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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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the full circle marketing the anniversary, and the deepening tensions with luxury or boot and russia over its war of aggression against ukraine. so no birthday greetings from moscow to day. instead of warning the kremlin now seize russia and nato in direct confrontation, nicole fairly chamberlain, and this is the day the, the strongest. most enduring and most successful alliance in history. we tried to embrace russia. unfortunately, russia is on the march of get the support for ukraine. the determination of every country represented here and nato remains. rock solid from district relations have now slipped to the level of direct confrontation. it could be that
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naples, because battles and fights are still in the future. i didn't want to spoil the birthday party for nathan. also coming out, germany announces a new plan to overhaul its military. but it will that be enough to make the bonus there. as a defense minister put it more capable. a common goal is to reorganize the bundles, the structures so that it is ultimately prepared in the event of an emergency. if it needs to defend us in the event of one of my officers to release, welcome to the show. now it's in the shadow of the war in ukraine that nato marks it's 75th anniversary. the lions well bigger than ever is also facing the biggest challenges since its inception. war on its borders and lingering questions about its future after the upcoming us selection. but today was
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a day to show unity meeting and brussels nato bound to keeps a forwarding ukraine's fight against russia's invasion, promising membership. sunday, somehow. meanwhile, the kremlin says its relations with nato have reached the level of open confrontation. another is 0 communication between moscow and the alliance mates. so it's 75, but things around getting any easier with age. despite the fine fact, the alliance is facing huge challenges from the threat posed by restroom and ukraine and beyond to a potential 2nd, donald trump presidency in the united states. from may to critic the alliance has head stress the need for united stand europe needs america for its security. at the same time, north america also needs europe to head off the trump threat stokes. and bag
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subjects may turn members could setup a 150 and you re funds to provide a big slice of minutes. we h ukraine over the next 5 years. you will see says nato should have a more direct role in delivering that side. a change from the current setup where the us and loan is largely responsible. h, u and e, as a foreign minister told d w that should happen whoever the next us president is because people are saying, you know, that we need to take this, this step part of this measure because of the election. i don't think that it's it's, it's right, because if i read in a position, so i think it's best to have a different concept in mind. you know, we do what's right. we do what is needed for nato security. we do what's needed for ukraine, security and ukraine spectrum. russia has intensified. it's me saw a tax on ukraine in recent weeks with the war now into its 3rd year, ukraine's foreign minister says what the country really needs is more air defense systems from the west. i don't want to spoil the party,
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but of course my message is a birthday party for my main main main message today will be competitive because saving you currently live savings for an economy saving pregnancy just depends on the availability of categories and other air defense system. seems ukraine and we're talking about petra's, because it's built in the system that can intercept ballistic missiles. question allies have been hesitant on this points, but the ukraine that would be cause for the biggest celebration of all the 1st guess tonight. as jim townsend, he spent decades working on european nato policy at the pentagon and nato itself is now in a john senior fellow at the center for a new american security. he joins us tonight from paris, could received him a 75 years after the founding of nato. is russia, once again, the biggest threat or in the rush is the biggest threats and to deal with the rest of the alliance has to be united. and that was the main message coming out of
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a foreign ministers meeting. and the summit also in july is that the alliance, the standing firm and the alliance is going to be getting stronger, not just in terms of numbers, but in terms of spending and in terms of what's being bought with this money. and the readiness of troops that can be increased to make sure that they can to turn anything coming out of moscow. how much of that hangs in the balance going into the presidential elections in the us come november. well, uh the us election has stirred a lot of controversy here in europe. certainly concerned about a trump presidency. if 5 joe biden were to lose a trump, a president presidency that could pull the united states out of data, which is what trumpet said. he wanted to do, there's a lot of ways he could downgrade the us, representation of nato or potentially pull some us forces out of nato. so that's what he decides to do. he tried to do that. one is had a 1st term. so there's
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a lot that hangs in the balance with this presidential legend happening in the us, not just with nato, but also with ukraine and us support to ukraine. mm hm. at russia says dialogue with nato has reached a critical 0 level. do you believe that to be true, or there really no remaining communication channels between nato and moscow as well? i, there's not the kind of, um, uh, communication that we've had in the past where nato, in fact, hosted a russian mission or was, has a committees where nato met with russia. and there was quite a bit of communication. now if there's communication at all is done through a back handle is done through a 3rd party. we have an in bass there in the united states, does another allies do in russia as well? so there's communication, but it's not quite that public communication that we've had over the past number of years since the end of the cold war. now,
