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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news, wind from berlin, a start warning from japan on the thread from china, japan's prime minister for me. ok. she doesn't tell us the us congress. beijing is the biggest danger to international peace and stability. also coming up president bite and promises israel, iron clad support. that pledge comes as it's fewer to ron. could retaliate. point is really strong on the wrong, an embassy in syria, and a real estate tycoon sentenced to death in vietnam. his biggest fraud case felt guilty of investigating 12 and a half $1000000000.00. the
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welcome to the viewers around the world. unlike local japanese, a prime minister for me to see them as warned against the threat from china. ours before the us, japan in the philippines begin their 1st joint security summit in washington to shoot it, told us lawmakers beijing presents well. the biggest threat to the police and stability of the international community is the 1st of japanese leader to address both houses of congress in 9 years. casita praise american leadership on the world state. the united states policy was based on the practice that humanity does not want to live a press by then also retiring and state where you were tracked and surveilled and denied from expressing what is your heart and
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on your mind. that freedom is the oxygen of humanity. to the world, we use the united states to continue providing this people told ro in the affairs of nations, dw correspondent, janelle, dom alone is standing by at the white house. janelle, how has japanese prime ministers speech been received in the us congress? well we heard cuz she's talking there today, and it's really a parent to everyone to hear how much of an effort he made to emphasize like mindedness and the us japan connection. he's spoken english. you know, that's not something that he always does. he called the us and japan shipmates on
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the boat of a democracy, but really has made a message to the assembled law makers really seems to have been your not alone. meaning, if you was not leave japan alone to stand up to the threat of chinese aggression in the, in the pacific, then japan won't leave the us alone on the global stage to act as world policeman. of course, he's giving the speech at a time of growing skepticism, especially among how super fault republicans about the us is involvement and foreign wars about its support for its allies. as such, there as an expectation from casita, they're not to give up on us leadership and for cause she does part. so it's so worth saying that the japanese government really has been putting it's money where it's mouth is. the japanese government has enacted several key policy changes in the last years that really did enable it to become
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a key defense. claire in the region, among them lifting some of the curves on japanese defense exports, increasing a japanese defense funding to record levels. worth noting that japan is one of the biggest supporters of ukraine in the world. it is the biggest supporter of ukraine and asia. it stood by western countries and the enactment of sanctions against prussia from day one. so casita has this phrase that he's been repeating here during his visit. it's today ukraine, tomorrow, east asia. and you can really see how that motivates him to make sure that the u. s a doesn't give up on it's alliances around the world. genetics, you know, cuz she had worn in advance that the world was at a historic turning point. what makes this summit so important? well this troy lateral summit is historic in the sense that these 3 leaders that
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meeting these leaders of these 3 countries, the philippines, dependent that us. this is a format that has never before existed. but when you think about it, this is a logical development of what the u. s. has been trying to achieve in the region in terms of its alliance structure. now it would be going too far to say that what we're going to be looking at in the future is a nato like mutual defense structure. but it's become very important to us to make sure that it has strong, capable allies in the region who are also strongly allied with each other. now there is off as a phrase that you often hear in washington that so being able to walk into gone at the same time, meaning being able to serve multiple alliances in the face of concrete crises. and this trilateral summit really is a manifestation of what the us is trying to achieve as it tries to walk into gomez
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. the same time dw corresponded janelle de malone. many thanks. president joe biden says the us commitment to israel is iron clad in the face of iranian threats. the us and its allies fear a ron or groups acting on its behalf could launch a significant attack within days. k, ron has failed to retaliate for a presumed, is rarely strike on the iranian embassy and syria. they killed 7 members of its revolutionary guard. iran supreme leader i told him, come in, he has reviewed this read saying is real, must be punished. israel has not commented, but by didn't says america's commitment is on waiver. we also want to address the writing threat to largest exist. they are threatening to launch a significant attack. and israel, as i told prime minister netanyahu our commitment to israel security against these threats moran and as proxies as iron clad reset. again,
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our class we're going to do all we can to protect isn't secure. so what to make of the us presidents remarks i asked for was judge as a professor of international relations at the london school of economics as well as he used to that um hire on that plus. so the president's statement is really a message at the time, so you're not just president by the but even the secretary of state blinking coal, these right, you defense minister and reassured these right. you defend smith said that the us will stand with israel also the us defense secretary there is even is right. we have a news now that is riley, this have us that american counterparts to make public statements in order to, to iran from retaliating for these, right? the tax on the, at the wrong, and consulate in syria last week, which as you said, killed 7 to send you to iran, you, columbus and i, i,
