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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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or the, this is the w use lie from the land. israel warns the campaign is known however, after it repels an attack from the rod. of the 100 zip codes and masons launched by a run nearly all the way into assisted by his fans or other nations. 12 whites to see what's next. the way as reiterates it's apply and client supportive as well. it says it will not take part in any fatality ation against iran. you went security council goals and emergency maintenance. and the german chancellor strongly condemns the attacks for getting a free day visit to china with actual says as well has a right to defend itself. fox ones, every one against further escalation,
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the i've been physical and welcome israel has repelled a massive a rainy and aerial attack. the balloons. the campaign is known over at his cold, full vigilance. it runs 1st have a direct attack on his ground, despite decades of hostility use more than 300 me sizing drugs as being com over israel, in the wake of the badge. as you can see from these like pictures, almost all of the weapons were intercepted by israel and other countries overnight, including the u. s. u. k. and jordan stories. president joe biden has repeated what he calls his country's iron clad support for his well. but he searched restraint and told his way, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that the us will not join in any retaliation. instead by the names to coordinate the united diplomatic response to a bronze attack at
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a meeting of the g 7 group of wealthy nations. he intends to convene on monday, flushes the sky of jews. hello, the dispute to choose the intersection of designs and drawings launched by it on his right and save its defense system, shut down. most of them in the sky image shield on but sob. and last night, yvonne attacked israel with more than 300 weapons. but our technological, an assay pavey our team meant that we were able to send off this assault. this you live together with a strong combination with a set did almost all of these threats are you mean after the 1st i have a direct military attack on his ride from it on the intended cri you as president joe biden spoke with is riley prime. mr. benjamin netanyahu bite and reaffirmed what he called americas island,
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cleared commitment to the security of his ride and announced plans to con mean d 7 leaders protocol. the new to diploma to corresponds into head on pro government data. audience took to the streets to celebrate the vehicle of a strikes towards this ride. the slow i'm exec will lose bidding god called sees the overnight assault wasn't a response to a deadly added strike. why didn't you? i need a little bit to compiled into the earlier this month, which could several of its most senior commanders, a don submission to the united nations route on social media. that it's a tech on his right can be deemed concluded about the car space, right. and will react to this attack, but whatever they do are brave many the revolutionary guard will and dissipated will die. i do not think israel will have an answer to the attack if they respond. iran will definitely also respond. but to try and seize this confrontation, but dude on is not over. and the overnight escalation between 2 long time pals has
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once again increased the threat of a full scale please. and the law is where the ball cabinets administer benny gun spoke about how is round might respond to a runs of tax. it will let you in the face of the iranian threat. and we will build a regional coalition and exact price from around in the fashion and timing. that's right, for us. most importantly face to the desire of our enemies to harm us. we will continue to unite and become stronger. very cosmic dw correspondent in jerusalem. rebecca reynolds has no guns laws. we spoke about this a rainy and threat being an international problem and a regional challenge. he highlighted on i quote, the world stood with the israel and the world is against iran. now that's really highlighting what seems to be the main message that israel is trying to get out in the wake of this attack. that's certainly the messaging way hearing from politicians and from the military, the who are calling this in fact,
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a strategic success. the fact that so many countries united with israel in its fight against iran, and that was largely what was prevented more damage from taking place. now guns went on to say in the face of our enemies who will, to her tests, we will unite and get stronger. and he then went on to say that in the face of the uranium threat, we will build a regional coalition. and that will, we will take a toll on iran in the manner and at the time that is right for us. and i think that's key there. so displaying the fact that israel do plan to retaliate, but how and when remains to be seen and will be taken in, in israel, israel's time they'll do it when they're good and ready if you will. so that's largely the messaging that we've been hearing from much of the government and the military, as i said, hailing this as a strategic success. and cost is, comes at a time when the, the end of the relationship between the key ally us and israel was, you know,
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faltering slightly due to monetary and crisis and rising debt, toe, and potential, uh, you know, of ground in incursion into rafa. the southern city and garza and so that was really dominating him as dominating the relationship. and now it's saying that relationship once again very tight. and as you heard the a us president side and i'm glad. yeah, there's the intentions were really high between the 2 and those us ties a more important the never going forward. tell me more then about what is being talked about between the heads of those 2 states. who as we know, they, the 2 heads had a phone call shortly after the attack. some, several hours ago now is around about 25 minutes in length, you know, decent amount of time. and you know, from, by all accounts, it was a strong discussion president by releasing a statement off to would saying that to israel, sorry,
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that the us remains support for israel remains on cloud. and that they remain staunch ally of israel, that they will stand side by side. now we've been also hearing reports from sources that we're close to you. that phone hole in us media is saying that the president also really pressed upon benjamin netanyahu. the, the us is not interested and will not stand by israel when it comes to retaliation, participate in any retaliation against iran. and it is also being said or widely reported that a prime minister benjamin netanyahu really understood the words from the president in that phone call. so i will have to see exactly how israel decide to push forward with this retaliation, but it certainly looks like they are going to do. so that's certainly a said that they all going to and it's more than likely in fact, i think almost impossible that they weren't follow through on that promise. it is well keep us up to date out correspondents in jerusalem. and earlier i spoke to
