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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from the israel opens a new aid crossing into a gaza and says the 1st trucks counting revival suppliers have arrived as follows. increasing international pressure and growing reports have found that also on the program. a transitional government takes power in haiti raising hopes of an end to the terminal. its 1st job will be to restore an order after months of gun violence . germany's problem, it makes it easier for people to change the name on the agenda on official documents and nothing else comes of actual names which ones tend to pay the
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full galle. welcome to the program. israel says the 1st aid trucks have entered, gone through a newly opened crossing point in the north. the pictures provided by these writing the meta trip is to show vehicles carrying desperately needed supplies. crossing the border after being screened for the south is right. the government has come on to increasing international pressure to allow more 8 into the territory to is the worst thing, humanitarian crisis. israel control lines and seeing roads into gaza even before the war which began when high mass attacked israel. on the 7th of october, the correspondent i'm in essence, in general. is them telling me no, as well? the idea announced that they are opening a new crossing a northern crossing there, calling it remains on named along the northern border of gaza. they circulated this video which shows trucks during the night between thursday and friday,
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driving down what appears to be a dirt road. uh, they also said that these trucks were not inspected there at that check point. but rather in carol shalom, where most of the 8 is coming through anyway, but then were diverted around garza to come in through the north and better serve the population in the needs up on the northern side. what's interesting here is this comes about a week after a phone call between us president joe biden, and it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, which biden urged, nothing yahoo to do more to bring aid into gaza the day after that phone call. the israeli government announced that they were going to be opening, the air is crossing on the northern border of gauze, or that was the only crossing before october 7th. that was open. uh, well, the adf now is saying that that is not going to open, but instead they're going to use this on named crossing, which is actually closer to the see. okay, the so sounds good,
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quite confusing. somebody's an identified crossing is now open and functioning for a to pass through. well, the white house has comments out on it and so that they're pleased with the developments that what we're seeing now is, is real reacting to the pressure to bring in more age to gaza. but we don't know that much about a lot of questions remain about how much it can be brought in through this road without any infrastructure, whether or not they're coordinating that aid with 8 organizations. and especially since the truck, the deliveries are being basically processed in cam shalom and south before being driven up to the northern check point. how efficient this is and why they're using this instead of the arrows crossing, which it previously was there. although the arrows crossing has been destroyed, it was destroyed and fighting on october 7th. but the idea has been tight lipped
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about all these questions. and why is it so important for you to come directly into kansas know well, there is a severe shortage of food in gaza as most 8 organizations are saying. and all of the aid right now is passing through southern points and in order to deliver it to northern goals, it has to go through a war zone. we've seen a tax on these convoys for mobs from militants, and also from the i guess itself, which has killed the aid workers who are driving 8 along that route. so in order to serve the population lives north, you are currently living on about 250 calories a day. this aid is better brought in through a crossing on the north. so that is what international pressure is urging israel to do. uh, israel appears to be making the 1st steps, but again, a lot of the details still haven't surfaced about how effective this is going to be
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. okay, thanks. i mean, i mean safe a gym. so this is look at some more of the nicest developments the in the gaza. was israels intercepted thousands of missiles fight across its border from lab and on the run back to minutes. and group has, the law says counted out via tax in response to these riley strikes in southern lebanon, as well as those that preparing for possible attacks by iran in retaliation for an extra icon. the radiant embassy in syria is really sightless of stone village. and the occupied westbank setting fire to houses and kevin, at least the one published in its violence flat as thousands joined. the search for missing is right and teenager. separately, he's ready for his shot. the 2 other palestinians in brains. in the west bank, german ally north time says extending is found on slides through iran after withdrawing services next week. because of safety concerns, increasing number of countries, a warning message since against travel to the middle east. that's
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a hazy motor, transitional government and council has been formally appointed. the incoming administration is most pressing task will be to distort law and order. after months of violent unrest caused by criminal guns, any 100000 people have such a capital port of funds. so in the form of prime minister, i will all right, i was suppose to be signed last month. a transitional council will prepare for new elections in 2026 now as well as being a human rights lawyer and activist in boston. brian con cabin is director of the institute for justice and democracy in haiti. a welcome to d w. so the country gets a new translational council, does that mean the gang was then just put down their guns, which is certainly does not mean that the gangs just put down their guns. the gang phenomenon he is, is a long term phenomenon,
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like many places in the world where the government does not provide basic government services including health care, education and jobs. gains are almost inevitable. so in the long term, limiting the gang means providing basic government services, which won't happen overnight. but in the short term, these gangs have been really fueled by the governance over the last 12 years of the p h t k political power, political part, which is allied with games and use them to attack its political opponents of a big question as to whether they will be short term progress is how much this next government is going to be independent of that p h t k party. i'm in the, the presidential council that was just named this afternoon. 3 of the groups that get to choose, uh, counselors are connected to the p h t k government. so there's
