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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 11:15pm-11:31pm CEST

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discovery, israel's defense minister warned the public not to take the law into their own hands. palestinian authorities say these really settlers killed one palestinian man an injured several others in an armed attack in the west bank. holmes greeted gars, burned, and residents on the fire, palestinians from this village in the west. fancy, they were attacked by his dryly settlers. these images appear to show the settlers storming almo. how are you near to my la palestinian, applauded the sea. they've strongly settler skilled one palestinian man an injured, separate other for the settler storm, the town. they went into the houses in front of them. my son went with others to defend our landed honor and this is what happened. he is one of the murders we thank god for everything. although the palestine great christian society sees eat of the injured were hit by life,
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fire from the such as it strikes military seas. it's looking into the reports, the attack game doing a search for the 14 year doors inside the settler, who went missing on friday. according to they started utilities, the teenagers body was found on saturday. that started the defense for the screen. the boy was murdered in updated risk attack. more glass shifts have adopted since the news of his debt. that is right the minute to seize dozens of people, ballast indians and is there i these were injured on saturday. in the occupied westbank, roughly 500000 is right. you said there's live along side, about 2700000 palestinians. that if there are, the settlements are considered illegal under international law. of the latest class, just gone with tensions under the high you to the it started from us wanting casa, according to the un, more than $400.00 palestinians,
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and 15 is strong. these have been killed in the occupied westbank since the homos that attacks on october 7th. just to recap, here's what we know about the situation unfolding right now. israel's military says iran, his launch droned from within its territory toward israel. and the tail of my statement is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu said israel was prepared for a direct attack from the wrong and that israel is prepared for any scenario, both in defense and attack us. president joe biden cut short a weekend trip to return to the white house to meet with his national security team and monitor the situation. the white house has released a statement that the us will stand with people of israel as iran attacks. the white house says it expects the rainy and drone attack on israel to unfold over a number of hours. for more, let's speak to moreno, ron from the worst studies department at kings college london. rena. what kind of
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drones are we talking about here? well, it's difficult to know the assortment of drawings that ram has at its disposal. i would suggest that it could be a more high chair, 10 problem, because if you look at the airline distance between israel and the ran around 2000 kilometers, that is a range. so this particular drain would have and it can fly up to 24 hours. so i, i would suppose the use of the drones being used by around what kind of damage can those kinds of drones actually inflict. and i think they have about 300 kilograms payload, meaning that they can do a lot of damage. that being said, it also depends on the target, if we're talking about the heart and target,
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if we're talking about the soft target. so depending on the target but, and of course how many rooms you will be using to actually attacks that target. but these are quite capable drains and give us some sense of the challenge, the difficulty of shooting these drones down. now we don't have specific numbers. i believe all we know at this point is it, it was in dozens. but imagine there are dozens of these drones heading to israel. give us a sense of what uh is really defense forces are facing i think at this stage, given the fact that these drones have already been spotted, they will pay cuz they're a time. so they're fairly slow. to reach is riley, is riley defense for us will be well prepared to shut them down. both was a ireland own as well as i was the help of the united states. so i don't think that
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it's supporting a problem for each route to defend against those brightens which kind of calls into question of why iran would go for flash removed from its own territory. but perhaps it is doing that in or that to give israel enough time maybe distract the attention from another potential attack which will be coming from a different direction. well, that leads into the next question. uh, that's on my mind is i hear you speak. why wouldn't they be dispatched some other kind of more deadly weapon as opposed to these drought? and i think that um, well you around have to respond in a way and there was internal pressure and also um the allies would expect you ran to respond to the attack onto the mask was consul it, however, we have seen in the past that the rainy leadership has been very careful,
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we remember after so the money's death. iran were in the united states about it strike in the rack. and this is a sort of, we're going to use route because these drones are taking hours to fly and now syria rock have closer aerospace where see radically these drones will be flying over. and each row has enough time to prepare and to defend against the stroke. and so for me, it's more of a signaling and sort of show force and the potential distraction by sad because wiley's role is busy was those drones that might be an attack by hesper law in northern israel. so maybe that's a way of getting use for also pension away from the noise and border. i want to stick with these drones for a moment here. you just mentioned that it takes hours for the drones to arrive time enough to prepare for the impact. i assume oh absolutely,
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and we have heard the idea of spokesman. so he actually i've, i believe that we have lost our connection with me. remember, ron, we'll certainly have her back if we can reestablish that connectivity. let's crossover now back to our old, corresponding in washington stuff on simon's stuff on a bite. and again has caught short a weekend trip to delaware to return to the white house is defense. secretary lloyd austin earlier spoke is, is really counterpart in the time since we've last spoken. and if you've been able to report anything. additionally, do we know anything more about what the usaa saying publicly about this attack? it's not public to, there's nothing new from the white house,
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but there's one thing is knew that the president has landed andrews air force base and is now with the motor k to on his way back to the white house. so what happens then is he will go immediately into meetings with his counsel, security and with his national security council, and with has nothing to do next security advisors. of course, they will a brief him in more detail of what he has been briefed all through the morning all through the day. and as soon as the us learned about this attack actually manifest stating itself. uh, as you remember yesterday, and in the few days before the united states made no secret of being a aware of iranian actions towards a retaliatory strike against israel is royal media. israel's media as well as is what government officials are, of course, also very verbal about this for the last few days. so this does not come as a surprise. what came maybe as a surprise was that this launch this drone attack or drove launch. it came
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from the iranian saw it because this is unprecedented. and this is what the president had yesterday just warned you. wrong of not doing. like do not do this, do not escalate on why isn't this conflict make it bigger? so now there is still the statement from the national security council which confirmed earlier. yes, the strike was launched by iran from iranian source, which is unprecedented and historic in itself. and also making crystal clear that in it, in writing, that the united states will stand by israel and the support of israel in defending itself from is it strikes from a rock well the iron clad. you mentioned that the support that iron clad support that the u. s has in fact pledge in support of israel. what are the challenges that washington faces right now the issues that it has to deal with in terms of determining how exactly it's going to do that?
