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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news life from the end is well celebrates out the repelling that attack from the run the bones. the campaign is not of israel and its allies into santa, almost all of the hundreds of drones. and me sounds launched by a ron worldwide to see what's next to us reiterates it's by in class of both of these bell. it says it will not take part in any but tell negation against iran. the un security council calls and emergency maintenance. as the german chancellor strongly condemned as a rainy and miss holland drove the tax, getting
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a 3 state visit to china or the official says as well as of right to defend itself . that one's every one against the other escalation. the bid visible and welcome is well, has repelled a massive arabian aerial attack. the bones the campaign is normally about, and his cold for vigilance runs 1st have a direct attack on his rail. despite decades of hostility use more than 300 new nissan's and drugs, there's been calm over as well in the wake of the banners. almost all of the weapons were intercepted by israel and other countries, including the u. s. u. k. and jordan. the u. s. presidential advising has repeated his country's incline support for as well, but he's urged restraints and told is why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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the us will not join any retaliation instead by the names to coordinate as united diplomatic response to a runs attack at a meeting of the g 7 group of wealthy nations which he intends to convene on monday, flashes in the sky off to tell him the dispute to choose the interception of designs and drones launched by it on his right and save its defense system, shut down. most of them in the sky, image shavonne, but sob and last night and on, attacked israel with more than 300 weapons. but our technological an assay pavey our team meant that we were able to fend off of this assault. this your group together with a strong combination with a set to almost all of these threats that are you mean after the 1st i have a direct military attack on his ride from it on the intended cri you as president joe biden spoke with,
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is riley prime mr. benjamin netanyahu bite and reaffirmed what he called americas. i'm glad commitment to this a good deal of his ride and announced plans to couldn't mean d 7 leaders protocol. the new to diploma corresponds into head on pro government data. audience took to the streets to celebrate the vehicle over strikes towards this friday. the slum example, those bidding guard clubs sees the overnight assault wasn't a response to a deadly added strike one and you don't need to go back to compiled in syria earlier this month, which could several of its most senior commanders, a don submission to the united nations route on social media, that it's a tech on his right can be deemed concluded up on his off course piece, right. and will react to this, that tact. but whatever they do are brave many the revolutionary guard will anticipate, will die. i do not think israel will have an answer to the attack if they respond. iran will definitely also respond to will take but to try and say is it's
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confrontation, but dude on is not over. and the overnight escalation between 2 long time pals has once again increased the threat of a full scale please, and war dw correspondent in jerusalem. rebecca rate us has small guns laws. we spoke about this, a rainy and threat being an international problem. and a regional challenge. he highlighted on i quote, the world stood with the israel and the world is against iran. now that's really highlighting what seems to be the main message. the israel is trying to get out in the wake of this attack. that's certainly the messaging way hearing from politicians, from the military that who are calling this in fact, a strategic success. the fact that so many countries united with israel in its fight against iran, and that was largely what was prevented more damage from taking place. now,
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guns went on to say in the face of our enemies who will to hurt us. we will unite and get stronger and he then went on to say that in the face of the uranium threats, we will build a regional coalition. and that will, we will take a toll on iran in the manner. and at the time that is right for us, and i think that's key there. so displaying the fact that israel do plan to retaliate, but how and when remains to be seen and will be taken in, in israel, israel's time they'll do it when they're good and ready if you will. so that's largely the messaging that we've been hearing from up to the government. i mean military, as i said, the hailing base as a strategic success of cost is, comes at a time when the, the end of the relationship between the key ally us and israel was, you know, faltering slightly due to the amount of terry and crisis and rising detto and potential uh, you know, of ground in incursion into rough of the southern city and garza and so that was really dominating headlines,
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dominating the relationship. and now it's saying that relationship once again very tight. and as you heard back from you as president side, and i'm glad. yeah, there's the intentions were really high between the 2. and those us ties and more important the never going forward. tell me more then, about what's being talked about between the heads of those 2 states. who as we know they, the 2 heads had a phone call shortly after the attack. some several hours ago now is around about 25 minutes in length, you know, decent amount of time. and you know from, by all accounts, it was a strong discussion president by releasing a statement often would saying that to israel, sorry, that the us remains support for israel remains on class. and that they remain storage ally of israel, that they will stand side by side. now we've been also hearing reports from sources that were close to you, that phone call in us medias saying that the the present also really pressed upon
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benjamin netanyahu. that the us is not interested and will not stand by israel when it comes to retaliation. participate in any retaliation against iran. and it is also being said or why they reported that a prime minister benjamin netanyahu really understood the words from the president in that phone call. so we'll have to see exactly how israel decide to push forward with this retaliation, but it certainly looks like they are going to do. so that's certainly a said that they all going to and it's more than likely in fact, i think almost impossible that they want to follow through on that promise. it is. well, keep us up to date out correspondents in jerusalem for more on the specifics of a bronze attack white joined by mike martin. and these are all studies senior fellow, a king's college london, and a regular contributor here on the down. but you could see my,