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a lot of questions as to as to how and it will be. so that what, as you say, one of one of the big issues facing hazy up to this point has been a block of a lot of the, just some of the government orient the legitimate government. and so the, with no presidential prime minister who appointed best council, where the settle, sorry to spring from. yeah. and the that, that's the critical question. most patients would tell you that this council was really appointed by the united states. that the united states working with carol com, decided that 7 sectors would get a seat at the table. and it required everybody who wanted to participate to agree to the deployment of the m. s. s. the, the multinational security force, which is very controversial and 80. a lot of patients have denounced the commission . they call it the 7 and snake because they see it as,
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as just political opportunity is doing the united states bidding. in order for the political council. i think it does have a chance to do so. but in order for the political council to have the legitimacy, it really needs in 82 to fight against the gangs. it's going to have to show. busy that is independent from the p h t k government. and it's independent from the united states. a brief word about this, this counsels objective of holding presidential elections by 2026. do you think that times cavities realistic? you know, i think it is realistic. you're not going to have absolutely perfect elections in 2 years. i think reasonably good elections are possible. but again, the touchstone for that is whether haitians believe that this government is really representing them and not the international community or the p h t k parties. and will, will, will really see over the coming weeks and months is as
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a government that, that asians trust and is the one that's acting independently in a way that's going to build the trust necessary to run barrel actions. once you have that trust, i actually don't think it's going to be all that hard to to, to run at least half decent elections and a. okay, thank you for that. brian come kind of from the institute for justice and democracy in hazy. it's a gemini, solomon's has passed a new law, making it easier for transgender into sex, a non binary people, to use that preferred gender identity in legal documents. the self determination act and drops obligatory psychological illegal assessments, support the same kind of loan that violates the dignity of trans people. so the new bill has run into opposition from conservative and fond right. lawmakers. one transgender man has been telling d w, well, they've revised the last name for him to sign up for the 521 year old jamie
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williams. seen him on the left shaving pictures of his childhood with a friend back then he was a young go. it was on hand as i was, and i always did everything with my brothers when i was a child. we grew up together and there was never any difference. we bought the same clothes, we had the same hobbies, and there was no role model for me that i had to feed in somehow. and then at some point, the moment came when society made a distinction between us. for some years, jamie dressed like a go and went along with societies expectations and then come at the moment which and then time the moment when i realized that i didn't feel comfortable in his role tool that i was being pushed into it on his head and then i tried hard to push myself into it and somehow fulfill this role. but at some point, i really realized that this wasn't possible. it wasn't me. that's been, this is age 15. he confided in his mother and told her that he wanted to identify as a male or under the existing rule which has passed in 1980. the procedure for
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changing a person's legal agenda was lengthy, expensive, and at times invasive. until 2011 trends, people have to be stabilized to officially change the agenda. on the top off on the, at the moment, you need to independent medical experts and a court order and you have to pay money for these. if you don't get legal aid on it, simply a very, very long process of jamie says the new little and makes the process for trends. people much easier to move that this little from some a self determination means that i know best to i and that, and can determine that myself. while the passing of the little remains controversial, especially among german conservatives. it's a landmark movement for gem and these trends into 6 and on binary community legislative debate before the vote on this is all as a member of the apartment from the opposition,
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christian democrats explaining why she was going to vote against it. but yeah, does that move this little enables every citizen to change the agenda without having to set out the motivation for mis onto you. and it causes problems for which no solutions were found in legislative consultations kind of new top. there is no protection against possible abuse and when 1st names and gender identity can be changed without conditions, thoughts that the state does not even ensure that people who change the agenda are really informed about what they are deciding food. and most importantly, it disregards the states duty to protect children. the mind is seen that once you will do the monroe is a transacted based here in ballard. and i asked her to respond to those points renaud from, for example, that was the survey from transferred to you. they examined all the countries in
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europe. who do i have ever attempted to my nation law actually. and these concerns that as abuse or something like this it's, it's not reality because this not known any case i've taught in fashion design. and rebecca bobby has died 1883 long phase bold and colorful animal prints a founded he's a label in 1979 was popular amongst the international jets disclosable in by styles including stuff in the red and jennifer lopez di axis for in florida. just following along illness, this is a reminder about top story. this our, the 1st aid trucks sent to us into gaza through a newly opened the border. crossing agencies have repeatedly borne definitely looming from the
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low world news of the top of the hour of next on the dw nature. i'm just on the principle of collective defense. if it dw documentary asking whether it comes to leave off to that id, that's next. a good day. great. do you big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does matter to the automobile industry. the illegal of the stats may said on dw, the nato, the north atlantic treaty organization was formed to 70.


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