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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 2:15pm-2:30pm CEST

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deciding as well is it, is it responding to a wrong based on the intention of the wrong, or is it doing it based on the results? because the results for itself was quite harmless and you run was mostly trying to signal to israel. you have cost a line, we are aware of it and we are trying to re establish and just sort of um, equity for you in our relationship, you know. and now is really to decide what it wants to this new relationship to look like. if it's the go to choose to respond according to intentions, then for is really the means. there was a reason for escalations. we know for a fact the americans and bite, and they said, we are going to help you with defense. we're not going to help you with a tech on your own. we do not want to see this escalating. we do not want to see is getting any worse into more and know a wider regional confidence and already is. the other thing is that this is becoming more, more a multi front bull. so what are the dangers there for each? right? you know, then what players do you have, the harder it is for you to control the situation, the so many mistakes or options that can happen. you know, we do know, however, that when the americans look at what happened tonight,
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they're very happy for that to be a demonstration of their vision of the possible alliance that they're planning for the middle east for the day, for the future. and i'm in gaza and full of pennsylvania and the whole region we see in alliance of the western countries led by the americans with the sunni motto, its countries, some of them not necessarily have direct ties with as well. but through the american connection, they are willing to be part of this alliance against the she i ivonya a threat which has for the americans give them a sweat when he talk, we've talked about the me least for many, many years and also for israel and is really sad to decide is it's going to focus shift is focus to iran, into that strength which and so now himself personally, as a politician has been talking about for decades or is it now still letting gauze law and what's happening with the palestinian front, be the main center of its defense operations in the next weeks because we should remind you was there were so many more factors involved the hostages. correct. um the, the civilian stuck in rough. uh the so i'm going, i mean,
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old i'm in the last 24 hours. you've had over 40 casualties and cause of this is still happening. you know, this is still going on there still over a 130 is really, is kept in gauze or the pressure from the family. the still mountain still very strong, is really kind of with drawers now in the most minimal level of operations and gaza . but this is still a problem and it's well me to decide is it, you know, and we've also seen the last 24 hours since this attack, that the, we have a, these really have received an official response from us regarding the possible hostage you offer that was on the table that they're not interested in. how much sees the pressure on israel, how much they're much looking forward to seeing you, ron, and other forces coming in to tour it to turn this into a region a war. so in a way, israel escalating would play to come off of hands when it comes to that. and also how much would very much like to see a wedge bridge between the americans and his really is growing bigger and bigger. that's part of, you know, israel's main assets, you know, in the strategic yes it is the american support. and if they manage to put a wedge between his relative and i'm in america, that's also a great achievement for from us. and also for the right hands,
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of course. so many more questions i want to ask you, shiney will bring you back in later in the show. first of all, been wide spread international condemnation of the arabian attack. un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, criticizing what he called a serious escalation by a run. the un security council is called an emergency meeting. b. e. use foreign policy chief, joseph beretta called the sold unacceptable, and a great frank to regional security. the british prime minister wishes to knock that it was reckless and bound to stand up for his way. the security driven chancellor will f schoultz has responded to the obedient a sold while on a trip to china is what he had to say a short time ago. to be a full time in as long as we strongly condemn the rainy and attack and warn against any food. the escalation by the run must not continue down this past off of decency by the life kind of the same time. it's absolutely clear to us that we stand in solidarity. we these round, which has every right to defend itself,
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the better we will do everything we can to prevent further escalation and will day for continue to pursue our current calls close by for, for the better. cuz we can only want everyone especially around not against continuing down this path. they'll be used the political later to miss out because the is traveling with the chancellor and china is her assessment of all the filter comments to the german chancellor, making very clear that germany remains at israel's side in its hour of need at the same time pushing for a diplomatic solution, the d 7 nations, all co ordinating the german chancellor. joining that meeting here from china, from joan king chinas, essentially the world's largest city. he just revived to the news of the range, an attack of on his 3 day trip to china. and he will also be holding tools with