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to what degree does nato's future depend on the outcome of the war in ukraine? well, nato is future is secure in the sense that, uh, no matter what happens uh, nato is going to stay together and we're going to be as a defensive alliance in support of the defense of the allies. so ukraine is certainly a test of the alliance. ukraine is the test of europe as well, trying to make sure that we give you crime what it needs to the feet, the russians of the alliance is going to be part of that. now, if we're going to do the fund and this type of thing, and so the future of the alliance is going to be secure. so, no matter what happens in ukraine, the alliance isn't going anywhere. and that should be the message to moscow is the alliance is here to stay in the lines is here the to do what it takes to make sure
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ukraine is able to defend itself against russia. so we're not going anywhere. even if donald trump returns to the white house as well, that's, that's talking about the united states, that in terms of nato, nato, for sure, is going to be here well into the future. and the us is gonna be part of nato to, i think, even if the turn off were to be elected, you might downgrade the us representation. he might do some things in terms of us forces in europe. i don't see nato necessarily leading the alliance. i don't think trumpet would do that, but trump's problem, you know, that all depends on the truck wins. this is going to be a close election. and i don't think we should assume that we're going to have a trump presidency. i think it could very well be job i and in the hands of job, i'm nato was quite safe as is the us engagement base. so all right, that was different. townsend, at the center for new american security. thank you so much for your insight.
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happy to germany's armed forces are in force shape it's commissioner when as far as assessing the like pretty much everything, personnel, munitions, and functioning infrastructure and with the amount of conflict ranging around the world and an unpredictable leader in the kremlin. germany's government is embarking on an overhaul of its armed forces. now defense minister force, the story is, has presented his plans to streamline the country's military command and make the bonus val, future proof and come back ready that it's the 1st important step to make germany's military more combat ready. defense minister bull has bestowed hills, announced a long way to plan, to restructure the german armed forces. part tickets. um, i think today is the signal of change. our common goal is to reorganize the bundles
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best structures so that it is ultimately prepared in the event of an emergency if it needs to defend this. in the event of one of my officers day after rushes full scale invasion of ukraine, the german government vowed to increase funding for its long neglected armed forces will also making them structurally more efficient. the bone display of the future will have a new central command and a dedicated fiber department. the restructuring is meant to make germany in the words of the defense minister, more capable of the other. this indeed, we will know that the security threats in europe have intensified. it must be clear to everyone that we're defending a country under alliance upon those. and with this step, we're also making it clear that no one should even think of attacking us as nato territory. not to get beat, i forgot what the reform doesn't do is address the boom display as problems with under staffing or the need for more funding. while it's spring and thomas
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because he's a journalist, an expert on security and defense policy time is good to have you on the date now. the german defense minister wants to make the best fit for the change that chancellor shots promised after russia launched its full scale invasion of ukraine . our 2 days announcements going to get it there. as well as the 1st step, the city said structural reform, which is necessary off to more than 20 years of overseas emissions. it's going back to fighting forces for you or upsets lots of buttons there has to be ready for and whether there's work. so we'll see maybe in the year also all the detail to us to, to be worked out. and so far we know the very rough outline. some experts have said that in, you know, in a number of aspects, this overall is a return to the bonus. best structures of cold war west germany is turning to the
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past the right way to make germany's army future for if you think it's only partially returning to bought rehab. 30 years ago, you have to see you then we had the was all packed and the a to we've gone from 10 for taishan lines in germany. so the germans had to be prepared to fight within their own country. now we have a completely different situation job and he has to be prepared to support allies on the east, on flag, the emily and the politics are maybe in poland, maybe even on the south east on flag can romania, although battery up. that's a different scenario of a different task that need a different structure and a different bundle. so yeah, so no, it's not easy. the return to the past, me a different point as well and possibly be stop, but unless they are right in order to make the german forces combat ready,
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they'll have to find a way to get more people to join. but at this point, the point is that has a huge image problem inside the country. how likely do you think the government is to re introduce conscription as well? we have to separate rates as a conscription issue of from getting the boat decide come to try the it's a seems pretty easy to reintroduce conscription just to beef up the numbers. however, 1st of all, the going to say it has to come clear to of a one just to add to the excess to numbers, or do they need specialists to event need to reserve with which they surely do. and to watkins color, conscription do to solve this problem. so the 2nd point is that the structure announced today that's i'm saying the defense minister can do on his own. he has the oh, sorry to, to do so. but to reintroduce conscription,
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he needs allies in the abundance talking to paul and he needs lives as a clinician and that's a much more difficult. mm hm. well, let's look at another ongoing struggle lennon, germany's armed forces in which is the lack of munitions faulty equipment. it's made headlines over and over again. is this proposed reform addressing this under the fundamental issue? i know it's not definitely what the buttons that needs besides truck for reform is money and we don't see how this will work out in the future at the moment. it's a special funding develop on $100000000.00. you're also still active. but in a few years time this money will be spend. and then we have the problem is of the transfer, but i'm unable to stick to that 2 percent opportunity plants for the coming years for all the time to be. that means even one's a special fund runs all the money. you will have to raise a budget,
