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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from bell in nicaragua takes germany to calls over at support for israel, the international court of justice and the hague begins hearing the claim by nicaragua, that berlin is facilitating. let's genocide in gaza. germany says the case is not justified. also coming up under the people in gauze, i've had tons of the homes officer. israel surprised withdrawal from san eunice. palestinians are rushing to discover what is left of the neighborhood. and german troops arrive in this way and yeah, as nights or shows up defenses on its eastern flank. it's the bonus best 1st permanence deployment abroad. since it was found in
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the guy that is welcome to the program, the international court of justice in the hague has begun to hearing a claim by nico rog, law that germany is, quote, facilitating the commission of genocide in the gaza strip. because rockaway is arguing that germany is breaching that the national low by supplying arms and other aid foot to israel. for his military campaign in gauze up germany has resolute the rejected nicaragua, his accusations, and as well as also repeatedly denied committing genocide. a wall crunch in its response to hum us october 7th terrorist attacks. nicaragua, his case against germany has to main goals. so holds berlin's military exports to israel and to restart german funding for the u. n's palestinian refugee agency. the
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arguments that germany's actions are in breach of the genocide convention government is taking to onto it, so not legation to prevention. the side with, with respect of international humanitarian law, germany supply of arms to israel is a central pillar of nicaragua. his case, germany is israel, 2nd largest on supply of behind to the united states. accounting for about 30 percent of all is rails with an impulse. nicaragua argues that by continuing to provide these weapons, germany is enabling israel to commit acts of genocide in gaza in the international court of justice is currently examining whether israel has committed genocide in a separate case launched by south africa in bringing this case before the court nicaragua says it is acting on behalf of the palestinian people. i mean, this is a very important case. obviously for out of the stadium brothers. but also for
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the people that make it, i will, as you may have heard of expression indicate where we have a norm's sympathy with the palestinians, with the suffering device to new people are going through. and that's why we felt think we had to do something. obviously the only thing we could have looked into issues the 2 records since it has been one of the few things. i think that i've had some experience with the international court of justice close ties between nicaragua and palestinian organizations, dates back to 1979. when palestinian groups supported this end and this, the guerrilla forces that over through nicaragua has dictated to germany staunch support of israel, goes back to just off to the 2nd world war. the german government sees supporting israel security as a historical responsibility for germany's actions in the holocaust. the lin
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categorically rejects nicaragua has accusations and never did. while at the genocide convention nor international, assuming that directory is not in the gym and he will get its chance to make its case in court. on tuesday the dr. lawrence, he'll call phone is an associate professor of law and a co director of the center for international lowered bristol university and he told us more about the case as well. so, so the low seats alleges germany's responsibility for, for several violations of international law, both in respect of its failure to prevent violations within garza, including its failure to prevent genocide, its failure to prevent violations of the laws of um conflict and its actual supported aid and assist protecting the form of weapons transferred to israel. and
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much of this arise as much of that. the case in the way arises from an earlier case instituted in, in january brought by south africa against israel in relation to the assault on golf in which south africa, religious genocide is, is being committed in concert south and in legal terms. does nicaragua have a case here? well, yes, it dogs and suddenly nicaragua is not that the 1st state or, or, or entity to alleged these kinds of violations being committed in gaza. we, i've had the, the un secretary general make these points, the un committee on the elimination of racial discrimination, a number of un special wrap. the tubs have have like you, that there is a risk of genocide being committed in gaza. the international court of justice stated in january that there is a risk of the reputable prejudiced to the rights of the palestinians to be protected from genocide. i'd even domestic courts have,
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have started intervening benevolence, dutch court of appeal, for example, or did the suspension of um, sales to israel on the basis of a clear risk that they'd be used to commit violations of the law of armed conflict . and so that's quite a lot of clear evidence of serious risk the violations of international being committed in golf. and now why do you think it is nicaragua? whole countries finding this case? yeah, it's a very good question. nick roger is actually of a common litigation before the international court of justice that so, so it's a paid quite frequently before the court. many of those cases concerned its neighbors in, in central and south america. but some have concerned all the states, and in particular, 40 years ago, nicaragua brought a case against the united states. but the us is intervention and supportive of rebel groups within nicaragua itself. and that was alluded to by nick ragas agent
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this morning in the court. it's also the case that this is an example of, of what we might think of as public interest litigation or an applicant state is bringing a case against another state. not assault on the basis of home being committed to the applicant state, but robin in order to protect a particular interest of the entire international community. and that's something we've seen increasingly in the last, last 10 to 15 years. a jeremy says that this case is quote, grossly biased. what do you say? well, as i said before, i think there's a considerable amount of publicly available advocates from burial started if sources that serious violations of international being committed in golf and those violations. i saw that they not only entailed the responsibility of his royal, but they can also entail the responsibility of every of a state in the world for failing to prevent those violations on for aging and