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president c in beijing on tuesday. the over arching question, of course, being how to contain this, depending on what israel's next step will be, is also a key question for them. and diplomacy. gemini, has as one of its fundamental principles of policy making, the defense of israel, the security of israel. this is a political consensus in germany, and this is also something the germans hans, that would have told from the stands for. now the big question is, what will that mean and concrete terms of the coming hours and days? still look at the international implications of the writing of the tax on israel, i'm joined by reachable. okay. out international chief editor. that was more about schultz and he's meeting with changing ping on tuesday. he's hoping to get help in avoiding further escalation, but to get that. yeah, so i mean, it,
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it's really quite fascinating. see all of selves, of course, on the other side of the well the, at the moment. i mean, he's just being shown thing. we just saw the pictures that from the visits in china, where a german company has a hydrogen facility, and he's being touring that and you might think, well he's, he's got other things on his mind today. then looking at the hydrogen factory. but i think that the gems are saying that the fact that they get to talk to cj and ping the chinese present on tuesday really makes this trip west. that even from the point of view that this, this new risk of escalation going on, the germans web briefing before these trip that they would be going and asking the chinese for help to try to keep laid on things. and this, of course is particularly with respect to iran, where china has a close relationship. and as a sign of that means he thinks to see. so tony blinking you back and check through the state, supposed to when he his johnny's counterpart, just a couple of days ago and, and the chinese farm industry, spokes person said that china condemns the attack on the ronnie and embassy and
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syria. so. so china, very much kind of taking iran side in what the backdrop to, what's happened to you this, this attack on the iranian facility in syria. so indicating that the chinese field kind of the, to the iranians were, you know, had every right to retaliation. now the question will be, well, you know, do, do the chinese really want to risk a major escalation? what could that mean for them? if you look at a chinese economy, it is very dependent on the oil imports from the middle east. so any kind of major war that could cause disruption, perhaps, to all expos, through the straits and pull moves in it, for example, that could be very disruptive to try. and especially in the time that it's economics, economy is weight. so i think so it's will be appealing on those kind of self interest of grounds as well as on grounds of his own commitment to as well as defense. and you're saying that because it could cause some sort of on race back home in china. what, what we're trying to struggling with this economy,
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the kind of disruption that could happen to all markets. if there were a major conflict to shut down the straits for news that would affect china as much as any, it would affect any of the all important country at a time where the chinese economy is in trouble. so, so i think these are some of the on the current. so i think schultz will certainly be appealing on that. the german foreign minister on the bank book said today that the middle east was on the edge of a price. suppose that a run had almost pushed the region into chaos. let's listen in. don't see it. honestly, there's even how to be rainy and regime has clearly led the entire middle east to the brink of the, of this, this specific iran fired over $300.00 rockets, drones, and cruise missiles at israel last night. because even guess enough off east got you up to fly out. we condemn in the strongest possible terms, the director, rainy and attack on the territory of israel. scott hughes. germany's phil solidarity extends to israel. fall is only deputy dodge lots. a stock warning there
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from bad bulk which it yeah, i mean, i think reflecting just this level of concern, which we've seen back to october the 7th and the how most terrorist attack on israel that really sets off that this, this huge stage of instability in the middle east that that's being this concern that that could be a major escalation. i'm particularly overall between this roland ron. and this is the closest we've been to that. yes. as we've been hearing, you know, that this time unprecedented. you know, it hasn't happened before that iran has directly attacked israel. nobody really knows how that is going to change the dynamic in the region yet. so i think you get clear concerns here and balance the flurry of international diplomatic activity, of course. so will this be out of stop any potential escalate? yeah, so we've got the un security council meeting in the afternoon. you your time today . of course, the un security council is not showing itself able to really deal with the major conflicts, ukraine, middle east or others at the moment because it is so kind of deadlocked. i mean,