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and we'll have the 1st problem clearing this in the, in the coming months when we're talking about the budget for next year. the story is today said he needs an additional 6500000000 euros. and we'll see whether he's got to get it. how far to think of that request, those 6500000000 euro is that the story is wants for 2025 is going to test the unity of, of germany's already very divided government and a 2025 is an election year. this will be really a problem and we'll see how the, how the finance minister, well positioned himself, he's from the free democrats and he had the, the idea that was cods cuts in social spending might be too little financing the armed forces. there's quite sure,
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a wall and fly in pre election year in germany. now, looking at the story as the defense minister, as of a personality in the german political spectrum, he is the most popular politician in germany right now. what does that tell you? you think about a country which has, you know, a rather lukewarm, problematic at times relationship with this armed forces. i think that's a clear signal that the fall german saw in germany the stands at to, to, to walk the on falls as a shifting for years. they were well considered as something you will have no connection with, especially since conscription has been abolished. most average germans had no contact the soldiers whatsoever. so that's changing on quite probably we'll see a situation where there's more support for the armed forces in germany. why does
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this translate into much more money? that's a different thing. and we'll bring you back in to talk about that once it materializes though, is thomas big alternative as an expert on security and defense policy. thank you for your time. thank you. experts say brazil in columbia experienced a remarkable decrease in primary forest loss in 20222023 deforestation in brazil dropped by a 3rd and by almost half in columbia. according to new report from the non profit world resources institute, the tropical forest are still being destroyed with the equivalent of around 10 football fields lost every minutes in 2023. 3 last is still a huge problem. in the amazon rain forest, a region considered a key asset in the fight against climate change in brazil, home to most of the forest people in the city of berlin are feeling the effects of weather extremes, driven by
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a heating club. as for the people as billing in northern brazil, life revolves around the river tide. water levels often rise as heavy rain becomes more and more common over the years of abuse or lima has watched the waves a road, the coast and change day to day routines of view. this besides that most people's lives followed the timing of the river. yes. and if i take the children to school earlier, go grocery shopping before the tide rises, small changes to weather patterns like these are becoming more prevalent as the world burns fossil fuels and heats up the atmosphere regions in and around the amazon are especially affected as so no means of availability is the risk, drought and slugging and food insecurity is increasing. k, they look at the as goes things like, what are you that you mean that it but right next to building as one of the world's greatest weapons and the fight against climate change. the amazon rain forest. not only does it absorb massive amounts of carbon dioxide, but it also plays
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a vital role in regulating the water cycle. because it's trees recycle the rain that falls there and return it into the air. under former far right president show you both, sonata deforestation, sword. but now brazil is losing as many trees as it was. according to university of maryland data tree loss was found by 36 percent in 2023 compared with the year before. since taking office current president leasing now to let us uva has cracked on them. deforestation, especially in the amazon, has government bolstered law enforcement monitoring the for us and it recognizes more indigenous territory. is that safe guard nature. but there is still a potential to do much more, for example, to scale up sustainable economies for native plants like the same as i say, he buries the experts. some studies shows that and things are 1st ation mancini. they scans far as not, we're not only applied to the climate issues,
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but also create new jobs, improves localized springs for security. next year, the u. n. a will hold its climate change conference in building presidents subsidies for lima. sue's the meeting as a call to action. the key additional thing about i feel my children will never get to know this place every single guy that the a roach and worse and of us on the we have to participate in this person. so then this process, the hope is the world leader is phone only focus on the amazon rain forest, but that they will also pay attention to the plate of the communities around it. and for more on this, i can now speak to mckayla wives. she's the director of global forest watch at the world resources institute mckayla. welcome. now let's start with the positive news, deforestation dropping so essentially in brazil and in columbia to countries that saw quite drastic changes in political leadership recently. what can others learn from those 2 examples? all right, well, as you know that both of those countries have seen new administrations in the past
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year to. and they have really put an emphasis on protecting for us and putting a lot of commitment and political will behind actually reducing for us loss. and so that's something that we're hoping that other countries can take into account as well and, and really get some hope from the fact that, you know, when leadership puts their minds to solve this problem, it actually is possible to make a dent me. so where there is a will, there is a way, but it's not all good news. you say the world is taking 2 steps forward and 2 steps back. what does that mean in practical terms? yeah, unfortunately, even despite those decreases in primary for us laws, we're still just seeing this very stubbornly, high rate of forest lots across the tropics as a whole. so you know, those decreases are being counteracted by increases in countries like bolivia, nicaragua allows and others that have not managed the same success as brazil in columbia. so what are the main factor is driving what you called separately?
