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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 10:00am-10:14am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the news coming to live from berlin. iran launch is an unprecedented wave of attacks against israel, as well says it has an oil with the attack, intercepting and shooting down more than $300.00 at drones and myself. after israel repels the attack, the world is now waiting to see how it will respond to the us reiterate it's iron clad supports and the united nations security council called an emergency meeting. the
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am quite richardson, welcome. iran has launched an aerial assault against israel overnights the is rarely army says more than $300.00 missiles and drones were fired. it is the 1st time iran has launched a direct military attack on israel. and despite decades of hostility, there has been calm over tel aviv in the wake of the garage. almost all of the missiles were intercepted by israel and the united states. the u. k. and jordan have also shot down drones, air raid sirens, founded across israel. the iranian revolutionary guards, as the assault was in retaliation for an attack on its embassy compound, in syria, on april 1st, which killed 16 people, including several iranian generals. that there has been widespread international condemnation of the iranian attack. president joe biden repeated the united states . iron clad support for israel un secretary general. antonio cojet has criticized what he called a serious escalation by iran. the un security council has called an emergency
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meeting. germany's for minister and elaina. bab bach also condemned to be a taxi. it could plunge the entire region into chaos. and the british prime minister receives so not called the assault reckless and vowed to stand up for his rarely security. the very latest from the buildings corresponded to rebecca writers joining us now from jerusalem. good morning, rebecca. tell us how things are looking there today. well, clear on the streets. certainly in jerusalem, it is pretty much business as usual this morning on my way in cafe is will open. shops were open, people were walking around on their way to work very much a normal sunday morning here in the city. the officially schools and educational activities will remain closed, at least for the rest of today. social gatherings has been limited to a 1000 throughout most of the country, and that's even more limited in that causes border region. but by and large, the threat is over according to the spikes,
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and all of these rarely defense forces. and the space is also being reopened to the airport is also being reopened. signaling the threats has been significantly lowered, the spokes person also saying that freedom of movement is now not an issue and people is released can, can move around as normal. so. so really, you know, for many, you know, when you walk out in the streets almost how to tell that there was such an attack last night. it's, it's, it's quite, it's quite old, quite strange. and rebecca, we know prime minister benjamin netanyahu and us president biden spoke by phone overnight. do we have further information about what was discussed on that call, or we have some limited information. we know that they spoke a several hours ago. now the call lost it for about 25 minutes. we here and in a statement afterwards, president biden said that he reiterated through the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the of us is iron clad support israel. so it is being reported sources close to the cool. let's have
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a reported as being reported in us mediator especially that you know, the president was very quick to say that the us did not want to participate or support any retaliation, particularly directly to iran. and it is being said that prime minister benjamin netanyahu, but allegedly understood what fighting was saying there though, of course it's impossible to so not that just a media reports at this stage. and now button has a and the u. s. has been repeatedly signaling that they don't want this to expand into a wider conflict. and that's certainly that the deterrence measures that they are taking. and that is something that they are going to be urging the is raised to, to act a conservatively. it is also being reported that by and said to benjamin netanyahu that you should take, this is a wind. so obviously from that i think we can as a time and he's trying to urge israel not to retaliate. the israel has bound to do
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so. uh, you know, i think that is old, but we really know from the cold at this stage, and we'll have to say how israel will respond, you know, in the days and hours ahead. rebecca, thank you. as always, that is rebecca rivers for us in jerusalem. and i'd like to get more on what's happened overnight from marina moran from the war studies department at accused college london. welcome back to the show. israel has said that iran fired 170 drones. can you tell us what kind of drones we are dealing with here to good morning. well, we can only guess here um the fact that some drains down usually they are in pairs and again, it depends on the target. if it's a civilian building, or if it's a military installation which will be much better protected to expand such damage. and the more hutcher n, for instance, has about
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a 300 kilograms of explode 6. so that's the, the payload of set, right? and so it would be much more powerful. and in other words, some of the drains coming through might have done just enough damage to military installations. but i don't think that, you know, speculating again, there would have been serious damage given that these trial was prepared and actually managed and mutual wise together was its allies, most of the drones and missiles shots they, let's talk more about that. so we understand these were intercepted by israel and the united states. can you tell us a little bit about the logistics of, of how they would have gone about intercepting this attack? is rarely used, obviously, their air defense system of the iron dime. them. all right? yeah. so royal air force from the united kingdom was also helping to shut down, right, in some missiles from the air. the u. s. has deployed,
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it's worship. so one worship was already there and those of worship was, was re routed, then the war ships have see each is um, system in or the to in the south targets. so those were used to intercept, right. and so the east rally adf, worth in court. the nation was a your united states, and i of the u. k. m, also allegedly friends and some other countries like jordan were also involved. and some say this how you read. it was also helping to neutralize some of the brands. so it was a joint effort in order to, to defend against the trains and missiles that came in. and we're going to, you mentioned that after these drones were launched, a took several hours for them to reach their targets. let's take a closer look at this timing. how important do you think it was that we had this time frame in order to provide israel and its partners enough time to intervene?
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i think it's a critical point because if you're launching an attack which you want to succeed, you certainly don't give any prior warning and you don't give your adverse 3 that timeframe so that the effect of surprise is completely taken out of the equation here. and what i'm thinking is that the east ro raised the stakes in a certain way was the damascus strike. and some us officials indeed confirm that that, that was an israel, a strike. and the ram had no choice but to respond. so there was mounting pressure inside around itself to respond from its own soil, not to use its proxies or maybe to use this proxies as well. but to demonstrate clearly that iran is not happy about each row attacking it on, on what is considered to be its territory. so what i'm thinking for you rodney run
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doesn't want original war and he's at this ease trial. so you have to raise the stakes. just a tiny bit in order to basically do something. so show a response, show a willingness to respond. but in such a way that the, as a party doesn't have a lot of good options to retaliate done. so now you run has launches garage with drones and missiles along with its proxies, but he's real interest sapped as a mold because they knew well ahead they could prepare and coordinate with the allies. so from the base perspectives, every thing is satisfy. these are all can claim that they have successfully defended against the rainy and attack, and that makes it very difficult for israel now to raise the stakes. what may be the next response to right, and we'll, israel actually strikes the military sites in the room and the rest of ministration
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is very afraid of this. so it's a very interesting strategic game here. and i think this was more of a show of force, more of kind of a gun bolt diplomacy, rather than an actual attack end up destroying something. marina, thank you. as always, for your analysis, those marina moran. thank you for having me. as well as the defense minister, jo galant has praised these really forces for blocking the attack and paid for the to israel's allies, for their support. the not the so i am the ally law, the state of israel has faced and attacked hundreds of me. 1000 joins the israel defense forces have done an impressive job of blocking the offensive sales as the off of the muscle theme set together with the united states and other partners. luckily we managed to defend the territory of the state of israel is maybe not the so i am a said the whole world. so tonight who yvonne really is. it's the state
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right. it's a tax is riled from a distance of 1500 kilometers hill and tries to activate, talk a little bit, talk, see my bill at the slide them and i'll sell off in its cultural control. but the well no more is no. so see the power of a coalition and how israel stands alongside the us and other countries made to block this attack. it thought go, falls out the
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