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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 5:15am-5:31am CEST

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the, the name is the polls back said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's called about saying it aloud, and that's what it being nosy bay, like good everyone to king the healthy award winning called called. so hold back your update the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to
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a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to those channels to subscribe to plan, it's a did you say i'm i'm with a spend tamales? yeah. and something, but the couldn't make little garcia, the honest people behind the g p to hold that document, guaranteed to me on the, on the go ahead. uh, put push to pushing the yeah. yeah. the
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or the he did the that about i'm a customer will be at the basement for you to are you what are going god yeah. will distribution. remember that i already was he bought a home. what already in your local mom? nice little. that'd be happy. nice little going to the so, but if we're done on i do a little bit of yeah. man, 2014, maybe a month for to total kalki made a husband me i'm. i've seen the i've a fee is to be a medical yet in particularly good. was that a shawnee or anything in mind with made on them or marlene here ma'am? yeah. marcell me nice talk big there may i be because who did eliminating the how much that's going utah, how may i imagine new allow you to on a how me dean thought going to be. i mean,
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it's to what do i need like 10 minutes on the side of the little girl? i looked at a visa or made an automobile here, or don't know who i looked at visa to boss say how most of you, instead of a i'm doing a qualitative. yeah. where you limit only should accept vieza get towards the to be pulled the road. it is, and it is how long the key bought. good thing to know if she is doing it could be made aside from it. well, but i'm going to give you the thing a train train, which i have to do nothing been thought luck or not been home. see that the restriction repository, the of the,
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[000:00:00;00] the 2012 major. finally, mind of the other. you happy people. how did you go for them last good to do i have, you must do. told you i have will screen hard on screwed them may come out of school. would be thought to get to talk about your hand school, the a cable blackboard. how did you hear me, yada, yada excluded. the needs of patients. 65 be made on to my mostly b. m,
5:20 am
as in the berlin, because if i look to see who may not be a student who i'm also a fee, non sharing a list document. you can make it out of the did you say i'm with the send tamales? yeah. so yeah. awesome. so yes, i have that quote number. yes. then i me put the, the little mountain you want. i'm agree. yeah, and i'm gonna say, and that's because i have that one that i saw that a little i don't. so at the more into the, the, the somalis yet found 3 placement of do this the day. but i'm dead or my son to the size too much again, but the my, those,
5:21 am
the content to announce that love those up at the but to be then must be done. this is a little ma, malott on cya, who pumped and then on the what you were say at a dublin for comment investigating in the let the let them i took up my gun to date. uh, i had the key come in with the disadvantages. let's say you have to pick the, the mail, it may be banned, sort of data studies continue. honestly the behavior of the document on the publicity look at it. should it,
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or could it be off which of the alarm it needs to be selected for kids? and would you have any constitution go, potentially journalism or documentary fan making start to be talking to hummadi or your hockey issue have will highlight the best for me to do during the course of what have as you start the less and see this, i have more electrical words and then they put them down, you get an internet yet, that keeps up. i'm like, daddy,
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when someone put the money in to get the sense. i'm so sad to see the results of sick this, but the nicotine then comes out of my thunder. but it goes to why it didn't do nearly. i'm done. yeah. but yeah, the set these up month, but it doesn't go much. you can the money to someone. yeah. that was. yeah. i just fucking much good again. but goose the puppies. okay. yeah. system natal? pretty to do you don't get must have unless the funding method that i filled out. and then the bottom line is that besides the demo, the heads of what the month to month government funded. there's a demo like compete in the models. and then what i saw on the, the, the,
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the story if we did go to, if we deal with everybody, if we do to you, uh, put push, you push you me a year to really, really do baltimore school all keeping thing, but to coordinate that i yeah, how may i happen to go to the little mid area? the people barely cut the bottom on me. so i'm sort of, we're pushing me to avoid dominga boss for my company. or i'd be back till probably about a quarter $1000000.00 via to buy to cover this part i attention. right automatic,
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which you come to the right has been going to come see, i'll be to thought up a mr. was i to arrive for it to be filled out on october? the says that i'm on my so i'm only sending them from us. i. yeah. and that's come, been looking at the bottom of this. and then while i see a toyota on zillow, what's up until the december? hi gayla. phillip, is that so my, you but not the old one is my, my you so i have to go ahead and in any. yeah. let's see. i must be a day. i mean, do you belong to end denise? yeah. the most, i must have done on these these uh then i don't wanna say it's defending himself citizen. i've actually somebody monthly for mine done. allow me
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the do you mind me sir? do you agree? i'm really yeah. it's in the space less it was really. yeah. yeah. but did cool bus g dot edu. i'm we're not talking today. yeah. be we don't want to boost out a little bit earlier course name. it was like, dollars to go make me a might be towards the i get the know how make us a deal by took or you can the me b, e. so to get the number and that's got a good thought offers are going. it will be is how much time the cutter is getting it. what check out to study
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a check on the p plus the, the, the tomato to come with a few minutes to be with the minority to be in on costs or reduce handling behavior or his name data. com may only be in to be documented. keystroke goes could be highlighted, go support, emitted future plans say hey q met unique social media platform, but no, just me do for my team home. gabriel. the lift down to give us the live groups in the christian in the youngest. and the most me see the most names sally seen will give you how to make document faced. the,
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i think networking messy be few minutes could be behind the job as it is, is i believe in we not, i, the,
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it's time for new ideas. it's time to ask you to save the giant big claim. here are the habitat as many species are in pauses, climate protectors, but these forest joins are under the trend around the world. ready its time to recognize that trees surround those next on dw margaret friedlander is a holocaust survivor. at the age of 19, she decided to return to durham a country she never wanted to set foot in again. her home. she fights for remembrance here in seo stock. she belongs to tell margaret friedlander in 45 minutes on d, w, conflicts,
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crises. every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the huge age old trees are a vital importance for our eco system. they help to sustain life on earth. my lifelong goal is to say victories. they are probably the most important bar and goes on the planet. but over the world, those big trees are under threat. it's high time. we begin saving the last remaining giants are for us


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