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high deforestation rates, then? yeah, it really depends on different regions, but we see i will call trill expansion as a major factor, especially for exports and other commodities and also fire. so we're starting to see an increase in treat over loss due to fire. we saw a big spike in canada this year, but also in bolivia and other countries and just kind of underscores the difficulty of managing. on the one hand, the man made problem of, of deforestation of people cutting down trees. but also the impacts of climate change on our for us. how does your organization monitor deforestation? yeah, so we are working with our partners at the university of maryland and other universities to use satellite images to track what is changing. and that's really important because it allows us to get a consistent view across all of the worlds for us and really understand what's happening in as much detail as possible. just, you know, to,
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to get the bigger picture. we talk about climate change and, and for us, especially the amazon being instrumental in kind of mitigating the efforts of human made a global warming. why is it so important to conserve our for us? yeah. well, speaking of climate change, you know, for us hold a really interesting position. they can be a source of carbon emissions. so when trees are cut down or burns, they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. but on the other side, they can also be part of the solution when they're left to stand, they can actually absorb that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. and so it's really important that, you know, of course we're, we're stopping to cut down and burn our for us, but also keep standing the ones we have and planting new trees. but that's appropriate. yeah, i would like to know how big of an, of an impact, reforestation effort is that we're seeing around the globe can actually have on the
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the effects of, of deforestation or yeah, no, certainly reforestation is important in areas that have already been degraded. but you know, when we're talking about replacing a long lived primary forest with a new area of tree planting, you know, those are not really equivalent. and it's going to take decades or even centuries to get to that same level of imports in terms of the buy diversity and the carbon at the same time. you know, that is a really important factor. and we also see a lot of importance of restoration to people's livelihoods, right, and be able to actually have a better value and better ecosystem services as a result of those newly planted trees, those mckayla wines of global forest watch. thank you so much. thank you. and finally, the italian city of venice is gearing off to roll out a new 5 year old entry fee under a new scheme and of combating over tourism. the city announced the new day tripper fee last year after the you when nearly additive to
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a list of endangered world heritage sites fantasies more than $30000000.00 visitors per year, putting pressure on its infrastructure from april 25th. taurus will have to present to our codes as proof of payments during spot checks. those who don't have a code and are in staying and venice overnight will be subject to a fine of up to 300 euro a. while you better get that code, then that's our time, but make sure to stay informed of the same ation, st. touching the policy and contact our team on social media. our handle, there is a speedo you news from all of us here on the day. thank you so much for spending part of your day by the
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remedy or risk. ios can means leanna of the scenario because it's juice can cause hours of intoxication. clean, trying to understand the fixed ritual. generations may open up completely new perspectives in medicine. i watched the next on d, w, and so the kind of fix zone with sim, sebastian presidential elections in russia of the usual full gun conclusion with
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nothing left to chop. not even the best in jail as the leading opposition figure. i'll explain the vomit, my guess is the russian come and say to andre collectively call the economy. he, russian, your agent center in moscow was nevada. is such a serious? correct? the bluetooth had to be too complex done in 16 minutes on dw, the, the names to cassandra re determined that has below was operating like a global drug car. the objective to financially drain has grown up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. he didn't reveal that so world. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016?
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