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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  April 16, 2024 1:15am-1:30am CEST

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long struggle to secure voting rights for women around the world. many countries are and i haven't had 5 women, they're still under represented. it's that's after a short break and display some more news on our website. you don't need to come for me. the team here. thanks for watching the, let's see chris live, discover new adventures in 362. and explore fascinating both heritage sorry, dw world heritage 360. now the news will tell you the story. we have a, getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold plus the 2 years for c, n,
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for the future feelings about what's going on in the instead of being discussed across the continent, dw news, africa every friday on the w. the or you can, you know, build a more just and you me, society with the side laming. there's a voices of these and well, many bought on the money for a vehicle the so those have made any, any me it'd be my biggest success and probably needs to be able to tell people that actually it's okay. that's of the okay. the
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the, the i remember getting calls from the chief secretary, he said, i would like to welcome you to the upper house or the poly rizzo. melisha is a for you understand the rest of the variety from calling police here. i am incentive, so it'd be at the house of parliament, felicia a chairperson and also listens with disability effectively. one of the things that i've been pushing is extreme to make sure that we have a piece of reduced in the workforce for got sick. if we have
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a mazda is the new york degree or whatever experiences a we haven't dealt with, give us the job because of that. doing discriminate and you know, it's and, and tell us that we kind of do it because we're disabled the philippines, the september. them as well. yeah. because you must have was not domain. there's because the go a couple of people bored. so how come up some media drop out of a teen go up name, what does this that will award the, the color scheme, kayla. this is the m p a so yeah, but i did comment by profession jumpers to submit. i thought the
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district judge and board punjab, gufferson on the just a minute based because the bad lucky a heck and all the way through the the news on we've got you got on know system jetta or the buckeye, the journalist phone go to boost at the game or them up or doesn't mean that obvious, that hard game get your last pieces to be signed up. so i look forward to your logo. good on the gun. the auto scarcity is so please just give me a lot. it's good. so for me to jot either in
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2016, a student from the national was a push to speaking know her own life because of the difficulties in being for mission in august. then he thinks that really made me quest, showing my way choices. ask my name is sarah, and i go, i'm a youth part that is representative members of congress. genuine youth representative. you have to see them on the masters quincy name. what's your secretary? know what's, what's i'm going to affect the future as you all in place on the matter
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of need for a long then hold your lane. the scientists are you guess i talk about all these issues without the voice. the 2013 hyundai no go for a comfortable chair. pump. it may i ask who am i doing this because some sort of activity m b i get home on keep gloss, palmer and guess all the name back to me? well, let me give you this. i emailed you some back awards oscar optics back up in albany. if the somebody coming is appears on monday, november the flooding
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mazda the issue. uh, the bills can be home. you can get a whole lot of flat belly uh like to both of them. well, well hon to, to, to the non billable bill. it get called in our vendor bridgewater house. are you percent about to get done? literally just in the ma'am, how about basically if i could see that the room which has got to be that the reassembly again the the typically interest in politics is started from. it is very each i don't, it's on the number line this number because based which this part of
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a person living, which i am a rog, bruce, i live in the i learned that the volume voice even which could still be used. you can always use that place to add your voice to many more voice whistles are demanding better, virginia fees, better jobs, better education on better health. the one of the things that i'm really pleased about is actually when i manage to um, push for sign language,
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interpreter's settings for the little house and also the at the house is a long time coming. and everybody thought i was crazy. but i said, sorry you were really being unfair if you do not have this service for persons with disabilities with dis disabled to as a senator who is a p w d. um sometimes i, i feel a bit frustrated because people treat me like i'm a child the most of the time people feel that they have to always have to help me and i'm like, i don't, i can't help myself. the
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2 beds a but the do you know your move man? speak for itself. my a horrible self. the a young women want to enter politics to go ahead. i think the lead gets organized. get involved. persist in rekey by your routine last insurance and for more women and to achieve a community pool. and you need to say, we need young women like your sisters are you going to do or not
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the in my political career, what i really like to do is they speak to see more the deputies impala. and i would really like to see more women in politics because we are the ones who is going to be able to be there together to strengthen the government. we can link if given the chance it's about time that we do not discriminate or the young people up in the novel. but as for like a job. yeah. nobody can you again,
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i think it would be a good thing to come up of. looks up, got their hands off. i didn't, i was like in the clear go to what was other good she on the last could be and i call it the, the book song. you've been on video from the event on the you must just those you have on file name or more. she has of the house, the suddenlink in the proof. i'm cannot tell you. i'm not, i'm not going to the audio is put the b e d. i got a got that i'll be head. so what is the new audio? so those it has meant for them 6 of them, the logic. i mean, i'll give burnett, let's get bogged the dog k, how much are you move? come on to you. let's see. uh, doing good job case with the
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a new crew that caused the commission
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lifesavers in the mediterranean. the pung spaces, its 1st big challenge of boot. refugees who are on the verge of just the next d. w. africa. to see the future of costume production. look 3, these close this with them farmers and kind of in on ending how to book sustainable on virtual field. they practice how to deal with test sustainably. good for they use the code in 60 minutes on d. w. as you've got issues with a lot say what the
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a group of volunteers is angel in the mediterranean seats rushing to help refugees into stress how many how many babies? many of the.


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