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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the ok welcome to the program. japanese, excuse me, let's start from the top chalet business dw, here's my from by the best edge upon wants of the threat from china. stop, it is 5 minutes just for me. i appreciate it tells us congress that's amazing is the biggest thing just to mention that for peace and stability. also in the program . tens of thousands play that holds in southern russia of catholic style in the west flooding for 18 the
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. i'm feel welcome to the program, japanese private as it familiar casita has won the us congress of the tribe from china was before the us, japan and the philippines begin. that's the joint security. so between washington, mr. casita told us lawmakers advising presents the biggest threats for things. this dependency of the international community is supposed to japanese data for 9 years to address both houses of congress. the praised american leadership on the well stage, the united states policy was based on the practice. that's humanity does not want to live a press by then also retiree in state, where you were tracked and surveilled and denied from expressing what does your heart and on your mind that freedom is the oxygen of humanity to
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the world. we use the united states to continue playing. this people told role in the affairs of the issues like correspondent janelle, to milan and washington told me how the japanese prime minister speech had been received as well. it would have been apparent to anyone listening just how much of an effort because she made to emphasize like mindedness to emphasize that the japanese connection to the united states to spoken link in english. that's not something that he always does. he called the u. s. and japan, shipmates on as a vote of democracy, but really his main message to us lawmakers was so u. s. is not alone. meaning if they you, us does not leave japan to stand up to china alone in the in the pacific. then japan will not also leave us alone on the global stage to act as the world
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policeman. this is of course, happening against the backdrop of growing a skepticism, especially among us house republicans about. so you was to, is a role in the world about the us to support for foreign wars offer support for its allies and void embroiled in foreign wars. and what so the expectation from casita here is, is that they should not give up on us leadership. and if they don't, japan will be there to help. now, to be fair, japan really has been putting it's money where it's analysis. it's an act and several key policy changes in the last 2 years that really did allow it to become a better defense partner. like lifting some of the kurds on its defense, exports like increasing its defense spending to record levels. now there is also worth noting, of course, that japan is the biggest supporter of ukraine in asia. it stood by western
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countries on since day one as they enacted sanctions, again to rush off for its aggression against ukraine. and there's a phrase that casita has been repeating on his visit to here. it's today ukraine, tomorrow, east asian in that you can really read his motivation as he urges us not to give up on it's alliances. what ahead of assess for each of us can see the said the world was as an historic, the turning point. what makes this summer? it's so important to know well, this trilateral summit is historic in the sense that these 3 countries, the u. s. japan and the philippines have never come together in this format. but it's also important because it's the logical development of, of what the u. s. has been trying to do in terms of building a lie in structures in the, in the pacific. now it would be going too far to say that we're looking at a future of a mutual defense structure and much like nato. but it's become very important to the us to have strong, capable allies. we're also strongly,
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strongly allied with one another, especially as the threats of a multi seed or conflict is not impossible is not i'm think about, we already have ukraine. we already have the middle east. and the escalation in the in the pacific would also challenge for us as ability to be able to service alliance as properly. as such, it's become very important for the us to make sure that it has the allies that it can count on as it attempts to walk and chew gum at the same time. that is to say, serve multiple alliances. even in the face of conquering crises. i'm a quick look at the main issues. the 3 need is a hosing to get through. well, president biden is expected to issue some strong criticism against china for his harassment of the philippine vessels and philippine mariners. the 3 countries are also expected to make it announcements on joint coast guard patrols, but
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a lot of what will be discussed today will also be economics. so the us in japan will also be announcing economic initiatives into the philippines involving port modernization, railway upgrades, and improvements to connectivity. sending china a message there that they are capable of shielding the philippines from economic coercion. and that the philippines does not have to fear the loss of investment from china as it stands up to being in defense of its territorial plants. thanks for that. i did a big correspondent janelle demo in washington, us 6. tens of thousands of people in southern russia and catholic style have been flooded. alphabet homes melting. snow has caused the oral surgeon flood defense is around the city of are about to collapse. rescue operation is onto way but local say not enough was done to prevent the flooding in the 1st place. a wall of icy
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water rushing towards homes. hearing cause ext on tens of thousands of people has already evacuated and still more a packing up what they can to flee ahead of the record high floods stuff the 5 most of the range of the control, a symbol with the i hope it will and then will be safe, the use of the night, 57 years, but it's the 1st time i've seen water coming to my home. so she lived up stream and russia, the euro river has best its banks flooding pots of r and bug home to mold and half a 1000000 people left most the morning the watermark and the router was more than 10 enough off me. does high have it. if it does the highest level of a measure, a few weeks to liberate daniels or annual spring floods have been made,