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well, the 1st challenge is a military challenge, of course, and of course i am no expert in this one but uh at the u. s. will will be careful in but also determined in sharing intelligence uh, with israel and other apartments and other partners off, for example, eric countries like jordan jordan's. they're james, have a close their air space and promised to shoot anything down which will uh violate this close aerospace which could be those drones. right. the united states will cooperate with our partners and allies in the, in the region. they will make the intelligence accessible for israel. of course, for those partners in the u. s. is seemingly prepared also to put some military assets at bay. yeah. now when i say that, that does not mean g eyes, us soldiers,
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boots on the ground, and anywhere else in the, in the, in the region they're fighting you, ron, or something. no, absolutely, no categorically, no, as far as, as we know from the president, but their defense systems, radar intelligence and other forms of intelligence that will be shared. and that is a challenge for the united states because the united states, whatever it is willing to do or needs to do to self declare, defend is or l, and stand by is, or else it's it. everybody here is walking a very, very, very thin line, a tight rope to not make this in one uncontrollable, bigger conflict. that would be disastrous for all parties involved. step one, for viewers who are just joining us now. we're bears repeating. we have breaking news. iran has a launch and attacked on israel by drone, according to the is rarely military. and we understand that it is dozens of drones
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that are heading towards the israel is really aerospace, you are on the ground in washington dc giving us the us perspective on this. how has the us been preparing for this attack? in the last few days, we're high ranking military. if there's one dependent on was it'd be visiting in israel ad trying to discuss it, discussed with his rarely counterparts of how they are prepared to the what if, what if iran launches as we see now, it did drones or the cruise missiles, you know, miss yvonne has a, a lot of miss thoughts, how will be wrong? you proxies behave because while i 11 on a she, i support groups in game and syria in, in syria. and there's lot of proxy groups which are on the table here. this is on the table. they don't react yet, but of course the united states tries to assess and that is
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a difficulty is how big will this be, how it's, how much of an expansion will there be in terms of proxy involvement says molar involvement from northern level. not that would put israel to something somewhat indiscreet, because again, an, an, a tech for me, wrong era tech to whatever means plus what his waller is able to do. but. 1 us what the human humanities she rebels are at the table to do and certain assets or assets and syria. that's all very, very complex scenarios. the us tries to understand and share as they go with these are, that is a dw correspondence step and simons in washington. many, many things step on the into the conflict. so phase where i live, mrs. kenning, 7 for an age work is in gaza strip in hopes of the humanitarian situation. my e,
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i'm a desperately need of food can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of funding for how realistic of those hopes, i guess there's yeah. mega and hadn't been the wage and refugee council for decades of experience and the humanitarian steel conflict. next door opened on dw cocked about why does that mean? because like now i'm leaving the new host join us for an exciting to ation. and everything in between. this is a video and audio production 5 d, w. i hope video will tune in version now understand can have
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a site like the right to present. do you have any news on instagram and follow up? the israel admitted kenning 7 for an aid workers in gaza. that'd be in hopes that the humanitarian situation, my ease, and the desperately need of food can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of funding for how realistic of those hopes, my guess is yeah, mega and head of them. the wage and refugee council, for decades of experience in the humanitarian field. he's also a former, diplomatically, was personally involved with the last piece told between israel and the palestinians in the 1990. how does he think his savage was connected? and 6 months the war must be old, but i hope it's over in, in a week.


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