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the, the great, so kind of great power competition going on between the western powers and, and russia and china on the other hand. so that is quite possible that, that will just descend into a kind of a blame game. the g 7 will also be talking beside a box that's already already. i think the western powers will want to be sending messages of reassurance to israel that they have it back. but at the same time wanting to try to work on these relative to, to try to persuade it not to retaliation, a major way to what has just happened. so that's a delicate balance west of how's it going to be trying to to my was actually for international editor, richard volk. thank you very much for bringing l. c was up to date and putting them in the picture of the german chancellor has arrived in china. as i mentioned, a visit focused on the 10 2nd nomic ties between the 2 countries as well as differences are the brushes war in ukraine. for example, schultz arrived with a delegation of business leaders in challenging and industrial habits of it. so he
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1000000 people in china southwest, you will travel to shanghai and by june, over the next days, china is being germany's top trading pond over the past 8 years in a row with a trade volume of 253000000000 years. i spoke to correspondent, bobby encouraged by engaging and asked him advocate, it was for the german chancellor to deal with a country that's seen as a competitor, rival and pasta as well. that is extremely tricky. a very delicate, a balancing act because as you mentioned, china is to germany's biggest trading popping up at the, at the same time, china is fundamentally changed in the direction that germany did not want to see. so politically, it is clear that china has become a systemic arrival of just look at how close to ties between china and russia also how increasing a close um china ties to north korea and also to iran so that china poses this risk
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of being of challenging the western world, or then you have the economic area where china is viewed as a competitor, but it competition that according to german companies, is increasingly on spam. and then you have the area with china as perceive as a partner. for example, when it comes to climate change and projects for and for environmental protection. but even those areas are not very innocent because china often says you cannot just cherry pick if you're suppose to be a partner. when it comes to changing a pipe in climate change, then don't criticize a politically for human rights, etc. so it is really a very tricky relationship. and on f sholtes has a lot of challenges ahead and what's it both sides one out of that relationship this visit. if you have the german chancellor, it's traveling with a big business delegation. dozens of a ceo's of big german companies. they want to strike deals, and i would still argue that this is not the main focus of the german side. because
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schoultz, i think he wants to get 2 messages across to the chinese site, namely 1st that germany wants to do the risk. it's the economy that it wants to be less depending on china in terms of critical technology, etc. but at the same time, that doesn't mean that the coupling and the 2nd message will address the changing economic relationship. sholtes will demand a level playing field because as i mentioned, there's an unfair competition. 2 thirds of the drum and companies c and china say that this competition is unfair, that they are facing discrimination. and also for the german economy. the chinese industrial policy has become a problem over capacities, etc. so this would be a big issue. and for the chinese side, they want business as usual, they especially want to keep germany as an investor, and also as a reliable trading putnam. they're expecting business as usual, but how far will salts go in bringing up the war in ukraine and china's influence
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of a rush? i a this will no doubt be the biggest political topic and he will bring it up. so for example, during his 1st visit and basing as a chance, a m, he got a seating ping, the china head of state to say that he's against any form of nuclear use. and he said isn't very strong words. and now of course, he wants to get more concessions. the bigger, the biggest, the fear among avari among a drum it's, is that, you know, chinese companies are selling dual use products to rest. so they're exporting a product that could be used in a civil way. but also for military use, and so the, i'm sure that uh, sold to bring that up. but it doesn't matter which expert or diploma i talked to he and paging. the chances of the hopes that there will be much improvement on that issue is relatively low. you just have to look that only on to say, i'm rushing for, i mean it's the 2nd level of what's visiting paging. and he even got to meet with a seating thing,
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which is really highly unusual and will probably indicate that russian president vladimir putin visit paging soon. and the rhetoric between those 2 countries was really extremely frenzy. so i don't expect that china, but you really use its influence over russia to pressure it into ending the war. correspond, bobby, and quite spot in aging. thanks very much. you've joined us as a recap of our main story here on the don't me you can use israel has propelled a massive a rainy an aerial attack. the ones, the campaign is not over, it's cold, full vigilance. it runs 1st direct attack on the israel, despite decades of hostility utilized more than $300.00 missiles and draughts as being calm over israel in the wake of the banners. this is the my view of tel aviv is well had support in intercepting the weapons from its.


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