include russia to. so there's going to be some wrangling ahead. so whether that can be presented as some kind of when is very questionable, depends what happens. economic ties always a huge topic between germany and china. china, of course, germany's biggest trading partner germany last year launched a strategy to the risk. it's relationship with china. how is that impacted their relationship in practical terms and maybe also this meeting? yeah. so, so this time, the risk and the background to this, right? so there's been long discussion with in american circles and this kind of come over to, into the european circles as well about whether they needs to be a di coupling between western and the chinese economies. whether they become to and mast, whether they have a security risk from your technology and, and all of that, that has, there's been a departure from that over the last year or so, moving from the idea of the coupling to the risk that you want to kind of take away
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risky dependencies, whether they're on medical supplies, coming from china, you're not in the pandemic or whether they're on rule materials that is that it needed to high taking to high tech products or whether it's an excessive exposure to the chinese market. and think of the exposure that some companies had to the russian market before rush it and they did, you try. so that's been the new kind of banner to the risk and everyone's kind of come behind this because everyone thinks, well yeah, well, what could be bad about causing risk, right? but the thing is, the worst thing seems to mean different things to different people. so for the chinese they hear that and they say you just meet the coupling. this is a euphemism for the coupling. the, the but within germany there were different views, like some big company bosses in germany say the biggest risk for us would be to pull out of the chinese market because that is, that's where the action is. and you see what i felt as travel to china with a big business delegation. the lead is of some of the biggest call companies,
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chemical companies. a lot of the big companies that have massively exposed to the chinese market. and these companies that investment in china last year hit a record like even though that was the year in which the german government announced is the risking strategy. so they're a big questions about whether the risk is really being taken seriously by everyone who has to take it seriously. what direction that is going in the procedure and paying definitely his goal is to try to get that watered down. he doesn't want like german companies to be pulling out of china because china needs access to a lot of these technology sees. and all i've sold is also worried about pulling the plug too much on business with china because he sees a german economy that a spluttering in, in the optimize of the invasion of ukraine. that has all sorts of problems. and he's thinking, i cannot afford to, to lose business with china the same time. critics say that is sort of thinking that china is turning into major economics right, through competition from cheap electric vehicles, all sorts of sectors. so this is
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a really sony area, and there's a lot of worry with in europe that germany is kind of a weak link within europe. so i'm position on china and that, you know, the, the talks that they have had today could potentially undermine a common european position on trade. that was our chief international editor richard walker. thank you so much. always great to get your insights and we will bring you back in once the transfer talks to the press, which is going to happen shortly. thank you so much or any him president ever embrace the has warned israel of a painful response if it retaliates against iran. attack over the weekend, the is really for administer. israel cox says he has launched a diplomatic offensive against around the road on social media that he has sent the letters to 32 countries and has called for sanctions on iran dismissal project. and our correspondent, i mean ss in jerusalem, said this diplomatic offensive doesn't mean
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a military response is off the table. well, i'm sure that dozens of people who are tagged in this tweet, dozens of foreign ministers, that is, would be happy if it was an alternative. but if you see and that tweedy also said that this would be, in addition to a military response. now the sanctions are already on the table for a lot of the foreign ministers that you mentioned. you have u k, the us, germany and india, which is hasn't really made up its mind how to respond to this escalation, the middle east, but at least for the us, some sanctions already being put up for a vote in the house of representatives there. so this is not a controversial shot subject for israel's allies, and it seems that we're trying to build momentum here to get a diplomatic offensive. but a lot of these allies that you paid us in germany have urges real to make that the alternative to military attack because they see any military attack as being an escalation. now, is rarely war cabinet has converged
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a couple of times now. and they've said that they are going to try to avoid a regional award that their response would be calculated and not from the god. but listen to ron this so that any military response to the strikes over the weekend would be met with a even a harsher attack. and that's because the ron sees their strike as retaliatory strike. where is the allegedly, israel's strike on an embassy complex in syria that belong to iran? so escalation is not of the question. even if israel's response is um, is light and is calculated. now i'm in the war cabinet got together for the 1st time after um, october 7th of last year. and right now it seems to be focusing on a response to a ron. this, this shifted focus have consequences on the military operation and gaza. so certainly does other focus is largely on iran and i, they weren't gauze that has been put on the back burner,
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at least in the media here. it's not what is really they're talking about at the moment. but cnn has reported, that's the ground offensive in rosco. we're about a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering has been postponed. they were supposed to start evacuating people out of there, at least dropping leaflets to get people to move out of the area before a scheduled ground offensive. but that seems to have been postponed on the other hand, biden and a lot of other international partners don't have the same ability to put pressure on israel because they need to stand with israel in the face of a threats from iran. as dw correspondent, i'm in the east of in jerusalem, thank you so much. and this here, record breaking temperatures have been heating up or oceans triggering another major coral bleaching design of owner ability and spells disaster for marine life. experts worry some of the world's greatest wonders may not survive. australia's
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great barrier reef is in a fight for survival. recent sweltering temperatures, the rooms, the ocean waters causing mass bleaching of the coral. family time we've seen bleaching the sped within 2016 when just about everything died. the healthy reef coral here is usually brown x, but say the bright pink some blues are assigned. the carl is screaming out for help . bleached carl isn't necessarily dead, but it is a sign that it's starved to nutrients and vulnerable ways. brown once, if they've turn up at times and on and that's yeah, that's these, this is an area that was only just starting to recover these. a small carl's that a bleaching, you know, who knows if they'll survive? it is a phenomenon that is happening around the world. here in the philippines. marine
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conservationists are experimenting with new solutions to regenerate the carl. they attach carl skeletons on to a large net, which will act as a base for the different types of carl. they will try to propagate in their cities when they're created has different kinds of corners. it has a selection of corners and it is closely monitored. so it will actually help scientists see which scores are more resilient to climate change, and therefore they will be able to create the recommendations to propagate those kinds of a part of it is one of several ways that conservationists around the world of trying to save reeves and drawing off as ocean temperatures continue to
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rise it with us here on the w. i next global us looks at the bank on a city threatened by the rising sea level. nicole fairly, thank you so much for your company. the why do having does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze out bodies? how much do we need per day? press stop, cons, praying for help. find the offices get smaller on dw science, outtake top 10 of the a lead before the flat happen in that area. my daughter was only 2.


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