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i might take on it is that you're on. well, we tell you, the question is not whether you're on will do so not the question is how, when, and what targets that you're on. uh will, are you to attack in the next few hours? the next few days to turn into vietnam now were a property tycoon has been sentenced to death. in the country's biggest financial fraud case, to long milan was on trial a long side $85.00 others for embezzling 12 and a half $1000000000.00. the death sentence is seen as unusually severe loans arrest last year was part of an anti corruption drive that has engulfed the top levels of the in these politics. journalism, michael to tar skeet spoke to me about the magnitude of this case. so our med right at the start that the numbers are been a little confusing at times. and one, before the verdicts had been accused of embezzling 12 and
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a half $1000000000.00 from a bankruptcy, with the controlling owner in today's verdict, as a rule that she needs to reimburse the bank $27.00 and a half 1000000000 or $27000000000.00. so it's not entirely clear where the difference in those numbers comes from, but by the way, the dollar amounts are mass of a by far the largest financial crime to be, to me is history. and indeed, and among the largest enrolled history, i believe the numbers are massive and the punishment is huge. you might say why the death sentence yeah. as you know that this is a rare, certainly, and financial crimes does have the death penalty. it's not widely used and certainly not even sort of the black and better for his white collar crime like this. but prosecutors recommended, at late last month, a given the this year of scale of the crime. and this morning the court said that they believed law deserve the highest punishment,
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which kind of made it clear of what the verdict would be. so it's guess clear that they want to make an example of her and given again the scale of this um took this kind of on trusted uninstalled with a verdict. michael, i'm curious. what in general is known about the other? 85 people accuse of some involvement in this case. so many of them are relatively unknown, but there are few other high profile defendants. um, strongly lines use for example, she got receive 17 years in jail. she was the ceo of another major company within the vantage side echo system. also, mine's husband, who is actually a hong kong national, which will be interesting and got 9 years in jail for his involvement. the i think he kind of was trying to plead ignorance of the system and laws here and processes . it will be interesting to see the international reaction to that one. perhaps you have the most notable one is an official from the state bank of vietnam was accused
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of receiving a $5000000.00 bribes from lawn to overlook her activities. she rest of your life in jail and then the other defendants range from probation services to other a few other life services as well. i'm sure this is one of the few things people there in the region or talking a what's likely to be the political ramifications of all of this politically intermediates to be seen. i mean, this is, comes within the broader context of a, a hardship and contempt. and then also the president resigned last month. uh, related to this campaign, not this trial, that this campaign. but this is largely in the private sector and the impact here in ocean city. it has been profound bantam side and its various subsidiaries control something like a 1000 properties in the city, all of which have been seized by the police for investigation. it's not clear what kind of legal process those buildings will go through. this includes unfinished,
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skyscraper is a very high profile. properties. political fallout at the moment appears to be relatively minimal, but certainly on the private sector side here in ocean city, which is going to be solved for a very long time. that's a journalist. so michael to tar sky. michael. many things, some other stories making use of former american football start o. j simpson has died at the age of 76. he was insanely cleared in 1995 for the murders of his ex wife and a male friend. he was sent to a prison a decade later over bundled armed robbery, simpson's family, say, and who died of cancer, i believe in the ukrainian president for a lot of his zalinski has signed a 10 year at security deal with lot fia. the agreement follows a barrage of attacks by russia at targeting energy facilities across ukraine. savanski says drink thing. the national air defenses is a top priority for 2 years of war are taking their toll on the ukrainian population, especially children. even if they haven't been caught up in the violence,
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many have been separated from their homes, families and friends. experts say their stress and chaos is causing a growing mental health crisis. w's abraham met some children and keep or using our therapy to help them deal with the situation. no matter how hard you look, you won't see their injuries. there's are deep within inflicted by 2 years of war. 11 year old match, we saw a russian soldiers occupy his home overnight when the full scale invasion began. in 2022. he and his family had to run to 4 different places in and out of the country before settling in the capital, the lumber traveling. but this was probably the worst trouble of my life. my 13 year old style, the as hometown, are you full is also occupied and was heavily show by the russians. it was
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a really happy place to live in and it would be great you more didn't saw that it would be more and more for this. sometimes you just want to run away from your problems and the free and happy like a little child here at the voices of children and, and you keep the try to offer just that for you, psychological counseling, art classes. and every once in a while, a literal escape from reality, like this role playing game. look, hopefully this game is fascinating. yeah, because it has many possibilities. said then we'll just start the, you can become a lizard mand um, to will look on, or a giant misleading, or below, or a half plant, half man, multiple to the new. you can have any weapons or dollars, some story thing, build your own so to speak. that's good. the most history on the kind of the rest
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of the it's like playing a giant because his main characteristic of spring. you have the honey, i am the strongest character so far a flash sale or who 9 ition in chas. nice yearly. it's a way to help the children regain a sense of control. they lost when forced to leave home and everything they knew was that us happened today. nowadays they are a lot of kids who just don't want anything. they are just tired and bored and they don't have a desire to do anything for birth. about these kids do, it is important that they express themselves, that they are not afraid to try something, change their plans, make mistakes, and look for solutions to these mistakes. if you need to form a look at donna's says she sees progress. many of the kids open up letting go of the barriers they put up to protect themselves from fear and loss.