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assisting in those violations. so i actually think the argument on the marriage is quite a strong wife because he didn't see a specific code is one of his lawsuits, germany serving as a scapegoat for the united states as well. of course though, be implications for all the states and the us is the principal arms export to, to, to each row. so an order from the i c, j to suspend. whether this transfers to each route would therefore be it'd be an important consideration for the us as well. but germany is the 2nd principle exporter of, of the trial accounting for something like 30 percent of alms exports to israel. and the obligations being invoked by nicaragua, in this case, clearly relate to the, to the actual acts and responsibilities of germany. so, so i, i think, i don't think this is a thought using gemini as
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a skate good for the us. it's about germany independent responsibilities. thank you very much. low on sale, a call on from the center of international lowered bristol university. thank is wells defense. minnesota of galvan says, be withdrawal of soldiers from con eunice announced on sundays to prepare the troops for future offensive, including into the city of rough off following the droll down some palestinians have now become returning to the homes. but after months of strikes and ground baskets with how moss militants, many are returning to ruins and rubble. this is con units. after months of bombardment, displaced residents have been rushing back to their homes after israel and asked most of its troops have been pulled out of the area. it's a show, a shock. what happened was not small. on my way here in the car, i saw the destruction. it's unbearable. i'm going to my house and i know that it is
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destroyed. i'm going to move the robot so i can get a show the do a bit further north and daryl bella. much needed a to arrived at schools and shelters for the 1st time in 2 months. the need for everything from food to medical supplies is urgent. according to 8 agencies, the u. n says funding is fast approaching and i many children have suffered from now nutrition as a result of the crowd and they've been respiratory and health problems such as hepatitis. all of these things are a result of overcrowding in the shelter because a large number of people left their homes because of the war. a war that has my last it 6 months and with no end in sight. and a brief look at what else is happening around the wealth. hope francis has met with relatives of the hostages taken by her mouse and the october 7 turbo tax. around
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$130.00 people are still missing is the 2nd time the pope is met with families of sausages last year. he also met us, the indians with family in gauze at least $96.00 people have died after a boat capsized off the coast of mozambique local authorities. same over 20 others on missing official set. the fishing vessel was heading from noon, got to mozambique islands when its sun, local media, se the boat was being used as a makeshift ferry. john and soldiers are being deployed to lithuania. as nato allies seek the shore up the strength of the alliances, eastern flint. the move marks a major shift in german policies. the 1st permanent deployment of german soldiers abroad since the bonus that was founded in 1955 1st contingent of troops was seen off at bill in that port by german. his defense minister,
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both the stores around $5000.00 soldiers will be stationed in lithuania, with that brigade expected to be fully operational by 2027. as dw as chief political correspondent. and you know how that is travelling with the troops and told us what has prompted this decision during the cold war west and germany was natives eastern flank and was protected from potential soviet aggression at the time by worse than allies that was stationed that permanently. now it's time for germany to give back and help protect nate as current eastern flank, but is here in the baltic. countries that very much fear that russia could attack the european union. now, germany stationing soldiers abroad is a significant step. they will be stationed here permanently up to 5000 soldiers that would come to literary and use rescue because as was the message here in vilnius today, midway news freedom is dumb, needs freedom. this way near security is 70 security. you know, so that report to,
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you know, tens of millions of people in north america hoping for clear skies and coming off as a way for a rad total eclipse of the sun spectators in mexico. the united states and canada, flocking to areas along the possible the eclipse to experience the phenomenon. the seaside city of mazda outline mexico lies in the path of darkness. a solar eclipse tours are flocking here to see scenes like these ones captured in argentina in 2020 the move block design and cast the 160 kilometer long shadow reading what's called the path of to tally and eclipse. own that passes from mexico in texas to maine and parts of canada. the viewers loosely stripes of light and darkness as the eclipse advances and even planets. forecast of cloudy weather may have short views
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throughout much of the pathway. but that's not stopping. texas stargazers in texas, we're the 1st major area that's going to be able to say something. again, it won't be ideal. so we'll get to see the mood here is optimistic. course i am definitely nervous, but i'm trying to just think of it as i'm never going to talk this. try to enjoy the weekend as a whole and keep a positive spirit because i, i would time generally a little nervous about the weather. the eclipse will last around 2 hours and 30 minutes from start to finish. expert advise that viewers were protective solar glasses fostering at the sun, the glass. and that's it from me and the new scene for now. don't go way up. next is all documents. are it visiting an amish? amish community?
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i should say. robert and the us who rejects modern technology in favor of simple lives, in tune with their religious, been strongest helpers in berlin from me and the whole news team here and to w. thanks for watching the do you big ultima video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in get the supply chains does matter to the deal industry. the illegal as a stats may said on dw the .


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