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was by torrential rain and record high temperatures that have melted ice and snow. the disaster has treated public anger is effected. residents ask for better compensation and will help from russia's lead is some residents of our in bug, say local officials could have done more to prepare the c t the storage ease, say the flooding. c a will pick soon. but in other regions in russia, they're wanting, the rivers will continue to rise for the coming days or weeks of the w reports of damage upon the off in, in russia, bureau in riga, told me more about the claim. so to dave expirations continued. as mentioned in the report across the oregon, oregon several adjacent regions. that's the area, roughly speaking, about 1500 kilometers south east of moscow, this area adjacent to between. so let's say you were being part of russia and west inside be re. we understand that the local officials and experts are calling these
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floods the largest in the past 8 years. and the disaster that has been declared in the state of emergency and those affected regions have been declared as a nationwide a state of disaster. so that's why the federal ministry of emergencies is taken care of the response. i mean, it says it has enough resources to, to respond to, to the situation. but it remains, diary many parts of the affected regions. there is not enough drinking water, electricity is not working, and they have been reports, numerous reports of looting. so people in those areas that will help doesn't come or come to little or too late. they say that quite desperate and understands f as in function hasn't been to the region, but has been speaking to governors of the regions affected as well. it is basically one of the carefully choreographed appearances used on state
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to be where puts in the sitting in front of the screens and talking to governors and ministers from the government online. of course today, the problem is compensations and uh, some payments to people in those affected areas, but it remains to be seen how much of that aid will actually get to them. and what's interesting is, as you mentioned, that he's spokesman a mutual best upset on tuesday that which is not going to visit and is just another big event in russia that puts and chooses to ignore. and the last time we saw him speaking to common russians on the ground was after the mutiny by a private company wagner in his bus. if going you progression. and doug is in, in russia last year when he met a people in douglas down so, so far as with the tara talk and recent tara talking to moscow, he preferred to stay away from talking to people there. and so what are people saying about the way the government has handle best crisis?
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well, the floods, i'm not an typical for these regions. they have a lot of snow usually in the winter. so when the spring comes, the snow melts and there was a lot of rain, so it wasn't the way expected. what may have contributed. oh, actually it was announced that it was contributed. the brought the down broke in the nearby the c divorce. that's the 2nd largest in the orbital or in the book region. it broke down over the weekend despite all claims by the local government that it would, it would hold the line. so a lot of people in those regions say that the, these contribute. and so all 3rd is may have prepared better for this disaster. and also they say they're not getting enough help. but for now, we have seen that the criticism has been mostly directed at the local level, and it seems like prison puts in for now has escaped widespread criticism as police . what we see on the social media and comments, they are in the public sphere and russia. ok, thanks. dimitri dw, dimitri plenty of in, in rica. us. well, take a look at some old story. is that making news around the world for the american
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football style o. j. simpson has died at the age of 76, in a sensation declared in 1995 for the mattress of his ex wife onto a male friends and sent to prison with decade later, over a bundled armed robbery mister simpson's farm. they say he died of cancer every in the states tycoon has been sentenced to death in vietnam's biggest fraud case, a trunk might not. my land was on trial for investment 12 and a half $1000000000.00. she was arrested last year as part of an empty corruption drive that engulfed the top levels of it. and these politics israel's ministry has presented a plan to get more aid into gaza. the army says as many as 500 trucks a day could soon be delivering supplies. we are constructing the northern crossing in new land, crossing from israel into northern garza to enable more aid to flow directly
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to civilians in the areas that have been challenging for the trucks to access. we have worked with international partners to bringing more aid from the see via the port of ash door after which it will be transported down to the crossings into gauze. so how much difference will not make as to bump kitchen from the international red cross? up to 500 trucks, trucks equals just about the number of trucks that we're going and re conflict. what we've seen between that and, and now though, is a complete destruction of much of the infrastructure, the total displacement of, of a large portion of the population. and the, the total annihilation of any food security. so to say to, we're going to get back to pre conflict levels is wonderfully and adequate. we have to double triple, quadruple that level to catch back up to help people recover. and,
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and for that to even be feasible, it needs to be at least 5. we come help people stabilize, put back on weights, we've away from, from an if the terrified every day and night of ongoing attacks which continued. i was working up on tuesday morning by a missiles being fired from battleships offshore onto rafa. it's incessant all the time. bob kitchen from the international rescue committee, i finally oncologists, and on covet studying otterbox and the new excavation of the buried ancient city of pompei. the paintings depict methodological characters inspired by the trojan war, trading this scene of the kidnapping of having by paris on this image of apollo, trying to seduce cassandra oncologist believe the whole was being manufactured when it was buried by volcanic ashmond. mount vesuvius interrupted almost 2000 years ago, the next on dw documentary sports night,
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so under the spotlights. i'm not suggesting i'll have more of the time for them the week to go to the special hot spots in germany. d, w, travel extremely, the nato, the north atlantic treaty organization was formed. 70.


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