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i feel happy i feel released from all my problems because it's really easier to sometimes forget that i need to do homework. i need to clean to this, or just about the wall and right here it is. the safe place when i console, when i can play on a can smile or i can bessette even though there are no signs the war will and soon children like my to be. and then this does, the, are not waiting for national victories share on their recovery journey. now, one session at a time to more and more now we're, the hunter has withdrawn from a busy trading hub on the border with thailand. it's the latest set back for the regime, which is facing growing opposition from rebel forces and to shop drop in support among the civilian population. as the tie border arrivals from me in march or up by almost 50 percent bernice here are crossing over from the town of my wadi,
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after fighting between the military and armed groups or villages afraid of the situation. these people felt terrified. so they moved to me so i don't know so scared. yes i do. there's no finding at the moment. yes, not in near what he told me. this time warner check is a short ride from where me a mars military government has been pushed back by rambling fruit. they've been clashing near, constantly since october, when the rebels got together and a union of fighters to form a larger opposition for us. it's a sign of the moving on the road in power and popularity. they are also at odds with civilians for the opposing mia mars democratically elected government run by on some sushi. moving to in 2021 to be here in the holland. but as the displacement
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in conflict had been widespread since the drawing criticism, but it's from the un, the democratically alexis, a 2800000 people have now been displaced, 90 percent of them since the military takeover. many of these people require urgent access to food, shelter, and safety, the who to risk losing additional credibility for a strategic loss of my wadi, a major trading point that links myanmar to bangkok by highway rebel attacks on the military and civilians are on the rise. and type forces can no longer rely on the who to, to secure the me in more side of the board or southern russia in kazakhstan or battling, rising water levels that are brought widespread flooding. tens of thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes. melting snow has caused their usual river to surgeon flood defenses to collapse around the city of owenberg. a rescue operation is under way,
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but local say not enough was done to prevent the flooding. the flooded area is getting bigger by the hour. the rising waters now threatened the regional capital of our in board. a city of more than half a 1000000 authorities urgent everyone in dangerous areas to leave their homes. mother and civil that it's hard for me around. but we have to stay strong vehicle. my son has come for that. i have to give an example that we will overcome it to deal with the floods. he had several regions in western siberia and neighboring cars like stone rushes emergencies. ministry launched a massive rescue operation, but they help from the federal center is often seen as too little or too late. for a brief protest over the handling of the disaster broke out in the region, 2nd largest city of our school on monday. and both of them all guides,
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some of the people in the city help each other regardless of some tensions we have, we can say the same about audit with station the administration should not just be a shame. they need to be sick and dude toward the waters became uncontrollable after a dam intended to hold just over 5 meters of water broke over the weekend. its level has since doubled questions have been raised over whether negligence led to the disaster, as well as the authorities response to a local residents. we'd also like to hear a word of support from the countries leader on the regions largest floods in decades. instead, they got a message from his spokesperson pension fund. teachers could also put in is not in the open book region physically, he's constantly involved in the matter issue. he's dealing with these issues the entire day. at the moment, a visit to the region is not on the agenda. it's the most critical moment. now. we
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will monitor developments in the next few days. and with the kremlin state control over the media and security services, it's unlikely that many people will be publicly questioning if the disaster perhaps could have been prevented. the kremlin, says president vladimir putin won't visit the affected area, and dw corresponded dimitry upon you often has more on criticism of the government's handling of the crisis as well. it has also been quite typical for president clinton to stay away from communicating with the origin. the russians, the last time we saw him talking to people on the ground was up to the mutiny by a private company. wagner by you have done you progression. of course, last year he spoke to people in douglas done since then puts in of though he appears, of course, in public it rarely goes to these and then talk to come and russians. but for now,
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the anger on the ground in northern board and other regions was mostly directed at local officials. people there blame them for inaction, for being too late for being too slow with response to having reports of looting. and that the authorities are they apparently know doing enough to stop it. so there's a lot of accurate, again, at the local officials. but for now it seems that of course they have been some coming 3 on putting the response as well. but so far, i think he's stand away from this in terms of p r from the bad image. in this case, the european central bank is keeping its key interest rate on hold at 4.5 percent for the 5th consecutive month. the bank wants to be sure, inflation is under control before cutting interest rates to boost economic growth. lower rates make credit cheaper and investments easier for business. let's get more on this with a rob watts from dw business. it's good to see rob, um, so rates on hold again. are there any signs that the e c, b,