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find was to address a professor of middle east and politics and international relations at london school of economics. i asked him if he was surprised by the scale of a runs a tack on his way. or i was very surprised. this was a significant, unprecedented attack by iran at the 1st time in history and 300 drones, but a sickness house at whose this house. um, and i think what the on, uh, was trying to do is to deliver the message. and the message was delivered loud and clear. it's all about restoring the details for you on your, on the metro you want to try. yeah. all out. cool. with each round. oh, do you my state and that's why it was kind of dropping the well, in the boston days, that is in tend to retaliate. and the fact that the united states major uh,
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the fonts capabilities of the united kingdom across it tells me a great deal that the strategic goal of your own was not to really do a lot of damage or tail is right, is trying to deliver the message that it's willing to stand up and basically we tell the full attacks by israel i gave the sovereignty of any particular games console that they say, okay, well it, and if this is all about the parents in the message was heard loud and clear. what sort of response do you expect then we'll reaction from is way. so 1st of all i, i was actually, i disagree with your correspondence because joe nonsense. and this is unusual for his right is he said we will respond at a time of our twos. what he's really is saying is that it wrong is to say the same thing and the boss, yes, it tells me i don't know, i could be wrong. but obviously president by that has impressed on is ready to
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define minutes that they need to be escalated. and i think yesterday, israel and the pop the, the ship getting korea laws. but it security defends all need superpower platforms . and particularly at the united states and britain themselves and a regional co edition. i mean let's go get the what, what jordan, that jordan basically played a major role in destroying tens of a gross over a joint, danny, and tatters. so my hope, the wrong and set to day the magic has come through that. they have no plans to escalate. i, i take it back. if israel does not for your song in the next couple of days, i think them at least uh, basically uh would have been or could have been some from a major explosion. i mean, a whole outreach at all. i'm not suggesting the risk is about that. but the next couple of days are really critical to see what the uh, the reason itself. we'll step back from the break,
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or we'll see 1st escalation between israel and that you're on and that allies, local and international atlas so far was what sort of steps need to be taken in those next days to ensure the escalation as well. i think 1st of all, i think it's all really depends on the above scenario. because i think what we are seeing now is that they are very few of us and they will in the past 6 months, despite everything that the by the administration has provided for israel. i think the president, by them has failed to exercise, influence or elaborate over the nothing. yeah, it was or cabinet. it seems to me what we might be seeing is again, change it in the sense for at least i hope that not only the united states now will exercise influence over decisions by israel. these are easy on, but it's the spring about the end of the human anti incapacitating guys. i see as
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far as the release of these radio hostages. and the really see is a thing and present is this really good, basically begin. i mean, the beginning of the, as the catastrophic situation in guys and the region as a whole positive note, they have to finish on file as j address from the london school of economics. pleasure talking to who is being widespread international condemnation of the writing and attack you in secular for general. and tony will quoterush criticize what he called a serious escalation by a run. the un security council is calls that emergency meeting the use foreign policy chief, joseph beretta called the assault unacceptable and a great friend to the regional security, the british prime minister originally. so next that it was reckless and bound to stand up for his by the security german trans that will actually says responded to the uranium is sold on a trip to china, where he'll be meeting with among others. president,
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she didn't ping is what he had to say to be a full time students on, we strongly condemned the reigning an attack and warned against any food. the escalation by the run must not continue down this past off of this will be part of my life kind of the same time. it's absolutely clear to us that we stand in solidarity with these round, which has every right to defend itself. the better we will do everything we can to prevent further escalation and will therefore continue to pursue our current cause caused by to for, for the i because we can only want everyone, especially iran against continuing down this path. the w strip political late, it's ms. halik trista is traveling with the chance the is her assessment, the government's on, so it making very clear that germany remains at israel side in its hour of need at the same time pushing for a diplomatic solution. the d. 7 nations,
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all co ordinating. the german chancellor joining that meeting here from china, from joan king chinas, essentially the world's largest city. he just revived to the news of the range, an attack of on his 3 day trip to china. and he will also be holding tools with president c in basing on tuesday, the over arching question, of course, being how to contain this, depending on what israel's next step will be, is also a key question for them. and diplomacy gemini, has as one of its fundamental principles of policy making, the defense of israel, the security of israel. this is a political consensus in germany, and this is also something the germans hans, that would have told from the stands for. now the big question is, what will that mean in concrete terms of the coming hours and days us and thanks
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for joining us for our special coverage of what's becoming historic day in the middle east conflict. i been for the oil and gas hot else's. we'll have your next news uptake next hour here on the don't say with the conflicts. crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geo political reality. the on the board is what makes things to why they are mapped out navigating a changing world. now on youtube, west virginia, i mean, i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs, thanks trace amount, but there's no actually about move. join us this week.


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