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what those last night's attack reveal about runs military capabilities. i think actually there were no great surprises. the launch proportions, the attack was taken out by the shahid drones that we've seen used extensively in ukraine. the kite uh, the radians gave a low to the russians and also on the ballistic missile on the cruise missile friends again, because yvonne has been testing these weapons, we've got a pretty good idea of what its capabilities are in those areas. and so really summarize no great surprises from what we saw last night in terms of radian capabilities. and what about what is what i was saying just before talking about its defense as being so superior. and yet it did have to rely didn't it's on uh its allies. so yes, i think the 2 in combination worked very well. so obviously the us apples dates uh, you know, large parts of the work uh, mostly enjoy dining space,
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shooting down. lots of those drones are using is apples. and then those missiles go through to israel, more appropriate. the israel was able to tackle those with its ad defense systems. you know, this. so the same is on and i mean really is, well, probably has one of the best integrate to the defenses in the world. and of course, the us apples is the biggest and most technologically advanced air force in the world. there is one thing that i think is important, though. well, a wrong game last night by launching this last attack is it now has a very good idea of how israel and america will respond. how the defense systems, what and what is capabilities? ok, so that is something that everyone gained last night to. so do you think it was more of a test rather than a symbolic show thoughts? it's like i think it was by things i think i think off the is rose long sheila, you know attack on the a radian confident and syria. iran had to do something,
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it had to do something for domestic reasons. and also to reassure is regional allies like has but an odd a who is in the m. and so it definitely that was the primary motive of or on. but it how to demonstrate capability. without escalating in neither a ron nor america want this to become a full brand will basically move kaylee signaling now let drawing a line under it. but that was the added benefit of the type of attack the iran conducted last night. it could have conducted lots of different types of attacks that would have signaled, you know, capability response, you know, not wishing to escalate. but in the way, no one sees must have attack with the drones mixed with different types of missiles . i think that to me is a clear signal that it was trying to pro test and see what capabilities the us and israel have in the area. but at the same time it was making itself vulnerable.
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wasn't it a wrong was yeah, it is. what it does is it now opens itself up to potential retaliation from as well. i think the us in a wrong has made it very, very clear that they don't on regional and i'm not into any of the other regional partners, but it is to israel's, specifically it is to and benjamin netanyahu, whose benefits? because as you said in your package, the story is now a wrong versus israel. you know, these arrows hacks on israel was a week ago the story. even a few days ago, the story was about civilian casualties in gauze, on israel, over plague his hand and not following the rules of war, and that being simon in gaza. and so actually, you could argue that the, comes the attack on the radian called see the in, in syria, was deliberately done by is well in order to shift the narrative,
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the will because they knew the iran would have to respond. i have to say, i don't think these ladies all going to respond to this attack from or on, i think now we're all going to, you know, draw a line under this. everyone's made that point on, on the on, you know, the company will continue in the same amount of that it has been continuing up. and so now great to go to our analysis, my bottom king's college on it. thank you. i asked new fog, allow me earlier from the don't use fancy service why tehran would take this on police and i said, step right now. yes, it is unprecedented because a soul florida has the no direct confrontation with ease rate at this level. and of one of the reasons for this attack was the machines need to convince the supporters who as a venue response to the consulate attack. in addition,
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as since the day of us since the name on he did that this across and so they may need to redeem, had not taken any harsh revenge that they were talking about. and that caused them to be ridiculous by a large part of the people and many questions from their sports or so, of course, there was no venture at all. but the type of the attack was similar to the attacks on a known a side the base. so that is they had informed about this attack and even white house was informed about it. but there was a wanted to call them at their supporters questioning them. they think the us will not interpret conflict by conflict. what i think, and this is a big gamble due to the current situation and the condition after the october 7th, attacked by him off, is read and must given aggressive response and everything depends on these response
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. i may also bring the us into a, into the war. and other reason, according to many, was the appeasement of the west. we dis, stomach default like experts believe that the dispute mechanism must be activated before and i or g, c must be designated as a terrorist girl swiped the you and i think to death to death policy of the biden administration. this done group only had an opportunity to uh, so on and save financial resources to create more chaos in the region and a be. so for example, that uranium thrones were used in, in the war. and between russia and ukraine and routine continued its attacks through proxy forces and now because of the typed, it is regulatory, tory in an unprecedented today. so the rest should know that the subject republic will continue to destabilize the region as long as it is in love, and at the same time,
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it will suppress any one opposing their strategy inside the country. and this is why uranian pro democracy activists have been warning for years of peace and security in the middle east will depend on the destruction of the stronger public and establishment of democracy. regime in the long runs of leadership is now saying that any reckless is why the move will prompt a stronger response. tell me how prepare to run is for this conflict to escalate me. yes. uranium official including and comedy and i are just the commanders constantly. warren is really in their statements today and days before and threats in the us for any possible
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interference. and it is certain that you want is walner little to is ring due to


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