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will be blowing rates any time in the near future? or those are precisely the size of the annual, watching the slightest announcement from the e. c. b, we're looking for, we finally got to see interest rate as low as with the 1st time, actually in a, it is 8 years since the cds actually cuts rates because we had a long period of 0 rates. and then all of the hikes that came with the various challenges that we'd all faced over the past 5 years. were there any hints at that from this meeting? well, with any central bank announcement, it's always really hard to spot them. they like to be crazy because they don't like to surprised market. so don't like surprise anything. they also didn't like to tie that hands for the next meeting. so we didn't see them this time round. what christine, my god did say was that the bank would continue to follow basically the data. and what the data says at the moment is that inflation is reaching that 2 percent target with the c. b has last month. it was at $2.00. and if it continues in that direction, then it will, at some points, be appropriate to low interest rates. what we also have to bear in mind is that the
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yours in economy is seconds. it has been for about 18 months now, no growth. that's not a good thing for just about any perspective. and one of the ways that you can tackle that is to lower interest rates. so there is a certain imperative for a lowering of interest rates to happen at some point in the near future. so is the behavior of the us central bank, the federal reserve, something that the c, b is paying close attention to whether you see itself would probably never answer that question with a straight to. yeah, so this is the street cuz there's never because of course they need to seem like old they're interested in, is the, your design and what's going on that acting in the interest of that, you know, without the noise of what's going on with the federal reserve but you can understand why people are asking that question because interest rates are high in the united states as they are in yours and, and for some of the reasons tackle similar challenges. but now the us and the yours and a very different beast. economic economics wise,
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because in the us they've got better than expected economic growth. so the saying the always and is stagnant, the jobs market that is very tight and other jobs going unfilled. and also they want to have some surprising rises in inflation. so for this, yeah, so it is pretty right that the c b is saying we're not paying as much attention to the sides because they've actually got very different challenges to face investors say their pricing and their rates cut in june. is there a risk if the c b, that the should be meet those expectations? yeah, it's not a risk if they space don't meet those expectations. so that one way to put this, because you don't want to surprise markets, you never do that easily. spoofs on the lights, it deliver what they expect because otherwise you, you get things happening to you. you know, you can't control. but the other side of it is this fact that if rates don't get caught, soon we potentially miss out on growth and the yours in that way. otherwise might
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have had. so yeah you, you have to buy mine. but the key issue as far as the god is concerned, is that you know the data they have isn't stable enough and they don't feel ready to make that cook yet. but they reckon the in june it will be so. so she didn't say that a coach is going to happen in june to sales. i didn't rule this out. and sometimes that's really as much as you can ever expect to get. has to be always good to see rob, watch dw business. many thanks as always, pleasure. and finally, archaeologists have uncovered artwork in a new excavation at the buried ancient city of pompei. the paintings depict mythological characters inspired by their trojan. more including this scene of the kidnapping of helen by parents. and this image of apollo trying to seduce cassandra archaeologist believe the hallways being renovated when it was buried by volcanic ash. when mount vesuvius erupted almost 2000 years ago,
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and we will end is there coming up next in this week, complex own 10, sebastian talks to the head of the norwegian refugee council, about the mandatory in prices in gauze. unlike the look who, thanks for watching and bye for now the
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into the conflicts. so phase riley, mrs. canning 7 for an aid workers in gaza strip. in hopes of the humanitarian situation. my e. i'm a desperately needed food, can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of funding for how realistic of those hopes, i guess there's yeah. mega and hadn't been the wage and refugee council for decades of experience and the humanitarian steel conflict of the next one open on the w. the new will tell you
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the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d w, the names project, cassandra re determined that has was operating like a global drug course. the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us
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government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 pod documentary series, and most king has paula dots may 4th on d, w. the is where i live, mr. kenning, 7 for an aide. work is in gaza, that'd be in hopes that the humanitarian situation, my ease, and the desperately need of food can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of funding for how realistic of those hopes. my guess is. yeah, megan hadn't been the wage and refugee council for decades of experience in the humanitarian field. he's also a former, diplomatically, was personally involved with a of low peace talks between israel and the palestinians in the 1990. how does he think his savage was? and then in 6 months the war must be old,
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but i hope it's over in, in a week.


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